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4.10.4-5Daniel Vrátil - 4.10.4-4Martin Briza - 4.10.4-3Daniel Vrátil - 4.10.4-2Rex Dieter - 4.10.4-1Than Ngo - 4.10.3-1Rex Dieter - 4.10.2-12Than Ngo - 4.10.2-11Martin Briza 4.10.2-10Martin Briza 4.10.2-9Rex Dieter 4.10.2-8Than Ngo - 4.10.2-7Rex Dieter 4.10.2-6Rex Dieter 4.10.2-5Daniel Vrátil 4.10.2-4Martin Briza 4.10.2-3Rex Dieter 4.10.2-2Rex Dieter 4.10.2-1Rex Dieter 4.10.1-3Rex Dieter 4.10.1-2Rex Dieter 4.10.1-1Rex Dieter 4.10.0-11Rex Dieter 4.10.0-10Rex Dieter 4.10.0-9Rex Dieter 4.10.0-8Rex Dieter 4.10.0-7Rex Dieter 4.10.0-6Rex Dieter 4.10.0-5Lukáš Tinkl 4.10.0-4Rex Dieter 4.10.0-3Kevin Kofler - 4.10.0-2Rex Dieter - 4.10.0-1Lukáš Tinkl 4.9.98-7Rex Dieter 4.9.98-6Rex Dieter 4.9.98-5Rex Dieter 4.9.98-4Rex Dieter 4.9.98-3Rex Dieter 4.9.98-2Rex Dieter - 4.9.98-1Adam Tkac - 4.9.97-6Rex Dieter 4.9.97-5Rex Dieter 4.9.97-4Rex Dieter 4.9.97-3Rex Dieter 4.9.97-2Rex Dieter - 4.9.97-1Rex Dieter - 4.9.95-1Martin Briza 4.9.90-2Rex Dieter 4.9.90-1Than Ngo - 4.9.4-1Martin Briza - 4.9.3-3Rex Dieter - 4.9.3-2Rex Dieter 4.9.3-1Than Ngo - 4.9.2-10Lukáš Tinkl 4.9.2-9Rex Dieter 4.9.2-8Rex Dieter 4.9.2-7Rex Dieter 4.9.2-6Martin Briza 4.9.2-5Rex Dieter 4.9.2-4Rex Dieter 4.9.2-3Lukáš Tinkl - 4.9.2-2Rex Dieter - 4.9.2-1Rex Dieter 4.9.1-7Lukáš Tinkl 4.9.1-6Lukáš Tinkl 4.9.1-5Lukáš Tinkl 4.9.1-4Lukáš Tinkl 4.9.1-3Rex Dieter 4.9.1-2Than Ngo - 4.9.1-1Lukáš Tinkl 4.9.0-6Rex Dieter 4.9.0-5Rex Dieter 4.9.0-4Rex Dieter 4.9.0-3Rex Dieter 4.9.0-2Lukas Tinkl - 4.9.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 4.8.97-3Than Ngo - 4.8.97-2Rex Dieter - 4.8.97-1Rex Dieter 4.8.95-4Rex Dieter 4.8.95-3Rex Dieter 4.8.95-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.8.95-1Rex Dieter 4.8.90-3Rex Dieter 4.8.90-2Rex Dieter - 4.8.90-1Jaroslav Reznik 4.8.80-4Rex Dieter 4.8.80-3Kevin Kofler - 4.8.80-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.8.80-1Than Ngo - 4.8.3-4Rex Dieter 4.8.3-3Rex Dieter 4.8.3-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.8.3-1Lukas Tinkl 4.8.2-3Rex Dieter 4.8.2-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.8.2-1Kevin Kofler 4.8.1-7Rex Dieter 4.8.1-6Kevin Kofler 4.8.1-5Kevin Kofler 4.8.1-4Rex Dieter 4.8.1-3Rex Dieter 4.8.1-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.8.1-1Rex Dieter 4.8.0-12Rex Dieter 4.8.0-11Rex Dieter 4.8.0-10Rex Dieter 4.8.0-9Rex Dieter 4.8.0-8Rex Dieter 4.8.0-7Rex Dieter 4.8.0-6Kevin Kofler 4.8.0-5Rex Dieter 4.8.0-4Rex Dieter 4.8.0-3Rex Dieter 4.8.0-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.8.0-1Rex Dieter 4.7.97-10Radek Novacek - 4.7.97-1Rex Dieter 4.7.95-3Rex Dieter 4.7.95-2Radek Novacek 4.7.95-1Rex Dieter 4.7.90-3Rex Dieter 4.7.90-2Rex Dieter 4.7.90-1Rex Dieter 4.7.80-6Rex Dieter 4.7.80-5Radek Novacek 4.7.80-4Radek Novacek 4.7.80-3Radek Novacek 4.7.80-2Jaroslav Reznik 4.7.80-1Rex Dieter 4.7.3-13Rex Dieter 4.7.3-12Lukas Tinkl 4.7.3-11Lukas Tinkl 4.7.3-10Rex Dieter 4.7.3-9Rex Dieter 4.7.3-8Than Ngo - 4.7.3-7Rex Dieter 4.7.3-6Rex Dieter 4.7.3-5Rex Dieter 4.7.3-4Rex Dieter 4.7.3-3Rex Dieter 4.7.3-2Rex Dieter 4.7.3-1Kevin Kofler 4.7.2-12Fedora Release Engineering - 4.7.2-11Rex Dieter 4.7.2-10Rex Dieter 4.7.2-9Alexey Kurov - 4.7.2-8Rex Dieter 4.7.2-7Kevin Kofler 4.7.2-6Rex Dieter 4.7.2-5Rex Dieter 4.7.2-4Rex Dieter 4.7.2-3Rex Dieter 4.7.2-1Rex Dieter 4.7.1-3Rex Dieter 4.7.1-2Radek Novacek 4.7.1-1Than Ngo - 4.7.1-1Rex Dieter 4.7.0-9Kevin Kofler 4.7.0-8Kevin Kofler 4.7.0-7Rex Dieter 4.7.0-6Rex Dieter 4.7.0-5Rex Dieter 4.7.0-4Rex Dieter 4.7.0-3Kevin Kofler 4.7.0-2Jaroslav Reznik 4.7.0-1Rex Dieter 4.6.95-4Rex Dieter 4.6.95-3Rex Dieter 4.6.95-2Jaroslav Reznik 4.6.95-1Rex Dieter 4.6.90-4Rex Dieter 4.6.90-3Rex Dieter 4.6.90-2Than Ngo - 4.6.90-1Jaroslav Reznik 4.6.80-1Rex Dieter 4.6.3-9Rex Dieter 4.6.3-8Rex Dieter 4.6.3-7Kevin Kofler 4.6.3-6Rex Dieter 4.6.3-5Kevin Kofler 4.6.3-4Jaroslav Reznik 4.6.3-3Rex Dieter 4.6.3-2Rex Dieter 4.6.3-1Kevin Kofler - 4.6.2-4Jaroslav Reznik - 4.6.2-3Lukas Tinkl - 4.6.2-2Than Ngo - 4.6.2-1Rex Dieter 4.6.1-7.1Kevin Kofler 4.6.1-7Jaroslav Reznik 4.6.1-6Dan Williams 4.6.1-5Rex Dieter 4.6.1-4Rex Dieter 4.6.1-3Rex Dieter 4.6.1-2Rex Dieter 4.6.1-1Rex Dieter 4.6.0-8Fedora Release Engineering - 4.6.0-7Rex Dieter 4.6.0-6Rex Dieter 4.6.0-5Rex Dieter 4.6.0-4Lukas Tinkl - 4.6.0-3Lukas Tinkl - 4.6.0-2Jaroslav Reznik 4.6.0-1Jaroslav Reznik 4.5.95-3Jaroslav Reznik 4.5.95-2Jaroslav Reznik 4.5.95-1Rex Dieter 4.5.90-1Lukas Tinkl - 4.5.85-2Thomas Janssen - 4.5.85-1Rex Dieter - 4.5.80-7Rex Dieter - 4.5.80-6Rex Dieter - 4.5.80-5Kevin Kofler - 4.5.80-4Lukas Tinkl - 4.5.80-3Kevin Kofler - 4.5.80-2Rex Dieter - 4.5.80-1Than Ngo - 4.5.3-3Kevin Kofler - 4.5.3-2Than Ngo - 4.5.3-1Kevin Kofler - 4.5.2-5Rex Dieter - 4.5.2-4Rex Dieter - 4.5.2-3Rex Dieter - 4.5.2-2Rex Dieter - 4.5.2-1jkeating - 4.5.1-5Rex Dieter - 4.5.1-4Rex Dieter - 4.5.1-3Rex Dieter - 4.5.1-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.5.1-1Rex Dieter - 4.5.0-4Rex Dieter - 4.5.0-3Lukas Tinkl - 4.5.0-2Than Ngo - 4.5.0-1Rex Dieter - 4.4.95-1.py27Rex Dieter - 4.4.95-1David Malcolm - 4.4.92-3Rex Dieter - 4.4.92-2Rex Dieter - 4.4.92-1Kevin Kofler - 