moodle-vi-1.9.10-1.fc12$>@k;* n< v/>8tD?t4d   >   L  / 0p36F99<< - 1.9.10-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.9-3Jon Ciesla - 1.9.9-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.9-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.8-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.7-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.6-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.6-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.5-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9.5-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.5-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-7Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-6Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-5Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-4Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.4-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-6Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-5Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-4Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-3Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.3-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.2-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.2-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9.1-2Jon Ciesla - 1.9.1-1Jon Ciesla - 1.9-1Jon Ciesla - 1.8.4-1Jon Ciesla - 1.8.3-2Jon Ciesla - 1.8.3-1Jon Ciesla - 1.8.2-2Jon Ciesla - 1.8.2-1Jerry James - 1.8-5Jerry James - 1.8-4Jerry James - 1.8-3Jerry James - 1.8-2Jerry James - 1.8-1Mike McGrath - 1.7-1Mike McGrath - 1.6.3-3Mike McGrath - 1.6.3-2Mike McGrath - 1.6.3-1Mike McGrath - 1.5.4-2Jason L Tibbitts III - 1.5.4-1Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 1.5.3-2Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 1.5.3-1Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 1.5.2-1- New upstream, MSA-10-0017. - htmlpurifier patch upstreamed.- Correction of CAS symlink typo.- Switch to system php-pear-CAS, BZ 577467, 620772. - Patching htmlpurifier, BZ 624754.- Update to 1.9.9, BZ 605810.- Update to 1.9.8, BZ 575905.- Update to 1.9.7, BZ 544766.- Reverted erroneous cron fix.- Update to 1.9.6. - Make moodle-cron honor lock, BZ 533171.- Using weekly snapshot downloaded 09/23/2009 for new PHP, BZ 525120 - Added Urdu installer.- Rebuilt for Move symlink scripts from pretrans to post, pre. - 1.9.5.- Move symlink scripts from pre to pretrans. - Corrented moodle-cron BZ 494090.- Patch for CVE-2009-1171, BZ 493109.- Update for freefont->gnu-free-fonts change.- Fix for symlink dir replacement.- Putting back bundled MagpieRSS due to incompatibility, BZ 486777. - Corrected moodle-cron.- Update to 1.9.4 to fix CVE-2009-0499,0500,0501,0502.- Dropped and symlinked to khmeros-base-fonts.- Dropped and symlinked illegal sm and to fonts. - Symlinking to FreeSans. - Drop spell-check-logic.cgi, CVE-2008-5153, per upstream, BZ 472117, 472119, 472120.- Texed fix, BZ 476709.- Moved to weekly downloaded 11/7/08 to fix Snoopy CVE-2008-4796.- Fix for BZ 468929, overactive cron job.- Updated to 1.9.3. - Updated language packs to 22 Oct 2008 versions.- Remove bundled adodb, use system php-adodb. BZ 457886. - Remove bundled magpie, use system php-magpierss. BZ 457886.- Updated to 1.9.2. - Remove bundled Smarty, use system php-Smarty. BZ 457886. - Updated language packs to 06 Aug 2008 versions.- Add php Requires, BZ 452341.- Update to 1.9.1. - Updated language packs to 22 May 2008 versions. - Added Welsh, Uzbek support. - Added php-xmlrpc Requires.- Update to 1.9. - Updated language packs to 01 April 2008 versions.- Upgrade to 1.8.4, fix CVE-2008-0123. - Added Tamil (Sri Lanka) support.- Corrected init script to prevent starting by default.- Update to 1.8.3. - Fix init script for LSB BZ 246986. - Updated language packs to 25 October 2007 versions. - Added Armenian, Macedonian.- License tag correction.- Update to 1.8.2. - Updated language packs to the 25 July 2007 versions. - Added Mongolian, Gujerati, Lao, Tongan, Maori (Waikato Uni), Samoan, Tamil.- Fix language packs to not obsolete themselves. - Update language packs to the 15 May 2007 versions.- Mark a bunch of config.php files as configuration files. - Update language packs to the 07 May 2007 versions.- perl-Text-Aspell is now available, so use it. Don't make the spellchecker a separate package, however, since it is an htmlarea plugin, not a moodle plugin. Somebody we will provide htmlarea as a separate package. - Fix version numbers on obsoletes. - Update language packs to the 20 Apr 2007 versions.- Fix a CVS gaffe. - Obsolete language packs with old names. - Update language packs to the 17 Apr 2007 versions.