hplip-common-3.11.5-3.fc13$> 2&ior>8v?ud  S #)0 X  l         $ V  (89:-yGr Hr Is Xs,Ys8\sd ]s ^s btdueufu"lu$tu< uud vuwu xu uChplip-common3.11.53.fc13Files needed by the HPLIP printer and scanner driversFiles needed by the HPLIP printer and scanner drivers.MPx86-14.phx2.fedoraproject.org gtFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectSystem Environment/Librarieshttp://hplip.sourceforge.net/linuxx86_64tGF A큤A큤AAA큤M:M:M:M:MCM>M>M:M:M:ecc2b47b5db78427db09b9ef4d03cfe763306a87090dbabed4de8692d7c0fd07924ed4e368c04a12add2cff95ba4575089a7aa9dacacf48cfb64f58340c7379eacb5cb5ddd0865184287512b27ae7070413ea706217e752cd4e4659c6a78da4f91847d114602017a86f91b72ede3df229e4909fb12fe5e613266aaa2c24d03def9001fdded8503545fc8403c1b7d6678244ca62c3b79cdbb3e1d6544b6ba91afrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootroothplip-3.11.5-3.fc13.src.rpmconfig(hplip-common)hplip-commonhplip-common(x86-64)    config(hplip-common)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)udevrpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.11.5-3.fc133.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.8.1M@M@MMlMI@MlMK@M=iM4/@M-M-M-M$]@MLLL,@LΫLL6LLL{L*@LLLL@L@Lnn@Lc@LN@LMxLF@L#HL#HL@L@L @L@K/K@K@K@K#@KKQ@KQ@KKsKK@KKO@K@KKKzKl@KjKV@KLd@KC)K0K KmKmKJlJJ@JJ2@JJ J@JJJu@J#J@J@JJ@J@JJJzJyt@Jx"Jn@JmJi@JhPJhPJeJB@II@I@I~@IpvIl@Il@Il@Ik0IPIAIAIAI1.H@HH@H@H@HH_@HI&HE2@H)G@G9G9GG@G,@GGG~GY5GGaG m@G@F@FFֱ@F_FF@FF@F]F@F#@F#@F@F.FF@FFq-Fo@Fm9@FiDFC @F; @F$F#e@FpFF@F@F@FAF E@EE@Ex@EvEe@EH@EH@EE@EAE ED@D+@D@DX@Do@D@D@DW@DvDhm@DaDaDH@DF&@DDD2_D)%@D)%@D#@D"D^DDDDC@C@CCEC@C-C @CCCCCqCCC@C}@CqCoAC_oCOCOCLC/C.@B%B@BB0@BBRB@BB/@B/@B/@B@Tim Waugh 3.11.5-3Jiri Popelka 3.11.5-2Jiri Popelka 3.11.5-1Tim Waugh 3.11.3a-1Jiri Popelka 3.11.3-1Jiri Popelka 3.11.1-3Tim Waugh - 3.11.1-2Jiri Popelka 3.11.1-1Tim Waugh - 3.10.9-14Tim Waugh - 3.10.9-13Tim Waugh - 3.10.9-12Tim Waugh - 3.10.9-11Jiri Popelka 3.10.9-10Tim Waugh - 3.10.9-9Jiri Popelka 3.10.9-8Jiri Popelka 3.10.9-7Tim Waugh - 3.10.9-6Jiri Popelka 3.10.9-5Jiri Popelka 3.10.9-4Tim Waugh - 3.10.9-3Jiri Popelka - 3.10.9-2Jiri Popelka - 3.10.9-1Tim Waugh - 3.10.6-7jkeating - 3.10.6-5.1Jiri Popelka - 3.10.6-5Dan Horák - 3.10.6-4Tim Waugh Jiri Popelka Tim Waugh - 3.10.6-3Tim Waugh - 3.10.6-2Jiri Popelka - 3.10.6-1Tim Waugh David Malcolm - 3.10.5-8Jiri Popelka - 3.10.5-7Jiri Popelka - 3.10.5-6Tim Waugh - 3.10.5-5Tim Waugh - 3.10.5-4Jiri Popelka - 3.10.5-3Jiri Popelka - 3.10.5-2Jiri Popelka - 3.10.5-1Jiri Popelka - 3.10.2-16Jiri Popelka - 3.10.2-15Jiri Popelka - 3.10.2-14Tim Waugh - 3.10.2-13Jiri Popelka - 3.10.2-12Tim Waugh - 3.10.2-11Jiri Popelka - 3.10.2-10Jiri Popelka - 3.10.2-9.1Tim Waugh - 3.10.2-8Jiri Popelka - 3.10.2-6Tim Waugh - 3.10.2-5Tim Waugh - 3.10.2-4Tim Waugh - 3.10.2-3Tim Waugh - 3.10.2-2Tim Waugh - 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2.8.7-4Tim Waugh 2.8.7-3Tim Waugh 2.8.7-2Tim Waugh 2.8.7-1Tim Waugh Tom "spot" Callaway 2.8.6b-2Tim Waugh 2.8.6b-1Tim Waugh 2.8.6-1Tim Waugh 2.8.5-2Tim Waugh 2.8.5-1Tim Waugh 2.8.2-3Tim Waugh 2.8.2-2Tim Waugh 2.8.2-1Tim Waugh 2.7.12-6Tim Waugh 2.7.12-5Tim Waugh 2.7.12-4Tim Waugh 2.7.12-3Tim Waugh 2.7.12-2Tim Waugh 2.7.12-1Tim Waugh 2.7.10-2Release Engineering - 2.7.10-2Tim Waugh 2.7.10-1Tim Waugh 2.7.9-3Tim Waugh 2.7.9-2Tim Waugh 2.7.9-1Tim Waugh 2.7.7-5Tim Waugh 2.7.7-4Tim Waugh 2.7.7-3Tim Waugh 2.7.7-2Tim Waugh 2.7.7-1Tim Waugh 2.7.6-10Tim