4.4.90-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.4.90-1Rex Dieter - 4.4.85-5Karsten Hopp 4.4.85-4Rex Dieter - 4.4.85-3Rex Dieter - 4.4.85-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.4.85-1Rex Dieter - 4.4.80-3Rex Dieter - 4.4.80-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.4.80-1Rex Dieter - 4.4.3-2Jaroslav Reznik - 4.4.3-1Rex Dieter - 4.4.2-5Rex Dieter - 4.4.2-4Kevin Kofler - 4.4.2-3Rex Dieter - 4.4.2-2Lukas Tinkl - 4.4.2-1Kevin Kofler - 4.4.1-2Rex Dieter - 4.4.1-1Kevin Kofler - 4.4.0-8Rex Dieter - 4.4.0-7Rex Dieter - 4.4.0-6Rex Dieter - 4.4.0-5.1Kevin Kofler - 4.4.0-5Than Ngo - 4.4.0-4Jaroslav Reznik - 4.4.0-3Kevin Kofler - 4.4.0-2.1Than Ngo - 4.4.0-2Than Ngo - 4.4.0-1Kevin Kofler - 4.3.98-3Kevin Kofler - 4.3.98-2Rex Dieter - 4.3.98-1Kevin Kofler - 4.3.95-2Lukas Tinkl - 4.3.95-1Jaroslav Reznik - 4.3.90-10Kevin Kofler - 4.3.90-9Rex Dieter - 4.3.90-8Rex Dieter - 4.3.90-7Jaroslav Reznik - 4.3.90-6Rex Dieter - 4.3.90-5Rex Dieter - 4.3.90-4Rex Dieter - 4.3.90-3Rex Dieter - 4.3.90-2Rex Dieter - 4.3.90-1Kevin Kofler - 4.3.85-3Rex Dieter - 4.3.85-2Rex Dieter - 4.3.85-1Jaroslav Reznik - 4.3.80-5Rex Dieter - 4.3.80-4Kevin Kofler - 4.3.80-3Rex Dieter - 4.3.80-2Lukáš Tinkl - 4.3.80-1Kevin Kofler - 4.3.75-0.4.svn1048496Kevin Kofler - 4.3.75-0.3.svn1048496Rex Dieter - 4.3.75-0.2.svn1048496Ben Boeckel - 4.3.75-0.1.svn1048496Lukáš Tinkl 4.3.3-8Rex Dieter 4.3.3-7Than Ngo - 4.3.3-6Rex Dieter - 4.3.3-5Rex Dieter - 4.3.3-4Than Ngo - 4.3.3-3Rex Dieter - 4.3.3-2Rex Dieter - 4.3.3-1Rex Dieter - 4.3.2-2Than Ngo - 4.3.2-1Kevin Kofler - 4.3.1-9Kevin Kofler - 4.3.1-8Than Ngo - 4.3.1-7Than Ngo - 4.3.1-6Lukáš Tinkl - 4.3.1-5Kevin Kofler - 4.3.1-4Rex Dieter - 4.3.1-3Than Ngo - 4.3.1-2Than Ngo - 4.3.1-1Mamoru Tasaka - 4.3.0-102Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-101Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-12Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-11Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-10Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-9Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-8Lukáš Tinkl - 4.3.0-7Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-6Than Ngo - 4.3.0-5Than Ngo - 4.3.0-4Kevin Kofler - 4.3.0-3Rex Dieter - 4.3.0-2Than Ngo - 4.3.0-1Lukáš Tinkl - 4.2.98-3Fedora Release Engineering - 4.2.98-2Than Ngo - 4.2.98-1Than Ngo - 4.2.96-1Than Ngo - 4.2.95-7Kevin Kofler - 4.2.95-6Michel Salim - 4.2.95-5Rex Dieter 4.2.95-4Rex Dieter 4.2.95-3Kevin Kofler - 4.2.95-2Than Ngo - 4.2.95-1Rex Dieter 4.2.90-3Rex Dieter 4.2.90-2Rex Dieter 4.2.90-1Kevin Kofler - 4.2.85-5Rex Dieter 4.2.85-4Rex Dieter 4.2.85-3Rex Dieter 4.2.85-2Than Ngo 4.2.85-1Than Ngo - 4.2.3-2Than Ngo - 4.2.3-1Lukáš Tinkl - 4.2.2-5Than Ngo - 4.2.2-4Rex Dieter - 4.2.2-3Rex Dieter - 4.2.2-2Lukáš Tinkl - 4.2.2-1Than Ngo - 4.2.1-12Rex Dieter - 4.2.1-11Than Ngo - 4.2.1-10Rex Dieter - 4.2.1-9Rex Dieter - 4.2.1-8Rex Dieter - 4.2.1-7Than Ngo - 4.2.1-6Lukáš Tinkl - 4.2.1-5Rex Dieter - 4.2.1-4Rex Dieter - 4.2.1-3Than Ngo - 4.2.1-2Than Ngo - 4.2.1-1Jaroslav Reznik - 4.2.0-17Jaroslav Reznik - 4.2.0-16Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-15Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-14Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-13Than Ngo - 4.2.0-12Than Ngo - 4.2.0-11Kevin Kofler - 4.2.0-10Than Ngo - 4.2.0-9Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-8Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-7Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-4.2Kevin Kofler - 4.2.0-4.1Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-4Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-3Than Ngo - 4.2.0-2Than Ngo - 4.2.0-1Than Ngo - 4.1.96-4Rex Dieter - 4.1.96-3Than Ngo - 4.1.96-2Than Ngo - 4.1.96-1Rex Dieter 4.1.85-7Rex Dieter 4.1.85-6Kevin Kofler 4.1.85-5Rex Dieter - 4.1.85-4Rex Dieter - 4.1.85-3Rex Dieter - 4.1.85-2Than Ngo - 4.1.85-1Lorenzo Villani - 4.1.82-1Kevin Kofler 4.1.80-12Kevin Kofler 4.1.80-11Kevin Kofler 4.1.80-10Kevin Kofler 4.1.80-9Kevin Kofler 4.1.80-8Kevin Kofler 4.1.80-7Kevin Kofler 4.1.80-6Lorenzo Villani - 4.1.80-5Than Ngo 4.1.80-4Lorenzo Villani - 4.1.80-3Than Ngo 4.1.80-2Lorenzo Villani - 4.1.80-1Than Ngo  4.1.3-5Than Ngo 4.1.3-1Than Ngo 4.1.2-14Rex Dieter 4.1.2-13Than Ngo 4.1.2-12Than Ngo 4.1.2-11Kevin Kofler 4.1.2-10Than Ngo 4.1.2-9Than Ngo 4.1.2-8Kevin Kofler 4.1.2-7Kevin Kofler 4.1.2-6Kevin Kofler 4.1.2-5Kevin Kofler 4.1.2-4Lukáš Tinkl 4.1.2-3Rex Dieter 4.1.2-2Rex Dieter 4.1.2-1Kevin Kofler 4.1.1-2Than Ngo 4.1.1-1Kevin Kofler 4.1.0-8Kevin Kofler 4.1.0-7Rex Dieter 4.1.0-6Lukáš Tinkl 4.1.0-5Kevin Kofler 4.1.0-4Rex Dieter 4.1.0-3Kevin Kofler 4.1.0-2Than Ngo 4.1.0-1Kevin Kofler 4.0.99-5Rex Dieter 4.0.99-4Kevin Kofler 4.0.99-3Kevin Kofler 4.0.99-2Rex Dieter 4.0.99-1Kevin Kofler 4.0.98-8Kevin Kofler 4.0.98-7Kevin Kofler 4.0.98-6Kevin Kofler 4.0.98-5Rex Dieter 4.0.98-4Kevin Kofler 4.0.98-3Rex Dieter 4.0.98-2Rex Dieter 4.0.98-1Kevin Kofler 4.0.85-3Rex Dieter 4.0.85-2Rex Dieter 4.0.85-1Rex Dieter 4.0.84-1Kevin Kofler 4.0.83-2Than Ngo 4.0.83-1Rex Dieter 4.0.82-2Rex Dieter 4.0.82-1Than Ngo 4.0.80-4Kevin Kofler 4.0.80-3Rex Dieter 4.0.80-2Than Ngo 4.0.80-1Than Ngo 4.0.72-4Rex Dieter 