munin-common-2.0.17-1.fc17$>XR^SC/dÿ6$CN>;M!?Md  L %, d          l  |  ( ?8 H}9<}:%}=GSGG\HGIH XH$ YHL \Hp]H^IbJpdJtlJytJuJvKDwKxLyL`*MeM fMCmunin-common2.0.171.fc17Network-wide graphing framework (common files)Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration. This package contains common files that are used by both the server (munin) and node (munin-node) packages.Qbuildvm-06.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2Fedora ProjectSystem Environment/Daemons group munin >/dev/null || \ /usr/sbin/groupadd -r munin /usr/bin/getent passwd munin >/dev/null || \ /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g munin -d /var/lib/munin -s /sbin/nologin \ -c "Munin user" munin exit 0$' -E 2  m32 A큤AA$$$$$$$$AQQQiQQiQiQiQiQiQiQiQQQQQQQQQQQa1073c100663f97b405c13125e305b1f5a63631cf4b8c1b74e801bc343c0b6b9999156a1364c23dfb22e39d4febb63e15688bfa1d74d68b43d1614dc61d0b47d10c5910e1e1393d90f0f4a91ae5f31d494adb0ec9902411d55dcb5d5552cd59ba7d8e5ce18f1943ed60477461c60bea7aaedbbad7cef24eed1adfebc7735ede3f132aeea996073cc8f9efe1f3726ae8828376990911b0cfeeeca218865975e402baeffeaec01fb384aab2da44e2d62e70278a521d977850e200768037b71f56e8eacd6e47510116051c54a07e732753887cdda8f80bd1c708b8347b128a8c6e28a4d165e93729e579c12f73ceb42127673c62db24e8be7d4c5dcbf6c0f08266e53b2ee46eefa483283e8a99700b23cada409e09d9fd227a55cfb53782b04946bf972eb1234608679139b82ce9e559468ea0046a389dd619176a9a51522d8b88ff847d0aa342bc3c2601422f99028130e913620e937678a72c015cb3d2b93374554d09e2c71ed727c81df9eb2adddc6ec05c553e0bf75f72d529c22309a1e60592b214be4966ea9da1e7522fade11057ab17cb13acf16516a9233406115ecf5d1282e25c45872bb1c46c8c66a770d75f33582ac922f8869b4b1cdead440ef19aeeef8c3f958f609c14ea73f132bb878aae59518f303227e697213550c759ab8251b8704ec0986af5ffb6796734a0dc18060b8a088b7f9cb2e7450be6ee7a5c129b605e4ae830630e7546e692e886b75fb0ba68412c3123bb4fbb56a857bb15834ef5f3e533f22d2f67b2002729b84b58b39996d82919e86f2d3d7331252f83611rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootmuninrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootmuninmunin-2.0.17-1.fc17.src.rpmconfig(munin-common)perl(Munin::Common::Config)perl(Munin::Common::Defaults)perl(Munin::Common::DictFile)perl(Munin::Common::SyncDictFile)perl(Munin::Common::TLS)perl(Munin::Common::TLSClient)perl(Munin::Common::TLSServer)perl(Munin::Common::Timeout)munin-common@@@@@@@@@@@    /bin/shconfig(munin-common)perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.14.4)perl(Carp)perl(English)perl(Exporter)perl(Fcntl)perl(File::Basename)perl(IO::File)perl(Munin::Common::TLS)perl(Tie::Hash)perl(base)perl(strict)perl(warnings)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)2.0.17-1.fc173.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-{QQ@Q@Q2Qzl@Q]k@QYvQNQLGQ;$@Q']Q:@Q@QEQQQ@P-P[PO@P}@PPPP6@P@PXPXP{@P@Pz@PqnPO'PK3@P@@P2&P*=P*=P!@P`@PP@P H@PP_@OЗO9O@OO@O`@ODO'OW@ONNX@NON(N&@N@MAMM@M)MMQ0@MQ0@L~LOLbL4l@L/&@LvL <@L@K@KRK<@K*@K"4@K@KKK@JJjI2I{Iq@Ik0Ii@I`H)HxH[H2@GrB@GO@F @E4D@DDJC@Ci@C8@C @C @Cf@C}@BgBfD@BdBc@B@@@@ u@?N>j@>@>d@>)=u= D. Johnson - 2.0.17-1D. Johnson - 2.0.16-1D. Johnson - 2.0.15-1D. Johnson - 2.0.14-2D. Johnson - 2.0.14-1D. Johnson - 2.0.13-1Viljo Viitanen - 2.0.12-4D. Johnson - 2.0.12-3D. Johnson - 2.0.12-2D. Johnson - 2.0.12-1D. Johnson - Johnson - Johnson - Johnson - 2.0.11-4D. Johnson - 2.0.11-3D. Johnson - 2.0.11-2D. Johnson - 2.0.11-1D. Johnson - 2.0.10-2D. Johnson - 2.0.10-1D. Johnson - 2.0.9-4D. Johnson - 2.0.9-3D. Johnson - 2.0.9-2D. Johnson - 2.0.9-1D. Johnson - 2.0.8-3D. Johnson - 2.0.8-2D. Johnson - 2.0.8-1D. Johnson - 2.0.7-6D. Johnson - 2.0.7-5D. Johnson - 2.0.7-4D. Johnson - 2.0.7-3D. Johnson - 2.0.7-2D. Johnson - 2.0.7-1D. Johnson - 2.0.6-3D. Johnson - 2.0.6-2D. Johnson - 2.0.6-1D. Johnson - 2.0.5-3D. Johnson - 2.0.5-2D. Johnson - 2.0.5-1D. Johnson - 2.0.4-3D. Johnson - 2.0.4-2D. Johnson - - 2.0.