SDL_ttf-devel-2.0.10-1.fc12$>:W;l:G%p>9? d  < CIP` h p    0DXx   (89T:EG H I X Y ,\ P] `^ b d Ae Ff Il Kt du tv w x y CSDL_ttf-devel2.0.101.fc12Development files for SDL_ttfThe SDL_ttf-devel package contains libraries and header files for developing applications that use*>Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv2+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries큤 @@      /usr/bin/ @C;@C-VBU @]?}?H?GW@8@8Thomas Janssen 2.0.10-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.9-6Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.9-5Brian Pepple - 2.0.9-4Brian Pepple - 2.0.9-3Brian Pepple - 2.0.9-2Brian Pepple - 2.0.9-1Brian Pepple - 2.0.8-2Brian Pepple - 2.0.8-1Brian Pepple - 2.0.7-4Brian Pepple - 2.0.7-3Brian Pepple - 2.0.7-2Ville Skyttä - 2.0.7-1Michael Schwendt - 2.0.6-5Panu Matilainen 0:2.0.6-0.fdr.4Panu Matilainen 0:2.0.6-0.fdr.3Panu Matilainen 0:2.0.6-0.fdr.2Panu Matilainen 0:2.0.6-0.fdr.1Sam LantingaHakan Tandogan - update to 2.0.10 - fixes #538044- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuild for gcc-4.3.- Rebuild.- Update license tag.- Update to 2.0.9. - Drop freetype-internals patch. fixed upstream.- Update for FC6.- Update to 2.0.8. - Simplify description & summary for devel package.- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Add patch for Bug #171020.- General spec formatting changes. - Rebuild for FC4 upgrade path.- 2.0.7, patches applied upstream. - Require SDL-devel in -devel. - Build with dependency tracking disabled. - Don't ship static libs.- rebuilt- fix build on FC2-test (bug #1436- add missing buildreq zlib-devel- address issues in #631 - add full URL to source - better description for -devel package- Fedoraize - patch to compile on RH9- converted to get package information from configure- initial spec file -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectorypkgconfig filesymbolic link to `'RPRR?p7zXZ !PH6 ]"k%v1WcouV6XA-8T~-*\?!NYbyQЄ:L<|dX(V|jdv$71H(}) @r i̊*/-iޢ˖`NI ;YqCg+yE9: -ĜJd:h**T; pI3Xaw lK0=q?O)n6eq// fkbJb>`qwktco_7s^OsGC kRP&>f }cKGCҞ~igL^Pߊ&)77 f"niiŘ(͹]>WZs4~N~>?/HtSR }#{tA5M;A\I7ɀLn o9PXð1PDsf&4b o'bV1hJ!gRFyj-PWfjHI67NR7͘hVìU#@n@(J-V9Wұ\ 73 $'SM O-4㪤DoG*t ڽժ9h@+E4-K Bu+$o 0[Yot[I# kՂZ o~*@zheI&|`c\UA )SRC]>9 $nlEYER2%Dky4T4wSyߌN}D__@< 9{I@IX>l1K ! מ!6)+Z~o4fUFѶ GEp7yTjY1X$M)yqn_R**c4ϐ wL%°e$E01U[ y/P@0„dM<:N[#W1]ha>>}@H9u<>|+wHm>tk;||~HUG6':fB# (88*VA(T]0Pр/2Ϫp[?gtJ*z ~}W~u'-VfQdRqoy?l)=~}[Wh=e]={PuF<- Ln[Vf+BX/\:ȿMW,M* sF jKO7NCݢ!N~$8⎖¾DbI˩)N px.cڸHv 4Ƈ9&ostCT_yƴ[Œ_K\:$1CJcʬyoIXsUԋKp9نbS؆wu>fOw:[w YZ