Waugh 2.7.6-9Tim Waugh 2.7.6-8Tim Waugh 2.7.6-7Tim Waugh 2.7.6-6Tim Waugh 2.7.6-5Tim Waugh 2.7.6-4Tim Waugh 2.7.6-3Tim Waugh 2.7.6-2Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 2.7.6-1Tim Waugh 1.7.4a-3Tim Waugh 1.7.4a-2Tim Waugh 1.7.4a-1Tim Waugh Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 1.7.2-10Tim Waugh 1.7.2-9Tim Waugh 1.7.2-8Tim Waugh 1.7.2-7Tim Waugh 1.7.2-6Tim Waugh 1.7.2-5Tim Waugh 1.7.2-4Tim Waugh 1.7.2-3Tim Waugh 1.7.2-2Tim Waugh Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 1.7.2-1Tim Waugh 1.7.1-1Tim Waugh 1.6.12-1Jeremy Katz - 1.6.10-7Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 1.6.10-6Tim Waugh 1.6.10-5Tim Waugh 1.6.10-4Tim Waugh 1.6.10-3Tim Waugh 1.6.10-2Tim Waugh 1.6.7-4Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 1.6.7-3Tim Waugh 1.6.7-2Jesse Keating - (none):1.6.6a-3.1Tim Waugh 1.6.6a-3Tim Waugh 1.6.6a-2Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 1.6.6-2Tim Waugh 0.9.11-6Tim Waugh 0.9.11-5Tim Waugh 0.9.11-4Tim Waugh 0.9.11-3Tim Waugh 0.9.11-2Tim Waugh 0.9.10-6Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 0.9.10-5Tim Waugh 0.9.10-4Tim Waugh 0.9.10-3Tim Waugh 0.9.10-2Tim Waugh 0.9.9-7Tim Waugh 0.9.9-6Tim Waugh 0.9.9-4Tim Waugh 0.9.9-3Tim Waugh 0.9.9-2Karsten Hopp 0.9.8-6Tim Waugh 0.9.8-5Tim Waugh 0.9.8-4Jesse Keating - (none):0.9.8-3.1Tim Waugh 0.9.8-3Tim Waugh 0.9.8-2Tim Waugh 0.9.8-1Tim Waugh 0.9.7-8Tim Waugh 0.9.7-7Tim Waugh 0.9.7-6Tim Waugh 0.9.7-5Tim Waugh 0.9.7-4Jesse Keating Tim Waugh 0.9.7-3Tim Waugh 0.9.7-2Tim Waugh 0.9.7-1Tim Waugh 0.9.6-7Tomas Mraz 0.9.6-6Tim Waugh 0.9.6-5Tim Waugh 0.9.6-4Tim Waugh Tim Waugh 0.9.6-3Tim Waugh 0.9.6-2Tim Waugh 0.9.5-3Tim Waugh 0.9.5-2Tim Waugh 0.9.4-3Tim Waugh 0.9.4-2Tim Waugh 0.9.4-1Tim Waugh 0.9.3-8Tim Waugh 0.9.3-7Tim Waugh 0.9.3-6Tim Waugh 0.9.3-5Tim Waugh 0.9.3-4Tim Waugh 0.9.3-3Tim Waugh 0.9.3-2Tim Waugh 0.9.3-1Tim Waugh 0.9.3-0.1- Re-create installed hpcups PPDs unconditionally (bug #712241).- Main package requires wget to avoid misleading errors about network connectivity (bug #705843).- 3.11.5- 3.11.3a.- 3.11.3 (new hpps filter)- Avoid KeyError in ui4/wifisetupdialog.py (bug #680939). - Corrected IEEE 1284 Device IDs: LaserJet 1300 (bug #670548) LaserJet 3390 (bug #678565) LaserJet P1505 (bug #680951)- Fixed typo causing ";marker-supply-low-warning" state reason to be reported by hpijs (bug #675151).- 3.11.1- Applied patch to fix CVE-2010-4267, remote stack overflow vulnerability (bug #670252).- Removed unused hpcac filter to avoid unnecessary perl dependency.- Removed duplicate pstotiff files.- Fixed "CUPS Web Interface" button (bug #633899). - Set mimedir explicitly via configure.- Catch GError exception when notification showing failed (bug #665577).- Enable D-Bus threading (and require pygobject2) (bug #600932). - Fixed incorrect signal name in setup dialog (bug #653626). - Another missing newline in filter output (Ubuntu #418053). - Prevent hpaio segfaulting on invalid URIs (bug #649092). - Catch D-Bus exceptions in fax dialog (bug #645316).- Corrected IEEE 1284 Device IDs: HP Color LaserJet CP2025dn (bug #651509). HP Color LaserJet CM3530 MFP (bug #659381).- Corrected IEEE 1284 Device IDs: HP LaserJet 4050/4100/2100 Series/2420/4200/4300/4350/5100/8000 M3027 MFP/M3035 MFP/P3005/P3010/P4014/P4515 (bug #659039). HP Color LaserJet 2500/2550 series/3700/4550/4600/4650/4700/5550 CP1515n/CP3525/CP4520/CM2320nf MFP (bug #659040). HP Color LaserJet CM4730 MFP (bug #658831).