openobex-1.4-6.fc13$>(t~Sޭ5Ӗl$>;?d   - @DSbi x   $  8Tt   (/88*9*: *>@GHI0X8YD\\]|^bdefltuvwxyCopenobex1.46.fc13Library for using OBEXOBEX (OBject EXchange) is a protocol usually used by various mobile devices to exchange all kind of objects like files, pictures, calendar entries (vCal) and business cards (vCard). This package contains the Open OBEX shared C library.Mlx86-14.phx2.fedoraproject.orgNFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectSystem Environment/Librarieshttp://openobex.sourceforge.netlinuxx86_64F[g@ /iA큤MlMlMlI69I69I69I69I69dfa37e3d32831114c245c9ada2e767e9dec544a1f49af1591ca8552209e31235a5818ccfcbbe63e4d76abe76ff04a8c45bf425519a3fb581f98390c0a297cd17e6d6a009505   @ /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/"@HHHXHCGG%@G!FF@F%@F@Eɿ@D@DDD@DDCi@C@CCqBv@B%B @AE@@@@@@Dw@@,@>@>@>@9#@Vojtech Vitek (V-Teq) - 1.4-6Vojtech Vitek (V-Teq) 1.4-5Vojtech Vitek (V-Teq) 1.4-4Karsten Hopp 1.4-3.1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4-2Jiri Moskovcak 1.4.1Jiri Moskovcak> 1.3.15Jiri Moskovcak 1.3.14Jiri Moskovcak 1.3-13Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-12Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3-11Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-10Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-9Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-8Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-7Harald Hoyer - 1.3-6Harald Hoyer - 1.3-5Harald Hoyer - 1.3-4Jesse Keating - 1.3-3.1Harald Hoyer - 1.3-3Harald Hoyer - 1.3-2Harald Hoyer - 1.3-1Harald Hoyer - 1.2-2Harald Hoyer - 1.2-1Harald Hoyer 1.1-1Jesse Keating - 1.0.1-4.2.1Jesse Keating - 1.0.1-4.2Jesse Keating Harald Hoyer 1.0.1-4Harald Hoyer Harald Hoyer Harald Hoyer 1.0.1-1Alan Cox Elliot Lee David Woodhouse 1.0.0-5Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Harald Hoyer 1.0.0-2Harald Hoyer 1.0.0-1Pontus Fuchs - Drop obex_test program, as it is just for testing purposes and has some problems with multiple stack overflows etc. Resolves: #521663- update source url- fix security issue when creating file - fix obex_object_resume for server side role- drop excludearch s390 s390x- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream version - Spec file cleanup - Removed unneeded patches- rebuilt against new bluez-libs- bump release- fixed problem when ircp tries to write files to / - Resolves: #451493- improved utf(non ascii) support - Resolves: #430128- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Spec file cleanup- Spec file cleanup - Fixed wrong lib path in autoconf- Changed sources in specfile URL to point to the right location- Added ipv6 support - Resolves: #198396- changed license tag- specfile cleanup- readded obex_push- rebuild- removed more patches- added more build requirements - built now with enable-usb- version 1.3- more build requirements- version 1.2- version 1.1- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- rebuilt- added `OBEX_ServerAccept' to the exported symbols (bug rh#146353)- rebuilt- rebuilt- version 1.0.1- removed now unneeded glib requirement- rebuilt- import for for #121271 from openobex CVS tree- rebuilt- rebuilt- rebuilt- excludeArch s390 s390x- redhatified specfile - bump to version 1.0.0- Initial RPM/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfig        ^_` -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, strippeddirectorysymbolic link to `'RPRRRRRR ?P7zXZ !PH6 a]"\ܬN6FxҦq*)sT  =3ȫ*./iE4'jT*fRXь_/!9I\W!^ĵRBS.M)9BՉ@ΔӾ'ow?^ˡ,H1|c>EP\q'K ”aJ1N?@6QSzb{"o>;^<:+/~INu89h0x-}tf|H!ޡ`0b }فA*F\܁ _|gLm])\y.fu`ķ @(}4ܹ7B=M*X%<9;%}Kv?/>k%s+gȣ#`̾#C%vs/m+t[c5pp받v*;u.3-ۓfo񃕢1O9ZGoY@ Gbce'ps ؜j愍տ@ EI6D·T-yL$Y#E` f.dMݰ%Zb(o b.f\PSwYC,9$g9w|ҎEǠ5fVEoJ,K@E>?@b%N N$J&85Q7[X[;=v[QStn22`ep֥c [P YL5t@ߨ w4N1l۠2tWn=wKS}Umf(*CwЂ"~߇Xy| :e::G7$Un?@sPK_TQHp"~e {xEKI`P< NBZiٔ;XHFyD .+mo瘈뒉$#&@}F0h7:]XH(G泺vm;PbvaB+3_iz'}r6 #밀l>JFY DSMuxym1Y8,twzlӫV9a_ kvnkj3-cH$KEY~$!JfLY<mr2i=TЙ'}ϥx<-*iaϾ-5BRP匙 ,!'ZކAzQ{7?sI[M=3+K6Zn2FMMaw;sZr{mНNigʋsURn\(,Z`XF`<3fkQݬi0\W b-p[]L<SF] .$^2$hY)eVux^sXίFȧq[;s"LSK$]Q*n} Qf23H.U?x|Ytg"i tW"AdsMI8| uI}k]ou.'jv@÷ ɮNS+ ,⨧t8lGˋɩI*)+Ep+rA}bYd yҢU2݋2Cr>G;hyށ*k^`DL-6"XL ?=]#cgAW_3`0[$r_5Nz>yYopu5GV$!ש`JчJ?}KE`\Xf& ijB^@qhu+j-qAyP}$mQCr/Sݩ½J|o2Ѱ<#ӎIݔM"a{~f ,aԎ?܎ FN*v%Fo:1y"V8k EX)nb}H Ka*+h R6:y7Ñb2f"lͣ 2O 8, {g;eB]BȐLJ cxC4Fz:ĄcoTRStW(/{ru G⩦BbBT#$F/K%.R'GFՍ)w!QA;R=pɳ7,p晍7Zdg؞ʪXz GZaʑe * FnQh˜?~]֛K8>݉P|ClmYKiI2 :7{m88f+r,td4/"ts&/7@?$3QH>""ɬg@IFz^'=| $q_Yx WU|!Cd`K'0Fs}&s =e9:ɘrc|#吆fb;3bg ²pJ:p_umqIv"hmB`2JSz1 bD=JwW"+ȰEK(UO/I E/)Gw-(]ޠ1n׎}A6fVbnxElm'tP4֛x˗~0JO0mq+k,f rh|Uo*;\/d14W3tM`$.!R"^c$(c81CI6cW6̭`:9hoϨQnހk KhA% EQG._)>e kY.־0՝G[+?՞)b,(KuZE:]ma.4_GYdPCShCdm+fw /pZbo1t)lz6[ zP FfGOr75DߗbM>]4l<&pf;AUTU=odps`{#X s~$쌇%w8(v|q&M>G*7rq0᤽kb87}=^*|2z A`Oe(XR .VVm3aN_vK! pez|ꁄz[ YZ