php-ZendFramework-Auth-Adapter-Ldap-1.10.6-1.fc12$>"pe%eW|ı.>8?d&- 4 _ +FLT` f l x   *T`(<8D%9%: J%G\HhItXxY|\]^bEdIeNfQlStluxvwxCphp-ZendFramework-Auth-Adapter-Ldap1.10.61.fc12Zend Framework LDAP Authentication AdapterThis package contains the authentication adapter needed to operate against LDAP directories.LLppc07.phx2.fedoraproject.orgIIFedora ProjectFedora ProjectBSDFedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries C=A큤LLKDK57333e2e3641ed1968db7551f0421dc7d5fbf36b6326f00fd49706e0131e2c77c73dfe2e9f9cbba4119e84f90243cf844b4176f4ae7f5c9846c4f61360a679057rootrootrootrootrootrootphp-ZendFramework-1.10.6-1.fc12.src.rpmphp-ZendFramework-Auth-Adapter-Ldap    php-ZendFramework-Ldaprpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1.10.6-1.fc123.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.7.2LL'@LvKKO@KepKO@K?KJ@JH@JlE@Jd\@J_@III@IpvIk0I^I^I^I#I#I"@I@I@HϟH˫@HL@H@HO@G]@G]@G.@GG_@G'Felix Kaechele - 1.10.6-1Felix Kaechele - 1.10.5-1Felix Kaechele - 1.10.4-1Felix Kaechele - 1.10.2-1Felix Kaechele - 1.10-1Alexander Kahl - 1.9.7-1Felix Kaechele - 1.9.6-2Felix Kaechele - 1.9.6-1Felix Kaechele - 1.9.5-1Felix Kaechele - 1.9.3-1.PL1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.8.4-3.PL1Alexander Kahl - 1.8.4-2.PL1Alexander Kahl - 1.8.4-1.PL1Alexander Kahl - 1.7.7-2Alexander Kahl - 1.7.7-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.7.2-6Alex Lancaster - 1.7.2-5Alex Lancaster - 1.7.2-4Alexander Kahl - 1.7.2-3Alexander Kahl - 1.7.2-2Alexander Kahl - 1.7.2-1Alexander Kahl - 1.7.0-3Alexander Kahl - 1.7.0-2Alexander Kahl - 1.7.0-1Alexander Kahl - 1.6.2-2Alexander Kahl - 1.6.2-1Alexander Kahl - 1.6.1-1Alexander Kahl - 1.6.0-1Alexander Kahl - 1.6.0-0.2.rc1Alexander Kahl - 1.6.0-0.1.rc1Alexander Kahl - 1.5.2-1Alexander Kahl - 1.5.0-1Alexander Kahl - 1.5.0-1.rc3Alexander Kahl - 1.5.0-2.rc1Alexander Kahl - 1.5.0-1.rc1Alexander Kahl - 1.0.3-1Alexander Kahl - 1.0.2-1- update to 1.10.6 containing over 30 bugfixes- update to 1.10.5 which contains over 60 bugfixes- about 180 bugfixes since 1.10.2 ( - fixes ZF2010-07: Potential Security Issues in Bundled Dojo Library- 1.10.2 - over 50 bugfixes since 1.10.1 (which in turn had over 50 bugfixes)- 1.10 - new components: Barcode, Oauth, Markup, Serializer- update to bugfix / security release 1.9.7- insert correct provides/obsoletes for tests subpackage removal- update to 1.9.6- update to 1.9.5 - removed test subpackage as it can never comply to font packaging guidelines- new upstream version - new component: Queue - fixed dangling symlinks - enabled Db-Adapter-Firebird- Rebuilt for removed Fileinfo dependency - don't make symlink absolute (breaks the script)- update to 1.8.4 patch 1 (it's about time!) - Requires php 5.1.4 -> 5.2.4 - list all files explicitly for easier future updates - incubator no more (Zend_Tool stable now) - Request now part of Controller - new components: Application, CodeGenerator, Crypt, Navigation, Reflection, Tag - Soap and Services require php-soap now- bump to catch up with with f10- update to 1.7.7 - PHPUnit dep now >= 3.3.0 - moved Ldap bindings to extra packages (php-ldap dep) - excluded db adapters with unresolvable deps - moved mysqli db adapter files to correct package - support both old and new font deps using conditional- Rebuilt for Fix font [Build]Requires yet again to track moving target of naming convention. Fixes broken deps.- Fix Requires, BuildRequires: bitstream-vera-fonts-{sans,sans-mono,serif} fixes broken deps- +BuildRequires: bitstream-vera-fonts - -Requires: bitstream-vera-fonts- Bug 477440: Use Vera fonts from Fedora's package- update to 1.7.2 - ZendX documentation doesn't need regeneration anymore, removed deps- fix to use internal docbook- bump for rawhide (Zend_Tool activated)- update to 1.7.0- last tag failed, bump- update to 1.6.2- update to 1.6.1- update to 1.6.0 stable (full version) - create list of invalid executables in %build for upstream - new components Captcha, Dojo, Service-ReCaptcha, Wildfire, Zend_Tool - BuildRequire symlinks to sanitize zf -> symlink- added license file to all packages to silence rpmline- update to 1.6.0RC1 - added php-Fileinfo dependency- update to 1.5.2 - new package split - removed Cache-Backend-Sqlite, Db-Adapter-Db2, Db-Adapter-Firebird, Db-Adapter-Oracle - removed optional php-bitset requirement from Search-Lucene, not available - removed virtual requires and provides, not necessary anymore- updated for 1.5.0 stable- new upstream version rc3 - updated for 1.5.0 stable - new subpackages Ldap and Service-Nirvanix- added missing dependencies- new release candidate version 1.5.0 - package all zend components in subpackages- new stable version 1.0.3 - preserve timestamps upon copying - split up documentation into subpackages - description BE->AE- initial release   cP1.10.6-1.fc12php-ZendFramework-Auth-Adapter-Ldap-1.10.6LICENSE.txtLdap.php/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/php-ZendFramework-Auth-Adapter-Ldap-1.10.6//usr/share/php/Zend/Auth/Adapter/-O2drpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textPHP script textdirectory?7zXZ !PH6|]"k%h @Ȅʿl&gaO M!DF%}V8eN門E^cikXI@ H1MQ&%%Jd/&Lz:+A.,o0NAtA)'3~ē#Duլ݇}`uUnq]X_C$l(o8R  ))ԹsrƷ2/0 x,؀:dt"D]/LUݐV-aY".cD2H?\Zat oeQ\o 1MEN s!3H7J*@kࡤ(]5`x?.B>&%ro)*J3cT]^e%4^V11ob0D[WRw&7%^c"@4C]G^ p̝p)G'ɷ _8\RUSrFkIp(l<#MjP:  CH}CC4[0U`.! 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