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By adding to libsvm_python_dir- Rebuilt for Upstream Update to 2.89: + reduce input/loading time of svm-train/svm-predict by half + pointer function so users can specify their own outputs + remove info_flush() + a extern variable libsvm_version + svm-train -q option (disable outputs) + svm-scale: warning if more nonzero produced + popel.communiate() to avoid some deadlock (if lots of outputs when #classes is large)- Fix java BuildRequire and Build - javadoc have been removed because ppc and ppc64 do not have a suitable package to build javadoc in F-8, nor does javadoc provide much useful information.- Note: + SO version now follows upstream, i.e. SHVER=1, as upstream start to build shared library now. Be aware that previously SO version of is, which looks higher than the current SO version + Replaced java-1.5.0-gcj-devel with java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel. + java sub-package now have javadoc. - Upstream update + From 2.87: 2008/10/13 * svm-toy/qt updated to qt4 from qt3 * fix a bug in svm-scale.c * max feature index of -r file is considered * Makefile: add make lib; add -Wconversion and -fPIC in Makefile * Add "rb" in load_model of svm.cpp * Simplify do_shrinking of svm.cpp * Change the order of loops in reconstrict_gradient of svm.cpp * save the number of kernel evaluations * Add python/ + From 2.88: 2008/10/30 * better gradient reconstructions * issue a warning when -h 0 may be faster- Fix svm-toy-qt clear button does not clear. (from Hsiang-Fu Yu in National Taiwan University)- Correct changelog date- Fix the Qt path problem- Support both Qt3 for F8 and earlier, and Qt4 for F9- Upstream update to 2.86 - svm-scale for java - version number in svm.h and svm.m4 - rename svmtrain.exe to svm-train.exe - python: while 1 --> while True, Popen -> call - show best parameters on the contour of - LIBSVM_VER_MAJOR and LIBSVM_VER_MINOR are defined in libsvm.spec instead in- Fix build error.- [Bug 436392]: Fix by copy from right place. - Add desktop files and icons for svm-toy-gtk and svm-toy-qt- Move gnuplot from BuildRequires to Requires- Fix linker name ( - Linked to dynamic libraries- Fix svm-toy-qt build error- Fix svm-toy-gtk build error- Upgrade to 2.85 - Include guide.pdf in main package - Change the dependent from eclipse-ecj to java-1.5.0-gcj - Add svm-toy-gtk - Add svm-toy-qt- [Bug 254091] Comment 19 - Fix python/Makefile- Fix improper sed. - Change ldconfig to /sbin/ldconfig - Add gnuplot dependency for libsvm-python, as tools/ needs it.