perl-Digest-SHA-1:5.47-96.fc12$>$-;r$ >:@`?@Pd  $ MX\|  " 0 L  8q(8]9<]:>]G<H<0Id>~e>f>l>t>u>v>w?x?y@@LCperl-Digest-SHA5.4796.fc12Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512Digest::SHA is a complete implementation of the NIST Secure Hash Standard. It gives Perl programmers a convenient way to calculate SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512 message digests. The module can handle all types of input, including partial-byte data.Lx86-05.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPL+ or ArtisticFedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries A큤A큤LLLL8L8L-L#2b1a018f77107b5703e0d71e4045c3287923dc8652556e9d3ee73859315ed8edbf1fa65387eea9c223609d39827379bdf897fc085d8733e504f1b42b9c6de7487115f03c03484f1e503680 @@@@@@@    @ /usr/bin/ JęJęJ@Ju@JJ@JrJn@JmJjJW-@JS8JS8J,@J'@J&eI4I@@I@@I̿I@IyIIIV@I@IU@IU@IwI1Itk@IO@IBR@I/@I*@Ig@HHO@Hf@Hf@H@HϟH@HH@HHz@HuHt@Hl@Hj@Hd@H`HO@HNlHI&H:@H5`@H1kH.G߮G߮G߮G߮G߮GGGG.@G.@G.@G.@G.@G@GGfGfGG@GeGNMarcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-96Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-95Petr Pisar - 4:5.10.0-94Petr Pisar - 4:5.10.0-93Petr Pisar - 4:5.10.0-92Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-91Petr Pisar - 4:5.10.0-90Petr Pisar - 4:5.10.0-89Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-88Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-87Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-86Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-85Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-84Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-83Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-82Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-81Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-80Chris Weyl - 4:5.10.0-79Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-78arcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-77Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-76Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.10.0-75Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-74Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-73Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-72Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-71Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-70Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-69Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-68Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-67Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-66Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-65Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-64Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-63Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-62Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-61Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-60Robert Scheck - 4:5.10.0-59Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-58Dennis Gilmore - 4:5.10.0-57Dennis Gilmore - 4:5.10.0-56Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-55Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-54Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-53Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-52Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-51Marcela Mašláňová - 4:5.10.0-50Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-49Lubomir Rintel - 4:5.10.0-48Marcela Mašláňová 4:5.10.0-47.fc10Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-46Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-45Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-44.fc10Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-43.fc10Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-42.fc10Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-41.fc10Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-40.fc10Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-39.fc10Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-38Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-36Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-35Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-34Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-33Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-32Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-28Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-27Stepan Kasal 4:5.10.0-26Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-25Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-24Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-23Marcela Maslanova Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-21Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-20Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-19Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-18Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-17Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-16Marcela Maslanova 