ldirectord-3.0.17-1.fc12$>47K.'>>AC?Cd   VLPpt %H l  ~      }     @ d 8 U (8*9 P*:*>? ??@?B?(G?H H?l I? X?Y?Z?[?\@ ]@, ^@bAEdAeAfAlAtA uB vB(wC xC4 yCXCCldirectord3.0.171.fc12Monitor daemon for maintaining high availability resourcesldirectord is a stand-alone daemon to monitor services of real for virtual services provided by The Linux Virtual Server (http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/). It is simple to install and works with the heartbeat code (http://www.linux-ha.org/).L|x86-10.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+Fedora ProjectSystem Environment/Daemonshttp://sources.redhat.com/cluster/wiki/linuxx86_64/sbin/chkconfig --add ldirectord/sbin/chkconfig --del ldirectord*4iFC k&큤A큤L|L|L|L|L|L|LLL|96b772b97c805f32f258f17fd8d9a765004ebd39a75bc997c8e03e62f69cac0a49e8ab6743a005c0f81f8cccad4b95eb8d5c1c314b57fedc3fd7ee36b4a66b8305609e16c0d100fb40880cfa84f29f4a6273637a1296cb4927f1b47071624daacdf8860e065463da9dffb287531a6b396e481c682693eb2db59a24cf52304a47ab15fd526bd8dd18a9e77ebc139656bf4d33e97fc7238cd11bf60e2b9b8666c61b3379da714d192bc413eccd5423156831df7155f1a0a474721825e286bffddea45a55c0303c59efda12ae8f9702f63aa7f92f26303ff0e74a1103cdc4283eb7/usr/sbin/ldirectordrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootresource-agents-3.0.17-1.fc12.src.rpmconfig(ldirectord)heartbeat-ldirectordldirectordldirectordldirectord(x86-64) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/sbin/chkconfig/sbin/chkconfig/sbin/ldconfig/usr/bin/perlconfig(ldirectord)ipvsadmperl(Digest::MD5)perl(Getopt::Long)perl(IO::Select)perl(IO::Socket)perl(IO::Socket::INET6)perl(LWP::Debug)perl(LWP::UserAgent)perl(Mail::Send)perl(Net::Ping)perl(Net::SMTP)perl(POSIX)perl(Pod::Usage)perl(Socket)perl(Socket6)perl(Sys::Hostname)perl(Sys::Syslog)perl(strict)perl(vars)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(VersionedDependencies)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.17-1.fc123.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-13.0.3-15.2-14.7.2L@L@LLQm@L @K@K@K@KKɢKKK@KqKPXKKKKK@K@KJ2@JJ@J J:JJ]@Jp9JlE@JT@JL@J<@J/@I@II@II@IIIII~@Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.17-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.16-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.16-1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.14-1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.13-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.12-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.12-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.12-1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.11-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.10-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.10-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.9-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.9-1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.8-1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.7-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.7-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.6-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.6-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.5-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.5-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.4-2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.4-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.3-3Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.3-1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.1-1Andrew Beekhof - 3.0.0-16Ville Skyttä - 3.0.0-15Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-14Fedora Release Engineering - 