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fix no-file-selected patch: change working directories (#621778, fix by Pavel Polischouk)- ensure correct autoconf patch is used- version 0.999 - remove obsolete patches - update/fix patch comments - fix changelog dates- don't dereference NULL preview objects when quitting (#963696) - fix vendor tag logic in a prettier way- Re-fix vendor tag logic.- fix vendor tag retaining logic (thanks to Toshio Kuratomi)- retain vendor tag up to Fedora 18- Add BR: ImageMagick for identify- Remove vendor tag from desktop file as per https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/1077- build with -fno-strict-aliasing - tidy up desktop file - catch errors when determining the %gimpplugindir macro - use netpbm pipeline to create 32px PNG icon instead of convert (which embeds timestamps in the resulting file)- rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop- rebuild against new libjpeg- calculate minimum window size better for multi-head setups - correct man page (#675437)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- add icon cache update scriptlets- install and use higher resolution icons (#795085)- rebuild against gimp 2.8.0 release candidate- rebuild for gcc 4.7- rebuild for GIMP 2.7- patch and rebuild for libpng-1.5- fix a problem in mouse event processing that interferes with selecting the scan rectangle in the preview window (#624190, patch by Reinhard Fössmeier)- don't dereference unset xsane.preview (#693224)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- version 0.998 - patch desktop file instead of copying it over- don't crash if no files are selected, take two- distribute license and other documentation with xsane-common- support IPv6 (#198422)- work around old %configure macro- don't crash if no files are selected (#608047)- don't use gimp-plugin-mgr anymore - use off-root builds- quote RPM macros in changelog- explain patches- Merge Review (#226658): - replace %desktop_vendor macro with "fedora" - fix xsane-gimp requirements - move EULA and documentation into -common subpackage- remove ExcludeArch: s390 s390x- version 0.997 - drop obsolete sane-backends-1.0.20 patch- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- don't show EULA, mention bugzilla in about dialog (#504344)- don't use obsolete SANE_CAP_ALWAYS_SETTABLE macro (#507823)- don't own %{_datadir}/applications/ (filesystem package owns it)- Merge review (#226658): - convert documentation files to UTF-8 - don't BR: sed - don't own %{_datadir}/applications, %{_sysconfdir}/gimp, %{_sysconfdir}/gimp/plugins.d - don't package unnecessary documentation- rebuild against new sane-backends (just in case)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- pickup changed desktop file, close-fds patch in F9, F10- BR: lcms-devel- version 0.996 - don't use %makeinstall - use shipped xsane.xpm as application icon- fix fd leak prevention (#455450)- don't leak file descriptors to help browser process (#455450)- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- make EULA, license dialogs be viewable on 800x600 displays- version 0.995 - remove obsolete gimp2.0, medium-definitions, showeulaonce patches- explicitely enable building the gimp plugin in configure call - reorder spec file sections- fix "Category" entries in desktop file- change license to GPLv2+- don't include obsolete Application category in desktop file (#226658)- save prefs when EULA is accepted to ensure that EULA is only shown once at startup (#233645)- version 0.994 (#235038)- fix summaries and buildroot, don't remove buildroot on %prep, mark dirs and config files, don't reference %buildroot in %build, use double-% in changelog entries (#226658)- version 0.993 (#230706)- fix typo in scriptlet (#212063)- really don't barf on missing