4:5.10.0-15Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-14Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-13Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-12Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-11Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-10Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-9Tom "spot" Callaway 4:5.10.0-8Stepan Kasal - 4:5.10.0-7Fedora Release Engineering - 4:5.10.0-6Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-5Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-4Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-3Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-2Tom "spot" Callaway - 4:5.10.0-1Robin Norwood - 4:5.10.0_RC2-0.1- update of threads::shared and threads, which should fix failure of threads in previous update- update thread modules - Thread::Queue, threads::shared, which also fix 627192- Fix nested loop variable free warning by back-porting from 5.10.1 (RT#70660, rhbz#626411) - Log Patch62 by patchlevel.h- Add "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags" to linker to allow to override perl's rpath by LD_LIBRARY_PATH used in tests. Otherwise tested perl would link to old in-system Fix taint.t test in Test::Harness- CVE-2010-1168 perl Safe: Intended restriction bypass via object references - CVE-2010-1447 perl: Safe restriction bypass when reference to subroutine in compartment is called from outside - 576824 RT#73814 - unpack() didn't handle scalar context correctly - Resolves: rhbz#588269, rhbz#576508- Add Digest::SHA requirement to perl-CPAN and perl-CPANPLUS (bug #612563)- Fix perl-5.10.0-Encode-err.patch patch to be applicable - Fix incorrect return code on failed extraction by upgrading Archive::Tar to 1.62 (bug #607687)- rebuild, e.g. Patch62 is missing in koji build- fix patch-update-Compress-Raw-Zlib.patch (did not patch - update Compress::Raw::Zlib to 2.023 - update IO::Compress::Base, and IO::Compress::Zlib to 2.015 (#542645)- 542645 update IO-Compress-Base- back out perl-5.10.0-spamassassin.patch (#528572)- add /perl(UNIVERSAL)/d; /perl(DB)/d to perl_default_filter auto-provides filtering- update Storable to 2.21- update our Test-Simple update to 0.92 (patch by Iain Arnell), #519417 - update Module-Pluggable to 3.9- fix macros.perl *sigh*- Remove -DDEBUGGING=-g, we are not ready yet.- add helper filtering macros to -devel, for perl-* package invocation (#502402)- Add configure option -DDEBUGGING=-g (#156113)- 510127 spam assassin suffer from tainted bug- 494773 much better swap logic to support reentrancy and fix assert failure (rt #60508)- Rebuilt for fix generated .ph files so that they no longer cause warnings (#509676) - remove PREREQ_FATAL from Makefile.PL's processed by miniperl - update to latest Scalar-List-Utils (#507378) - perl-skip-prereq.patch: skip more prereq declarations in Makefile.PL files- re-enable tests- move -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV to ccflags (#508496)- #504386 update of Compress::Raw::Zlib 2.020- update File::Spec (PathTools) to 3.30- fix #221113, $! wrongly set when EOF is reached- do not use quotes in patchlevel.h; it breaks installation from cpan (#495183)- update CGI to 3.43, dropping upstreamed perl-CGI-escape.patch- fix CGI::escape for all strings (#472571) - perl-CGI-t-util-58.patch: Do not distort lib/CGI/t/util-58.t Move the gargantuan Changes* collection to -devel (#492605)- update module autodie- update Digest::SHA (fixes 489221)- drop 26_fix_pod2man_upgrade (don't need it) - fix typo in %define ExtUtils_CBuilder_version- apply Change 34507: Fix memory leak in single-char character class optimization - Reorder @INC, based on b9ba2fadb18b54e35e5de54f945111a56cbcb249 - fix Archive::Extract to fix test failure caused by tar >= 1.21 - Merge useful Debian patches- remove compatibility obsolete sitelib directories - use a better BuildRoot - drop a redundant mkdir in %install - call patchlevel.h only once; rm patchlevel.bak - update modules Sys::Syslog, Module::Load::Conditional, Module::CoreList, Test::Harness, Test::Simple, (dropping the upstreamed patch), File::Path (that includes our perl-5.10.0-CVE-2008-2827.patch), constant, Pod::Simple, Archive::Tar, Archive::Extract, File::Fetch, File::Temp, IPC::Cmd, Time::HiRes, Module::Build, ExtUtils::CBuilder - standardize the patches for updating embedded modules - work around a bug in Module::Build tests bu setting TMPDIR to a directory inside the source tree- Rebuilt for add /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl to otherlibs (bz 484053)- build sparc64 without _smp_mflags- limit sparc builds to -j12- update IPC::Cmd to v 0.42- 455410 Attempt to free unreferenced scalar fiddling with the symbol table Keep the refcount of the globs generated by PerlIO::via balanced.