erlang-parsetools-R13B-04.15.fc12$>.ۖT&ԝAe*l>;$?$d $ P   H  b  |    =  L   $ XM(8898:8B G H I! X!(Y!0Z!P[!T\!` ]! ^"*b"d#Ze#_f#bl#dt#| u# v#w$ x$P $Cerlang-parsetoolsR13B04.15.fc12A set of parsing and lexical analysis toolsA set of parsing and lexical analysis tools.LW/x86-17.phx2.fedoraproject.org0Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectERPLFedora ProjectDevelopment/Languageshttp://www.erlang.orglinuxx86_64|R\P 16W/PAA큤A큤LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/LW/1270bbacb4e75f9d613ba8b03f009ed45a340f0d7ea22655663d32dfdb784b25b8cbe1eb987f4f2b5157bf998a7756e4dee1a38790c36f2e8700248330b3de692d2639712052e4fe7271b128be4e39baf2c94a257aef6be33ea56c1c1e3848b672bc18dea21a27d36da1d2b9b78779134116902242918ef09e5615259d35a9c10eecf69e8ab8d68486b9aedba09f867592a47965f07e7459469b4a20907697fdb29b1a55d28782913b3e08619672b83485a0196535681171dc3d74e50197e3f6c76591b108d584b6ae6f5b587992beeb51f5d2c7c0fc09237595665d2d4d427d708c1af9ff8cb1ebcc1e09211a1be28584346096b4f941e96e28cc22b7b4a7f8f029ab78756a6eba08d445569db842eedd614ff087ebde331445fef1da3fa1649039e26fab4673c9d8a8f0bcf6c71d5c0be2a536da210ebcebd08da1274136efrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrooterlang-R13B-04.15.fc12.src.rpmerlang-parsetoolserlang-parsetools(x86-64)     erlang-ertserlang-kernelerlang-stdlibrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(VersionedDependencies)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)R13B-04.15.fc12R13B-04.15.fc12R13B-04.15.fc123.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-13.0.3-15.2-14.7.2LUaLRLQm@KK;@K@K#@KKՀ@KՀ@KɢKɢKKKv@JI@J@J Ji@I@IxI@I@IpvI @H@H4@HpG@G Gs@GZ@GVF0F@F@FE@ETETDDDlaDX@D^CCcd@Ccd@C>z@CCJ@BG@BA@A@Ac@?@Hans Ulrich Niedermann - R13B-04.15Hans Ulrich Niedermann - R13B-04.14Hans Ulrich Niedermann - R13B-04.13Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.12Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.11Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.10Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.9Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.8Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.7Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.6Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.5Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.4Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.3Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.2Peter Lemenkov - R13B-04.1Lubomir Rintel (Good Data) - R13B-02-1Tomas Mraz - R13B-01.2Gerard Milmeister - R13B-01.1Fedora Release Engineering - R12B-6.7Debarshi Ray R12B-5.7Gerard Milmeister - R12B-5.6Fedora Release Engineering - R12B-5.5Dennis Gilmore - R12B-4.5Tomas Mraz - R12B-4.4Gerard Milmeister - R12B-4.1Gerard Milmeister - R12B-3.3Tom "spot" Callaway - R12B-3.2Gerard Milmeister - R12B-3.1Gerard Milmeister - R12B-1.1Gerard Milmeister - R12B-0.3Fedora Release Engineering - R12B-0.2Gerard Milmeister - R12B-0.1Release Engineering - R11B-6Gerard Milmeister - R11B-5.3Gerard Milmeister - R11B-5.2Gerard Milmeister - R11B-5.1Thomas Fitzsimmons - R11B-2.4Gerard Milmeister - R11B-2.3Gerard Milmeister - R11B-2.2Gerard Milmeister - R11B-2.1Gerard Milmeister - R11B-0.3Gerard Milmeister - R11B-0.2Gerard Milmeister - R11B-0.1Gerard Milmeister - R10B-10.3Gerard Milmeister - R10B-10.1Gerard Milmeister - R10B-9.1Gerard Milmeister - R10B-8.2Gerard Milmeister - R10B-8.1Gerard Milmeister - R10B-6.4Gerard Milmeister - R10B-6.3Gerard Milmeister - R10B-6.2Gerard Milmeister - R10B-6.1Gerard Milmeister - R10B-3.1Gerard Milmeister - 0:R10B-2-0.fdr.1Gerard Milmeister - 0:R10B-0.fdr.1Gerard Milmeister - 0:R9B-1.fdr.1- Implement '--without doc' conditional for faster test builds (#618245).- Properly hook up (X)Emacs erlang-mode (#491165)- Spec file cleanups: - Avoid accidental %rel increments by rpmdev-bumpspec. - Use %global for our spec file macros. - Use macro for redundant directory names. - Whitespace cleanups (tabs vs. spaces). - Fix accidental macro usage in %changelog.