zarafa-common-7.0.12-1.fc16$>!b3Sʟk$z>5?d  B<@O^u             8 i  |(8&9<&: &=sG| H I XY\ ] ^Z bdeljefCzarafa-common7.0.121.fc16Common Zarafa files and directoriesThe zarafa-common package provides the filesystem structure and includes common files required by most other Zarafa packages. It also provides the creation of the zarafa user for the different Zarafa services.Q%buildvm-03.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectAGPLv3 with exceptionsFedora ProjectApplications/Productivity group zarafa > /dev/null || /usr/sbin/groupadd -r zarafa getent passwd zarafa > /dev/null || /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g zarafa -d /var/lib/zarafa -s /sbin/nologin -c "Zarafa Service Account" zarafa exit 04 AA큤AAAQ!P݄Q%EQ%TP݉PݸQ%EQ%AQ%E952e6cad51f5793cce5d4eaf86b0be69393ece7c7013466c1df0624ce90a37b3262aeb7faca532ac47869c03014fafaad9d039d6ba61b24f9f2f06b4e97ad1e73652f08f66dc9dd1870f7fba8b8f2a301115a0e35de3f99eba03c4ed3d3481743aa48cc66fa6916ae6100d28124a7ca14dcbd9f9574a181b9803fc0861948c29rootrootrootrootrootrootrootzarafazarafarootrootrootrootrootrootrootzarafazarafazarafa-7.0.12-1.fc16.src.rpmzarafa-common    shadow-utils/bin/shrpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)4.6.0-14.0-13.0.4-15.2- @P(@P'P @OiO\@OO[B@OLOON@NNNGNpMM@MMUM2@M=Mj 7.0.12-1Denis Arnaud - 7.0.9-3Parag Nemade - 7.0.9-2Robert Scheck 7.0.9-1Rex Dieter 7.0.8-2Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.8-1Robert Scheck 7.0.8-1Robert Scheck 7.0.7-1Robert Scheck 7.0.6-1Robert Scheck 7.0.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 7.0.4-2Remi Collet - 7.0.4-2Robert Scheck 7.0.4-1Robert Scheck 7.0.3-2Robert Scheck 7.0.3-1Robert Scheck 7.0.2-1Robert Scheck 7.0.1-1Robert Scheck 7.0.0-1Robert Scheck 6.40.9-1Robert Scheck 6.40.8-1Robert Scheck 6.40.7-1Robert Scheck 6.40.6-2Robert Scheck 6.40.6-1Robert Scheck 6.40.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 6.40.4-2Robert Scheck 6.40.4-1Robert Scheck 6.40.3-1Robert Scheck 6.40.2-1Robert Scheck 6.40.1-1Robert Scheck 6.40.0-3Robert Scheck 6.40.0-2Robert Scheck 6.40.0-1Robert Scheck 6.30.14-1Robert Scheck 6.30.13-1Robert Scheck 6.30.12-1Robert Scheck 6.30.11-1Robert Scheck 6.30.10-2Robert Scheck 6.30.10-1- Upgrade to 7.0.12- Rebuild for Boost-1.53.0- Rebuild for icu 50- Upgrade to 7.0.9 (#847534)- rebuild (boost)- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 7.0.8- Upgrade to 7.0.7- Upgrade to 7.0.6- Upgrade to 7.0.5- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage- build against php 5.4.0 - fix so filters- Upgrade to 7.0.4 - Added patch for rebuilding with PHP 5.4 (thanks to Remi Collet) - Work around crashs by reducing open file descriptors (#760888)- Enabled non-optional build of epoll socket handling (#760888)- Upgrade to 7.0.3- Upgrade to 7.0.2 (#717968)- Upgrade to 7.0.1 (#725250, #725909, #727346)- Upgrade to 7.0.0- Upgrade to 6.40.9- Upgrade to 6.40.8- Upgrade to 6.40.7- Rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)- Upgrade to 6.40.6- Upgrade to 6.40.5- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 6.40.4- Upgrade to 6.40.3- Upgrade to 6.40.2- Upgrade to 6.40.1- Rebuild for perl 5.12.1- Added patch to ensure -pthread for -lclucene configure test- Upgrade to 6.40.0 (#564135, #565252, #600993)- Upgrade to 6.30.14- Upgrade to 6.30.13 - Moved zarafa.schema file from %doc to %{_datadir}/%{name}- Upgrade to 6.30.12- Upgrade to 6.30.11- Backported a patch from trunk to avoid the crash of zarafa-server when creating new user with db or unix plugin (#564282, #567262) - Backported another patch from trunk to avoid the crash of httpd caused by PHP during the logon in the webaccess (#564129)- Upgrade to 6.30.10 (#498194) - Initial spec file for Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (thanks to Jeroen van Meeuwen, John van der Kamp and Steve Hardy)/bin/shfffhhfffh]7.0.12-1.fc16zarafazarafazarafazarafa-common-7.0.12AGPL-3zarafa.1.gzzarafazarafazarafa/etc/logrotate.d//etc/sysconfig//etc//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/zarafa-common-7.0.12//usr/share/man/man1//usr/share//var/lib//var/log/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmx86_64-redhat-linux-gnuxz2?7zXZ !PH6]"k%w9T>17e2gq&v|J?5#!PaMcn7%}RX˻nE|*6h A1Z9nhniVrSGDZ9||8[?_ U9z7[-q5(BIџb1ȨfMmZS{ɮpa\cNWM.{'A"n/]y[b*^Kָʹ % ɁCЍѷ^~!@<ʖRhMd# E&h]@7W҆׉[8e|ނS2/' K_JnV7_Y8͵5QL<9o4θGT?K=0(F`g^r'Ώ?ݑp[,ȟdG T>%F\4Yt4ZGo5OyU<Ј煏F _?oI1xᴐpP Xǧ?`Q2>(WL<9k/kׯK/L<3$a+ 5t8Vz%E%\R\Z5+Q@/"R_qmU˷8OymAhkLwZy?l!݀d$aK_,ۘ9g*GeU'irI`IU3?!(=j5bid rvƾڕ 29S2/ܚ ^ΫjlgI1$Sa