libsvm-svm-toy-qt-3.0-1.fc12$>Z(OOؗlz>9"?"d  T  /Y_h|     $P   (/88!9!: (!GtHIXY\]^ :b d!0e!5f!8l!:t!Tu!hv!|w"Dx"Xy"l"Clibsvm-svm-toy-qt3.01.fc12QT version of svm-toy (libsvm demonstration program)svm-toy is a libsvm demonstration program which has a qt-GUI to display the derived separating hyperplane.Lx86-19.phx2.fedoraproject.orgߕFedora ProjectFedora ProjectBSDFedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries큤A큤L~L}LL}L}ba33375214ca6b6ef6be40da05e154e5bf5a2dac62de93d7e3375627da321385e75474d5b5d3f0d628831ba36abc7fe597e3296499773555ed540d3095002eacecd404ba0c54de62f9d02f62e25e3bdde6be5acec1d41fd9c2184ab56aff76e21f2c6ad7d1fc52ef9f27363981127311e1339119592c54767cb3581f7a54093brootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootlibsvm-3.0-1.fc12.src.rpmlibsvm-svm-toy-qtlibsvm-svm-toy-qt(x86-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @"@IH GGGu@G#Gt@G"G8GGOGOG@GjY@GaGSFIFFֱ@FҼFҼFҼFōDing-Yi Chen - 3.0-1David Malcolm - 2.91-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.91-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.90-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.90-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.89-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.89-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.89-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.89-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.88-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.88-0Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-13Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-12Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-11Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.86-0Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-6Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-5Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-3Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.85-0Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-9Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-8Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-7Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-6Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-5Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-4Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-3Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-2Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-1Ding-Yi Chen - 2.84-0- Fixed the spelling errors of svm-toy-gtk and svm-toy-qt - Upstream update: * Move model structure to svm.h * Two functions for freeing a model (content or the whole model) * QD from Qfloat to double (better precision because SSE on 64-bit machines less accurate than i387 on 32-bit * exit status for * old python interface (swig) is removed- Rebuilt for Fixed Bug 564887 - FTBFS libsvm-2.90-3.fc13 - Upstream update: * completely new python interface using ctype * new way to set the print_string function * Java: able to load model from a BufferedReader directly * fix so -log2c can be run under python 2.6 or after- Obsoletes libsvm-java for ppc and ppc64.