libsvm-devel-3.0-1.fc12$>-- y9>8?d  b"& 5Ku{    E Xln(8!9 !: !GHIXY\(]<^kbdCeHfKlMthu|vwxClibsvm-devel3.01.fc12Header file, object file, and source files of libsvm in C, C++ and JavaHeader file, object file of libsvm in C, C++ and Java. Install this package if you want to develop programs with libsvm.Lx86-19.phx2.fedoraproject.orgtRFedora ProjectFedora ProjectBSDFedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries gA큤A큤L}L}L}L~Lٽ    libsvmrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0-1.fc123.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.7.2L@LF@KsJ@JlJv@J@JjI@I"@IH GGGu@G#Gt@G"G8GGOGOG@GjY@GaGSFIFFֱ@FҼFҼFҼFōDing-Yi Chen - 3.0-1David Malcolm - 2.91-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.91-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.90-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.90-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.89-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.89-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.89-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.89-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.88-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.88-0Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-13Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-12Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-11Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-0Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-6Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-5Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-3Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-0Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-9Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-8Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-7Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-6Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-5Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-3Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-0- Fixed the spelling errors of svm-toy-gtk and svm-toy-qt - Upstream update: * Move model structure to svm.h * Two functions for freeing a model (content or the whole model) * QD from Qfloat to double (better precision because SSE on 64-bit machines less accurate than i387 on 32-bit * exit status for * old python interface (swig) is removed- Rebuilt for Fixed Bug 564887 - FTBFS libsvm-2.90-3.fc13 - Upstream update: * completely new python interface using ctype * new way to set the print_string function * Java: able to load model from a BufferedReader directly * fix so -log2c can be run under python 2.6 or after- Obsoletes libsvm-java for ppc and ppc64.- Upstream update to 2.9, change to 2.90 for conveniently update. + tools/*.py can be run under python 3.0 + svm_set_quiet() in python interface to disable outputs + check gamma < 0 + internal functions to be static- Fixed [Bug 524108] put libsvm.jar into _javadir + Move livsvm.jar to _javadir + Move test_applet.html to _datadir/doc/libsvm- - Buildrequire changed to java-devel>=1.5.0, jpackage-utils - Require changed to java>=1.5.0, jpackage-utils- Fix the building for EL-5 Note that libsvm-java on ppc and ppc64 for EL-5 is excluded, as java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel for them do not exist yet. - Change the Java buildrequires from java-sdk to java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel - Fix [Bug 521194] Python: 'import libsvm' doesn't work. By adding to libsvm_python_dir- Rebuilt for Upstream Update to 2.89: + reduce input/loading time of svm-train/svm-predict by half + pointer function so users can specify their own outputs + remove info_flush() + a extern variable libsvm_version + svm-train -q option (disable outputs) + svm-scale: warning if more nonzero produced + popel.communiate() to avoid some deadlock (if lots of outputs when #classes is large)- Fix java BuildRequire and Build - javadoc have been removed because ppc and ppc64 do not have a suitable package to build javadoc in F-8, nor does javadoc provide much useful information.