openobex-devel-1.4-6.fc13$>%;Rٹr>9L?<d  V  *08L V ` t 9 Th 4  (?8H*9*: *GHI XY \<]P^bdienfqlstuvwxy,8Copenobex-devel1.46.fc13Files for development of applications which will use OBEXHeader files for development of applications which use OpenOBEX.Ml"x86-04.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFpFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Librarieshttp://openobex.sourceforge.netlinuxi686*A큤Ml!Ml!Ml!Ml!Ml!     /usr/bin/"@HHHXHCGG%@G!FF@F%@F@Eɿ@D@DDD@DDCi@C@CCqBv@B%B @AE@@@@@@Dw@@,@>@>@>@9#@Vojtech Vitek (V-Teq) - 1.4-6Vojtech Vitek (V-Teq) 1.4-5Vojtech Vitek (V-Teq) 1.4-4Karsten Hopp 1.4-3.1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4-2Jiri Moskovcak 1.4.1Jiri Moskovcak> 1.3.15Jiri Moskovcak 1.3.14Jiri Moskovcak 1.3-13Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-12Fedora Release Engineering - 1.3-11Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-10Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-9Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-8Jiri Moskovcak - 1.3-7Harald Hoyer - 1.3-6Harald Hoyer - 1.3-5Harald Hoyer - 1.3-4Jesse Keating - 1.3-3.1Harald Hoyer - 1.3-3Harald Hoyer - 1.3-2Harald Hoyer - 1.3-1Harald Hoyer - 1.2-2Harald Hoyer - 1.2-1Harald Hoyer 1.1-1Jesse Keating - 1.0.1-4.2.1Jesse Keating - 1.0.1-4.2Jesse Keating Harald Hoyer 1.0.1-4Harald Hoyer Harald Hoyer Harald Hoyer 1.0.1-1Alan Cox Elliot Lee David Woodhouse 1.0.0-5Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Harald Hoyer 1.0.0-2Harald Hoyer 1.0.0-1Pontus Fuchs - Drop obex_test program, as it is just for testing purposes and has some problems with multiple stack overflows etc. Resolves: #521663- update source url- fix security issue when creating file - fix obex_object_resume for server side role- drop excludearch s390 s390x- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream version - Spec file cleanup - Removed unneeded patches- rebuilt against new bluez-libs- bump release- fixed problem when ircp tries to write files to / - Resolves: #451493- improved utf(non ascii) support - Resolves: #430128- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- Spec file cleanup- Spec file cleanup - Fixed wrong lib path in autoconf- Changed sources in specfile URL to point to the right location- Added ipv6 support - Resolves: #198396- changed license tag- specfile cleanup- readded obex_push- rebuild- removed more patches- added more build requirements - built now with enable-usb- version 1.3- more build requirements- version 1.2- version 1.1- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- rebuilt- added `OBEX_ServerAccept' to the exported symbols (bug rh#146353)- rebuilt- rebuilt- version 1.0.1- removed now unneeded glib requirement- rebuilt- import for for #121271 from openobex CVS tree- rebuilt- rebuilt- rebuilt- excludeArch s390 s390x- redhatified specfile - bump to version 1.0.0- Initial RPM     }~1.41.4-6.fc131.4-6.fc13openobexobex.hobex_const.hlibopenobex.soopenobex.pc/usr/include//usr/include/openobex//usr/lib//usr/lib/pkgconfig/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectorypkgconfig filesymbolic link to `'RPR?p7zXZ !PH6a]"  o.Rҗx}sǯ2C[OC ֆI?Osя2|zw0:[9ʻ_"ݠǂQl}0˯C;_/B IQKqz R\EBVjgNk$o~YARǴZ_v[?߶غ{X 6N/,W |°VR-{2j׻V# &MTpg9F6n|0"  +%|_kd*hy $?P;⑽.P wNǕbt:ӫ87EalQ Jw!2m-W6A:uV?QS{J$/ĈL6 QmO⳸Pzo63x &߫zNZ |%%-ASm<䔿<s'-Dk.x4eQ[DЂHvz@ *FR1u8QLj8zyitJF 4tGl,}DzХD|Ռ%<"" $tj_5Sѱ3dMӿliTS))j'\)Hқ"yʔlWÑ^Fx밉 KAkc{V٤Iݟ7=P@qZ0RyJ̮q uJAlM'A,""En1[<;t`7>-'y49O+δA=u{m{cKl (!,)LƘs$VJcJbƚ]sx gx͸MMx C'֑|TwY1f"oJF}R#)NUωŁ4~(ZW\~ƌqN>'/шi&ev;2 ԅ-M$ft6ڹ$ ?~-{<h:=, ~<.ek-^TvAʅRWgt cNVh%'xL 9 (kԫU TLf'2" Wj.ƒ@Fg8/xkקÜ3]Ul7E@3DPG郴,obQAVՉފe4 =FUxf; "FH YZ