4.0.72-3Rex Dieter 4.0.72-2Kevin Kofler 4.0.72-1Rex Dieter 4.0.3-20Lukáš Tinkl 4.0.3-19Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-18Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-17Than Ngo 4.0.3-16Lukáš Tinkl 4.0.3-15Sebastian Vahl 4.0.3-13Lukáš Tinkl 4.0.3-12Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-11Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-7Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-6Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-5Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-4Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-3Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-2Than Ngo 4.0.3-1Than Ngo 4.0.2-9Than Ngo 4.0.2-8Than Ngo 4.0.2-7Than Ngo 4.0.2-6Than Ngo 4.0.2-5Than Ngo 4.0.2-4Than Ngo 4.0.2-3Kevin Kofler 4.0.2-2Than Ngo 4.0.2-1Rex Dieter 4.0.1-8Kevin Kofler 4.0.1-7Rex Dieter 4.0.1-6Rex Dieter 4.0.1-5Kevin Kofler 4.0.1-4Than Ngo 4.0.1-3Kevin Kofler 4.0.1-2Rex Dieter 4.0.1-1Rex Dieter 4.0.0-8Kevin Kofler 4.0.0-7Rex Dieter 4.0.0-6Rex Dieter 4.0.0-5Rex Dieter 4.0.0-4Rex Dieter 4.0.0-3Rex Dieter 4.0.0-2Kevin Kofler 4.0.0-1Kevin Kofler - 3.97.0-5Kevin Kofler 3.97.0-4Rex Dieter 3.97.0-3Kevin Kofler 3.97.0-2Rex Dieter 3.96.2-3Sebastian Vahl 3.96.2-2Rex Dieter 3.96.2-1Kevin Kofler 3.96.1-4Kevin Kofler 3.96.1-3Rex Dieter 3.96.1-2Sebastian Vahl 3.96.1-1Sebastian Vahl 3.96.0-7Sebastian Vahl 3.96.0-6Sebastian Vahl 3.96.0-5Sebastian Vahl 3.96.0-4Sebastian Vahl 3.96.0-3Sebastian Vahl 3.96.0-2Sebastian Vahl 3.96.0-1Sebastian Vahl 3.95.2-1- fix kickoff menu kbd navigation (kdebz#310166)- add upstream patch for #921742- Fix VT numbers on starting a new session (#857366)- backport upstream patch for #921781- 4.10.4- 4.10.3 - restore patch omitting broken launchers- -DKDE4_ENABLE_FPIE:BOOL=ON - don't write fonts.conf on load (kde#105797)- drop old patch for aurora - fix multilib issue- changed the systemd-displaymanager patch to switch the sessions using systemd-logind, too- regenerated the systemd-displaymanager patch against latest upstream master - worked around #955374 before I fix it clean upstream- avoid/revert commit to avoid plasma crash on wallpaper change (kde#318806)- fedora/rhel condition- sync to latest 4.10 branch commits- drop LD_BIND_NOW from startkde (#908380) - fold all startkde-related patches into redhat_startkde.patch- clear screenlocker password on ESC (#949452)- added basic support for automatic multi-seat in KDM (#884271)- rebase systray_ktp-presence patch for applet rename- 4.10.2- don't apply no_HAL on el6- PowerDevil should use upower to suspend on F17 (#920874) - other small upstream fixes (xrandrbrightness, login1 leak, stop screensaver)- 4.10.1- python-scriptengine-python: s/Requires: PyKDE4/Requires: pykde4/- respin BUILD_KCM_RANDR.patch, avoid failure in startkde when krandrstartup doesn't exist- drop solid_krunner_disable patch (seems better now)- kscreen support => disable all of kcontrol/randr (f19+ currently)- fedora-plasma-cache.sh: don't delete Trolltech.conf- tweak fedora-plasma-cache.sh for plasma-svgelements*, Trolltech.conf too - enable powerdevil-login1 support on f18- fix fedora-plasma-cache.sh (to not exit)- fix wrong description and size for 2-stage USB storage devices- refresh Powerdevil login1 patch- fix kcmdatetimehelper search path so hwclock and zic are found (#906854)- 4.10.0- update Powerdevil login1 patch- unconditionally Obsoletes: kded_randrmonitor- Requires: kscreen, Obsoletes: kded_randrmonitor (f19+)- drop Requires: kde-display-management (for now) - switch fedora-plasma-cache hack to env script- add fedora-plasma-cache kconf_update script- respin systemd_login1 patch- 4.9.98- rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop- refresh powerdevil_systemd_login1 patch (kde review#108407)- proper powerdevil systemd-login1 support (kde review#108407)- hack to use org.freedesktop.login1 to handle suspend (instead of upower), seems to help avoid double-sleep (#859227)- kded_xrandrmonitor subpkg, to allow use of it or kscreen- 4.9.97- 4.9.95- Merged and cleaned the systemd shutdown and logout patches. - It is possible to use systemd and/or CK without defining it at compile time- 4.9.90 (4.10 beta2)- 4.9.4- user switching dialog now doesn't list inactive (closing) sessions and more information is retrieved from logind- pull upstream fix for some regressions (krunner, analog clock) - drop unused llvm_whitelist patch- 4.9.3- rhel/fedora condition- build against prison only under Fedora- more systemd_inhibit love (#859227, kde#307412)- rework fontconfig patch to ensure $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig exists- monitor sleep settings reset, resulting in monitor turning off (kde#295164)- Fixing user switching with SystemD (#859347), for LightDM- ongoing systemd_inhibit work (#859227)- tarball respin (includes plasma/python2 patch)- fix loading of Python2 plasmoids- 4.9.2- disable plasma-runner-solid by default (kde#307445)- update the systemd PowerDevil Policy Agent patch to match the upstream version (part of KDE 4.9.2) - update clock applets on system date/time changes- fix device notifier Free Space meter- hopefully also solve the screen dimming issue when inactive session goes idle- Resolves #849334 - screen lock failure (laptop lid)- upstream patch for kwin regression (kde#306260, kde#306275)- 4.9.1- Resolves #851887 - KDE Logout does not Suspend to RAM/Disk- Add apper to default kickoff favorites (#850445)- upstream patch for aurora/qml-based kwin decorations- window keeps status 'asking for attention' after gaining focus (kde#303208)- kcm_fonts should use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fontconfig/fonts.conf for storage settings for fontconfig > 2.10.0 (kde#304317)- 4.9.0- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- remove obsolete stuffs in startkde, kde-4.6.x already uses QLocale to try obtain a default country.