- Update to 1.8 (fixes BZ 232103) - Own /var/www/moodle/web (BZ 233882) - Drop unused mimetex patches - Add executable bits to 3 scripts that should have them - Remove the installation language files from the main package (twice) - Package the moodle language files, not just the installation files - Rename/add several language files to match the upstream list - Minor typo fixes in the scripts- Security fix for BZ# 220041- Release bump- Added requires php-mysql- Major changes, update to 1.6.3 - SpellChecker moved - Language install method has been changed (added a cp)- Release bump- Update to 1.5.4. - Remove SA18267.patch; not needed in 1.5.4. - Add -nn subpackage for new Norwegian Nynorsk language. - Change description for -no subpackage to indicate Bokmal explicitly. Note that I have purposefully misspelled "Bokmal" in order to avoid introducing a non-ASCII character.- Add security patch for adodb (SA18267)- Update to 1.5.3 - Split off spell check package due to lack of Text::Aspell- Initial RPM release                                                                                                                                                                      ! $ %  "  #1.9.10-1.fc12     vi_utf8installer.phpvi_utf8access.phpactivitynames.phpadmin.phpalgebra.phpappointment.phpassignment.phpattendance.phpauth.phpblock_course_list.phpblock_course_summary.phpblock_glossary_random.phpblock_html.phpblock_online_users.phpblock_rss_client.phpblock_search_forums.phpblock_section_links.phpblock_social_activities.phpblog.phpbook.phpcalendar.phpcensor.phpchat.phpchoice.phpcountries.phpdialogue.phpdocsREADME.txtbackground.htmlcoding.htmlcredits.htmlcvs.htmldeveloper.htmldocstyles.cssfaq.htmlfeatures.htmlfiles.phpfuture.htmlinstall.htmlinstallamp.htmlintro.htmllicence.htmlmodule_files.txtother.htmlphilosophy.htmlrelease.htmlteacher.htmltranslation.htmlupgrade.htmleditor.phpemailprotect.phpenrol_database.phpenrol_flatfile.phpenrol_internal.phpenrol_ldap.phpenrol_paypal.phperror.phpexercise.phpfontsREADME.txtREADME_EN.txtforum.phpglossary.phphelpassignmentassignmenttype.htmlcommentinline.htmlemailteachers.htmlindex.htmlmods.htmlresubmit.htmltypes.htmlattendanceautoattend.htmlchoosedays.htmldynsection.htmlgrade.htmlhours.htmlindex.htmlmaxgrade.htmlmods.htmlchatchatting.htmlindex.htmlmods.htmlchoiceindex.htmllimit.htmlmods.htmloptions.htmltimerestrict.htmlcookies.htmlcourseavailability.htmlcoursecategory.htmlcourseformats.htmlcoursefullname.htmlcoursegrades.htmlcoursehiddensections.htmlcourseidnumber.htmlcoursenewsitems.htmlcoursenumsections.htmlcourserecent.htmlcoursereports.htmlcourseshortname.htmlcoursestartdate.htmlcourseuploadsize.htmldirectorypaths.htmlemoticons.htmlenrolmentkey.htmlenrolperiod.htmlgroupmode.htmlinstall.htmllessonbgcolor.htmlcustom.htmlheight.htmljumpto.htmlmaxattempts.htmlretake.htmlwidth.htmlquizanalysisdownload.htmlanalysisoptions.htmlscormautocontinue.htmlbrowsemode.htmlgrademethod.htmlheight.htmlmaxgrade.htmlmods.htmlpackage.htmlsummary.htmlwidth.htmlwikichecklinks.htmlindex.htmlwikilinkoptions.htmlwikiname.htmlwikitype.htmlwikiusage.htmlhotpot.phpinstall.phpjournal.phplabel.phplangconfig.phplesson.phpmediaplugin.phpmessage.phpmoodle.phpmultilang.phppix.phpquiz.phpquiz_responses.phpreadme.txtresource.phpscorm.phpstyles.phpsurvey.phptex.phptimezones.phptinymce.phpwebquest.phpwiki.phpworkshop.php/var/www/moodle/web/install/lang//var/www/moodle/web/install/lang/vi_utf8//var/www/moodle/web/lang//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/docs//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/fonts//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/assignment//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/attendance//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/chat//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/choice//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/lesson//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/quiz//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/scorm//var/www/moodle/web/lang/vi_utf8/help/wiki/-O2drpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textHTML document textPHP script textUTF-8 Unicode textUTF-8 Unicode text, with CR line terminatorsUTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesdirectory?7zXZ !PH6 ]"k%f2,l& ӗ2nV )<Պk6g {[ /M22Q;ў|-(C8' ܪwv/ x Rh h\ pC7#w]ѓ]lb6䛲4_.Ps> $+x@b)+{.K)w}$bP|lPգ,u',*%m7OS?/Б`Qx}j繴Ր2GtC8tiXwWBRTR(bLĮzz!h7d7ZD& o4'F b USOuqdkrҖNʷvdKtu!:1ÞH^wsO -h+eL#3ژ ;EDpiAv%\K?l!|<\X[W<d :B1|_yl Ta] ɣYp͋)flU>KoJZ:('-7r>ICrԲG͏sd;u#/lnX`] ދ+A(*v$Qs-WNA }6;к”9nwEE;J NVjֆL B":uf"6YcV1YMBFK{Ie=tI0^O)@-{%CmL)*LTdO@%y0bg6e"!~H4OOd-RV(Y΂R^G]j?xF_jH /m^!E TٳgSmWF- Og3?9('ndZ;x?,`zG註Cō!k FFQ?0w+A:| ! 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