moodle-no_gr-1.9.10-1.fc12$>1xU qiBFdF>8&?&d  J #)0   D    p   ( (8 0/9 /:/G"4H"I"X#Y#\#]#t^$b%d%e%f%l%t%8u%v%w& x&|&Cmoodle-no_gr1.9.101.fc12Moodle language pack for Norwegian (Primary)This package contains the files needed to display Moodle in Norwegian (Primary).L&x86-05.phx2.fedoraproject.orgWFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectApplications/Publishing ] y  *$|E nO)i.[3A큤A큤LLGoChCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTCTFwCTGoCTCTCTCTCTa610835228854ca8cbaf6dbd2705effd09178d7d46800afc7b3cbe684f50fd2d967ce7739db39f78886d7ea80326d38aecbf5856f4bfbf152973bcb596d11d44fc125ab7f6b2fa8488b7d900324f2c3613772cd5df2a680f28aa8fe76e0896a72307bcb9b158a2c943ebbdb6a58d262e19cc0602c31bf294b91472f7c15f8726f0a06f662e590e2c9638f18915b5aeea40706bf11089c85ed160b03828c3f40078aa7126febd29bd1bbcf108eb29e149cb189dc3a328f2361346f90ec08d8e492796fbdf31dfd693106ae79aa68c162a29bbba9711d7599c7b16441fe9321dcc738969d80b62593161b5215c8a399cd45fa8bd8ae7b06f4286b2aabfda42cb5e6bee54211541c8335d2eaf8a8b3f1b3324a89d7ca40c6cc98f41d3ec3cb14018f594a8bcec1d4484fe925227033917c2600a2c80db233e8379436a43b51443712db54ff05442708a6be4aa7152625f43fca6670ede5bfea5085129dbb9154cb7372e196bbaebaacdc53390f1e7ef26200db80f117fd508e3b232fb0f7ac8f9bd6d173b782bbdd0b2b34cedf57a29ebdd0481a7a6fe690dd6037267662fe808280d13ac1eeb7efe5d2bd791dae0937028c425f16f398b20f76854e38a6646fa28ea3e7ad312310b8b643b2c2a4268e274bee5c4ed15e7e41a0454e837fe362ca55ba862f8097f899a75c1b966cf60669fe062b0a197ae4577ddb1e09faf3d329e490c6bcc70752e8219df6ca78140dcbc84916070eb2c2d544b9ee46dab91ce4c336e2d574a2439e19d79cc2fc6dac9a316815ea294e0348d564c13760e232f9ddf049bb7d18aba8045156ff8d0142e1a12c614fa649a478cc20451b1576aad668a302e0064267a10366f21382ccbdd17a20b632ee8199fa95c33fa123f523936a4f3d171806ce07d210528d45029a06dfe75b6d59e6a45e7f377c24897271011rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootmoodle-1.9.10-1.fc12.src.rpmmoodle-no_gr    moodlerpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1.9.10-1.fc123.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.7.2LLLmL KP@K?J@J@J JjJ I@IW@I@I@IIl@I~@IuIHI-I @HH@H@H_@H5`@G/@GG8@@G @F<@F;@FIF?F(@F$FpEECF@E;]@E/E DCP@C@CLJon Ciesla - 1.9.10-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.9-3Jon Ciesla - 1.9.9-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.9-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.8-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.7-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.6-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.6-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.5-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9.5-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.5-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-7Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-6Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-5Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-4Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-6Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-5Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-4Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-3Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.2-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.2-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.1-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.1-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9-1Jon Ciesla - 1.8.4-1Jon Ciesla - 1.8.3-2Jon Ciesla - 1.8.3-1Jon Ciesla - 1.8.2-2Jon Ciesla - 1.8.2-1Jerry James - 1.8-5Jerry James - 1.8-4Jerry James - 1.8-3Jerry James - 1.8-2Jerry James - 1.8-1Mike McGrath - 1.7-1Mike McGrath - 1.6.3-3Mike McGrath - 1.6.3-2Mike McGrath - 1.6.3-1Mike McGrath - 1.5.4-2Jason L Tibbitts III - 1.5.4-1Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 1.5.3-2Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 1.5.3-1Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 1.5.2-1- New upstream, MSA-10-0017. - htmlpurifier patch upstreamed.- Correction of CAS symlink typo.- Switch to system php-pear-CAS, BZ 577467, 620772. - Patching htmlpurifier, BZ 624754.- Update to 1.9.9, BZ 605810.- Update to 1.9.8, BZ 575905.- Update to 1.9.7, BZ 544766.- Reverted erroneous cron fix.- Update to 1.9.6. - Make moodle-cron honor lock, BZ 533171.- Using weekly snapshot downloaded 09/23/2009 for new PHP, BZ 525120 - Added Urdu installer.- Rebuilt for Move symlink scripts from pretrans to post, pre. - 1.9.5.