3.0.0-13Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-12Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-11.rc4Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-10.rc3Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-9.rc2Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-8.rc1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-7.beta1Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-6.alpha7Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-5.alpha6Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-4.alpha5Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-3.alpha5Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-2.alpha4Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-1.alpha4Fabio M. Di Nitto - 3.0.0-1.alpha3- new upstream release Resolves: rhbz#632595, rhbz#633856, rhbz#632385, rhbz#628013 Resolves: rhbz#621313, rhbz#595383, rhbz#580492, rhbz#605733 Resolves: rhbz#636243, rhbz#591003, rhbz#637913, rhbz#634718 Resolves: rhbz#617247, rhbz#617247, rhbz#617234, rhbz#631943 Resolves: rhbz#639018- new upstream release of the Pacemaker agents: 71b1377f907c- new upstream release Resolves: rhbz#619096, rhbz#614046, rhbz#620679, rhbz#619680 Resolves: rhbz#621562, rhbz#621694, rhbz#608887, rhbz#622844 Resolves: rhbz#623810, rhbz#617306, rhbz#623816, rhbz#624691 Resolves: rhbz#622576- new upstream release Resolves: rhbz#553383, rhbz#557563, rhbz#578625, rhbz#591003 Resolves: rhbz#593721, rhbz#593726, rhbz#595455, rhbz#595547 Resolves: rhbz#596918, rhbz#601315, rhbz#604298, rhbz#606368 Resolves: rhbz#606470, rhbz#606480, rhbz#606754, rhbz#606989 Resolves: rhbz#607321, rhbz#608154, rhbz#608887, rhbz#609181 Resolves: rhbz#609866, rhbz#609978, rhbz#612097, rhbz#612110 Resolves: rhbz#612165, rhbz#612941, rhbz#614127, rhbz#614356 Resolves: rhbz#614421, rhbz#614457, rhbz#614961, rhbz#615202 Resolves: rhbz#615203, rhbz#615255, rhbz#617163, rhbz#617566 Resolves: rhbz#618534, rhbz#618703, rhbz#618806, rhbz#618814- new upstream release Resolves: rhbz#592103, rhbz#593108, rhbz#578617, rhbz#594626 Resolves: rhbz#594511, rhbz#596046, rhbz#594111, rhbz#597002 Resolves: rhbz#599643- libnet is not available on RHEL - Do not package ldirectord on RHEL Resolves: rhbz#577264- new upstream release Resolves: rhbz#585217, rhbz#586100, rhbz#581533, rhbz#582753 Resolves: rhbz#582754, rhbz#585083, rhbz#587079, rhbz#588890 Resolves: rhbz#588925, rhbz#583789, rhbz#589131, rhbz#588010 Resolves: rhbz#576871, rhbz#576871, rhbz#590000, rhbz#589823- New pacemaker agents upstream release: a7c0f35916bf + High: pgsql: properly implement pghost parameter + High: RA: mysql: fix syntax error + High: SAPInstance RA: do not rely on op target rc when monitoring clones (lf#2371) + High: set the HA_RSCTMP directory to /var/run/resource-agents (lf#2378) + Medium: IPaddr/IPaddr2: add a description of the assumption in meta-data + Medium: IPaddr: return the correct code if interface delete failed + Medium: nfsserver: rpc.statd as the notify cmd does not work with -v (thanks to Carl Lewis) + Medium: oracle: reduce output from sqlplus to the last line for queries (bnc#567815) + Medium: pgsql: implement "config" parameter + Medium: RA: iSCSITarget: follow changed IET access policy- new upstream release Resolves: rhbz#583945, rhbz#581047, rhbz#576330, rhbz#583017 Resolves: rhbz#583019, rhbz#583948, rhbz#584003, rhbz#582017 Resolves: rhbz#555901, rhbz#582754, rhbz#582573, rhbz#581533 - Switch to file based Requires. Also address several other problems related to missing runtime components in different agents. With the current Requires: set, we guarantee all basic functionalities out of the box for