- Note: + SO version now follows upstream, i.e. SHVER=1, as upstream start to build shared library now. Be aware that previously SO version of is, which looks higher than the current SO version + Replaced java-1.5.0-gcj-devel with java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel. + java sub-package now have javadoc. - Upstream update + From 2.87: 2008/10/13 * svm-toy/qt updated to qt4 from qt3 * fix a bug in svm-scale.c * max feature index of -r file is considered * Makefile: add make lib; add -Wconversion and -fPIC in Makefile * Add "rb" in load_model of svm.cpp * Simplify do_shrinking of svm.cpp * Change the order of loops in reconstrict_gradient of svm.cpp * save the number of kernel evaluations * Add python/ + From 2.88: 2008/10/30 * better gradient reconstructions * issue a warning when -h 0 may be faster- Fix svm-toy-qt clear button does not clear. (from Hsiang-Fu Yu in National Taiwan University)- Correct changelog date- Fix the Qt path problem- Support both Qt3 for F8 and earlier, and Qt4 for F9- Upstream update to 2.86 - svm-scale for java - version number in svm.h and svm.m4 - rename svmtrain.exe to svm-train.exe - python: while 1 --> while True, Popen -> call - show best parameters on the contour of - LIBSVM_VER_MAJOR and LIBSVM_VER_MINOR are defined in libsvm.spec instead in- Fix build error.- [Bug 436392]: Fix by copy from right place. - Add desktop files and icons for svm-toy-gtk and svm-toy-qt- Move gnuplot from BuildRequires to Requires- Fix linker name ( - Linked to dynamic libraries- Fix svm-toy-qt build error- Fix svm-toy-gtk build error- Upgrade to 2.85 - Include guide.pdf in main package - Change the dependent from eclipse-ecj to java-1.5.0-gcj - Add svm-toy-gtk - Add svm-toy-qt- [Bug 254091] Comment 19 - Fix python/Makefile- Fix improper sed. - Change ldconfig to /sbin/ldconfig - Add gnuplot dependency for libsvm-python, as tools/ needs it.- [Bug 254091] Review Request: libsvm - A Library for Support Vector Machines (Comment #12)- Add defattr to each subpackage - Move to libsvm- Split out libsvm-java - Add Refined description. - Fix the /tmp/python.ver problem- Fix dependency problem- Fix mock error - Support Python 2.4 and Python 2.5- Fix rpmlint error - Move python related files to libsvm-python- initial packaging        3.0-1.fc123.0-1.fc12libsvmsvm.hlibsvm.solibsvm-devel-3.0README/usr/include//usr/include/libsvm//usr/lib64//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/libsvm-devel-3.0/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textbroken symbolic link to `'directory?7zXZ !PH6" ]"k%nd戔ȿ#Z1J_iτe䐡l}/..h4ɋ +[%j1`hPo pY*F^_Wt_`}k &X}̥~c 4-Mue&X~E@}=uޙޣmG0`MX}:ḩhz*6I߂[֖?oj3 8M퉺ǎ􁄭p*,tiƫ  -A^zRR6&ݿ6{uYN r!ӿF鄼KYne*f-Dh[9R<Aҽt5 ;h]bW!XچM_Uoۺמ5)_azy 4I#z:oڠ  t졐žWP7(z9N-FwyeE lX)E6`('BčiqR-.oǎ7-A~D=mSy%L;/Z9Y@ E8'kN]'|i&wf^:yWky[rl{ЃVǏ'rm7ԀG4DY0t fӤPR%~Kp2nwPeq1 @"`sԫl<n/O QLcc[#zwNKyCӹ]Zbq3ᅠo:4/[J̽p VMA(\f%hkgkx $2nǘhΗFwB $MUs!D%D=>zEE⻈5C\P(丩II]BaW@k`Zotv`(5PULX`4TpO@:=37e50ޯ%x^f鵥(:&l@])!"[P%Jf7Ӟϸ *'lk?/Uپ3gCzgdEIӻm<`'].xrH[>{KDUWeVDYX (N9AEy.Bȣ#P#6e+??|#/mM௨TtOP.[|>%ݑ;Q:'}6ZOo(D|kz2/64J2TK ;pp~]V7F,vijF9} D+4wlmCƥ1TcW N$EQln-; m e&3 ęlv,*Mg 範"J\!ȝկpuN/)Rf[z=?E 饣b VPE׺ h AH&j@>fP W&Kya # ҩ0tsSk4S^% i/'gt7jߟp-݅%|ī?®CLOF0;^8=Y^N iɍGb:k6E'?vKF$ -m@A LU, hhr'@u Ky('U $tZ4{+ fzR*Vv:uc5 @SC͖.{ܸBw,O1yN1$c( {S$:^<4dP3[ѶA(}q"jю]n+hUT_< YZ^"$#J甓F %-& 9~ms1A9n)phSAsWw47͉k?}W!W8>ˎ.+,$S+dHnP,b|셱>B9\i"5*Jզ'k^Ȁ #J8;:bս=ח8 qE޻l@et&Gߠ dOlo8>?q'|[$&lzJJqd/}@>H-=@ul%Y0.}. 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