armadillo-1.0.0-1.fc12$>-xv]E@ >;?d   UHLlp    8 ? \x4?(j8p&9 &: &>i@xGHIXY\] ^jbdFeKfNlPthuvwhxyCarmadillo1.0.01.fc12Fast C++ matrix library with interfaces to LAPACK and ATLASArmadillo is a C++ linear algebra library (matrix maths) aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use. Integer, floating point and complex numbers are supported, as well as a subset of trigonometric and statistics functions. Various matrix decompositions are provided through optional integration with LAPACK and ATLAS libraries. A delayed evaluation approach is employed (during compile time) to combine several operations into one and reduce (or eliminate) the need for temporaries. This is accomplished through recursive templates and template meta-programming. This library is useful if C++ has been decided as the language of choice (due to speed and/or integration capabilities), rather than another language like Matlab or Octave.Lppc07.phx2.fedoraproject.orgɵFedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv3+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries`|A큤A큤LLLLLLL6ed1a29d1fcd   @ /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/;@K#@KrKKKl@K`*K&(JJJi@JQ@J?r@J67J.NJ.NJ.NJ,@JJB@JI5IԨIԨI@II@I@IHIx_Conrad Sanderson - 1.0.0-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.90-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.80-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.70-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.60-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.52-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.50-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.10-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.8-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.6-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.4-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.2-2Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.2-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.9.0-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.8.2-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.8.0-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.7.2-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.7.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.12-3Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.12-2Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.12-1Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.11-8Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.11-7Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.11-6Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.11-5Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.11-4Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.11-3Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.11-2Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.10-2Conrad Sanderson - 0.6.10-1Conrad SandersonConrad SandersonConrad SandersonConrad SandersonConrad SandersonConrad SandersonConrad SandersonConrad Sanderson- spec updated for Armadillo 1.0.0- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.90- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.80- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.70- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.60- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.52- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.50- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.10- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.8- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.6- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.4- added explicit dependencies to the devel package- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.2- spec updated for Armadillo 0.9.0- spec updated for Armadillo 0.8.2- spec updated for Armadillo 0.8.0- spec updated for Armadillo 0.7.2- spec updated for Armadillo 0.7.0- Rebuilt for added conversion of DOS end-of-line to UNIX end-of-line for README.txt- spec updated for Armadillo 0.6.12- cleanup of dependencies - explanation as to why boost-devel and atlas-devel are required by armadillo-devel- explicit declaration of doc directory in the main package - explicitly marked doc files in both packages- removed symlinks - placed all documentation and license files into one directory that is shared by both packages- added symlinks to LICENSE.txt and licenses in the devel package- added LICENSE.txt to the main package- using cmake macro instead of directly calling cmake- moved all text files to devel package to retain consistency with the layout in the original .tar.gz- Removed several explicit build dependencies that are provided by default in Fedora - Simplified handling of doc files- Updated spec file for Armadillo 0.6.10- Updated list of files in 0.6.7 release- Updated description- Added explicit dependence on libstdc++-devel- Simplified specification of directories - Removed library packages specified by "Requires", as library dependencies are detected automatically- Modified to generate separate devel package (subsumes previous doc package) - Removed redundant packages specified by "BuildRequires" - Added CMake installation prefixes to allow for x86_64- Modified to generate separate doc package- Added argument to cmake: -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr- Initial spec file prepared/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfig       [`"#'$ -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mminimal-tocdrpmxz2ppc64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII text, with CRLF line terminatorsELF 64-bit MSB shared object, 64-bit PowerPC or cisco 7500, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectorysymbolic link to `' RPRRRRRRR R R R R R?P7zXZ !PH69]"k%jSH/^l.Yn0LPPWF)MH@y( UY2[|kȒ >+Bw dxB.96"mdLdWg @+/M˯71f<44|X.^_H Y΋ѾG W~;, 6 a\ b]?Rj\VU8c;u\ω m߻qCZMY ) 3rWYgWq>|f,~RBa)`)OF\[).fR͍1rE~]m?ʈQi̔fsqJyUwC$CE>;+;̧j$Xx SubFek_N r_!&&jZ ߱HZ'i?@lZ%P\F{7A"K]3 3rJ1ݫ ,S_מGX{y7x/Nlٟ 08LRW=\\  j_ rzO&8'9os(I]t^% U9$ K Jײ'/ Pq0.W/>_~w1䡐邀qeW5.;xꒌRz KyI+D zAg5g}^dP=wԱ5$9ׇ;`,^-3g2fH?m4vJoq 7g"tbR>%+7BOoTg7sЧ>-QB: kBNVv35TtkBVqOZWӇzh8!+ _mvB*Se*^@S>vjk|'}UZ+eDpCCdC$+vGhjPu'͔._>7esbtVӎ|%( 3a. 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