lvm/fs/clusterfs/netfs/networking. Resolves: rhbz#570008- New pacemaker agents upstream release + High: RA: vmware: fix set_environment() invocation (LF 2342) + High: RA: vmware: update to version 0.2 + Medium: Filesystem: prefer /proc/mounts to /etc/mtab for non-bind mounts (lf#2388) + Medium: IPaddr2: don't bring the interface down on stop (thanks to Lars Ellenberg) + Medium: IPsrcaddr: modify the interface route (lf#2367) + Medium: ldirectord: Allow multiple email addresses (LF 2168) + Medium: ldirectord: fix setting defaults for configfile and ldirectord (lf#2328) + Medium: meta-data: improve timeouts in most resource agents + Medium: nfsserver: use default values (lf#2321) + Medium: ocf-shellfuncs: don't log but print to stderr if connected to a terminal + Medium: ocf-shellfuncs: don't output to stderr if using syslog + Medium: oracle/oralsnr: improve exit codes if the environment isn't valid + Medium: RA: iSCSILogicalUnit: fix monitor for STGT + Medium: RA: make sure that OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_interval is always defined (LF 2284) + Medium: RA: ManageRAID: require bash + Medium: RA: ManageRAID: require bash + Medium: RA: VirtualDomain: bail out early if config file can't be read during probe (Novell 593988) + Medium: RA: VirtualDomain: fix incorrect use of __OCF_ACTION + Medium: RA: VirtualDomain: improve error messages + Medium: RA: VirtualDomain: spin on define until we definitely have a domain name + Medium: Route: add route table parameter (lf#2335) + Medium: sfex: don't use pid file (lf#2363,bnc#585416) + Medium: sfex: exit with success on stop if sfex has never been started (bnc#585416)- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release Resolves: rhbz#519491, rhbz#570525, rhbz#571806, rhbz#574027 Resolves: rhbz#574215, rhbz#574886, rhbz#576322, rhbz#576335 Resolves: rhbz#575103, rhbz#577856, rhbz#577874, rhbz#578249 Resolves: rhbz#578625, rhbz#578626, rhbz#578628, rhbz#578626 Resolves: rhbz#579621, rhbz#579623, rhbz#579625, rhbz#579626 Resolves: rhbz#579059- Resolves: rhbz#572993 - Patched build process to correctly generate ldirectord man page - Resolves: rhbz#574732 - Add libnet-devel as a dependancy to ensure IPaddrv6 is built- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release Resolves: rhbz#455300, rhbz#568446, rhbz#561862, rhbz#536902 Resolves: rhbz#512171, rhbz#519491- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release Resolves: rhbz#548133, rhbz#565907, rhbz#545602, rhbz#555901 Resolves: rhbz#564471, rhbz#515717, rhbz#557128, rhbz#536157 Resolves: rhbz#455300, rhbz#561416, rhbz#562237, rhbz#537201 Resolves: rhbz#536962, rhbz#553383, rhbz#556961, rhbz#555363 Resolves: rhbz#557128, rhbz#455300, rhbz#557167, rhbz#459630 Resolves: rhbz#532808, rhbz#556603, rhbz#554968, rhbz#555047 Resolves: rhbz#554968, rhbz#555047 - spec file update: * update spec file copyright date * use bz2 tarball- Add python as BuildRequires- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release Resolves: rhbz#526286, rhbz#533461- Update Pacameker agents to upstream version: c76b4a6eb576 + High: RA: VirtualDomain: fix forceful stop (LF 2283) + High: apache: monitor operation of depth 10 for web applications (LF 2234) + Medium: IPaddr2: CLUSTERIP/iptables rule not always inserted on failed monitor (LF 2281) + Medium: RA: Route: improve validate (LF 2232) + Medium: mark obsolete RAs as deprecated (LF 2244) + Medium: mysql: escalate stop to KILL if regular shutdown doesn't work- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release - spec file update: * use global instead of define * use new Source0 url * use resource-agents macro more