- Moved dialyzer and typer executables from erts to appropriate rpms- Do not mention nteventlog in, see rhbz #592251- Disabled automatic requires/provides generation- Added missing files, necessary for emacs (see rhbz #585349) - Patches rebased- Added missing BuildRequires libxslt (for building docs) - Removed %post script completely (resolves rhbz #586428) - Since now both docs and man-pages are built from sources - No need to manually create symlinks in %{_bindir}- Build with erlang-rpm-macros - Man-files are packed with packages, they belong to- Made erlang-rpm-macros as separate package - Fix error while installing erlang-rpm-macros- Use erlang rpm macros for adding provides/reqires - All %{_libdir}/erlang/lib/* items were splitted off from main package, which in turn becomes purely virtual now. - Removing RPM_BUILD_ROOT from several installed files is no longer required- Added missing Requires mesa-libGL{U} for wx module (rhbz #583287) - Fix for buffer overflow in pcre module (rhbz #583288) - Doc sub-package marked as noarch (partially resolves rhbz #491165)- Added rpm-related stuff for auto-generating erlang dependencies in the future builds - Since now *.yrl files are removed too. - Removed unnecessary C and Java sources- Do not remove all files from %{_libdir}/erlang/lib/*/src - keep *.[yh]rl intact - Fix permissions for megaco *.so objects - Fix permissions for asn1 *.so objects- New release R13B-04 - Since now we're using %configure instead of ./configure - Removed no longer needed fix for newer glibc version - Dropped %patch3 (applied upstream) - Rebased patches - Added BR fop for rebuilding of docs - Use system-wide zlib instead of shipped one - Dropped BR gd-devel - Removed unneeded sources (should be fixed upstream) - Fixed permission for wx driver (should be fixed upstream)- Update to R13B-02 (patched for what's released as 02-1 by upstream)- rebuilt with new openssl- update to R13B01- Rebuilt for Updated rpath patch. - Fixed configure to respect $RPM_OPT_FLAGS.- new release R12B-5 - link escript and dialyzer to %{_bindir}- Rebuilt for fix sparc arches to compile- rebuild with new openssl- new release R12B-4- fixed sslrpath patch- fix license tag- new release R12B-3- new release R12B-1- disable strict aliasing optimization- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- new release R12B-0- Rebuild for deps- fix some permissions- enable dynamic linking for ssl- new release R11B-5- Require java-1.5.0-gcj-devel for build.- remove buildroot from installed files- added patch for compiling with glibc 2.5- new version R11B-2- Rebuild for FE6- add BR m4- new version R11B-0- added patch for run_erl by Knut-Håvard Aksnes- new version R10B-10- New Version R10B-9- updated rpath patch- New Version R10B-8- Added tk-devel and tcl-devel to buildreq - Added tk to req- Remove perl BuildRequires- change /usr/lib to %{_libdir} - redirect output in %post to /dev/null - add unixODBC-devel to BuildRequires - split doc off to erlang-doc package- New Version R10B-6- New Version R10B-3- New Version R10B-2- New Version R10B- First Fedora releaseerlang             : : : : : : : : : !: #: "::R13B-04.15.fc12R13B-04.15.fc12R13B-04.5parsetools-2.0.2ebinleex.beamparsetools.appparsetools.appupyecc.beamyeccparser.beamyeccscan.beamincludeleexinc.hrlyeccpre.hrlleex.3yecc.3/usr/lib64/erlang/lib//usr/lib64/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.0.2//usr/lib64/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.0.2/ebin//usr/lib64/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.0.2/include//usr/lib64/erlang/man/man3/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectorytroff or preprocessor input text?P7zXZ !PH6]"k%˖&v6d_GaޕuoyIһEbBo~3;۲9@oD>)=kHbS̑7kVYW溾ȥAN1F q6O s1/muª U{c=Ǘo| jVKPsqגrOTpkeavNCTxHKBȣ22A[:JgI@<ہnqI ջt4Gyn\JXtD$H-H6e5 Y ^}W-h&ImOOjAR>V["1vduu  |/&]@:k$/K0(k`3vS e#].gn|ѱ7Tu$Fג#HJ+4:w0+02i?Mbo*oU fV j̏Umh#Xnkn:\ĵ)hpw|kVXsЀj[|fViI+F"G҅ :%DW VU(Jqښ <3)*'U2Wț.Br\}M_A FD鴴:% / e EZ ʬz\Zhd tyv X:W_Z.K0$ϠyחaUgX-oоz([1B'f4 qrU-ն%P]30o1kOoϑ:U$}v^Eߛt/V:6@%[WOqliP$Me/O|Ȅ!@'ߍ/F_!K1R۴Ӷυ1]2w`ܚSdW)YI&^^&s@ lӪQ"LVFvFݩ73% WX ΰt I%YBaE\toÎR†N$xAbty ,:g#!ɫ:H k.K97b52HPc%=G3MQN)ExpvgJYLGt20וFC;w34xKi~jNb|JCPrUX}A½~SʣqhEȸPV^L=žkߪFl~;[ #蚐^;m b^b8\P`ǒ${FKnvr"gy!J@1-H D*F*{Hfv½kb2i ]oO )nT*ȗ3wgχuKR}TBnێrR{O @ ̋4s8ZPߺ*&nj\Xuhajm>_[zg. =ӀayxR 1A7y,:`0X6O6; HU YZ