mozvoikko-1.0-22.fc13$>?V,<>9!?!d   T *HNX |        M  X |   P`(8+9H+:+G H< I` XlYx\ ] ^=bd e f l t 0 u T v xw! x!0 y!T !Cmozvoikko1.022.fc13Finnish Voikko spell-checker extension for Mozilla programsThis is mozvoikko, an extension for Mozilla programs for using the Finnish spell-checker ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectApplications/Internethttp://voikko.sourceforge.netlinuxx86_64(KFWA큤A큤A큤NNNNNNIII60a0e3bd9286af0defb7df6d433b0449785b308b2a375273375c0e31c2d9cb018b192290c4911e1623bd2e5406335838d9f65808c7b85a16ad252c7cf96284259ebba85e1fdd24f52893c53b5b5d0178917d3c3367f4e2d31463ba6ff393e0f3dcc100d4161cc0b7177545ab6e47216f84857cda3843847c7 @@@@@@@@@@@   @!@K @Kh@K@KqK @J@JJJ;J@J JzJx"JjJc I@I2I@II~@IT@H@H6@HnHH`HA=H:@H:@H8@H6Jan Horak - 1.0-22Jan Horak - 1.0-21Christopher Aillon - 1.0-20Jan Horak - 1.0-19Jan Horak - 1.0-18Jan Horak - 1.0-17Jan Horak - 1.0-16Jan Horak - 1.0-15Martin Stransky - 1.0-14Jan Horak - 1.0-13Jan Horak - 1.0-12Jan Horak - 1.0-11Martin Stransky - 1.0-10Michel Salim - 1.0-9.1Jan Horak - 1.0-9Ville-Pekka Vainio - 1.0-8Ville-Pekka Vainio - 1.0-7Jan Horak - 1.0-6Jan Horak - 1.0-5Ville-Pekka Vainio - 1.0-4Jan Horak - 1.0-3Ville-Pekka Vainio - 1.0-2Ville-Pekka Vainio - 1.0-1Jan Horak - 0.9.7-0.8.rc1Jan Horak - 0.9.7-0.7.rc1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.9.7-0.6.rc1Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.7-0.5.rc1Christopher Aillon - 0.9.7-0.3.rc1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.9.7-0.2.rc1Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.7-0.1.rc1Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.6-0.1.rc2Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.5-6Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.5-5Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.5-3Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.5-2Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.5-1Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.5-0.2Ville-Pekka Vainio - 0.9.5-0.1Ville-Pekka Vainio - Vainio - Vainio - Vainio - Vainio - Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Updated gecko dependency- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Bump release to preserve update path from Fedora 12- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Drop Requires for libmalaga, the current version of libvoikko in Fedora Rawhide doesn't depend on libmalaga anymore- Rebuild against newer gecko- Use global instead of define, except in gecko_ver as that might be used in the xulrunner rebuild scripts.- Update to 1.0. - Use "official" upstream source, the RC sources have been removed. - This is mostly a cosmetic change, no code was changed, only the XML file defining the extension version.- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuilt for Rebuild against newer gecko - Bump Release to fix upgrade path- Rebuild against newer gecko- Rebuilt for New RC - The unstable nsIXULRuntime interface is not used anymore- New RC - All patches applied upstream, some documentation updates- Add a series of patches developed together with upstream and the Ubuntu/Debian maintainer: - Uses pkg-config --cflags and --libs, no rpath anymore - Cleans up some unneeded cruft from Makefile.xulrunner - Uses -Wl,--as-needed to reduce shared library dependencies - Some discussion about pkg-config and rpath in Launchpad #297169- Rebuild against gecko 1.9.1 - Bump Release so that it's at least as high as in F10 and F9- Rebuild against newer gecko- Fix the xulrunner requires: - Add define gecko_ver - Add Requires: gecko-libs = gecko_ver - Add BuildRequires: gecko-devel-unstable = gecko_ver - Remove all actual xulrunner requires - Redo the Makefile.xulrunner includes patch, we only need the stable and unstable header dirs in Fedora- Bump Release for initial Fedora build- Add patch to remove xulrunner unstable include from Makefile.xulrunner and only BuildRequire xulrunner-devel, not xulrunner-devel-unstable - Change Group to Applications/Internet - Add dependency to the sonames and New upstream release- New upstream release, the Makefile.xulrunner path patch is no longer needed- New upstream release, Makefile.xulrunner paths are no longer hardcoded, VOIKKO_INCLUDES is dropped completely - Path patch updated, most notably include directories, even though the build worked even before for some reason- Change name to mozvoikko to reflect the possibility of this package later supporting Thunderbird and Seamonkey as well - Change summary and description accordingly - Add firefox to Requires, because currently it's the only program which can use mozvoikko - Drop BR xulrunner-devel, the -unstable package is enough to require for now- New upstream release - Use the new extension-files and install-unpacked make targets - Path patch edited accordingly- Initial package         $$$$$HHHH1.0-22.fc131.0-22.fc13{b676e3ff-cda7-4e0c-b2b8-74e4bb40a67a}chrome.manifestcomponentslibmozvoikko.soinstall.rdfmozvoikko-1.0COPYINGChangeLogREADME/usr/lib64/mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}//usr/lib64/mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}/{b676e3ff-cda7-4e0c-b2b8-74e4bb40a67a}//usr/lib64/mozilla/extensions/{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}/{b676e3ff-cda7-4e0c-b2b8-74e4bb40a67a}/components//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/mozvoikko-1.0/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippedUTF-8 Unicode textXML document textdirectory PRRRRRRRR R R R R?p7zXZ !PH60V]"k%f2cΎsm>Sֽ6"dAfb΁/@ dǼA b{0D,aVkAndgF ].q Zd{Dԃɑݹ '^L6 6;]"81@sv6ѥSЇo.cHŋr  AAyܦe+aLGpRP #Ȋ %4~&1ڏ)B>Eۍ8\ykb!HK:IST!b;(>^ǍJd-CƄل@=SQPl&DKyzpuŘR@ 퀜.r}ZyCj:&iLi$<~8ƕ)w`{&TPHlU'vDO8yӛ2aTqfslA䯞h5b;Vq08ۢ%傈bv}GzYӽ|r٧aY=*o"Gࢩih!h8oRyy1[>738b{;H |W$ZWiECew03pc 5V3Ѽ)<ih5Ť^I<Jt!6k 6*?Ѐ]ZWm+EYI??hﭠ D%:B,]+RlESB[M#=ES^lq3ժE74<"a3wGlX~iI#E[g8 4ۇ`h %fiuN )W|)09g]v~7C, Y ʩp=..C*u*V f2|#̌9Cr "j \9+":)5$xUr }fwI<|QnF{>3nϮP<ٽolxPߛ ߃`1 WB&|/ z@ݘ4)i}Vn͸4wq7]^V"_)R}Ky][2lcP҃vSRa|M8]l!#H\XgW\]j6ֲv'Kϯ%fTͫyf!MHOLљej)>ϙ\\&c pjA!kCL4uʕRS]XGX.1%۷sgvZ`]o2v3hHnD9r+YylKF! _gܮ.4'ulA :X&G+5f?@h7%n@QS97;il- ]=qXGz 9!ךx\7 Vڑ JzKi r F1P!KQoݗPZ3w `{\qB}rdJ`cs'I :CrD$ARqXJdn1 2 i]~BMPlYjX/X*ł, a>ە"5d A_˅=DC٬]:QZ0{r, ŇyfaGzy'"c-[׋J՘?wPpYJQDə}- /#$S `|HBBD5`Mkx"gaI9!|yJD3ԪhvZxY (?.oW|-zЛRGA2\qb!i.)TY~?BNp?e{t =:5uj NLGNacIKzݾ 7(J{n*DdEturcꪬ+ G&[kR߿(Fxj±r! a$5^FUt\`M@}rM==)Yʻf?v\ ~k$32cќu8%_̘ ޟT`]áǾR~$1Ԟ$۽Ùk(s/}_0@?s 63j,6:T"d?GgwKj>E%u&zH~Q1Lj&/' yw~zwOWrҐ 4|UH5uYt țhiJwjg%yCA;1y崛,BT{\єh;@c <˜P뺃 Cow=U=ƒ̑a,Hbkz}:+T<;RE*pYT8C*"}2])MxcgOEvG6sRPա4y QrWpy',Idoߒ!Ȇ [tR\Z6@֟WsQ.նt6Ʀ!83(&(snb;m|QM3_mm?FDl Gm-C%p=d'yM4oqj)84L$/cE|\XS4)+(h&*f>*FXSjS yI@^u{jt`ƽٰ&Pd(G$H$@y5NC旱KƑ\ڧUj\@]Nӗ?aؐ2\8]*',3l$i&܁VluXɯMR&,/LfGrY.,7B˔'WkTSjfƇdG}1SVmXEK,]dlB>uVwͻV}U있AO$Ueg9d7[Ҟ3.s6_!Cvg;LP i ŷ%oOqKZ"FjXNlc%KbIO QO?Ş>K(01SѧDcl> T޹Lv { q'Q;R.UIXsf?[8f/3^GT7r!9wg8BK)k.k$%4=5pK> 'f=EWI,h{@BWCuw JY֔jF IRf55.>ѷ\q;C/N\:W l;j2VMvtz=1H"ǛMG,*hꡳRW/#0TP WhPi:fIX8jP_vso>3vEg?WoGOlG#i=~2LhjGv \[4Ȫ7bH>Vvݸ{?WQ[ȟqdrҶ:h0XL:6靎ZF178e:}ZcY8T:^Н࠶Ml`-q 2֠9Z/3,؎i'jg|[,"cCzT[גT?wDeV%e/2Ux|5_$&k$5uM2T.ǫ[鍫* Pںe.sByV{\ڴ.0fPޜ4%oB˿$^FQ)"u $ǴTtr[éb,X0d:9J۴h 'Zaސ/ȶi<)vpISuQݖ+ /I^wcJF6ڧHϽbi „9 u;kˆR"#.I=;i|p[CfvUHbo& 'j<Ji<}l"ߎy)[Wvmff}A9df%Eq9í Y^Jtê0}+x$L1O@/J4bBw={|-n4 e͐DVy9!r!fؕROP Q3 \:aC|#>{vw8WR= 豛PDu o0R({X]zbLG%|稒SgR@[WM&5aT> YZ