- Call cupsSetUser in cupsext's addPrinter method before connecting so that we can get an authentication callback (bug #538352). - Prevent hp-fab traceback when run as root.- Don't emit SIGNALs in ui4.setupdialog.SetupDialog the PyQt3 way (bug #623834).- Avoid UnicodeDecodeError in printsettingstoolbox.py (bug #645739).- Fixed traceback on error condition in device.py (bug #628125). - Fixed bogus low ink warnings from hpijs driver (bug #643643).- Fixed utils.addgroup() to return array instead of string (bug #642771).- 3.10.9.- More fixes from package review: - Avoided another macro in comment. - Use python_sitearch macro throughout.- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- Increased timeouts for curl, wget, ping for high latency networks (bug #635388).- drop the ExcludeArch for s390(x)- Fixes from package review: - Main package and hpijs sub-package require cups for directories. - The common sub-package requires udev for directories. - The libs sub-package requires python for directories. - Avoided macro in comment. - The lib sub-package now runs ldconfig for post/postun. - Use python_sitearch macro.- Added IEEE 1284 Device ID for HP LaserJet 4000 (bug #633227).- Added another SNMP quirk for an OfficeJet Pro 8500 variant.- Use correct fax PPD name for Qt3 UI.- 3.10.6. - Changed shebang /usr/bin/env python -> /usr/bin/python (bug #618351). - Corrected IEEE 1284 Device IDs: - HP Color LaserJet CP1518ni (bug #613689). - HP Color LaserJet 2600n (bug #613712).- Removed selinux-policy version conflict as it is no longer necessary.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild- Added COPYING to common sub-package.- Main package requires explicit version of hplip-libs.- Fixed marker-supply attributes in hpijs (bug #605269).- Mark SNMP quirks in PPD for HP OfficeJet Pro 8500 (bug #581825).- hplip-gui requires libsane-hpaio- Fix ImageableArea for Laserjet 8150/9000 (#596298)- 3.10.5. No longer need tray-icon-crash.patch - Increase the timeout for system tray availability checking (bug #569969).- Prevent segfault in cupsext when opening PPD file (bug #572775).- Added/corrected more IEEE 1284 Device IDs: - HP LaserJet 4250 (bug #585499). - HP Color LaserJet 2605dn (bug #583953). - HP LaserJet P1007 (bug #585272).- Wait for max 30s to see if a system tray becomes available (bug #569969).- Clear old printer-state-reasons we used to manage (bug #510926).- Added missing newline to string argument in dbglog() call (bug #585275).- Added/corrected more IEEE 1284 Device IDs: - HP Color LaserJet CM1312nfi (bug #581005). - HP Color LaserJet 3800 (bug #581935). - HP Color LaserJet 2840 (bug #582215). - HP PSC 2400 (bug #583103).- Fixed black/blank lines in ljcolor hpcups output (bug #579461). Work-around is to send entire blank raster lines instead of skipping them.- Added/Corrected several IEEE 1284 Device IDs (bugs #577262, #577282, #577282, #577288, #577292, #577302, ,#577306, #577308, #577898, #579920, #580231)- Regenerate hpcups PPDs on upgrade if necessary (bug #579355).- Add Device ID for HP LaserJet 2300 (#576928)- Explicitly destroy tray icon on exit (bug #543286).- Main package doesn't require hal. - Sub-package common requires udev.- Set defattr in gui sub-package file manifest. - Avoid mixed use of spaces and tabs.