zarafa-7.0.12-1.fc16$>itOՔZ5>#?ud   PLPtx 0 \ Y (8&9x&:#&XYbdMlRlepfsCzarafa7.0.121.fc16Open Source Edition of the Zarafa Collaboration PlatformThe Zarafa Collaboration Platform is a Microsoft Exchange replacement. The Open Source Collaboration provides an integration with your existing Linux mail server, native mobile phone support by ActiveSync compatibility and a webaccess with 'Look & Feel' similar to Outlook using Ajax. Including an IMAP and a POP3 gateway as well as an iCal/CalDAV gateway, the Zarafa Open Source Collaboration can combine the usability with the stability and the flexibility of a Linux server. The proven Zarafa groupware solution is using MAPI objects, provides a MAPI client library as well as programming interfaces for C++, PHP and Python. The other Zarafa related packages need to be installed to gain all features and benefits of the Zarafa Collaboration Platform (ZCP).Q%buildvm-03.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectAGPLv3 with exceptionsFedora ProjectApplications/Productivity    zarafa-dagent(x86-64)zarafa-gateway(x86-64)zarafa-ical(x86-64)zarafa-monitor(x86-64)zarafa-server(x86-64)zarafa-spooler(x86-64)zarafa-utils(x86-64)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)7.0.12-1.fc167.0.12-1.fc167.0.12-1.fc167.0.12-1.fc167.0.12-1.fc167.0.12-1.fc167.0.12-1.fc164.6.0-14.0-13.0.4-15.2- @P(@P'P @OiO\@OO[B@OLOON@NNNGNpMM@MMUM2@M=Mj 7.0.12-1Denis Arnaud - 7.0.9-3Parag Nemade - 7.0.9-2Robert Scheck 7.0.9-1Rex Dieter 7.0.8-2Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.8-1Robert Scheck 7.0.8-1Robert Scheck 7.0.7-1Robert Scheck 7.0.6-1Robert Scheck 7.0.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.4-2Remi Collet - 7.0.4-2Robert Scheck 7.0.4-1Robert Scheck 7.0.3-2Robert Scheck 7.0.3-1Robert Scheck 7.0.2-1Robert Scheck 7.0.1-1Robert Scheck 7.0.0-1Robert Scheck 6.40.9-1Robert Scheck 6.40.8-1Robert Scheck 6.40.7-1Robert Scheck 6.40.6-2Robert Scheck 6.40.6-1Robert Scheck 6.40.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 6.40.4-2Robert Scheck 6.40.4-1Robert Scheck 6.40.3-1Robert Scheck 6.40.2-1Robert Scheck 6.40.1-1Robert Scheck 6.40.0-3Robert Scheck 6.40.0-2Robert Scheck 6.40.0-1Robert Scheck 6.30.14-1Robert Scheck 6.30.13-1Robert Scheck 6.30.12-1Robert Scheck 6.30.11-1Robert Scheck 6.30.10-2Robert Scheck 6.30.10-1- Upgrade to 7.0.12- Rebuild for Boost-1.53.0- Rebuild for icu 50- Upgrade to 7.0.9 (#847534)- rebuild (boost)- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 7.0.8- Upgrade to 7.0.7- Upgrade to 7.0.6- Upgrade to 7.0.5- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage- build against php 5.4.0 - fix so filters- Upgrade to 7.0.4 - Added patch for rebuilding with PHP 5.4 (thanks to Remi Collet) - Work around crashs by reducing open file descriptors (#760888)- Enabled non-optional build of epoll socket handling (#760888)- Upgrade to 7.0.3- Upgrade to 7.0.2 (#717968)- Upgrade to 7.0.1 (#725250, #725909, #727346)- Upgrade to 7.0.0- Upgrade to 6.40.9- Upgrade to 6.40.8- Upgrade to 6.40.7- Rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)- Upgrade to 6.40.6- Upgrade to 6.40.5- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 6.40.4- Upgrade to 6.40.3- Upgrade to 6.40.2- Upgrade to 6.40.1- Rebuild for perl 5.12.1- Added patch to ensure -pthread for -lclucene configure test- Upgrade to 6.40.0 (#564135, #565252, #600993)- Upgrade to 6.30.14- Upgrade to 6.30.13 - Moved zarafa.schema file from %doc to %{_datadir}/%{name}- Upgrade to 6.30.12- Upgrade to 6.30.11- Backported a patch from trunk to avoid the crash of zarafa-server when creating new user with db or unix plugin (#564282, #567262) - Backported another patch from trunk to avoid the crash of httpd caused by PHP during the logon in the webaccess (#564129)- Upgrade to 6.30.10 (#498194) - Initial spec file for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (thanks to Jeroen van Meeuwen, John van der Kamp and Steve Hardy)7.0.12-1.fc167.0.12-1.fc16-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmx86_64-redhat-linux-gnuxz2?7zXZ !PH6J]"k%Y>14&)Nb2 aj8d ?\\.F87wxoj3n,*24~yiTDMr:jJms*,滉2LMUQj>m%Ofr7 4ǔ)$-~="@ڋ#[|kN{7^őǖ~ r[Px{(6!E|ZiWsTuxd*mES6̻Eد⸊*_OVK7!w 1' pXgleF=-yf.T(pxFW݆l_^ ;Xc͜ 3:hw}U7Y.g%})0^%9[筿w]'|e&^N 8%ò F^K6p¿=gmʨ(P-벫"AQ`4MbEnpP _mzu4u46 2aH}8s-k փWTZnS(^N 㽧D||Ur j*+| zS ՊA79B koխW]Okz8OKgbҨBy~ծIss<[LT2 BVD-:vc"ͅ,GK=ɜV}]evA<=JE#h\ 9o1ltR(˞Y^g< l YZ