mediawiki-1.15.4-55.fc12$>P,zkȭ>#d?Td   ) (:TZa;(u8|.94.: .XYbd.e3f6l8PCmediawiki1.15.455.fc12A wiki engineMediaWiki is the software used for Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia Foundation websites. Compared to other wikis, it has an excellent range of features and support for high-traffic websites using multiple servers This package supports wiki farms. Copy /var/www/wiki over to the desired wiki location and configure it through the web interface. Remember to remove the config dir after completing the configuration.Lx86-06.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Tools    mediawiki-nomathmediawiki-mathrpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1.15.4-55.fc121.15.4-55.fc124.6.0-14.0-13.0.4-15.2-14.7.2LL1@KsK9@Ji@JhPJ[!JX~J3II'@I>@I@IPH@HM@H@H4G9G!FAE݅E@E'E@E0@E,DA@DDvD>=@D7D6T@D1@D@C@C[C@CkM@Cf@CEC>B@BjBv@B@Nick Bebout - 1.15.4-55Axel Thimm - 1.15.4-54Axel Thimm - 1.15.3-53Axel Thimm - 1.15.2-51Axel Thimm - 1.15.1-50Axel Thimm - 1.15.1-49Axel Thimm - 1.15.1-48Axel Thimm - 1.15.0-47Axel Thimm - 1.15.0-46S390x secondary arch maintainer Axel Thimm - 1.14.0-45Axel Thimm - 1.13.4-44Axel Thimm - 1.13.4-43Axel Thimm - 1.13.3-42Axel Thimm - 1.13.2-41Axel Thimm - 1.13.0-40Axel Thimm - 1.13.0-39Tom "spot" Callaway 1.10.4-40Axel Thimm - 1.10.4-38Axel Thimm - 1.10.3-37Axel Thimm - 1.10.0-35Axel Thimm - 1.9.3-34Axel Thimm - 1.9.2-33Axel Thimm - 1.9.1-32Axel Thimm - 1.9.1-31Axel Thimm - 1.8.2-28Axel Thimm - 1.8.1-27Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm Axel Thimm - Mark mediawiki.conf as config(noreplace) (RH bug #614396).- Update to 1.5.14 (Fixes CVE-2010-1647 CVE-2010-1648). - Change BR php to php-common (RH bug #549822).- Update to 1.15.3 (Fixes login CSRF vulnerability).- Update to 1.15.2 (Fixes CSS validation issue and data leakage vulnerability).- Add a README.RPM and a sample apache mediawiki.conf file.- All (runtime) dependencies from mediawiki need to move to mediawiki-nomath.- Update to 1.15.1 (Fixes XSS vulnerability).- Fix api.php breakage.- Update to 1.15.0.- ExcludeArch sparc64, s390, s390x as we don't have OCaml on those archs (added sparc64 per request from the sparc maintainer)- Update to 1.14.0.- Split package up, so some users can decide to not install math support (results in smaller installs), see RH bug #485447.- Update to 1.13.4, closes RH bug #485728.- Update to 1.13.3, closes RH bug #476621 (CVE-2008-5249, CVE-2008-5250, CVE-2008-5252 and CVE-2008-5687, CVE-2008-5688)- Update to 1.13.2.- Use consistently Patch0 and %patch0.- Update to 1.13.0.- fix license tag- Update to 1.10.4.- Update to 1.10.3. - Fixes CVE-2008-0460 (bug #430286).- Update to 1.10.0.- Update to 1.9.4.- Update to 1.9.2.- Fix permissions. - Remove some parts not needed at runtime anymore.- Update to 1.9.1.- Update to 1.8.2.- Update to 1.8.1. - Update to 1.8.0.- Update to 1.7.1.- Update to 1.6.7.- Update to 1.6.6.- Update to 1.6.3.- Update to 1.6.2.- Update to 1.6.1.- Update to 1.5.8.- Update to 1.5.7.- Update to 1.5.6.- Update to 1.5.5.- Update to 1.5.3.- Update to 1.5.2.- Update to 1.5.1.- Update to 1.5.0.- Update to 1.5rc4.- Update to 1.5beta4.- Update to 1.5beta3.- Update to 1.5beta2.- Initial build.1.15.4-55.fc121.15.4-55.fc12-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu?7zXZ !PH6R]"k%noP~J&FS8mE܏Q;٣^cu|Si*PM7~ T^Hlo>C21ˏDĴ|Ϗ~) _=Xn~$.Zy0ƮQuV3<98yѦw!Ui@'5`/tv!%beDq!MS *_ikBЀp&%]Fy Q'GJT f(^Z<oq'(eZ&#j[jRnQ.|z?bAЅŢM(C "_!xD~h%Nx:wIl2t0 A+WԔ[|uca9-]ָ$q|¤jV+?u LF2~sRGJp)v +)񤿞l-ю4}y(iOݪ655&%Y=MB0MOt/Hm={hS[la_SN(.ryU |E.Gw`<._ڠ=X;ﯗ1nOX**;)S~nџXΖVq= 5s B/< D_rUBi]eCc O;0,7 basjo NA&Ȝ}]㛆HS=NL[(\[)(xR<ǍN=[CR+\ĸ=j, 8Zq̑~j~?\yM'[sO6zDn&nqtQkII3Q+5IvTnŠ(~bl"ZpﶀOړOnJ}KwG Mni#NN`)l$jlS_! i3zng| H2lgz cgL!dUoӥn߾˹*p%oŮm`Ysn?ϵ :)ut0y&>}S/b/Gx'rDC|2yj]'OKdoP mnQvd崽i$ROg(E]`9"Y (dj:9lPNqZb( xUGzHG+÷[yxD-ZC4]wH^zЍFd طghU]-9@$ť;ČKо EHGߣ#hTcB#݆IlCnVTϻ 7@JR3 ]|8:kanS߲sR_HѪ/i` V! zQ[w*[kePk=SwmEt=q=lSQhs:IШ\ q YZ