- Removed SYSFS use in udev rules and actually made them work (bug #560754). - Use a temporary file in pstotiff to allow gs random access.- 3.10.2. No longer need preferences-crash patch. - The pstotiff filter is rubbish so replace it (launchpad #528394). - Stopped hpcups pointlessly trying to read spool files directly (bug #552572).- Corrected several IEEE 1284 Device IDs using foomatic data (launchpad bug #523259).- Ship %{_datadir}/hplip/prnt/plugins directory (bug #564551).- Build requires cups for postscriptdriver tags for .drv file.- Rebuild for postscriptdriver tags.- Fixed crash when using Preferences dialog (bug #555979).- Do ship pkit module even though the PolicyKit mechanism is not shipped (bug #554817).- Retry when connecting to device fails (bug #532112). - Don't ship PolicyKit mechanism (bug #551773).- 3.9.12. No longer need hpcups-plugin patch.- Reverted fix for bug #533462 until bug #541604 is solved.- Fixed Device ID parsing code in hpijs's dj9xxvip.c (bug #510926).- Removed duplex constraints on page sizes with imageable areas larger than possible when duplexing (bug #541572). - Fixed duplex reverse sides being horizontally flipped (bug #541604).- Fixed duplex handling in hpcups.drv (bug #533462).- 3.9.10. No longer need clear-previous-state-reasons, hpcups-reorder, non-scripts, parenths, plugin-error, requirespageregion or state-reasons-newline patches.- Added 'requires proprietary plugin' to appropriate model names (bug #513283).- Reverted retry patch until it can be tested some more.- Retry when connecting to device fails (bug #528483). - Avoid busy loop in hpcups when backend has exited (bug #525944).- Set a printer-state-reason when there's a missing required plugin (bug #531330).- Give up trying to print a job to a reconnected device (bug #515481).- Enable parallel port support when configuring (bug #524979).- Fixed hp-setup traceback when discovery page is skipped (bug #523685).- Include missing base files.- Use dll.d file instead of post scriptlet for hpaio (bug #519988). - Fixed RequiresPageRegion patch (bug #518756).- rebuilt with new openssl- Set RequiresPageRegion in hpcups PPDs (bug #518756).- Removed never-used definition of BREAKPOINT in scan/sane/common.h in hope of fixing the build.- New common sub-package for udev rules and config file (bug #516459). - Don't install base/*.py with executable bit set.- Fixed typos in page sizes (bug #515469). - Build no longer requires libudev-devel. - Fixed state reasons handling problems (bug #501338).- Make sure to avoid handwritten asm. - Don't use obsolete configure options.- Use upstream udev rules instead of hal policy (bug #518172). - Removed unnecessary dependency on PyQt as we only use PyQt4 now.- Upstream patch to fix paper size order and LJColor device class color space.- The python-reportlab dependency was in the wrong sub-package.- Removed access_control.grant_group line from HAL fdi file.- 3.9.8.- Fix hpcups fax PPDs (bug #515356)- Fixed ui-optional patch for qt4 code path (bug #500473). - Fixed HWResolution for 'Normal' output from the hpcups driver (laundpad bug #405400).- 3.9.6b.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Use existing libusb-using routines to try fetching Device ID.- Error checking in the libudev device-id fallback code.- Fixed device-id reporting.- Set disc media for disc page sizes (bug #495672).