- [Bug 254091] Review Request: libsvm - A Library for Support Vector Machines (Comment #12)- Add defattr to each subpackage - Move to libsvm- Split out libsvm-java - Add Refined description. - Fix the /tmp/python.ver problem- Fix dependency problem- Fix mock error - Support Python 2.4 and Python 2.5- Fix rpmlint error - Move python related files to libsvm-python- initial packaging/bin/sh/bin/sh     444*4+43.1-1.fc133.1-1.fc13svm-toy-gtkfedora-libsvm-svm-toy-gtk.desktoplibsvm-svm-toy-gtk-3.1READMElibsvm-svm-toy-gtk-48.png/usr/bin//usr/share/applications//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/libsvm-svm-toy-gtk-3.1//usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, strippedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaceddirectoryRRRRRRR R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ?07zXZ !PH6d'V]"k%]d戔 _t]^o~`8ؕHz#րYDuH8`h-\51mE䪇Z׷j Xs9#;P6N5V=!]![1H_W4+F@hR0X2n'w\,aGp)~yzM UI Xq!g7#`w:Gnwd!Im|%~^E\x2:h3fUW]teU8Xf'^&ϰ&1F ؟'^ҹT-|gWEԼqYƵ}L$2ր2$u(<\c(B{co/HCJ,d^} Z[3^7n)0UztelTΦi.m%@PbrݑCy xʪ<ѨѤe*V+]S!ˑ1B0)r*N^lJ_+՟pg Xb\A5?m#cYqH[}ݬ]sZ*'>: o_eB؄ eF#VAX:P\0}g4f2PI멭pAl98}g%[/U?S^${38@c>ܱ}1A!*_GapasדgC)-)CxYUlE_|q+ Pq,LUy ݞ:y jEclQv/dVG(.&W@jS!<$cF~ί6+Cjn ehAKp͐YoZ=B lXJObHfiNO[%COcca5MR/l(լe'CU7q(ٜİjwk=r7jMonYao`o&$-ՠPhV>̕1+0j\oM|ud,:i>r+¨NJ%9Fi8lRr1ΐߛbuIgⱤLf> ڀ}}7bphƑ*>TUhrI{<_Q4X9$'*ij/͂VX/]`dC4 aL'QCbN;un>hNEDP"Ȟoߍxȣp9Z gj&9;;={QS $[ ?S,0veXA[nO\Iʊ›j:fn($<W- ,L;m?jmqfݳS pfB!aU~x7L' lt=8(;CK~d#nאG|\/$l-V Ǧ/9o}Da7%1A-hYkti?0aWr̴5gIzݏ&^٥̨yapjx4Sch{14UA:%?O؁C\TnP3Rb>7ʻk:3pDO9`O2rdRΑ"H\ ZrsVGfټ%%u)%Kb*C9H :ycNzѳ.< `]ƹW7#H"_Cv7(cl@O|΃ϵ ,ZpDH +.X[[>o֐!j>mЃ+M8+ZCKXK鰳Ӧ[ڇ# B%~ z~= ɑyگ}ĀNf "7e0(f(DvZw[eRS򡼖clGJ|&x:'$lαv*{xa׶7cvd7CQފ`1:8a6]I˹w&b`^L,>Lȩ94 Ӏ3*1q7XP{9.b[ԦQɐ+zm| D[Vݹ8#igk(?&5xp R[m9UKE|oa<ߜl9x%K,ZjPDDj Ov>$݃X4:| ]#Ju8AGss}©G~Z@8w\aE#wn Ğ{Z1Lf`g ëo<#:g7 m:s@IM+eMDߗ'g`28]W($#Sp7-lq՘I;>!4\dz-)} X]9mI:b;?Ϡ&YzA ҄*6IE/B&3@)#>QXy]'EP"@gq }k-Tk]4;Aq%$rmUF$aѽY/' hGwaG!k]NrZΗ݄驕<47t{p&^вs+]vig.UkK[ N>ĔܾBd_)σ_*-K *YCjn0!tv-^(3'0'zBiV!kì8 IPeI!TtO*%5kzy7[!Q+5 Cx 0Jx_Jrzxw2p$(970j傕hМ}%d Q[x\^䙎hG3(W/uGN'w̶[x]SӸG< и>$:VǼbd cy6TvK}dt0T[m #}[YUPaG$^87FHTaCϹ3Q[^:(&M9U U-QsהtR2O&gpuʑtȮ5:~i(*4gKQ͵Pg<^5n@(;j67$gVЧ_f|r &E3+[87i8,8ٗ8 pe TgPѠ]z,@ ܎p\ A`u숄BqTnMk  5KD0!vdI@Pm{ `a#\ RSN=t5=S7 /D 22 sNw3yXc 3l֥7 “ G9> jӶ߫kcsnJERx9wlm6;C'P޾Ƙaܷ}Vױ0x@KtK:8QZc#l Z,3 ٤n5(DļƇi ZMn6 3dƕBc37=hNӜ\<"߱+$.':X윽^:FG#`V=TW<ֈ*Q[_z4~XaEY HwY} #`=8(!cy9 gHu~Zeデ2˥ Y,Ok~3(Y+Eܔ^D,ED@ey6u}* iê^.;*"nq ,Fi5Ĵa\U;j]wL뮛C d7KE؄|r \o]JZ9%zQ@` 4~lGzxV03S#A:bM$5?^fL>fqIs0LJi{6x\_.3Pۙg$Dhqv54cMH '&jܰdzTh4GO:*jFٶzk{*v12l[ ؊ swYkw mgnAF~Cs*q4nvib{ 􍞗}'"}$۟γ|sz2"dLss@|Ò]Z3|ܹ f|[% w,l!Âp V6D 3P?O/aCȉb89ͨ ^~e40"iI|  = # D =U&8/EoFq^br=>81ϊ9krM ~ֈ{Hxnx2 ">ER*_d_ )v6Yn_Ǿ<0N ZDRETM+͠'bm|&K' 0twXZ-!S8߼ąZ#17̾8Tamo7 ⓖ>:۾7)Bi_z{&җN6)w&MmqeZ>_aAo 5IJ@2%o*ȾMd {ؑ,XEv듺[L=+\.2Gc,˹;,+4_Z?j~#FNkH\ CrٕY ]V5ͣ]7uN{2Ȍg)a3tDɝvX߱q3Bj> 3 O3 ro`2yK쯻X?&wiHVR&*-,x [5SH!Hf=JkּB L,(v$9?HE_yMIW._PWґk}'kJ*C=y$И+:+/TжvXqnLhXLDNj;*F4oǢred;mK$+-k'~i\4#{Dë?P\JĞ2{t"\LWklXQ949Ǯ$t@[iM4fɍ pdARsmLY0 (R;OJ)*@S|FÞL"~@1ca '/#SPtj3eG @) I1?Ŋ2FZ)^6 `@9 fž։sǹ-xSҬ-n8F1 0-cg\ ?JL,n}c0 2 5? 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