cfitsio-devel-3.240-4.fc12$># Z*{r.>98?(d  U LR\x     ,Or   (8,9,: x,GHIXY\]4^}bd;e@fClEt`u|vwxy$Ccfitsio-devel3.2404.fc12Headers required when building programs against cfitsioHeaders required when building a program against the cfitsio library.L}\@x86-15.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries큤L}\=L}\=L}\=L}\=L}\=L}\=L}\=c7280cfe29e2c2c1a35d6b08a8c39dd802eb824c71917ef905063fae7881bcf223a5ee6632     /usr/bin/|LL'@K @K{@Ji@JeJ8IV@I>@II@HHӔ@G.@G8G4KFF@F#@E՜E=EySEySEvDD+@DGDj@D;@D;@D;@CCx|@Cw*Cw*Cw*Cu@Cu@Cm@Cm@Cm@ClCdCcd@Matthew Truch - 3.240-4Matthew Truch - 3.240-3Matthew Truch - 3.240-2Matthew Truch - 3.240-1Matthew Truch - 3.140-2Matthew Truch - 3.140-1Matthew Truch - 3.130-5Matthew Truch - 3.130-4Matthew Truch - 3.130-3Matthew Truch - 3.130-2Matthew Truch - 3.130-1Matthew Truch - 3.100-2Matthew Truch - 3.100-1Matthew Truch - 3.060-3Matthew Truch - 3.060-2Matthew Truch - 3.060-1Matthew Truch - 3.040-3Matthew Truch - 3.040-2Matthew Truch - 3.040-1Matthew Truch - 3.030-2Matthew Truch - 3.030-1Matthew Truch - 3.020-3Matthew Truch - 3.020-2Matthew Truch - 3.020-1Matthew Truch - 3.006-6Matthew Truch - 3.006-5Matthew Truch - 3.006-4Matthew Truch - 3.006-3Matthew Truch - 3.006-2Matthew Truch - 3.006-1Matthew Truch - 3.005-0.2.betaMatthew Truch - 3.005-0.1.betaMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.12.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.11.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.10.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.9.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.8.bEd Hill - 3.004-0.7.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.6.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.5.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.4.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.3.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.2.bMatthew Truch - 3.004-0.1.b- Fully versioned requires of cfitsio on fpack.- Package fpack and funpack utilities in fpack package.- Fix pkgconfig version number.- Upstream 3.240 bugfix release.- Bump to include proper tarball.- Update to upstream 3.140 release. - Bump for mass rebuild.- Separate -docs noarch subpackage as per BZ 492438. - Explicitly set file attributes correctly.- Set correct version in pkgconfig .pc file.- Re-check testprogram output. - Build for koji, rpm, gcc upgrade.- Fix source file naming typo.- Update to 3.130 upstream.- Test library with included test-suite.- Update to 3.100 upstream. Includes bugfixes and new compression scheme.- Properly indicated include and lib directories in .pc file (BZ 436539) - Fix typo in -static descrition.- Bump release for rebuild.- Update to 3.060 bugfix release. - Add static package (BZ 372801)- Bump release for rebuild (build-id etc.)- Update License tag- Upgrade to version 3.040 of cfitsio.- Require pkgconfig for -devel. - export CC=gcc so we don't clobber $RPM_OPT_FLAGS, thereby ruining any -debuginfo packages. See RedHat Bugzilla 229041.- Upgrade to version 3.020 of cfitsio.- Commit correct patch to configure and Makefiles.- Modify spec file to install to correct directories. - Package cfitsio.pc file in -devel package.- Upgrade to revision 3.020 of cfitsio.- Bump release for rebuild in prep. for FC6.- Include defattr() for devel package as well - bug 187366- Don't use macro {buildroot} in build, only in install as per appended comments to Bugzilla bug 172042- Point to f95 instead of g95 as per bugzilla bug 185107- Fix spelling typo in name of License.txt file.- Use new 3.006 fully official stable (non-beta) upstream package.- Bump release for FC5 extras rebuild.- Update to 3.005beta release.- Put in proper URL and Source addresses. - Sync up spec files.- Clean up unused code in spec file.- Set environment variables correctly. - Include patch so Makefile will put things where they belong.- Set libdir and includedir correctly for build process.- unset FC once we are done with the build- shared libs and small cleanups- Own include directory created by the devel package.- Shorten summary. - Improve specfile post and postun syntax. - Install headers in cfitsio include subdir. - Include more documentation provided in tarball.- Require cfitsio for cfitsio-devel- Use proper virgin tarball from upstream.- Include gcc-gfortran build requirment and make sure it gets used. - Use macros instead of hard coded paths. - Include home page in description- Initial spec file for Fedora Extras.              3.2403.240-4.fc123.240-4.fc12cfitsiodrvrsmem.hfitsio.hfitsio2.hlongnam.hlibcfitsio.socfitsio.pc/usr/include//usr/include/cfitsio//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/pkgconfig/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectorypkgconfig filesymbolic link to `'RPR?p7zXZ !PH6u]"k%w>*{vJ;<ݩmp` NR g̲uN74 bCv酺CO6Lbߍsje!y-B*E=:@:r?4r;etXz)9lb(%"w&j6#8Л -/5|M(>J$z-a/ڎ IFZO6Q>sqܐ56)!Ǹ 怽!k I/ߝL/W+1>_垂ob05'y!>z]P\ tN3[dQ,k&2HXn 5ZY^N;OU2ƚ!1L4M.W$']8W]̣~FC:G}"F$ u-K[  #=K?IM 4D{6:!.t{Wm(ZKHXP+˨IiH%R[Z:Em&$IH 6ٝeihY%TTI QxD=m?-lh ƒ @*79 2\ QSI'1՚mvZ\4ܕRK\5rKǩ .7Z$N;Pb[3_kN Ľlcp@{ q#4۠ї9%{v̻HtS hG\^/SYkL4 E†EW:Չ@S%hS&I4/2Z_A 5jMդܰ<_4ٸ)c=(pL7i{oBv eR;ЁXQ;\BU=?/&.3NiGCqт. zKZ{~]r_:fx:B=su[Q El֟Oļğ"MLTLI0yM(+qanQj(XlAEH?&0i jDE Ĝޗ_3U +bu8b8,AҜ>xorS]=/gm4 d/=To=oC`KKh`E(9쥟 ?竴laӲ1R/J"C,Q5&:*_· Z.33!xJVU:|ZǧK/Ru1,CojWOSz/ߋh&d"8{NH[ݯA7> nY #{@;tmpF-ծWF$J`Tlz~5:mR6`0UJY2/ԙ-Cp12 GpsYsPOsd֝?Pd%܄_0տ( ö YZ