aggressively- Update Pacameker agents to upstream version: bc00c0b065d9 + High: RA: introduce OCF_FUNCTIONS_DIR, allow it to be overridden (LF2239) + High: doc: add man pages for all RAs (LF2237) + High: syslog-ng: new RA + High: vmware: make meta-data work and several cleanups (LF 2212) + Medium: .ocf-shellfuncs: add ocf_is_probe function + Medium: Dev: make RAs executable (LF2239) + Medium: IPv6addr: ifdef out the ip offset hack for libnet v1.1.4 (LF 2034) + Medium: add mercurial repository version information to .ocf-shellfuncs + Medium: build: add perl-MailTools runtime dependency to ldirectord package (LF 1469) + Medium: iSCSITarget, iSCSILogicalUnit: support LIO + Medium: nfsserver: use check_binary properly in validate (LF 2211) + Medium: nfsserver: validate should not check if nfs_shared_infodir exists (thanks to eelco@procolix.com) (LF 2219) + Medium: oracle/oralsnr: export variables properly + Medium: pgsql: remove the previous backup_label if it exists + Medium: postfix: fix double stop (thanks to Dinh N. Quoc) + RA: LVM: Make monitor operation quiet in logs (bnc#546353) + RA: Xen: Remove instance_attribute "allow_migrate" (bnc#539968) + ldirectord: OCF agent: overhaul- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release - Allow pacemaker to use rgmanager resource agents- Update Pacameker agents to upstream version: e2338892f59f + High: send_arp - turn on unsolicited mode for compatibilty with the libnet version's exit codes + High: Trap sigterm for compatibility with the libnet version of send_arp + Medium: Bug - lf#2147: IPaddr2: behave if the interface is down + Medium: IPv6addr: recognize network masks properly + Medium: RA: VirtualDomain: avoid needlessly invoking "virsh define"- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release- Update Pacameker agents to upstream version: 099c0e5d80db + Add the ha_parameter function back into .ocf-shellfuncs. + Bug bnc#534803 - Provide a default for MAILCMD + Fix use of undefined macro @HA_NOARCHDATAHBDIR@ + High (LF 2138): IPsrcaddr: replace 0/0 with proper ip prefix (thanks to Michael Ricordeau and Michael Schwartzkopff) + Import shellfuncs from heartbeat as badly written RAs use it + Medium (LF 2173): nfsserver: exit properly in nfsserver_validate + Medium: RA: Filesystem: implement monitor operation + Medium: RA: VirtualDomain: loop on status if libvirtd is unreachable + Medium: RA: VirtualDomain: loop on status if libvirtd is unreachable (addendum) + Medium: RA: iSCSILogicalUnit: use a 16-byte default SCSI ID + Medium: RA: iSCSITarget: be more persistent deleting targets on stop + Medium: RA: portblock: add per-IP filtering capability + Medium: mysql-proxy: log_level and keepalive parameters + Medium: oracle: drop spurious output from sqlplus + RA: Filesystem: allow configuring smbfs mounts as clones- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release- New rgmanager resource agents upstream release- Create an ldirectord package - Update Pacameker agents to upstream version: 2198dc90bec4 + Build: Import ldirectord. + Ensure HA_VARRUNDIR has a value to substitute + High: Add findif tool (mandatory for IPaddr/IPaddr2) + High: IPv6addr: new nic and cidr_netmask parameters + High: postfix: new resource agent + Include license information + Low (LF 2159): Squid: make the regexp match more precisely output of netstat + Low: configure: Fix package name. + Low: ldirectord: add dependency on $remote_fs. + Low: ldirectord: add mandatory required header to init script. + Medium (LF 2165): IPaddr2: remove all colons from the mac address before passing it to send_arp + Medium: VirtualDomain: destroy domain shortly before timeout expiry + Medium: shellfuncs: Make the mktemp wrappers work. + Remove references to Echo function + Remove references to heartbeat shellfuncs. + Remove useless path lookups + findif: actually include the right header. Simplify configure. + ldirectord: Remove superfluous configure artifact. + ocf-tester: Fix package reference and path to DTD.