- 4.8.97- fix tooltip for OpticalDisc- Battery Monitor widget stops tracking charging state changes after suspend/resume cycle (#837345, kde#287952)- restore stable kdecoration API to 4.8 (#831958, kde#301728)- 4.8.95 - remove battery size patch- Requires: konsole- battery plasmoid icon does not scale below a certain size (kde#301877)- 4.8.90- respin - remove kwin check opengl patch- Provides: plasma4(scriptengine-declarativescript)- new showremainingtime patch, now just defaults the option to true (It doesn't have ugly side effects anymore with the rewritten plasmoid.)- 4.8.80 - remove remaining time patch, should be enabled in kde-settings- add rhel/fedora conditions- more work on plasma clock widget/locale crash (kde#299237)- plasma clock widget/locale crash (kde#299237)- 4.8.3 - kdm grub2 integration upstreamed- respin 4.8.2 tarball- Kwin does not repaint window shadow regions after closing window (#808791, kde#297272)- 4.8.2- rebuild for plasma4.prov fix (no more spaces in Plasma runner auto-Provides)- Requires: kactivities >= %{version}- fix another bug in the systemd shutdown/restart patch (missing parameter)- fix bugs in the systemd shutdown/restart patch- Port shutdown/restart code from ConsoleKit to systemd (#788171)- 4.8 branch commit for settings_style support- 4.8.1 - removed powerdevil verb., eDP and gcc47 patches- kdm restart/shutdown does not work (#796969)- drop ConsoleKit support f17+- kdm: Requires: ConsoleKit-x11 (#787855)- add ktp_presence applet to default systray- omit kwin_llvmpipe_whitelist patch, not ready/testable (#794835)- kwin llvmpipe whitelist (#790142) - powerdevil verbosity++ (kde#289760)- kdm-grub2 integration (#785849)- kde-workspace: Requires: ConsoleKit (shutdown/restart, works around #788171) - kdm: Requires: ConsoleKit (works around #787855, nasty error message on login)- eDP patch (kde#289760)- kgreeter-plugins subpkg (#785817)- kcm_colors subpkg (#761184) - kdm-themes: Requires: kde-wallpapers unconditionally (#784389) - s/kdebase-runtime/kde-runtime/- 4.8.0- rename kdebase-workspace -> kde-workspace- 4.7.97- kdm overwrites ~/.Xauthority with wrong SELinux context on logout (#567914,kde#242065) - gcc47 fixes- startkde: omit MALLOC_CHECK_ debug'ery- 4.7.95 - Add Ariya kdm theme-libs: move libkworkspace (versioned) dep here (from -devel)- kwin-gles: move kwin4_effect_gles_builtins here- 4.7.90 - BR: libjpeg-devel (ksplash)- get some kwin-gles love- BR: kactivities-devel- Respin with new upstream tarball - Drop patch: don't use INSTALL to copy file to current binary dir- Fixed file listed twice - Remove big cursors from files (they are no longer in upstream tarball) - Add new files: libkwinglutils.so*, liboxygenstyleconfig.so* libpowerdevilconfigcommonprivate.so*, kfontinst.knsrc - New ksplash theme Minimalistic - patch: don't use INSTALL to copy file to current binary dir- Drop "only show in kde" patch (applied upstream)- 4.7.80 (beta 1)- add plasma-active patches- Crash in TaskManager::TaskItem::task (kde#272495) - Crashes When Adding Weather Widgets (Geolocation) (kde#277036)- battery plasmoid fixes (#753429)- fix kwin + twinview- kdm-themes subpkg (#753409)- rebuild (libpng)- Fix possible uninitialized variable use in ksplashx multi-screen code- build against libkactivities-6.1- drop kde-wallpapers (now packaged separately)- tarball respin- kde-wallpapers: Obsoletes: kdebase-workspace-wallpapers < 4.7.2-10- Requires: kde-settings-ksplash kde-settings-plasma (f16+)- 4.7.3 - -devel: Provides: kde-workspace-devel - -libs: Provides: kde-workspace-libs- kcm_clock helper: Sync the hwclock after setting the date (#749516)- Rebuilt for glibc bug#747377- BR: libkactivities-devel- kdebase-workspace-wallpapers -> kde-wallpapers- revert patch adding broken launchers (#747982)- Generate texture coordinates for limited NPOT support (kde#269576)- drop displayEvents patch, moved to kde-settings (in kde-settings-4.7-12)- ksysguard: include ksysguard.desktop- plasmaclock displayEvents=false default- ksysguard(-libs) subpkg - libkworkspace subpkg - kdm: Requires: libkworkspace- 4.7.2- switch to pkgconfig-style deps- upstream kwin_performance patch - Use /etc/login.defs to define a 'system' account instead of hard-coding 500 (#732830)- Remove upstreamed patch kdebase-workspace-4.7.0-kde#278206.patch- 4.7.1- disable google-gadget support (f16+)- rebuild again for the fixed RPM