- Ship libhpmud.so (bug #489059). - Fixed no-root-config patch (bug #489055).- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- 3.9.2. No longer need systray or quit patches.- Only ship compressed PPD files.- rebuild with new openssl- Fixed Quit menu item in device manager (bug #479751).- Prevent crash when DEVICE_URI/PRINTER environment variables are not set (bug #479808 comment 6).- Make --qt4 the default for the systray applet, so that it appears in the right place, again (bug #479751). - Removed hal preprobe rules as they were causing breakage (bug #479648).- Don't write to system-wide configuration file (bug #479178).- 2.8.12.- Rediff libsane patch.- 2.8.10. No longer need gzip-n or quiet patches.- Prevent backend crash when D-Bus not running (bug #474362).- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Ship PPDs in the correct location (bug #343841).- Moved Python extension into libs sub-package (bug #461236).- 2.8.7. - Avoid hard-coded rpaths. - New libs sub-package (bug #444016).- Move libhpip.so* to the main package to avoid libsane-hpaio depending on hpijs (bug #457440).- fix license tag- 2.8.6b.- 2.8.6. No longer need libm patch.- Make --qt4 the default for the systray applet, so that it appears in the right place. Requires PyQt4.- 2.8.5. - Configure with --enable-dbus. Build requires dbus-devel. - Fix chmod 644 line. - Ship hp-systray in the gui sub-package, but don't ship the desktop launcher yet as the systray applet is quite broken. - Don't run autoconf.- Move installer directory to main package (bug #446171).- Update hplip.fdi for Fedora 9: info.bus -> info.subsystem. - Images in docdir should not be executable (bug #440552).- 2.8.2. No longer need alloc, unload-traceback or media-empty patches. - Ship cupsddk driver. The hpijs sub-package now requires cupsddk-drivers.- Fixed marker-supply-low strings.- Rebuild for GCC 4.3.- The hpijs compression module doesn't allocate enough memory (bug #428536).- Really grant the ACL for the lp group (bug #424331).- Ship installer directory (bug #428246). - Avoid multilib conflict (bug #341531). - The hpijs sub-package requires net-snmp (bug #376641).- 2.7.12. No longer need ljdot4 patch.- Don't ship udev rules; instead, grant an ACL for group lp (bug #424331).- Rebuild for deps- 2.7.10.- Applied patch to fix remnants of CVE-2007-5208 (bug #329111).- Use raw instead of 1284.4 communication for LJ4000 series (bug #249191). - Build requires openssl-devel.- 2.7.9. - Adjusted udev rules to be less permissive. We use ConsoleKit to add ACLs to the device nodes, so world-writable device nodes can be avoided.- Prevent hpfax trying to load configuration files as user lp.- Reverted udev rules change. - Ship a HAL FDI file to get correct access control on the USB device nodes (bug #251470). - Make libsane-hpaio requires the main hplip package, needed for libhpip.so (bug #280281).- Updated udev rules to allow scanning by console user.- Better buildroot tag. - More specific license tag.- 2.7.7.- Move libhpmud to hpijs package (bug #248978).- Remove hplip service on upgrade. - Updated selinux-policy conflict for bug #249014. - Fixed the udev rules file (bug #248740, bug #249025).- Fixed hp-toolbox desktop file (bug #248560).- Low ink is a warning condition, not an error.- Add hp-check back, but in the gui sub-package. - Show the HP Toolbox menu entry again.