- Move symlink scripts from pre to pretrans. - Corrented moodle-cron BZ 494090.- Patch for CVE-2009-1171, BZ 493109.- Update for freefont->gnu-free-fonts change.- Fix for symlink dir replacement.- Putting back bundled MagpieRSS due to incompatibility, BZ 486777. - Corrected moodle-cron.- Update to 1.9.4 to fix CVE-2009-0499,0500,0501,0502.- Dropped and symlinked to khmeros-base-fonts.- Dropped and symlinked illegal sm and to fonts. - Symlinking to FreeSans. - Drop spell-check-logic.cgi, CVE-2008-5153, per upstream, BZ 472117, 472119, 472120.- Texed fix, BZ 476709.- Moved to weekly downloaded 11/7/08 to fix Snoopy CVE-2008-4796.- Fix for BZ 468929, overactive cron job.- Updated to 1.9.3. - Updated language packs to 22 Oct 2008 versions.- Remove bundled adodb, use system php-adodb. BZ 457886. - Remove bundled magpie, use system php-magpierss. BZ 457886.- Updated to 1.9.2. - Remove bundled Smarty, use system php-Smarty. BZ 457886. - Updated language packs to 06 Aug 2008 versions.- Add php Requires, BZ 452341.- Update to 1.9.1. - Updated language packs to 22 May 2008 versions. - Added Welsh, Uzbek support. - Added php-xmlrpc Requires.- Update to 1.9. - Updated language packs to 01 April 2008 versions.- Upgrade to 1.8.4, fix CVE-2008-0123. - Added Tamil (Sri Lanka) support.- Corrected init script to prevent starting by default.- Update to 1.8.3. - Fix init script for LSB BZ 246986. - Updated language packs to 25 October 2007 versions. - Added Armenian, Macedonian.- License tag correction.- Update to 1.8.2. - Updated language packs to the 25 July 2007 versions. - Added Mongolian, Gujerati, Lao, Tongan, Maori (Waikato Uni), Samoan, Tamil.- Fix language packs to not obsolete themselves. - Update language packs to the 15 May 2007 versions.- Mark a bunch of config.php files as configuration files. - Update language packs to the 07 May 2007 versions.- perl-Text-Aspell is now available, so use it. Don't make the spellchecker a separate package, however, since it is an htmlarea plugin, not a moodle plugin. Somebody we will provide htmlarea as a separate package. - Fix version numbers on obsoletes. - Update language packs to the 20 Apr 2007 versions.- Fix a CVS gaffe. - Obsolete language packs with old names. - Update language packs to the 17 Apr 2007 versions.- Update to 1.8 (fixes BZ 232103) - Own /var/www/moodle/web (BZ 233882) - Drop unused mimetex patches - Add executable bits to 3 scripts that should have them - Remove the installation language files from the main package (twice) - Package the moodle language files, not just the installation files - Rename/add several language files to match the upstream list - Minor typo fixes in the scripts- Security fix for BZ# 220041- Release bump- Added requires php-mysql- Major changes, update to 1.6.3 - SpellChecker moved - Language install method has been changed (added a cp)- Release bump- Update to 1.5.4. - Remove SA18267.patch; not needed in 1.5.4. - Add -nn subpackage for new Norwegian Nynorsk language. - Change description for -no subpackage to indicate Bokmal explicitly. Note that I have purposefully misspelled "Bokmal" in order to avoid introducing a non-ASCII character.- Add security patch for adodb (SA18267)- Update to 1.5.3 - Split off spell check package due to lack of Text::Aspell- Initial RPM release                       .@.A1.9.10-1.fc12no_gr_utf8installer.phpno_gr_utf8READMEadmin.phpassignment.phpattendance.phpauth.phpchoice.phpdialogue.phpeditor.phperror.phpexercise.phpforum.phpglossary.phplangconfig.phplesson.phpmoodle.phpquiz.phpresource.phpsurvey.phpwebquest.phpworkshop.php/var/www/moodle/web/install/lang//var/www/moodle/web/install/lang/no_gr_utf8//var/www/moodle/web/lang//var/www/moodle/web/lang/no_gr_utf8/-O2drpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuPHP script textUTF-8 Unicode textdirectory?7zXZ !PH6B]"k%rq,l&W!-_"]zKZF4p~K+G9o# pS~-QB G\ʍ|Jh&`*9gJ& jP_dP,9-á6>ҏ:ީ5q?+Q[Y eynuD3)9${g| 6qV{P*PY^6ؿZXt>.},H4 2(=ROkr]T#? kq]:{2 3?qN^+pZl0| aaNk(hL&c zd3ZX2#yͭXc)سRvyT %_҄$yPJصNܨ›RPB&oKidԵMĎz5CAP$96Fؘ M~OfD֞l7 *X<٢'99["Q,Ȇ=[aOL[+1S5]FnȔtAaA+׉힒yk 9Zq^ :?tkq{QkۊQp;f5 h?SV,Tc1FaolZ3pSPQn[>ƴաp|:zK4G^v2g}~O ˑ[,5ۣBKp~<_`exC}Y!f)-]-~:2k0Aڼ/xH #RpW9_t9#5Ҿ%|F9zA>,2m'<@ _E4:;}ALE:H (׵~}W,9-*j:;o VИkݵ Y( f59o$'xJ#ʡ-@Zm+"bI1tƲbE5[Tٿn[T-x0D Q4)@0Wg[mN$/I!Eы|fURi#`"Z9h&5 t66Myaw'M:`m{fl]F'"B rv[Wp|P6ȳfz,d٨)Kw_?=ڵtrF.5;dhڣ؎*$b6񊎸n-01Ԃn T%6Wnܝ;AgG:W,M1ʁdE=z#GK߹sN#!SquBJ {-6F*,"8nLEZ^/db~