dependency generators for Plasma (#732271)- rebuild for the RPM dependency generators for Plasma (GSoC 2011)- upstream kwin malloc patch- upstream kwin software rasterizer patch- modularize googlegadget/gpsd support a bit- drop Requires: nepomukcontroller (included in kde-runtime now)- fix GDM getting misdetected as LightDM (kde#278206, patch by Alex Fiestas)- 4.7.0 - kde4workspace_version is not needed anymore - Provides: kde-workspace kde-wallpapers (to match new upstream tarballs)- rebuild (qt48)- Conflicts: kdm < 4.6.90-4 (when kgreet_* plugins moved)- fix redhat_startkde.patch- 4.6.95 (rc2)- move kgreet_* plugins to main pkg, needed by kscreenlocker (#711234)- startkde: omit MALLOC_CHECK pieces- cleanup/remove some old/deprecated pieces- 4.6.90 (rc1)- 4.6.80 (beta1) - add BR prison-devel- drop BR: libcaptury-devel- virtual desktop names are lost after log out (kde#272666)- multilib QT_PLUGIN_PATH (#704840)- make nm-09-compat patch F15-only, it won't work on Rawhide anyway- kde4/plugins/styles/oxygen.so is not multilib (#704840)- nm-09-compat: reenable Solid NM backend build with NM 0.9 (disabled in 4.6.3)- fix spurious "Networking system disabled" message (#700831)- use updated plymouth patch trying new method first- 4.6.3- fix kde#270942 (direct rendering disabled on Intel graphics since mesa 7.10.1)- fix the temperature plasmoids and ksysguard temperature sensors regression- #694222 - Brightness controls no longer work - kdebug#257948 - Powerdevil can no longer control brightness - drop obsolete HAL backlight patch- 4.6.2- apply no_HAL patches on f14 too- Restore lost hunks from redhat_startkde patch, fixes regressions with running Qt 3 binaries (Qt 3 Assistant etc.) and with the initial background color - Fix incorrectly rebased hunk from redhat_startkde patch, fixes regression with language setting- Autohide panel gets visible and does not hide itself (#690450)- Rebuild with NM 0.9 compat patches (F15+)- Notification size increases randomly and cant be restored (#688967)- solid_nm_emit patch- use system-kde-theme again (ie, lovelock-kde-theme on f15) - -Requires: system-backgrounds-kde - +Requires: system-plasma-desktoptheme - -ksplash-themes: move Default (Air+Horos) ksplash theme here- 4.6.1- include Horos wallpaper (upstream default) in main pkg, not -wallpapers- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- drop Requires: system-{backgrounds,ksplash}-kde, use generic/upstream theming, for now.- oxygen theme crasher (#674792, kde#265271)- startkde: drop MALLOC_CHECK bits- respun tarball, omit (now upstreamed) PowerDevil fixes from 4.6.0-2- handle PowerDevil config migration- 4.6.0- require nepomukcontroller (temporary)- add optional BR libdmtx (data matrix bar-codes support)- 4.5.95 (4.6rc2)- 4.5.90 (4.6rc1)- adjust the HALsectomy patches - remove solid-powermanagement- 4.5.85 (4.6beta2)- -googlegadgets => plasma-scriptengine-googlegaddgets - -python-applet => plasma-scriptengine-python - (new) plasma-scriptengine-ruby- drop old polkit conditionals - don't include libpowerdevil{core,ui}.so in -devel- drop Obsoletes: -python-applet- respun tarball, includes Python script engine fixes- disable PowerDevil's HAL backend (aka project HALsectomy)- backport upstream fixes to reenable and fix the Python script engine- 4.5.80 (4.6beta1)- apply patch to fix crash on automatic re-login after automatic login- drop classicmenu-games patch, upstream fixed the same issue differently and now the 2 fixes conflict (classic menu confuses Name and Description)- 4.5.3- use upstream ck-shutdown patch from 4.6 trunk (instead of my old one), supports GDM session switching (#560511, kde#186198) - drop old F11- version of the ck-shutdown patch, F11 is EOL- kdebase-workspace depends on xorg-x11-apps (#537609)- backport kwin ui for unredirecting fullscreen windows- include better, upstream fix for: krandr: Display Settings are Lost on Logout (kdebug183143, rh#607180)- 4.5.2- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- kdm is not localized when changing lang using system-config-language (#631861)- Provides: firstboot(windowmanager) (#605675)- "fonts/package" is an invalid MIME type (#581896)- 4.5.1- Requires: iso-codes (for kcm_keyboard)- krunner "run command" doesn't keep any history (kde#247566)- disable malloc checking in startkde for releases- 4.5.0 - kde4workspace_version- rebuild for python27- 4.5 RC3 (4.4.95)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild- omit non-essential xsession .desktop files, runs afoul of selinux (#588130)- 4.5 RC2 (4.4.92)- port and reapply rootprivs (#434824) patch- 4.5 RC1 (4.4.90)- krandr: Display Settings are Lost on Logout (kdebug183143, rh#607180)- don't require raw1394 on s390, s390x- Significant CPU penalty for using Kwin effects (kde#239963)- Adding "Enable networking" button to knetworkmanager (rh#598765, kde#238325) - drop < f12 conditionals - pciutils, raw1394 & qualculate BRs - added kcmkdm helper and policy (from kdelibs)- 4.5 Beta 2 (4.4.85)- Conflicts: kdebase < 6:4.4.80- Blur shadow around widgets does not smoothly fade out (kde#235620)- 4.5 Beta 1 (4.4.80) - kxkb and safestartkde has been