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.2-3D. Johnson - 2.0.2-2D. Johnson - 2.0.2-1D. Johnson - 2.0.0-1D. Johnson - 1.4.7-5Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.7-4Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.7-3Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.7-2D. Johnson - 1.4.7-1Kevin Fenzi 1.4.6-8D. Johnson - 1.4.6-7Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.6-6Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.6-5.3Stanislav Ochotnicky - 1.4.6-4.3Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.6-4.1D. Johnson - 1.4.6-4Petr Sabata - 1.4.6-3Petr Sabata - 1.4.6-2D. Johnson - 1.4.6-1Marcela Mašláňová - 1.4.5-13D. Johnson - 1.4.5-12Marcela Mašláňová - 1.4.5-11D. Johnson - 1.4.5-10D. Johnson - 1.4.5-9Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.5-8Fedora Release Engineering - 1.4.5-7Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.5-6Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.5-5Todd Zullinger - 1.4.5-4.1Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.5-4Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.5-3Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.5-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.5-1Marcela Maslanova - 1.4.4-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.4-1Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.3-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.3-1Ingvar Hagelund - 1.4.2-1Ingvar Hagelund - 1.4.1-3Ingvar Hagelund - 1.4.1-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.1-1Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.0-1Kevin Fenzi - 1.4.0-0.1.betaKevin Fenzi - 1.4.0-0.1.alphaFedora Release Engineering - 1.2.6-10Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.6-9Andreas Thienemann - 1.2.6-8Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.6-7Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.6-6Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.6-5Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.6-4Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.6-3Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.6-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.6-1Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.5-5Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.5-4Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.5-3Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.5-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.5-1Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-10Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-9Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-8Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-7Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-6Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-5Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-4Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-3Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-2Kevin Fenzi - 1.2.4-1Ingvar Hagelund - 1.2.3-4Ingvar Hagelund - 1.2.3-3Ingvar Hagelund - 1.2.3-2Ingvar Hagelund - 1.2.3-1Ingvar Hagelund - 1.2.2-5Ingvar Hagelund Ingvar Hagelund Ingvar Hagelund Ingvar Hagelund Ingvar Hagelund Ingvar Hagelund Ingvar Hagelund Ingvar Hagelund Kjetil Torgrim Homme - Upstream release 2.0.17- Upstream released 2.0.16- Upstream released 2.0.15- Corrected bugid 905241 references- Upstream released 2.0.14- Upstream released 2.0.13- BZ #905241 add nginx cgi package, removed unnecessary services from apache cgi package- Add fw_ default config- BZ# 917002 minor edits for asyncd- Upstream release 2.0.12- Update systemd scriptlets- BZ# 913111 Removed R:webserver because it pulls boa .. and no clean way to prefer apache. - BZ# 917002 munin-asyncd should wait for munin-node- Upstream version BZ# 908711 munin-async: wrong path in init script- Split out tomcat plugin to remove ruby dep from node.- BZ# 907369 revert patch- Upstream release 2.0.11- BZ# 896644 Wrong path to munin jar in jmx plugin- Update to 2.0.10 - BZ# 891940,892377 Only stop/restart services provided by sub-package, not deps. - BZ# 881689 Fix config file so that it no longer references the build host - BZ# 877116 Patch using '&' in the URLs instead of '&' in HTMLConfig- Use Makefile.config-dist instead of sed. - BZ# 890246,890247 "su" directive is not used in epel5/6 logrotate- Add documentation links for async - BZ# 885422 Move munin-node logs to /var/log/munin-node/ - BZ# 877166 Convert '&' to '&' in for validation- Require: LWP::UserAgent for plugins - BZ# 861816 Add simplified files for switching to FCGI - BZ# 880505 Change logrotate files to include su directive- Update to 2.0.9- BZ# 880505 munin logrotate permissions fix.