- Read system config when run as root (bug #242974).- Moved reportlab requirement to gui sub-package (bug #189030). - Patchlevel 1.- Fixed pre scriptlet (bug #247349, bug #247322).- Main package requires python-reportlab for hp-sendfax (bug #189030). - Explicitly enable scanning. - Main package requires python-imaging for hp-scan (bug #247210).- Updated selinux-policy conflict for bug #246257.- 2.7.6.- Another go at avoiding AVC messages on boot (bug #244205).- Don't try to write a /root/.hplip.conf file when running as a CUPS backend (bug #244205).- Don't put the version in the desktop file; let desktop-file-install do it. - 1.7.4a. No longer need marker-supply or faxing-with-low-supplies patches. Cheetah and cherrypy directories no longer shipped in source tarball.- Don't ship hp-check (bug #243273). - Moved hp-setup back to the base package, and put code in utils.checkPyQtImport() to check for the gui sub-package as well as PyQt (bug #243273).- Moved hp-setup to the ui package (bug #243273). - Prevent SELinux audit message from the CUPS backends (bug #241776)- Prevent a traceback when unloading a photo card (bug #238617).- When faxing, low ink/paper is not a problem (bug #238664).- Update desktop database on %postun as well (bug #236163).- Some parts can run without GUI support after all (bug #236161). - Added /sbin/service and /sbin/chkconfig requirements for the scriptlets (bug #236445). - Fixed %post scriptlet's condrestart logic (bug #236445).- Fixed dangling symlinks (bug #236156). - Move all fax bits to the gui package (bug #236161). - Don't ship fax PPD and backend twice (bug #236092). - Run update-desktop-database in the gui package's %post scriptlet (bug #236163). - Moved desktop-file-utils requirement to gui package (bug #236163). - Bumped selinux-policy conflict version (bug #236092).- Better media-empty-error state handling: always set the state.- Clear the media-empty-error printer state.- Fixed typo in marker-supply-low patch.- Split out a gui sub-package (bug #193661). - Build requires sane-backends-devel (bug #234813).- Change 'Hidden' to 'NoDisplay' in the desktop file, and use the System category instead of Utility (bug #170762). - Link libsane-hpaio against libsane (bug #234813).- Use marker-supply-low IPP message.- 1.7.2.- 1.7.1.- 1.6.12. No longer need broken-conf, loop, out-of-paper or sane-debug patches.- rebuild against python 2.5- Minor state fixes for out-of-paper patch.- Report out-of-paper and offline conditions in CUPS backend (bug #216477).- Fixed debugging patch.- Allow debugging of the SANE backend.- IPv6 support (bug #198377). Local-only sockets are IPv4, and ought to be changed to unix domain sockets in future.- 1.6.10. No longer need compile patch. - Fixed default config file (bug #211072). - Moved libhpip to hpijs sub-package (bug #212531).- Don't wake up every half a second (bug #204725).- Fixed package URL.- Don't look up username in PWDB in the fax backend (removed redundant code).- 1.6.7. - Conflict with selinux-policy < 2.3.4 to make sure new port numbers are known about (bug #201357).- rebuild- libhpip should link against libm (bug #197599).- 1.6.6a.- Patchlevel 1. - Fixed libsane-hpaio %post scriptlet (bug #196663).- 1.6.6.- Build requires autoconf (bug #194682).- Include doc files (bug #192790).- Patchlevel 2.- Move hpijs to 0.9.11 too.- 0.9.11. - Keep hpijs at 0.9.8 for now.