uzbl-tabbed-0-0.18.20100626gitafc0f873e.fc12$>dҗqm>9?d / HHLlp     ) ,05:hl,(k8t9:G H I X Y \ ] ^ b djeofrlttuvwxyCuzbl-tabbed00.18.20100626gitafc0f873e.fc12Tabbed interface to UzblUzbl-tabbed wraps around uzbl-browser and multiplexes it. It spawns one window containing multiple tabs, each tab containing a full embedded uzbl-browser Ideal as a quick and simple solution to manage multiple uzbl-browser instances without getting lost.LE-x86-20.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv3Fedora ProjectApplications/Internethttp://www.uzbl.orglinuxx86_64LE+20d1a9f7e3d14ea72e70a4fe3d702a35fd9fcfbdbb2e01ff67ebf7bbaa212c56rootrootuzbl-0-0.18.20100626gitafc0f873e.fc12.src.rpmuzbl-tabbeduzbl-tabbed(x86-64)@    /usr/bin/envpygtk2rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)uzbl-browserrpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-10-0.18.20100626gitafc0f873e.fc125.2-14.7.2LLnn@L[@L/&@L+1LKŮ@K@KKKg@KKrK~@KK@K@K @Daiki Ueno - 0-0.18.20100626gitafc0f873eBen Boeckel - 0-0.17.20100626gitafc0f873eBen Boeckel - 0-0.16.20100626gitafc0f873eBen Boeckel - 0-0.15.20100626gitafc0f873eDaiki Ueno - 0-0.14.20100626gitafc0f873eDaiki Ueno - 0-0.13.20100410gitec473e124Ben Boeckel - 0-0.12.20100405gitae15d257aDaiki Ueno - 0-0.11.20100405gitae15d257aDaiki Ueno - 0-0.10.20100405gitae15d257aDaiki Ueno - 0-0.9.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 0-0.8.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 0-0.7.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 0-0.6.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 0-0.5.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 0-0.4.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 0-0.3.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 0-0.2.20100221gitabbffe5c3Daiki Ueno - 1:0-0.1.20100221gitabbffe5c3- add patch to avoid crash on "Open Image in New Window" (#584733)- Add Requires: on xclip- Add patch for shell escaping bug (BZ#621965)- Rebuild against webkitgtk- new upstream snapshot.- new upstream snapshot.- Split out core and browser subpackages - Enumerate dependencies of the default scripts - Minor reorganization- don't strip uzbl-core with the install command (closes #580250).- split out uzbl-tabbed as a seperate package to avoid dependency on pygtk2 (partially merged a patch from Ben Boeckel ). - new upstream snapshot.- add dist number to Release.- use the macro "global" instead of "define".- copy files under /usr/share/uzbl/ only once.- preserve timestamp of installed files. - include scriptlets for icon cache. - claim ownership of the directory "uzbl" under datadir.- install 32x32 icon under the standard icon path. - fix the executable name in uzbl.desktop. - prevent re-compilation on "make install". - install examples/* under /usr/share/uzbl/examples, since the path is hard-coded in bundled scripts.- make sure support scripts are not executable.- use LDFLAGS from x11.pc to follow the F-13 DSO linking change.- don't use Epoch. - make the build log more verbose. - don't use the makeinstall macro and use _prefix macro. - include uzbl.desktop. - install all document files under /usr/share/doc/uzbl-0.- initial packaging for fedora. :0-0.18.20100626gitafc0f873e.fc120-0.18.20100626gitafc0f873e.fc12uzbl-tabbed/usr/bin/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnua python script text executabledirectoryR?p7zXZ !PH6V]"k%N;GpQ4/( .ؽQfLBAht-qo* ٸ @+>hRO硱GocOs߼8+6Kەmh3Еt0w @Omo$7ϓke yO/A|}nm7Q?| ]1~NaqWa4#9TAL*?3'OMcR T?rjRr^[$9綢T2˄Gh4mb r;}dojwiktB#ev<@nBNu=8 &u%0=sY`R(n_rL!B8ߪFeJB~L߻F ɫO]Q<>0)yY{o,I\YpRyLq3u(!Ji5=DSX2ǼRpw` 8%l6.:oK3X/Ux.0aXѸ $LWy DS]`K$Ђ4! `KdEsce0QD^ujNʖ_',ӥب k5*ЅbF59,IJD=x==~ ީCSW o@SH^3NAtL/%ʗ2{)hY KzEJհfU1OIuy {OK4wVfty {\4#=GlzA>hҲyfnDmW/^TFmmlD3b)#jda<[f}$|ü3k(8su;u[8C8-TU,.,<ոwIabo ߪK$UX@h#ϥLq^=1Ev- 53^)G>HMƹ"L$0 z";,XEB%h)ޏptn/$l (< YZ