- Use bzipped upstream hg tarball.- Merge Pacemaker cluster resource agents: * Add Source1. * Drop noarch. We have real binaries now. * Update BuildRequires. * Update all relevant prep/build/install/files/description sections.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- spec file updates: * Update copyright header * final release.. undefine alphatag- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- New upstream release + git94df30ca63e49afb1e8aeede65df8a3e5bcd0970- New upstream release. - Update BuildRoot usage to preferred versions/names- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- New upstream release.- Drop Conflicts with rgmanager.- New upstream release.- Add comments on how to build this package.- New upstream release. - Fix datadir/cluster directory ownership.- Initial packaging/bin/sh/bin/sh/sbin/ldconfigldirectordheartbeat-ldirectord         OPQ3.0.17-1.fc123.0.0-153.0.0-153.0.17-1.fc123.0.17-1.fc123.0.0-153.0.0-15ldirectordldirectordldirectordldirectordldirectordldirectord-3.0.17COPYINGldirectord.cfldirectord.8.gz/etc/ha.d/resource.d//etc/init.d//etc/logrotate.d//usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat//usr/sbin//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/ldirectord-3.0.17//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textPOSIX shell script text executablea /usr/bin/perl -w script text executablebroken symbolic link to `/usr/sbin/ldirectord'directorytroff or preprocessor input text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)RRRR R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRR?7zXZ !PH6_?>]"k%jjN,rPk{H,5#ҧbA4(Ā_dϊH_5ܣۗ>n/ߏOn'>$QP1R,]RZJvI[}qʵ`N[cr xsE'&X|~f: {[(m& L?vJeH!J3;/M%NQtTӒyl^u֣UïOI5q/Ynuhz&7$C+5SK /јM7 FPUf.g4-:9,af{eC5Km U_1K\Mg{/!Tsd^a4 "o>+V H09 =.K3VWL,j7^ nb F+L hܷ{^ $S ^,M &caA4hEΠl*ƽT_"%/eLP"m] <7Rګ:Qja(VF? f}wL/]}-1اӢM׾lZ?]!wr℃U<ˡ]ڌbLТ9P|Â~;+ R&Pu%b\w2 `~^!)s<$*o C:gJY!\-$'"ׂPNY!ͥXIBӣcNY2!>g`˾79 8cu W" \'i $BCOcX>y<9N|064@~)(/ Z@≫cѕPjB*EnÍk~e7qumXi~j͜Lާwotf@[&OEp}XvX4Eɸcg CAww篼AYSU 8ԳGI.yݑ;~]0ݫ`~u?y*F wU B\Xl$pߝjɿnG >:u_<[Sam ?- oS)SXt݆˪=.~GSoL2xAև-3';#+Ǻ9+bL8@be;8\:ASOHr8qVIOoL!>SM~gq2Pj݋4 mc"1D2ĺ?S бw'FFˠ?G+':/p˖~b_n^2n;f1H4uӊq1\J12}BM* z#ZS (-Rs5t) YiV̅a5w-C47:AC:A;ss -]XFNwz;0@e9,whf_bK,$'X/IP%cV:_MĘ+HJC:'>ŬEhXv]Nk=a'\bGcɨ}*Q O˱Է NAT^ML{=vRFȜi5ZO[ &|rq y5WF ÿLsoٜ_d\ ZQ=Jp Ҍe@[qHBHÊ?aH~la6E#'nyCHբ-oɠfޤa d# kDԘ p%L㚜*):AKXWFZqPz//֠{pVdOL  k0 4’9i}A3@ :|ܲѱx K+ΆpKnLLa$ɳƌ9"1,_ P**eNtҌ*1AM~M2fJNe62(l2CS??=aHձ4)/b[GJMC_ w {s?e7Jj !C C֐wX-k}8;_q6c Ir%JfX %;1)n[7F׽;.<ʘűe_c)+V ![wh ګsFZ٭3> l60䅱_! 0!6lKdže ڗn׈&;Bϕ::$Q) L \ }I@ґ*')uJŤʩiQyP(/E]bwk`p 5L)^jreDrWq4l Cpg'CdnsEhi,?JyfL=&.K,g5g`㽿s\dydҒw7-t|)<8wL6q Ǥ W2VOr?붌 Bz-H7L"4kZ0=,8QUSi…fTC%qC r>#O79Hq7U'U=VǾF/c<6TNcsyupR^1>a.`p_NjKT_cf x$u~ʑ eHr3$ƕ&ÂC3qu`vmmr*;T'J[tV13tȆЇf~EcFӠ ٿ\5\bHc̫={L_XV cb6c,m:y`Hq6At I,;PxYzQja%-&\Oׁj0u!G6Z1/gyF -rFWof&v3tHDog'&YJq0/ .% 3Łޞ -P§3G6e4p׸M(a7P nh2{Llxi=̛9('VtAɘZ@Pg01RWhӟ3A~I/g@34>&Dء F9o UkW+$ڜo*]sBOm^2]%ƨ'7K&#{ J}~t&O#kbh._R}(~E%$Å/,~ %fb5PZRKK_vET$=( \ DrwmXL . {6F hPRbr1 r!ǘ ?l NPU7\=xed@v" 7 wOF*5Ezo\H4"-c;;:/DVop0<< aJh3t7~*pik1L& ch`u:DrD-rQ.S[0~)m)ւ>Tpͧ0?=3$ cK׿zuK#PYLB ;^圫]cz:J_2p^P!rHpڂڰ'm_Y^1KaMqޱC"Il5/BGz6Fv%GQ?B0bl'OYL$V ]eV-C3\b2L0&7hӖ+i ~M&wd yT+))&1ʰV.@s`o?ՙ+ĕ6 d}]rHȣX7|%Lz켦:ĥ$>xriDPD/ v/P.4x.(Z^nY">! 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