root-sql-odbc-5.26.00e-3.fc12$> zM޹F'>;?xd  5"*9Rgmt             ! Nl 8(89D: >@G H I XY(\L ]p ^b?deflt u v$w x ytCroot-sql-odbc5.26.00e3.fc12ODBC plugin for ROOTThis package contains the ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) plugin for ROOT, that allows transparent access to any kind of database that supports the ODBC protocol.Lx86-05.phx2.fedoraproject.orgcFedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv2+Fedora ProjectApplications/Engineering Y0 d큤L!L!L!L!L^LLLҩL41ad123db6cbbf9e797fa3e6b8ba9cd9af89a704eb55ca4d660ce028f7bb302d241135d758b26d98798ad884f1164a09c4744f254c6be5a68c681cd2f42776d32c4608a9d82ff2f3eb85520f4dc11cfb14f6c6d47bde3d50e85b68febdb915363522c29f   @ /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/,@LΫL|LL{@LwLV@LQm@L@IL;L@KKKf@KMK@Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00e-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00e-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00e-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00d-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00d-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00d-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-4Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00b-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00b-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00b-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00a-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00-1Mattias Ellert - 5.24.00b-1- Fix crash in TGFontTypeComboBox destructor - Add Requires on root-gui-ged to root-gui- Rebuild for updated unuran- Update to 5.26.00e - Drop patch fixed upstream: root-tmva-segfault.patch - Add Requires on root-proof to root-proofd- Add Requires on root-graf-asimage to root-core - Add Requires on root-graf-x11 to root-gui - Add Requires on root-hist-painter to root-hist - Add Requires on root-minuit to root-mathcore - Add Requires on krb5-workstation to root-net-krb5 - Add BuildRequires on krb5-workstation- Adapt makefile to changes in make 3.82- Update to 5.26.00d - Improved doc generation script- Don't remove the prec_stl directory - Create a separate tutorial package for the tutorial and test suite- Correct license tags for: cint, core and roofit - Regenerate source tarball due to upstream retag (again)- Add dependency on gccxml for globus-reflex - Split some packages to break circular package dependencies - Merge libRIO into root-core - Regenerate source tarball due to upstream retag- Update to 5.26.00c - Disable cint7 package - no longer compiles and has been deprecated upstream- Use external xrootd - Make documentation selfcontained - can be read without network access- Fix library detection when linker scripts are used - Allow building RFIO IO modules using DPM's RFIO implementation- Update to 5.26.00b - Enable dCache support - dcap library is now in Fedora - Use system unuran library instead of embedded sources- Update to 5.26.00a - Disable cintex package for non-intel architectures - Remove embedded gl2ps sources- Update to 5.26.00 - Drop patches fixed upstream: root-globus.patch, root-dot-png.patch, root-loadmeta.patch, root-openssl.patch, root-hash-endian.patch- Initial build/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfig         ))))(@(A(B("^ -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectorysymbolic link to `'symbolic link to `'RRPRRRRRRR R R R R RRRRRRRR?P7zXZ !PH6]"k%J4$t_5me/p]y5*~>F$$ZƘΨV 4I4Hc0g ZhY?`$slXf r0o;YяhK~n" މ m"< ⳱6dRD򢯲Q '[,PkjD>%Dci]` LFv X~Ů2#ʠVV>Ǔmf.9tX7ZOw-[fk삦wO̡[ۥeBGw!Y#0iNhǐ/D^Y9o~E¶oUc'~%Ca<bMA[s;!}"Z~Mإ~tgV}OȌqX$c)}gVcbƛ|x0K/ J#ޔy2MnbYr 4f5YmsBy= 3_=fyѐ{9z>:NEc5Ѷ@WlEQn-tgT'z^ PEK_!}mzzhVݶaslc`YEVN NͦsE::"CRQÐ:7uz((*$I&1g qbZ>mbEEG%F#9KslJx] w0u= K&$i6HC':}ds3k_u"ljGe@[ 1 76@x4V=Јٔ9Y&s1:?ﶶLx&=kGB딉ˆtl`=bB-u vo1$cc~unnz>!w8C&7^GGe1B\~kpCŜY}uD %{i(tJluWՁ #3398׳V7x>4\S.4uMr?}q͒p|,s!ѕVMMhFDG]9hNk;-2 _2z੓E#oF 0;Eq1Br`1-fգ4R $;j'H\X~H/U q-\LIuNysADUSGi4R28낇t(. $VMuJ_*4esw&P-`MqXѩh N2 -ڐ'