- add missing into Pod::Simple- 295021 CVE-2007-4829 perl-Archive-Tar directory traversal flaws - add another source for binary files, which test untaring links- to fix Fedora bz 473223, which is really perl bug #54186 ( we apply Changes 33640, 33881, 33896, 33897- change summary according to RFC fix summary discussion at fedora-devel :)- update File::Temp to 0.20- Include fix for rt#52740 to fix a crash when using Devel::Symdump and Compress::Zlib together- rt#33242, rhbz#459918. Segfault after reblessing objects in Storable. - rhbz#465728 upgrade Simple::Pod to 3.07- also preserve the timestamp of AUTHORS; move the fix to the recode function, which is where the stamps go wrong- give Changes*.gz the same datetime to avoid multilib conflict- remove from Archive-Extract - fix version of Test::Simple in spec - update Test::Simple - update Archive::Tar to 1.38- 462444 update Test::Simple to 0.80- move libnet to the right directory, along Net/ do not create directory .../%{version}/auto- 457867 remove required IPC::Run from CPANPLUS - needed only by win32 - 457771 add path- bug in exists() on tied param hash (#457085) - move the enc2xs templates (../Encode/*.e2x) to -devel, (#456534)- 455933 update to CGI-3.38 - fix fuzz problems (patch6) - 217833 pos() function handle unicode characters correct- rebuild for new db4 4.7- remove db4 require, it is handled automatically- 453646 use -DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV. Without fail some modules f.e. readline.- 451078 update Test::Harness to 3.12 for more testing. Removed verbose test, new Test::Harness has possibly verbose output, but updated package has a lot of features f.e. TAP::Harness. Carefully watched all new bugs related to tests!- bump the release number, so that it is not smaller than in F-9- CVE-2008-2827 perl: insecure use of chmod in rmtree- 447371 wrong access permission rt49003- make config parameter list consistent for 32bit and 64bit platforms, add config option -Dinc_version_list=none (#448735) - use perl_archname consistently - cleanup of usage of *_lib macros in %install- 449577 rebuild for FTBFS- 448392 upstream fix for assertion- sparc64 breaks with the rpath hack patch applied- 447142 upgrade CGI to 3.37 (this actually happened in -21 in rawhide.)- sparc64 fails two tests under mysterious circumstances. we need to get the rest of the tree moving, so we temporarily disable the tests on that arch.- create the vendor_perl/%{perl_version}/%{perl_archname}/auto directory in %{_libdir} so we own it properly- fix CPANPLUS-Dist-Build Provides/Obsoletes (bz 437615) - bump version on Module-CoreList subpackage- forgot to create the auto directory for multilib vendor_perl dirs- own multilib vendor_perl directories - mark Module::CoreList patch in patchlevel.h- 437817: RFE: Upgrade Module::CoreList to 2.14- xsubpp now lives in perl-devel instead of perl.- back out Archive::Extract patch, causing odd test failure- add missing lzma test file- conditionalize multilib patch report in patchlevel.h - Update Archive::Extract to 0.26 - Update Module::Load::Conditional to 0.24- only do it once, and do it for all our patches- note 32891 in patchlevel.h- get rid of bad conflicts on perl-File-Temp- use /usr/local for sitelib/sitearch dirs - patch 32891 for significant performance improvement- Add perl-File-Temp provides/obsoletes/conflicts (#433836), reported by Bill McGonigle - escape the macros in Jan 30 entry- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- disable some futime tests in t/io/fs.t because they started failing on x86_64 in the Fedora builders, and no one can figure out why. :/- create %{_prefix}/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/%{perl_version}/auto and own it in base perl (resolves bugzilla 214580)- Update Sys::Syslog to 0.24, to fix test failures- add some BR for tests- 5.10.0 final - clear out all the unnecessary patches (down to 8 patches!) - get rid of super perl debugging mode - add new subpackages- first attempt at building 5.10.0        '" " %-%," " b5.471:5.47-96.fc121:5.47-96.fc12shasumDigestSHA.pmSHASHA.soshasum.1.gzDigest::SHA.3pm.gz/usr/bin//usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi//usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/Digest//usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Digest//usr/lib64/perl5/5.10.0/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/auto/Digest/SHA//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share/man/man3/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippedPerl5 module source texta /usr/bin/perl script text executabledirectorytroff or preprocessor input text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression) RR R R PRRR R R RPRRRRRR?`7zXZ !PH6QM<=]"k%;Ns\z~TU)dC #Qa:W?њUG7ꚛTWem8x'4X!Xd;9A˥釧8R>q$r^!nt%8DׄȄ1Y8Wn&DbojV&}Y_"Gc%?xcg Il1Yw<'i;=N=#g+dtlErb-s ܰg#{(f$ӳޭĈ)Uy^a>|%(3X'gCP;rrN^Pq"_ںL<w鰈2v&91>Ok`xN6XFm ZNB$sU.Q3ƥXn1V cM찻oɔH.K,cL~ĥ I33?B?FkԘ:1G ~]7Dik݅FV]񥘏cn Z=JSk}SESB\lw5ӓ*ߒԊ>2ؖ^mp'CzʖaJt^KV<fj#)P1m.o~2>xr˗3p Y_ ŭ)1ç񁪰N9[ڶla|M6zS||PւAߔnh~XRiQ@&0}\ uT1 :&g7B}c N[t!xvuB}i#ηV~~ι>`X`*Iӆm7#Q<$  |P G>ۭ}6^[/:h Z쫫 ך/5bBoK}4C(S9 KqRSQNGP$(%roE kBiXŲ͎N5c6e0w\$}я1QHPY:9Z K(zL ]I"%r.E|Bc= [RPz!KMj~LCss:!d.2Pɬ*kV}ۏZPd=k#+! yCxCWUF˨:iJj DD ZodSOB@%f˔my8`vgPfe]=t+;1kW To)G@hE63͜ŪW-y>|HӹZpe3 )Lv y6BoVwSFr>*MJbI4uo v~-of4#: F.Q( )ϗ6G8q_8A5+qy2 iӜE,&!INY2~-0PaIP;}յS0?d5]r&wpusW_Y }fiot5TV^3Vvy/e0| # E{ct3l UZ d7>ؗ_SXxBAXwGx@|@F'>FGG>¸_#vP*TZ3DGh1+ ^-n*TV6~ TY? 9 # PvaI g.wkk3y? 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