tlock-devel-1.5-1.fc12$>Q@R9jTیU>9 ? d  7 *1 @Vsy     <Xp(G8P 9 :r G H I X Y \ ] ^ \b d We \f _l at xu v w Lx dy | Ctlock-devel1.51.fc12Development library for tlockThis package contains the header(.h) and library(.so) files required to build applications using librpass library. librpass is used by, and distributed with tlock program.Lx86-06.phx2.fedoraproject.orgWFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries %9A큤LLLCOpZLL0f930790>H>H=I@H(1@H(1@H H@H H@HHSH@_pjp_ - 1.5-1_pjp_ - 1.4-2_pjp_ - 1.4-1_pjp_ - 1.3-1_pjp_ - 1.2-3_pjp_ - 1.2-2_pjp_ - 1.2-1_pjp_ - 1.1-6_pjp_ - 1.1-5_pjp_ - 1.1-4_pjp_ - 1.1-3_pjp_ - 1.1-2_pjp_ - 1.1-1- changed to lock terminal with user's login password by default.- Fixed the share/info/dir menu entry of tlock.- Fixed the `root># tlock -s' bug. Patch supplied by: Milos Jakubicek ( The new tlock version 1.3 for the last change in the texinfo source.- Removed `make distclean' from under clean section above.- Removed the permission and summary capitalisation glitches.- Did some minor changes to tlcok source and readpass manual. No new feature addition. I just removed some minor glitches from the tlock source.- Fixed the Requires error in package-devel- Fixed the dep errors revealed by rpmlint- Added the package devel section, to create a tlock-devel subpackage- Fixed errors revealed in the second review- Fixed errors from the first review- Initial RPM release of tlock-1.1         > @ ? "1.5-1.fc121.5-1.fc12readpass.hlibrpass.sotlock-devel-1.5COPYINGREADMEreadpass.3.gz/usr/include//usr/lib//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/tlock-devel-1.5//usr/share/man/man3/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textdirectorysymbolic link to `'troff or preprocessor input text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)R?p7zXZ !PH6 ]"k%fAuc@i9%M3ل_S&XJOPpEbDZCMT]12v33d'N)BȤCSi*ȥ^X+ N}cIiolHEb_-4EC ! -\սٽd=aaı|*"Z?|Rq?`L55I A_@hVORkl1 wKp"( مK{F"<5$d|Z H*CR93ov),g;~kES3\EB4ӍeD61qDo6ɛz9q\CvqL6u":yLx>;tT+#39lojgTH'3OQwF]`k3Kq1PHʭqt5}FZ#NO=-(aA,. 60v0|G5e F|j`/]w wOC;RDj=&%/.Vkb#h ,nb83\WqO!]vwKf4ueنlL%%bOq̵|A:7~/ ;XɌ 2: kuӎdҒ厜RO42oݿ(/rAM>Ηـd.@9 PŤhwdtM$;[-:@yi87䄊IjGMmS=Yv~Xy7)gE]zfp~ڻ8qRegaF(®F΅+/6".jG㝭КݪsęB9B0q08g<.ucaPt~TMZrBFk G%ӣokSا\/%3 @57=7q:sSs(1`aMQtw?$ Rl$<ҥbd3[!ʾ\Ҹ( x>5%/j 辖UƩ -re-D+A³~`BA'@BBxӔQtt6^P鮟^ЍdlI6yFђ%"a{dw%;3-U@n'/8QB-C0VR ݾ6U95sf)5EKWWZ\w{n0$OaHMQ anm#Oۅ$pY3}0O T fweU|;f]i#ùr~^IXɨ ,R)qAHrFCR YZ