- Upstream update to 2.9, change to 2.90 for conveniently update. + tools/*.py can be run under python 3.0 + svm_set_quiet() in python interface to disable outputs + check gamma < 0 + internal functions to be static- Fixed [Bug 524108] put libsvm.jar into _javadir + Move livsvm.jar to _javadir + Move test_applet.html to _datadir/doc/libsvm- - Buildrequire changed to java-devel>=1.5.0, jpackage-utils - Require changed to java>=1.5.0, jpackage-utils- Fix the building for EL-5 Note that libsvm-java on ppc and ppc64 for EL-5 is excluded, as java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel for them do not exist yet. - Change the Java buildrequires from java-sdk to java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel - Fix [Bug 521194] Python: 'import libsvm' doesn't work. By adding to libsvm_python_dir- Rebuilt for Upstream Update to 2.89: + reduce input/loading time of svm-train/svm-predict by half + pointer function so users can specify their own outputs + remove info_flush() + a extern variable libsvm_version + svm-train -q option (disable outputs) + svm-scale: warning if more nonzero produced + popel.communiate() to avoid some deadlock (if lots of outputs when #classes is large)- Fix java BuildRequire and Build - javadoc have been removed because ppc and ppc64 do not have a suitable package to build javadoc in F-8, nor does javadoc provide much useful information.- Note: + SO version now follows upstream, i.e. SHVER=1, as upstream start to build shared library now. Be aware that previously SO version of is, which looks higher than the current SO version + Replaced java-1.5.0-gcj-devel with java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel. + java sub-package now have javadoc. - Upstream update + From 2.87: 2008/10/13 * svm-toy/qt updated to qt4 from qt3 * fix a bug in svm-scale.c * max feature index of -r file is considered * Makefile: add make lib; add -Wconversion and -fPIC in Makefile * Add "rb" in load_model of svm.cpp * Simplify do_shrinking of svm.cpp * Change the order of loops in reconstrict_gradient of svm.cpp * save the number of kernel evaluations * Add python/ + From 2.88: 2008/10/30 * better gradient reconstructions * issue a warning when -h 0 may be faster- Fix svm-toy-qt clear button does not clear. (from Hsiang-Fu Yu in National Taiwan University)- Correct changelog date- Fix the Qt path problem- Support both Qt3 for F8 and earlier, and Qt4 for F9- Upstream update to 2.86 - svm-scale for java - version number in svm.h and svm.m4 - rename svmtrain.exe to svm-train.exe - python: while 1 --> while True, Popen -> call - show best parameters on the contour of - LIBSVM_VER_MAJOR and LIBSVM_VER_MINOR are defined in libsvm.spec instead in- Fix build error.