- Patchlevel 2.- Don't package COPYING twice (bug #189162).- Patchlevel 1. - Fixed another case-sensitive match. - Require hpijs sub-package (bug #189140). - Don't package unneeded files (bug #189162). - Put fax PPD in the right place (bug #186213).- Use case-insensitive matching. 0.9.8 gave all-uppercase in some situations. - Last known working hpijs comes from 0.9.8, so use that.- Always use /usr/lib/cups/backend.- 0.9.10. - Ship PPDs.- Include hpfax. - Build requires libusb-devel.- CUPS backend directory is always in /usr/lib.- Quieten hpssd on startup.- Patchlevel 1.- 0.9.9. No longer need quiet or 0.9.8-4 patches.- Buildrequires: desktop-file-utils- Patchlevel 4.- Added Obsoletes: hpoj tags back in (bug #181476).- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- Patchlevel 3.- Patchlevel 2.- 0.9.8. - No longer need initscript patch. - Don't package hpfax yet.- Don't package PPD files.- Fix initscript (bug #176966).- Rebuild.- Rebuild.- Build requires python-devel, libjpeg-devel (bug #176317).- rebuilt- Use upstream patch 0.9.7-2. - No longer need lpgetstatus or compile patches.- Prevent LPGETSTATUS overrunning format buffer.- 0.9.7.- Fix compilation.- rebuilt against new openssl- Rebuilt.- Ship initscript in %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d.- Install the desktop file with Hidden=True (bug #170762).- Don't install desktop file (bug #170762). - Quieten the hpssd daemon at startup (bug #170762).- 0.9.6.- Apply upstream patch to fix scanning in LaserJets and parallel InkJets.- 0.9.5. - No longer need condrestart patch. - Fix compile errors.- Fix condrestart in the initscript.- Use 'condrestart' not 'restart' in %post scriptlet.- forward-decl patch not needed. - 0.9.4.- Removed Obsoletes: hpoj tags (bug #162222).- Rebuild to get Python modules precompiled.- For libsane-hpaio ExcludeArch: s390 s390x, because it requires sane-backends.- Use static IP ports (for SELinux policy).- Conflicts: hpijs from before this package provided it. - Conflicts: system-config-printer < 0.6.132 (i.e. before HPLIP support was added)- Added Obsoletes: for xojpanel and hpoj-devel (but we don't actually package devel files yet).- Add 'hpaio' to SANE config file, not 'hpoj' (bug #159954).- Use /usr/share/applications for putting desktop files in (bug #159932). - Requires PyQt (bug #159932).- Initial package, based on Mandriva spec file.          BgBhBBBBB SB BB3.11.5-3.fc133.11.5-3.fc133.11.5-3.fc13hphplip.conf40-hplip.rules56-hpmud_support.ruleshplip-common-3.11.5COPYINGhplipdatamodelsmodels.dat/etc//etc/hp//etc/udev/rules.d//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/hplip-common-3.11.5//usr/share//usr/share/hplip//usr/share/hplip/data//usr/share/hplip/data/models/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectory?7zXZ !PH6:]"k%{L&P'@gєV ?Fe>\Q48̟`S,?RԨ,DmwbsJ|T>>Wd7 U@kQ4bR՞ÛBJ;k+/VJ 3p}*ٓ{C$<*rb7R #^FN.PLMr&*BBjm:2QGe|b4]kxF'\#?y8F[6.-{K\|^ H>Ո_ߜKFq#t)q|6ҭ> P v;ImpAc&fy: 14yb=jZ BXqZrhz(.E.Ab(if@O%5pɴ7/>dJ: {aa{;DAGaopȘI鯜Wo1!vFZFaWo`)Gshv'ED|3*7j1LV.]ǻJ_ JGh)AP{CF8?spcgQS)y* Qqón?W5+v7IR|Sepih0b*d0hoS=WArIwN9Q}A;ע|վ ؀rs +zTN쳝_#_dk3L߬ 3tCPqk K:ε.,ix5-!oMh1?YzȮ=8oYCr-S/yɇXרP’9Y[*E e+ 5όx>3v9c>A ʚb[>zckgķ1T>y@μDbqW˂tuVR9V<[ޑ^vN#fN%5M^4iƗ7Bu^V W×UmDvD )S͇FL pĭ횎lXoUIusYSc+:zD tv\&'RlA|9r5[k )j,rVK%% *P H#Cت)%9ƙ]Ze)vr~b ݓW@"H? 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