nted-ntedfont-fonts-1.10.17-1.fc13$>%K ;lέJi>= ?d % Ipt ,29     4  -FdxC(b8h+9+:+>@GHIXY\ ] ^gbdDeIfLlNthu|vwxyCnted-ntedfont-fonts1.10.171.fc13NtEd's own special note symbol fontNtEd's own special note symbol font.M>x86-14.phx2.fedoraproject.orgnFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+ with exceptionsFedora ProjectUser Interface/Xhttp://vsr.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/staff/jan/nted/nted.xhtmllinuxnoarchif [ -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ]; then /usr/bin/fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/nted || : fiif [ $1 -eq 0 -a -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ] ; then /usr/bin/fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/nted || : fiFoStA큤A큤M>LC LC M>M>5621c4ebbad3b30354bdec052ecedacd3e0e9dfddde76c15052fada7159e8fb62484dd9d1e7a775acdd23a69acef774b93eaa1099870f80da8a72d0c2713d5eb6469c05b4265d2947ee8a0811a754549db36f0df65bd054d51047728c2b19107rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootnted-1.10.17-1.fc13.src.rpmfont(ntedfont)nted-ntedfont-fonts    /bin/sh/bin/shfontpackages-filesystemrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.8.1M>@LF@L@IL@IKtK#@KՀ@KՀ@KKrKrKXAK3WKJ&JJ@J JmJjJeIII'@I@I2I@Ii@Ii@I?@I2@IsH~@H@HӔ@HǶHe@H@H@HKHKHE2@HHans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.10.17-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.10.13-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.10.12-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.10.12-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.10.3-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.10.3-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.10.1-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.22-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.19-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.18-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.18-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.17-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.13-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.10-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.9.2-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.8.6-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.8.1-1Orcan Ogetbil - 1.6.2-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.6.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.6.1-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.6.1-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.5.0-6Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.5.0-5Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.5.0-4Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.5.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.5.0-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.5.0-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.4.17-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.4.17-1.1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.4.17-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.4.16-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.4.15-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.4.2-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.3.3-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.2.1-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.0.8-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.0.8-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.0.7-2Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 1.0.7-1Michel Alexandre Salim - 0.24.1-1Hans Ulrich Niedermann - 0.22.3-2.4Michel Alexandre Salim - 0.22.3-2Michel Alexandre Salim - 0.22.3-1- Update to 1.10.17 (#625397).- Update to 1.10.13 (#616739).- Added License tags for -doc, -fonts subpackages. - Added COPYING and COPYING.FONT.TXT (GPL w/ font exception) to fonts subpkg. - Removed COPYING (GPL) from -doc subpkg (contains only GFDL files).- Update to 1.10.12 (#578125).- Repeat build with the sourc tarball actually uploaded- Update to 1.10.3 (support tremolo notes)- Update to 1.10.1- Update to 1.9.22 (bug fixes, mostly Lilypond export)- Update to 1.9.19 (time signature fixes) - Remove upstreamed nted-1.9.18-link-fix-for-fedora.patch- Explicitly check for and link against libX11 (will be in upstream 1.9.19) - Remove obsolete "chmod -x" on dynarray.h - Update nted.desktop translations from upstream's nted.desktop- Update to 1.9.18- Update to 1.9.17- Update to 1.9.13- Update to 1.9.10- Update to 1.9.2- 1.8.6 release- update to upstream's nted-1.8.1 release- Update desktop file according to F-12 FedoraStudio feature- update to bugfix release 1.6.2- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Upstream release 1.6.0/1.6.1- Rebuild for Fedora 11 to pick up font autodeps (#491970)- Remove workaround for broken po2xml which is now fixed - Move noarch subpackage conditional part to single place in file- Add (disabled) workaround for broken po2xml (would remove translated docs)- noarch subpackage for doc - use versioned requirements for subpackages- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Update to upstream 1.5.0 release - nothing user visible besides the upstream 1.5.0 release - replace %dir %{_fontdir} by fontpackages-devel >= 1.18 build req - replace %define with %global - ship COPYING.GFDL file - split off nted-ntedfont-fonts subpackage for the font people- remove unneeded fontconfig hooks from spec- remove wrongly encoded german description - use new font packaging rules - split ntedfont.pfa into nted-fonts subpackage- Update to upstream's 1.4.17 release.- Update to upstream's 1.4.16 release.- Update to upstream's 1.4.15 release.- Update to upstream's 1.4.2 release.- Update to upstream's 1.3.3 release.- Update to upstream's 1.2.1 release.- Work around upstream shipping an executable dynarray.h file.- Update to upstream's 1.0.8 release.- Consistently use %{buildroot} instead of $RPM_BUILD_ROOT - Ship upstream's now correct COPYING file. - Ship all docs disregarding the languages.- Update to nted-1.0.7 - Remove all patches (all adopted by upstream now) - Consistently use --docdir, %docdir- Update to 0.24.1- Temporary test build - Add GFDL to licenses - Add lang(de) variants for Summary and Description - Have nted look for html docs in correct place- Use compiler flags - Fix compilation warnings - Reorganize documentation files- Initial package/bin/sh/bin/sh     x bx cx dx x1.10.17-1.fc13nted-ntedfont-fonts-1.10.17COPYINGCOPYING.FONT.TXTntedntedfont.pfa/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/nted-ntedfont-fonts-1.10.17//usr/share/fonts//usr/share/fonts/nted/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textPostScript Type 1 font program datadirectoryP?07zXZ !PH6~]"k%q0ՏK(>{-J9wsv|g!wSł~;iZ]H~YTkgǜt@zHRL'lcIv KJzWÜ\d~]jA8|72t X`zQ9Z jα*3qHAG7H21 %2# UBx~N9$_rȳ N%=Y(ow@i4t>%VwN9/P'c =z֜#Eصc;ڡJ~^KF]dF`ثPBN8Ic4y0ה!mO5?Zѹ4ff&@EE4ԮXC%[xʌ߂i-o \!>Y.?XWX蓥)#8[O\^#XS(Y Ll<񿇪b ^‰pXF x9DnTS-;?B4kt)> \^uH]A;AN8v|OɁ3jG̛lz8hc+.Kv2Hla=BNCABǘpzfc >\hfT#7 vQ}caz Gbj<4TBy@6CP1/~NHP5z@ЂF9ʝPt (Ot{:_$K-Au90;gxͧ@ҘyNZ\%liU9 >`[TuucZ~qO>~cFɘ b xYңM vq8d3J K9̪0