zarafa-caldav-6.40.3-1.fc12$>dhnOX߻TCj8>8 x? hd  =LPpt     R T\fp@(j8p 9 : G H I X Y \ 8] @^ \b d e f l t ,u 4v <w Tx \ dCzarafa-caldav6.40.31.fc12The Zarafa iCal/CalDAV gatewayThe zarafa-caldav package includes the Zarafa CalDAV gateway service to enable users to access their calendar using iCalendar (RFC 2445/5545) or CalDAV (RFC 4791) compliant clients. The iCal/CalDAV gateway service can be configured to listen for HTTP and HTTPS requests.L=#x86-20.phx2.fedoraproject.org4Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectAGPLv3 with exceptionsFedora ProjectSystem Environment/Daemons큤L= L3652f08f66dc9dd1870f7fba8b8f2a301115a0e35de3f99eba03c4ed3d348174rootrootrootrootzarafa-6.40.3-1.fc12.src.rpmzarafa-caldavzarafa-caldav(x86-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)zarafa(ical)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-16.40.3-1.fc125.2-14.7.2Lʷ@L|L_Lk@L%@LKK.KKg@K@KmYRobert Scheck 6.40.3-1Robert Scheck 6.40.2-1Robert Scheck 6.40.1-1Robert Scheck 6.40.0-3Robert Scheck 6.40.0-2Robert Scheck 6.40.0-1Robert Scheck 6.30.14-1Robert Scheck 6.30.13-1Robert Scheck 6.30.12-1Robert Scheck 6.30.11-1Robert Scheck 6.30.10-2Robert Scheck 6.30.10-1- Upgrade to 6.40.3- Upgrade to 6.40.2- Upgrade to 6.40.1- Rebuild for perl 5.12.1- Added patch to ensure -pthread for -lclucene configure test- Upgrade to 6.40.0 (#564135, #565252, #600993)- Upgrade to 6.30.14- Upgrade to 6.30.13 - Moved zarafa.schema file from %doc to %{_datadir}/%{name}- Upgrade to 6.30.12- Upgrade to 6.30.11- Backported a patch from trunk to avoid the crash of zarafa-server when creating new user with db or unix plugin (#564282, #567262) - Backported another patch from trunk to avoid the crash of httpd caused by PHP during the logon in the webaccess (#564129)- Upgrade to 6.30.10 (#498194) - Initial spec file for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (thanks to Jeroen van Meeuwen, John van der Kamp and Steve Hardy)  226.40.3-1.fc126.40.3-1.fc12zarafa-caldav-6.40.3AGPL-3/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/zarafa-caldav-6.40.3/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectory?7zXZ !PH6S]"k%{s>17n96'׈E!s sY'~,g#[-vOiέOՙw族mrvļ \Th  S= Q9?ƉJ_+C6?@Ti,_IȔOEIr=-pwHZ)$lH)=Oa 92Jiq_."=ԃtlN"|B94LfM:LԀ䱶^ReIHM.p6Oi/Vpp#Or`Pb{ENʴ1͜LiJJԢ,`&6?D'ƌ6p=F.|y&Ԡ#Iϰ%9]2iܐ;h(9n2<@Cto5O\c?&@D#(M42+9Bjܰ'5N p5{{N/?|| JrtMxMu 0"FDv㢨n 9eHÈRnӞgeO(ˍ]Q:C{oj`,u_m(*V]vP,,s J}Y:h[B.XD~HUC*ށB{IqK5גx1g YRFJ/thʶ J؂.lV!^5$2𔦀9aːC60('Ny-Llsgqo&%ST/;_q,Y-\ EKdy'TX^\`=V&VU<*h4.MarFEyݣ %ؠNKkx/T ̍")wbA𜣵p \ /enKA) 2j(u|Ux=픘 oELbw꼪:'dK*Ap4=o[QgD7]FA[_걅/r=0 ̬KL`nPQ;\ U?k떘i` .7O3DقlP; z0,aW:2(A7?'@T0݊ɖ-d6(~XRM%pejfN~,s%qPt;IX"sT?1\M~ȹx#0wY]SI,,U7puCY_t"LCOk Ik$D=/u4̰anc(Pܡ_MlS/N,*#jSa4F^FNjTweR2^霝 nО YZ