- Added cgitmp patch c/o Diego Elio Pettenò - BZ# 861816 Add sample files for switching to FCGI- Upstream to 2.0.8- minor CGI permission fixes- BZ# 872891 Re-add config file option to use conf.d/ instead of munin-conf.d/- more CGI files to correct cgi-bin/ - BZ# 871967 Upstream 1235, Munin: unknown states on services for - BZ# 861816 Create CGI sub-package for dynamic graphing- BZ# 859956 Minor fedora/rhel build macro fixes - BZ# 861148 Upstream 1213, Incorrect child count in worker threads for and Do not use 'env' for #! lines. - Require: perl-Taint-Runtime to prevent warnings- Upstream to 2.0.7 - BZ# 850401 Use systemd_preun when available (f18) - BZ# 863490 [patch] http_load plugin uses wrong time command - BZ# 862469 Move asyncd init files to asyncd subpackage- Upstream removed dists/redhat/- node: remove File::Path as it is no longer needed. - added DBDIRNODE for munin-node.- BZ# 851375 Replace @@GOODSH@@ in epel init scripts - BZ# 849831,849834 CVE-2012-3512 munin: insecure state file handling, munin->root privilege [fedora-all]- rebuilt for epel- Added munin-asyncd init files- Updated to 2.0.5 - BZ# 603344 / upstream 1180, ACPI thermal information changed with 3.x kernels- BZ# 823533 "hddtemp_smartctl plugin has a bug" - upstream patched - BZ# 825820 Munin memcache plugin requires "perl(Cache::Memcached)" - BZ# 834055 Munin updates changing permissions, conflicts with what munin-check does - BZ# 812893,812894,839786,840496 - updated to munin2- Changing permissions on html directories to minimize cron messages.- updated to 2.0.4 - backported el6 packaging items- Adjust default conf.d entry. - updated to 2.0.3- Rebuilt for fixed conflicts- updated to 2.0.2- initial 2.0 release- BZ# 822992 Including - BZ# 747663 Include older for older kernels - BZ# 822894 Requires: perl-Net-CIDR - BZ# 746083 Append user=munin for munin-node plugins - BZ# 821912 Move htaccess to httpd/conf.d/munin.conf for easier administration- Fix ownership on /var/run/munin. Fixes bug #821204- A better for for 811867 with triggers. - Fix directory conflict. Fixes bug #816340 - Fix path in java plugin. Fixes bug #816570- Fix node postun from messing up plugins on upgrade. Works around bug #811867- updated for 1.4.7 release- Build against java-1.7.0 now. Fixes bug #796345- Create state file for yum-plugin. Fixes BZ #786030.- Add PrivateTmp=true to systemd unit file. Fixes bug #782512 - Change logrotate to use munin user. Fixes bug #771017- Rebuilt for Rebuild for java 1.6.0 downgrade (fesco ticket 663)- Add patch to run restorecon in the sysvinit script. - This doesn't matter on f16+- fix tmpfiles.d file for f15 (BZ# 731181)- Perl mass rebuild- Perl mass rebuild- update to 1.4.6- Perl mass rebuild- Use tmpfiles.d instead of ExecStartPre - Add patch for noSuchObject errors (BZ# 712245)- Perl 5.14 mass rebuild- Fixes Native systemd service file for munin-node (BZ# 699275)- Fix issue with uppercase node names returning no data. Fixes #673263- Rebuilt for Adjust the df fix to include all the right fses- Exclude some fses from df plugin. fixes #601410- Move jmx_ plugin to java-plugins package- Move docs to common subpackage to make sure COPYING is installed.- Add /etc/munin/node.d dir- Add /etc/munin/conf.d/ dir- Update to 1.4.5- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- Update to 1.4.4 - Add more doc files. Fixes bug #563824 - fw_forwarded_local fixed upstream in 1.4.4. Fixes bug #568500- Fix owner on state files. - Add some BuildRequires. - Make munin-node-configure only run on install, not upgrade. bug 540687- Update to 1.4.3- New upstream release - Removed upstream packaged fonts - Added a patch that makes rrdtool use the system bitstream vera fonts on rhel < 6 and fedora < 11- More correct fedora and el versions for previous font path fix - Added a patch that fixes a quoting bug in, fixing fonts on el4- Remove jmx plugins when not supported (like on el4 and older fedora) - Correct font path on older distros like el5, el4 and fedora<11- Update to 1.4.1- Update to final 1.4.0 version- Update to beta 1.4.0 version. - Add common subpackage for common files.