gimp-plugin-mgr when updating (#208159)- don't barf on missing gimp-plugin-mgr when updating (#208159)- version 0.991 - remove obsolete buffer patch- revamp scheme for integrating external GIMP plugins (#202545) - use disttag- rebuild- re-add desktop file (#170835) - use %buildroot consistently - add automake, autoconf build requirements- use XSANE.lang instead of xsane.lang to avoid %doc multilib regression- fix medium-definitions patch to not barf on obsolete options in config file (#185269, by Aldy Hernandez)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- fix buffer overflow- version 0.99- rebuilt- version 0.98a- version 0.97- Build requires gettext-devel (bug #160994).- Rebuild for new GCC.- Fix crash on start (bug #142148).- 0.95. - No longer need badcode patch. - Enable translations again. - New method of installing GIMP plug-in due to Nils Philippsen.- Build requires libtiff-devel (bug #126564).- rebuilt- Fix GIMP plug-in package (bug #125254).- Remove .desktop file- Rebuilt.- Rebuild against new gimp.- Fix desktop file Name (bug #117370).- rebuilt- Fixed %post scriptlet.- Gimp patch updated.- Translations are broken -- turn them off for the time being. - Really apply the patch this time. - Fix up post/postun scriptlets.- Apply patch for building against new gimp.- 0.92.- removed rpath- Avoid undefined behaviour in xsane-preview.c (bug #106314).- 0.91.- rebuilt- Set default HTML viewer to htmlview (bug #88318).- 0.90.- use %{_libdir} for gimp plugin path- rebuilt- 0.89. - Use %find_lang.- Don't require gimp-devel (cf. bug #70754).- Desktop file fixes (bug #69555).- Use desktop-file-install.- automated rebuild- Rebuild to fix bug #66132.- automated rebuild- Rebuild in new environment.- 0.84. - Remove explicit sane-backends dependency, since it is automatically found by rpm.- automated rebuild- 0.83.- 0.82. - Some extra patches from Oliver Rauch. - Require sane not sane-backends since it's available throughout 7.x. - Built for Red Hat Linux 7.1, 7.2.- Build requires libpng-devel, libjpeg-devel (#bug 49760).- add an icon to the desktop entry- add ExcludeArch: s390 s390x- 0.77.- Require sane-backends, not all of sane.- 0.76.- 0.75 - Fix summary/description to match specspo.- fix post script of gimp subpackage to install into the correct location- rebuilt against gimp 1.2.0- rebuilt against gimp 1.1.32 - use -DGIMP_ENABLE_COMPAT_CRUFT=1 to build with compat macros- 0.62- rebuilt against gimp-1.1.25- added swedish translation (Bug #15316)- fix, shows error dialogbox if no scanner exists (Bug #15445) - update to 0.61- rebuilt against new libpng- automatic rebuild- rebuilt against gimp 1.1.24 - make clean before building non gimp version- made gimp subpkg- desktop entry added- fixed gimp link - FHS paths- update to 0.59- fixed bug 8948- updated to 0.47 - gzip man pages- changed group- update to 0.30 - added %defattr - built for 6.1- initial RPM for PowerTools 6.0/bin/sh|0.999-3.fc170.999-3.fc17xsane/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmi686-redhat-linux-gnuELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=0x20efed1a385ed5804d4dd363a3a2e2ce3b7c6f89, strippeddirectory*RRRRRRRR R R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR R!R"R#R$R%R&R'R(R)R*R.xz2?P7zXZ !PH6]"k%j, 5;ķ]guj>u y?е|wltmQf80^kcF+B I7CXw(n >p8?ba=A(n<)SAKQ#@{C1LS_aQ9A^&a P78x={ SjEV$JK7Fz- (ar6Z ~89t|sNR\3C 4p eҫ@|M||qOwph\i q|rInRDh=IdюǣDSQA@¡4a`^y眀'ppT|ъpKu+"c2&tP Qk{Ӹ . `{p~Lr]A|̬qwI2Qzukedvߑ4۫2,U8T2)_E M8ln7i7Y!4 8 װJ[kד',/+4=_Oy o Dm8lq;fIcE"hKG]he#Dym|tqř2h!MPΈx ♋/Ģ0)m=Uny}1VP7z; wkzDcfKUx떖H&!fs[LmU"8~>?Y2ΈkL s$*ڔ9p'u:S>Ko 4f>uFoe^B]%l2ϴ'..WkԂ #{*w6bC7!%u3e[@!-1\ҁ'K%jv>ğamIA0 ׋f(hո*sГ (* fLEz7-,rz#_Q+_ع+1rV҉mF@d<ͦ1J8 XyͤtǢ֙(anc",v\x~lM6lϊI}W0t3xWhGINƾC*,'0!@)=sUzsSw1oܠQ! 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