nagios-plugins-nrpe-2.12-16.fc12$> ` gQD, >9?d # C $8 B L ` e lX(89p: G$H8ILXTY`\]^b+defltuvwxy Cnagios-plugins-nrpe2.1216.fc12Provides nrpe plugin for NagiosNrpe is a system daemon that will execute various Nagios plugins locally on behalf of a remote (monitoring) host that uses the check_nrpe plugin. Various plugins that can be executed by the daemon are available at: This package provides the nrpe plugin for Nagios-related applications.Lnx86-20.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2Fedora ProjectApplications/Systemhttp://www.nagios.orglinuxx86_64UP#A큤LnLnGբhGGkE4f248bdb5a42d784b8f492b55a8ff135e1bcb81a52995636e0ae4ee03fc98e04ab02e26da209e0468e29f499f7b00a03c3f77fe8277877b42ceb81c5ba59cfe7ae094e1b4d2dc5c7d8e759365925c934913b1549875bfef90d28da542101352a78ac7da70030c21c626ede8ea656e70290ebf951120fe2befbea65cddd944cfbrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnrpe-2.12-16.fc12.src.rpmcheck_nrpenagios-plugins-nrpenagios-plugins-nrpe(x86-64)@@@@@@@@    @*@Lo@L_J@J_@J@JjI2II@Iq@IN/IKIKG@GVF%@E@DdDdDD @D C@C@? >@>o> @Peter Lemenkov - 2.12-16jkeating - 2.12-15Peter Lemenkov - 2.12-14Peter Lemenkov - 2.12-13Peter Lemenkov - 2.12-12Peter Lemenkov - 2.12-11Tomas Mraz - 2.12-10Fedora Release Engineering - 2.12-9Fedora Release Engineering - 2.12-8Mike McGrath - 2.12-7Peter Lemenkov - 2.12-6Tomas Mraz - 2.12-5Mike McGrath - 2.12-4Mike McGrath - 2.12-3Mike McGrath - 2.12-2Mike McGrath - 2.7-6Release Engineering - 2.7-5Mike McGrath 2.7-4Mike McGrath 2.7-1Mike McGrath 2.5.2-3Mike McGrath 2.5.2-2Mike McGrath 2.5.2-1Mike McGrath 2.4-3Mike McGrath 2.4-2Mike McGrath 2.3-1Andreas Kasenides ank<@> Robertsson James 'Showkilr' Peterson James 'Showkilr' Peterson James 'Showkilr' Peterson - Issue with SELinux was resolved (see rhbz #565220#c25). 2nd try.- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- Issue with SELinux resolved (see rhbz #565220).- Init-script enhancements (see rhbz #247001, #567141 and #575544)- Do not own %{_libdir}/nagios/plugins ( bz# 528974 ) - Fixed building against tcp_wrappers in Fedora ( bz# 528974 )- Fixed BZ# 515324- rebuilt with new openssl- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Re-fix for 477527- Fixed BZ# 449174 - Clean up (in order to disable rpmlint warnings)- rebuild with new openssl- Added some doc lines for ticket 477527- Added Provides: nagios-nrpe- Upstreamreleased new version- Rebuild for gcc43- Rebuild for deps- License Change - Rebuild for BuildID- Upstream released new version- no longer owns libdir/nagios - buildrequires tcp_wrappers- Specify bogus libdir so rpmlint won't complain- Upstream released new version- Added description to useradd statement- Added proper SMP build flags - Added .fc12 tag - Added reload to nrpe script - Updated to 2.4, changes include: - Added option to allow week random seed (Gerhard Lausser) - Added optional command line prefix (Sean Finney) - Added ability to reload config file with SIGHUP - Fixed bug with location of dh.h include file - Fixed bug with disconnect message in debug mode- Created a Fedora friendly spec file- fixed nrpe.cfg relocation to sample-config - replaced Copyright label with License - added --enable-command-args to enable remote arg passing (if desired can be disabled by commenting out)- Added adding of nagios group if it does not exist.- Removed the lines which removed the nagios user and group from the system - changed the patch release version from 3 to 1- Removed patch files required for nrpe 1.5 - Update spec file for version 1.6 (1.6-1)- First RPM build (1.5-1)     &/0122.12-16.fc122.12-16.fc122.12-16.fc12check_nrpenagios-plugins-nrpe-2.12ChangelogLEGALREADME/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/nagios-plugins-nrpe-2.12/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, strippeddirectory RRRRRRRRR ?p7zXZ !PH6N]"k%ɓhXĀ0? uxC!k݈i0߁%nspsIǟ !"`jz_“~xq:cRfV Ŋvѵg$rطB,&*^-|TjMFX@A@=aDc1Rn;Q D(3PՙlWQzWd Xg`(DӠr8Hg84cLrFԐ: )-'=C WxƝJ4J}הe^]Ktc+*N K3"\4'Nv`g;O(9h>;ȪGfִaĚQᓏBOҬ-CMnƦE4PA M 2(u8h^CYn8n.ӚYV]M"]{&&=q0rk-vkN3?w)xX=/C[˭Kέ:O뢣lLmITPܙ.L4)D_L '`f%[pQ٧ #|8 Mgx}[&3D4 N||}=ЏPmC' ;.qMzw,ѐ<_5zRڹ6.JZĊ. ` |b$BuG/5_l{?prngA^ц=oKYy J>NFePlE^ mn a!X)?܇bh'pHt\kE69t+\JU.뜄Q938p^cRr ,7bjԝAHv} |^PFƊqԺ'ZXz- { -a /ݍ Qr 8p #_pO ݽ3  ߫3Þ ^3Ӷ YZ