removed - add newly installed files- rebuild (gpsd,kdelibs)- 4.4.3- powerdevil only autosuspends once/twice (kde#221648) - CVE-2010-0436- another stab at f13 kdm/plymouth love (#577482) - powerdevil always suspends twice (kde#221637)- rip out bulletproof X changes (cf. kubuntu_33_kdm_bulletproof_x.diff) from our copy of kubuntu_34_kdm_plymouth_transition.diff - drop experimental novt patch, should not be needed with the working Plymouth integration and may have side effects (can readd it later if really needed) - fix icon name in plasma-konsole patch: use XDG icon instead of kappfinder one- try to workaround "X server hogs the CPU (#577482)" by letting X choose vt itself - include (but not yet apply) kubuntu_34_kdm_plymouth_transition.diff- 4.4.2- fix KSysGuard and KRunner System Activity dialog not refreshing (kde#230187)- 4.4.1- fix the Games menu in the classic menu mixing up Name and Description- version solid-bluetooth(-devel) better- solid-bluetooth and Requires: bluez ... pulls unwanted baggage (#566306)- Requires: kbluetooth (= 4.3.0- respin- respin- show the remaining time in the battery plasmoid's popup (as in 4.2) (#515166)- move designer plugins to -libs, fixes Multilib conflicts for index.cache.bz2 (#515088) - tighten -libs deps, using %{?_isa} - %check: desktop-file-validate- 4.3.0- backport forgotten method impl in Solid from 4.3 branch, r1000715- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- 4.3rc3- 4.3rc2- plasma-desktop crashes when closing/opening windows (upstream patch)- add kde-plasma-networkmanagement to the default panel if installed- rebuild (google-gadgets)- rebuild (libxklavier)- omit a few kdm bits from main pkg (#508647)- port and reapply rootprivs (#434824) patch (#508593) - fix internal version number (otherwise it mismatches with our file list)- 4.3rc1- startkde: make MALLOC_CHECK opt-in (default off)- bump Obsoletes: PolicyKit-kde- KDE-4.3 beta2 (4.2.90)- make default_leonidas.png the default face icon on F11- -devel: exclude libkickoff.so, libsystemsettingsview.so - drop old cmake crud- omit/revert session-button patch (kde#194506,rh#502953) - drop unused knotificationitem-1 patch- upgrade path broken (F-11+), Obsoletes: guidance-power-manager (#502892) - drop < F-10 crud, have_bluez3- 4.2.85 - Obsoletes/Provides: PolicyKit-kde(-devel)- Requires: oxygen-icon-theme >= 4.2.2 - fix oxygen-cursor-themes noarch'ness- 4.2.3- #497657 - kpackagekit/kopete notification misrendering/missing buttons with qt-4.5.1- dropp unused BR on libraw1394, it breaks the build on s390(x)- Calendar standalone plasmoid on Desktop using 100% of CPU (kde#187699)- optimize scriptlets - drop upstreamed patches- KDE 4.2.2- upstream patch to fix suspending issue- Obsoletes: guidance-power-manager (-> powerdevil upgrade path, F-11+)- upstream patch to fix MenuEntryActions created from khotkeys- kdm subpkg - -devel: move cmake modules here - Requires: kdelibs4%{?_isa} .. - BR: libutempter-devel (drops need for kwrited helper)- oxygen-cursor-themes: make noarch (f10+)- fix quicklauch (kdebug#185585,rh#489769) - -wallpapers: make noarch (f10+)- fix konsole patch to use invokeTerminal- fix pager not displaying desktop numbers (kdebug#184152)- kde 4.2 update crashes plasma (kdebug#185736)- move designer plugins to main/runtime (#487622)- respin- 4.2.1- kio_sysinfo kick-off integration- no klipper action on selection for Arora browser- Provides: service(graphical-login) = kdm- Requires: oxygen-icon-theme >= %version- dpms issues (kdebug#177123)- drop the BR on PyKDE4, it's just needed for runtime - python-applet subpackage- googlegadgets subpackage- fix shutdown dialog not centered, sometimes entirely off screen (kde#181199)- fix kdm crash with Qt-4.5- kickoff logout shuts down system (#484737, kdebug#180576)- include awol rss dataengine, BR: kdepimlibs-devel (see also kdebug#179050)- respin default_applets patch for kpowersave too (#483163)- conditionalize bluetooth backport on F10+ - F9: revert solid-bluetooth to the version from KDE 4.1.4- omit ldap hack (#457638), kde42's reduced linkage to the rescue- Requires: PyKDE4 (for plasmascript bits) - solid-bluetoothTrunkTo42.diff (bug #481801), and +Provides: solid-bluetooth(-devel) = 4.3- readd the patch that omist battery applet when guidance-power-manager is installed- 4.2.0- backport fix from trunk to allow symlinks in wallpaper theme- BR: google-gadgets-devel > 0.10.5- remove Provides: plasma-devel- 4.2rc1- Obsoletes: kpowersave (kpowersave -> powerdevil upgrade path, F-11+)- (re)enable edje, google-gadget support- drop BR edje-devel, we need QEdje instead, which we don't have yet - comment out BR google-gadgets-* for now, need 0.10.4, have 0.10.3- BR: edje-devel - BR: google-gadgets-devel- respun tarball- BR: PyKDE4-devel >= %version- 4.2beta2- 4.1.82 - rebase redhat-startkde patch- move libplasma_applet-system-monitor.so from -devel to -libs (not a symlink)- drop devel symlink (parallel -devel) hacks, not needed anymore in this package- keep libtaskmanager.so in libdir- keep libweather_ion.so in libdir- keep libplasmaclock.so in libdir- rebuild for Python 2.6- disable Logitech mouse KCM