- Initial alpha version of 1.4.0- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Updated dependencies to better reflect plugin requirements - Added hddtemp_smartctl patch to only scan for standby state on /dev/[sh]d? devices.- Adjust font requires for new dejavu-sans-mono-fonts name (fixes #480463)- Fix to require the correct font- Switch to using dejavu-fonts instead of bitstream-vera- Require bitstream-vera-fonts-sans-mono for Font (fixes #477428)- Move Munin/ to the node subpackage (fixes #457403)- Apply postfix patch (fixes #454159) - Add perl version dep and remove unneeded perl-HTML-Template (fixes #453923)- Upgrade to 1.2.6- Rebuild for new perl- Add patch to fix ampersand and degrees in plugins (fixes #376441)- Removed unnneeded plugins.conf file (fixes #288541) - Fix license tag. - Fix ip_conntrack monitoring (fixes #253192) - Switch to new useradd guidelines.- Fix directory ownership (fixes #233886)- Update to 1.2.5 - Fix HD stats (fixes #205042) - Add in logrotate scripts that seem to have been dropped upstream- Rebuild for fc6- Re-enable snmp plugins now that perl-Net-SNMP is available (fixes 196588) - Thanks to Herbert Straub for patch. - Fix sendmail plugins to look in the right place for the queue- add patch to remove unneeded munin-nagios in cron. - add patch to remove buildhostname in munin.conf (fixes #188928) - clean up prep section of spec.- Remove bogus Provides for perl RRDs (fixes #182702)- Readded old changelog entries per request - Rebuilt for fc5- Fixed ownership for /var/log/munin in node subpackage (fixes 176529)- Fixed ownership for /var/lib/munin in node subpackage- Fixed libdir messup to allow builds on x86_64- Removed plugins that require Net-SNMP and Sybase- Inital cleanup for fedora-extras- Fixed a bug in the iostat plugin- Added the missing /var/run/munin- Removed a lot of unecessary perl dependencies- Sync with svn- Sync with release of 1.2.2 - Add some nice text from the suse specfile - Minimal changes in the header - Some cosmetic changes - Added logrotate scripts (stolen from debian package)- Sync with CVS. Version 1.0.0pre2- Sync with CVS. Change names to munin.- Lot of small fixes. Now builds on more RPM distros- Sync with CVS - 0.9.5-1- Sync with CVS - Makefile-based install of core files - Build doc (only pod2man)- Sync with CVS, auto rpmbuild- Fix spec file for RedHat 8.0 and new version of lrrd- Small bugfixes in the rpm package- new package/bin/sh> t> > > > > > > > > > > > "> %> &> )> $> *> #> (> '> 2.0.17-1.fc172.0.17-1.fc17munin.confmunin-common-2.0.17Announce-2.0COPYINGChangeLogChecklistHACKING.podREADMERELEASEUPGRADINGUPGRADING-1.4MuninCommonConfig.pmDefaults.pmDictFile.pmSyncDictFile.pmTLS.pmTLSClient.pmTLSServer.pmTimeout.pmmunin/etc/tmpfiles.d//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/munin-common-2.0.17//usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl//usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin//usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Munin/Common//var/run/-O2drpmnoarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textC source, ASCII textPerl5 module source textassembler source, UTF-8 Unicode textdirectory #PRRR R PRRR R PR PRRR PRRR R PRRR R R R PRRR R R R PRRRR R R xz2?P7zXZ !PH6]"k%w6 闥_Z5ГBG%g4Ϥ"?Y;T6[F )wM[sL~ĠhG ~yV+6M4(5K%߆.3}c0j7f5ϴ3bjg1f9vo. )_@NJ)^A+>x35U{ Uィ<w@~M`CZ~@zB4n!ˡ5mᚖWjR;*>9iooєxv_d7A~@eʨ<{"^r )] P߻PkK_q.;6Q2^W7ے^ɽO6P޿j}Swgn{/Q2lvv~-e>`C?,XC-qJʶ/^w-i׃^+>7`ʿ˪HiM].3M gbnk`4{޴;%Mpr}q83 Ÿzl&?m'_?Fm;uw/$M<1˃[z(cfQRWk -$ `XE5i$joz%f.eb#,ahٲ`vgz0!Vz:_W"ߜ2Tj02䉴#רRv'y;6!5T ltR@ S2dMC!t13u7iqM?ϛ|\ӣ̦>;ߋSϣMc_ʥ ނ&(>wŇ_Z%/ifM@9E%~ 4[M/f u!7X%V7?E=an֦,&2B%#:'t?̪$$PUAaZ=\TӎYu, =) psQ_LxR.Dy䳢~:7IA}[g%a &}-[_#z1tJ=|565w^Eym4w,Ŝ0 `Y'=Q&ّTO:o)|R+)n%/W3J&&H#kY'c}t ky\Q6u0 bɗ\9H7y]'=ؒ旐?%q.4" G%]>^ȅխjvoy<!8{w