- [Bug 436392]: Fix by copy from right place. - Add desktop files and icons for svm-toy-gtk and svm-toy-qt- Move gnuplot from BuildRequires to Requires- Fix linker name ( - Linked to dynamic libraries- Fix svm-toy-qt build error- Fix svm-toy-gtk build error- Upgrade to 2.85 - Include guide.pdf in main package - Change the dependent from eclipse-ecj to java-1.5.0-gcj - Add svm-toy-gtk - Add svm-toy-qt- [Bug 254091] Comment 19 - Fix python/Makefile- Fix improper sed. - Change ldconfig to /sbin/ldconfig - Add gnuplot dependency for libsvm-python, as tools/ needs it.- [Bug 254091] Review Request: libsvm - A Library for Support Vector Machines (Comment #12)- Add defattr to each subpackage - Move to libsvm- Split out libsvm-java - Add Refined description. - Fix the /tmp/python.ver problem- Fix dependency problem- Fix mock error - Support Python 2.4 and Python 2.5- Fix rpmlint error - Move python related files to libsvm-python- initial packaging      () 3.0-1.fc123.0-1.fc12svm-toy-qtfedora-libsvm-svm-toy-qt.desktoplibsvm-svm-toy-qt-3.0READMElibsvm-svm-toy-qt-48.png/usr/bin//usr/share/applications//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/libsvm-svm-toy-qt-3.0//usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, strippedPNG image, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaceddirectoryRRRRRRRRRR R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRR?p7zXZ !PH63G]"k%ʽd戔 _!U2ޜ;/z(,~}_^N9Ȧs}+_DK:B,C9v^s(7DKt)Q?t=ߺT$ړ)^=򗰮Y2ם8F9!5c4&p?-T͂8 `aU*(D{REL%KM j&Vd2;q xU馧C۰53p9:o}nT3,8WTݛA-4 n^)<2IhG#lGiȯ nF }ߡFwombqLDĜ$1pȐuD-2f5ٸT#W|rL?=R[3h49}+N^zsD7ڀaq*L)tVy f2obN&t0yB|&DgIߗ;Z|L.?fdZ(-"m &d2c%[gVat Ӫ72(!AO6VَClHn`e+qZ?-wEnTN(?%\5O=4MlyDs4t};$eZTXCgzr2=$o䣵֫'^v8 ILSX=Fٝf ~DN;z|cx_+{=m,vDرf D!FLR8QyHZh7$5_tfՐW?b* FJa-'Tn ևBKM*TQ7Ju:t\ 6/7:W_ߤ؟ytࢯK73lό"6ibȝ9H0BKh" h[~jV o7"^TΥ'/Х~!QLB[dz'Onn?Õ/5_+U zq0ΌhnHHFɼ^^gY \uX3ĩۭggg)h+8 n_fړ"~ľR>8=U1'lI C x *S )NB !hBpО߿Y5QAᾃ8]yNd('C$m%A6#dJSF?9Rc9f~K٧M{Ⱦ9-GU'S+{'O[^?[u[35_bEVaXXzd{3en/qg@.^\Lj84x&n;/-ɒNPQ:bcwtxTRG->"d@ԉU3vDAN\R}i*q"P`;B[^OZ4ҳn{*IK"qX>$6 åFvhRPT/:+CfRd;p+͙b״ DPä#v h7-cۓE|󰝭(.d,uh‘(BP֞-H1QUXplKcbK 2XckOR$_SY^nZ2Uh^R؅^/6$>#V! 1 TttwBWDlgWRQsج\UGŚ#7<v?M+OA8ku'=mB9`~C!F4=Hh7UՕЁmaaFOFMOU>^[3 H`Pvyˬ4-S+ٱU_bR\C"ӳ~s^1ioÌ4v<_=Nǟܵu&>*.g23W|LaVOKerf0dṐA3,~Ҏ:b{ɖ$odqMD =˻2UV"3$d~C)wсff '󎸿c[uMm7]NT$QYOɽ,)sSȈ0K+W:EOLYZDm= ~nd43rL)bcy@nQd]*Zeͤ+jajnEˑ'/m*7^,{~IG0ޮH3 M\\9o;e|م(]>q-h V Ւ/Mp CnzQ\î:0Gw$kX%%eCB̓j?`o,,bw3}|;rYȔ.@|)Ξ&T<*Yi7Q׶[ZOԜHơz~g)5P@^_}8yڧH;3Ls 8nxKܳȺk*&pl+ښsY$٧4#/Kժ$Mkp.^gfo$} J_0 FXIBeQתNq4M1CS A >PnպPWo7˕EkL%-=֑TPpm!8Z&f!9`erB,SJܳ00(E )Xkkt`+ \Q<)Rh Iq 害8K+ٿe-`w|BmX\COB)N&JxO*:H1EXi8/SKvp%t,!W_&ԷZp.zS.|_^}~1uƲP|m,ڔkòvBzIdQvB y5h[ȔpMC1'a%?r"d;cI`<8ixj2Dɺb0=b^o+Rv,V8nTH܍sئ,W9uv_ fh-t]y騂Im.!4LPP MIDzy/fC*lq:ٜڀSZ)ou ߗКZau5~f^JbW Z|j_wL+KH{cX|Нasю/;-h##Fs@(TOS40j˷a $nJ?h{f!,>씻vFKmShꓬ,?}Ky,OZ#~N2h)>f~2J6]]k `@vvT32X UWM86nؿl[Jc h!𓙺ΧTAug */{SSH~[ kmm[_ėCn "\][ʃKӫ/~۞L/Bz$l4qa̚H$S:R|uRD"0'Nؖ Q]-}*ou ʰ"5j`CoGV]뺒ƭGd5"@(ò뜓dn3fnIc9|0*##!v,e-NM(NdyE~[Tj>-,AVcx[Qj+v3DMh⟜dž.㫹]yZ6mWGw!)CBȍdS;{@2v?@bB x (oBw#a!#_"UW'Ȗ7}\8ᎳQAv^60RH}_9$=FC7z__ Ww, uEE9ZH2+O-RcHBL <YG /DMShpV1u bFҵZ 4V #kWl^H:"krڇU4,QKml'_|C,FZ n CPqGOe xmp VKX. fF'͢YLfę卹E/%7]]e@b)Mi= WsȤSݕ8/Yy 4}U!iZ+Hp:;ͱwoθf>zݹ4Wu}ᢳ2޹8}h@J33RcL^k2R$|eE'uB4}*]IUB謈>BCz>&AgDk40>љ6U)zSZmjg.L9UoA~fnA@zbtL0c8{?ۀ!a6?5@池x Nr-i1l2]5GZ2Meg? 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