again until #399931 is fixed- use python_sitearch for x86_64 systems - kephal seems to be disabled/removed, re-adapted file lists- respin- rebase kdebase-workspace-4.1.1-show-systemsettings.patch - new library: Kephal -> adapt file lists- merged - drop kdebase-workspace-4.1.2-kdm-i18n.patch, it's included in upstream - drop kdebase-workspace-4.0.85-plasma-default-wallpaper.patch, it's included in upstream - drop kdebase-workspace-4.1.65-consolekit-kdm.patch - add kdebase-workspace-4.1.80-session-button.patch - add kdebase-workspace-4.1.2-ldap.patch- 4.1.80 - BR cmake >= 2.6.2 - make install/fast - drop _default_patch_fuzz 2 - rebase startkde patch - rebase plasma-konsole patch - rebase ck-shutdown patch - add PyKDE4-devel, python-devel and PyQt4-devel to build plasma's python scripting interface - BR google-gadgets-devel for google gadgets scriptengine - BR libusb-devel for Logitech USB support in KControl- apply upstream patch to fix X crash when disabling compositing- 4.1.3- only omit battery applet when guidance-power-manager is installed- omit battery applet from default panel- fix i18n issue in kdm- add workaround for ldap issue (#457638)- never touch PATH in startkde, prepending $QTDIR/bin is unnecessary on Fedora and breaks locating Qt 3 Assistant and other Qt 3 stuff (startkde gets run with a full path by KDM)- previous session button should be enabled- apply patch to fix multihead issue - bz#469235, use non-blocking QProcess:startDetacted- F10: use KDM default face icon from solar-kde-theme, require it- reenable panel-autohide-fix-flicker patch - backport revision 866998 to fix the CPU consumption problem (kde#172549) - backport panelview.cpp coordinate fixes (revisions 869882, 869925, 870041) - backport revision 871058 (request config sync when panel controller goes away)- disable panel-autohide-fix-flicker patch for now, eats CPU- backport panel autohide from 4.2 / plasma-4.1-openSUSE- fix crash when invoking a klipper command for a second time- make VERBOSE=1 - respin against new(er) kde-filesystem- 4.1.2- show KCM icon in rootprivs patch (thanks to Harald Sitter "apachelogger")- 4.1.1- patch another place where systemsettings was hidden from the menu (#457739)- enable KWin taskbarthumbnail effect (used by backported tooltip manager)- patch to help krandr issues/crashes (kde#152914)- fix 457479: "Run as root" dialog of kdm system settings is shown twice (due to activated signal being connected to twice)- fix KDM configuration using the wrong appsdir for themes (#455623)- respun tarball- updated tooltip manager from 4.2 (fixes Plasma crash on theme change, #456820)- 4.1.0- F10+: fix circular kdebase<->kdebase-workspace dependency: don't Obsolete or Require kdebase, as kdebase now requires kdebase-workspace, obviating the upgrade path hack- oxygen-cursor-themes, -wallpapers subpkgs- BR soprano-devel (optional dependency of the Plasma Engine Explorer)- backport Plasma tooltip manager from KDE 4.2 (fixes regression from 4.0) WARNING: Adds some new APIs from 4.2 (Plasma::popupPosition, Plasma::viewFor, Plasma::ToolTip*), use at your own risk, we have no control to guarantee that they will not change!- 4.0.99- fix KDM ConsoleKit patch to use x11-display-device instead of display-device- fix segfault in KDM ConsoleKit patch (#455562)- move systemsettings back from System to Settings in the menu- new consolekit-kdm patch using libck-connector, BR ConsoleKit-devel (#430388)- install circles kdm theme- sync kickoff-suspend patch from F9 (loads ksmserver translations)- respun tarball (with systray patch)- 4.0.98- rewrite and reapply plasma-default-wallpaper patch - (no more separate plasma-default-wallpaper-config part) - rediff kde#154119 patch one last time- systray icon patch (kde#164786)- 4.0.85- 4.0.84- port and apply kde#154119/kde#158301 patch for moving icons on panel (#439587)- 4.0.83 (beta2)- +Provides: kdm- 4.0.82- fix #449881, ksysguard OnlyShowIn=KDE- enable NetworkManager support, now compatible with NM 0.7- BR: libcaptury-devel- 4.1 beta1- fix #447030, hyperlinks do not open correctly in firefox- ksysguardd subpkg (#426543) - %config(noreplace) systemsettingsrc- gtkrc patch (rh#443309, kde#146779)- update to 4.0.72 - update file list (Lorenzo Villani) - port plasma-konsole, ck-shutdown, rootprivs, plasma-default-wallpaper patches - remove NoDisplay=true in systemsettings onlyshowkde patch (still add OnlyShowIn=KDE), rename to show-systemsettings - drop upstreamed suspend patch - drop backported kde#155362 and menu-switch patches - drop rh#443610 patch, "Zoom Out" should be working in 4.1 - disable kde#158301 patch for now (fails to apply, looks hard to port)- Requires: kdebase , so it doesn't go missing on upgrades from kde3 (#444928)- #444141: Initial wallpaper chooser has "EOS" preselected but wallpaper is "Fedora Waves"- don't show "Zoom Out" toolbox action (#443610, patch from openSUSE branch)- allow moving plasmoids on panels (#439587, kde#158301) (upstream patch)- fix #442559, Suspend/Hibernate issue on logout- workaround #434824: KDE4 System Settings - No Method To Enter Administrative Mode - fix #441062: packagekit tools do