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Fixes broken deps.- Fix Requires, BuildRequires: bitstream-vera-fonts-{sans,sans-mono,serif} fixes broken deps- +BuildRequires: bitstream-vera-fonts - -Requires: bitstream-vera-fonts- Bug 477440: Use Vera fonts from Fedora's package- update to 1.7.2 - ZendX documentation doesn't need regeneration anymore, removed deps- fix to use internal docbook- bump for rawhide (Zend_Tool activated)- update to 1.7.0- last tag failed, bump- update to 1.6.2- update to 1.6.1- update to 1.6.0 stable (full version) - create list of invalid executables in %build for upstream - new components Captcha, Dojo, Service-ReCaptcha, Wildfire, Zend_Tool - BuildRequire symlinks to sanitize zf -> symlink- added license file to all packages to silence rpmline- update to 1.6.0RC1 - added php-Fileinfo dependency- update to 1.5.2 - new package split - removed Cache-Backend-Sqlite, Db-Adapter-Db2, Db-Adapter-Firebird, Db-Adapter-Oracle - removed optional php-bitset requirement from Search-Lucene, not available - removed virtual requires and provides, not necessary anymore- updated for 1.5.0 stable- new upstream version rc3 - updated for 1.5.0 stable - new subpackages Ldap and Service-Nirvanix- added missing dependencies- new release candidate version 1.5.0 - package all zend components in subpackages- new stable version 1.0.3 - preserve timestamps upon copying - split up documentation into subpackages - description BE->AE- initial release           (($$$"$$$$ $#$$!1.11.7-1.fc13php-ZendFramework-Captcha-1.11.7LICENSE.txtCaptchaAdapter.phpBase.phpDumb.phpException.phpFiglet.phpImage.phpReCaptcha.phpWord.php/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/php-ZendFramework-Captcha-1.11.7//usr/share/php/Zend//usr/share/php/Zend/Captcha/-O2drpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textPHP script textdirectory?7zXZ !PH6]"k% @ȄʿlIhV:$0`IsI}-4ۄY[ǜw-GEv-~&{B_Oh8wPt>9[n)|po,q#;;? 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