not show icons correctly on KDE- update redhat-startkde.patch to match waves background color (#442312)- allow to define a default wallpaper (plasmarc:wallpaper)- read the default KSplash theme from kde-settings in startkde (#441565)- own %{_kde4_appsdir}/kdm/faces and set default user image (#441154)- rebuild for the fixed %{_kde4_buildtype}- update file list for _kde4_libexecdir- backport context menu switch between Kickoff and simple menu from 4.1- add support for shutdown/reboot through ConsoleKit >= 0.2.4 (#431817)- most of the kde#155362 patch has been merged, keep only the config part- 4.0.3- add onlyshowin=KDE for systemsetting- backport upstream patch to fix crash in kmenuedit when users delete entry and save it- apply upstream patch to fix changing wallpaper causes desktop to go white - apply upstream patch to check whether the to-be-embedded window has been destroyed, (bz#437058)- add gestures=false in kde-settings, remove kdebase-workspace-4.0.2-Gestures.patch- typo fix- disable gestures as default - add konsole in desktop menu- apply upstream patch to fix crash in khotkeys- drop upstreamed kde#155974 patch - update kde#155362 patch- 4.0.2- %files: don't own %_kde4_libdir/kde4/plugins (thanks wolfy!)- omit broken disk space checking hunk from redhat-startkde patch (#426871)- revert Conflicts, it matches against Provides from kdelibs3.- Conflicts: kdelibs < 6:4 (temporary, to ease upgrade pain) - -devel: Requires: %name-libs- backport enhancement to allow multi-line taskbar from 4.1 (kde#155974)- respin- update kde#155362 (simple menu) patch for 4.0.1 (thanks to Jan Mette)- 4.0.1- respin (qt4)- backport simple menu enhancement to show .desktop Name from 4.1 (kde#155362)- Obsoletes: kdebase < 6:4- initial login with white background (#428131, kde#155122)- use upstream systemtray patch (#427442, kde#153193)- respun tarball - omit gtk_applet patch (for now, doesn't build)- omit plasma-pager patch - pull upstream patch to workaround gtk applet crasher (#427442)- update to 4.0.0 - drop upstreamed creategtkrc-gtk212 patch - update redhat-startkde and consolekit-kdm patches- fix createGtkrc to set tooltip colors also for GTK+ 2.12+- Obsoletes: kdmtheme- Requires: coreutils dbus-x11 xorg-x11-apps xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-server-utils (used in startkde) - drop pam configs that were previously moved to kde-settings- rebuild for changed _kde4_includedir- kde-3.97.0 - move pam configs to kde-settings - Requires: kde-settings-kdm- fix kdm/kcheckpass/kscreensaver to get working- BR: dbus-devel - crystalsvg icons are not part of kdebase-workspace anymore - make sure libkdeinit_plasma.so is in normal package- kde-3.96.2- Obsoletes and Provides kdebase-kdm for upgrades from old kde-redhat- update and apply redhat-startkde patch - update and apply KDM ConsoleKit patch (#228111, kde#147790) - ConsoleKit patch also includes xdmcp fixes from Mandriva (#243560)- %doc README COPYING - -libs subpkg - -libs: Requires: kdelibs4 - don't remove libplasma.so from %{_kde4_libdir} - %files: use %_datadir for dbus-1/interfaces,xsessions- kde-3.96.1- use kde.desktop from /usr/share/apps/kdm/sessions/kde.desktop - use %config(noreplace) for /etc/ksysguarddrc - Requires: kdebase, kdebase-runtime, oxygen-icon-theme - fix url- add patch to get pager in plasma bar - re-added BR: libraw1394-devel- leave libkworkspace.so for kate - BR: kde-filesystem >= 4- BR: libXtst-devel - BR: libXScrnSaver-devel- own some more directories - add %defattr to package devel - some spec cleanups - -R: kdepimlibs-devel - +BR: libXpm-devel - +BR: glib2-devel (do we really need this?)- BR: libXxf86misc-devel - BR: libXxf86misc-devel - BR: libXcomposite-devel - BR: bluez-libs-devel - BR: libxklavier-devel - BR: pam-devel - BR: lm_sensors-devel - BR: libXdamage-devel - BR: libXv-devel - BR: libXres-devel- kde-3.96.0- Initial version of kdebase-workspace 4.10.4-5.fc174.10.4-5.fc174.10.4-5.fc17ksysguarddrcksysguardd/etc//usr/bin/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmx86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=0x2c01eb883305a7b0098965ecd8cb24f2e7d769c8, strippeddirectory RRRRRRRRR R xz2?p7zXZ !PH6kD]"k%nz?F{vlJCuyp!ɂWnOC]6?Dm̘DH4(ȸ~%iBoob ʙ6@~vFX)Cx׵j8%Zb䊅o>wuX[K/8(09̜ͨ=3;8]uJo\$;$cL ~K?@tZ݊s,&B:kӴdKFOB$,[C84SӻndZ9̲럎XpW:6ZABȏɒqZH1@$5Ntȩ\ttGL{Bo8'Wf~nJs_Gyf(,3+q-w.ܬ[[aYR݌KHsp =v5fj))*CY7ϙs+X*O!u3~tDsVQ2`M>EGV7 I>;$ODO]cz5rR*Z*m+oSw䔢6FT6lHܜW&2\>:d7O4,,یdPeNy!]yhxC---P>ԇbe9qz.P]/"H|$zN ؙ{IGl_#NI9hߦUEʘ 解3T %o)Zc$PcAfpC{3$m ``W슖,6>ǿ]ȋMY9M1&g%7-?eDzvP fz+X>/x+!샂o) ~5{tW9\-S=nbqOtyAFb^Z"@/X~K#Cyq>p;L?Ģr5?5D@ IdF4xg`*R @\$MR#}+NJhbCWpvr__-W[]6T~-ǡKLH„#TioφIL{3F5&5!C,g4`R OkyaP`qO }Ł"ʧ2X oyVPvw_o uwz[ )9\/\g[d `+6u C\uC)3>VveY/3jבo,B`=E Ǩj;|Ua<̖.2HBm|J8I[Y1`-tFBߙZ}jpбHTG.7獝]W"c-@ (-͝?K1 E-P&у hc/PJk S9^vLQO3a] }^k]c)%-4YYl JW[}=A/ uI.aDK/#B0D|&% *;_'#,n6QA2mf5Lƈ֓/Tt8pw5+`@ >rh[D ݔ=/p3FaǼ;6mj}p-p|杕kv/G+p4ml?N#A#c~lFwF^kΪh?Ưxy1/)eeԊH# AvF5 &z<)Cx?kҙ 4)9alL^uJ` j=(?yLlq_GP*.oT(2@VlX8j*uh[ |aC<=Լ8UVC'z'-mڧGp/ 3~HDZ~ ||w5g!w-$ 3G!-ZN`;iCV3B󃺌PzX-G/vFG~\ e)U5A׃]}!܄0^f_0aJTb*/=Uu'd 95w|-eT>nrXXk2fH_<_OsƌXa! 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