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mozilla_plugin_use_gps boolean - Label /usr/bin/razor-lightdm-greeter as xdm_exec_t instead of spamc_exec_t - Add labeling for HOMEDIR/.icedtea - Allow openvpn to add own log files - Allow cobblerd to read network state - Allow abrt to read utmp_t file- Allow cupsd to read hplip lib files - Allow NM to create rawip socket - Allow ping to read network state. - Add tcp/8891 as milter port - New directories under ~/.cache- Add files_dontaudit_read_all_sockets interface - Add gnome_dontaudit_rw_inherited_config interface - Allow httpd_collectd_script to read /etc/passwd - Allow milter domains to read /dev/random - Backport readahead fixes from F18 - Allow collectd to read utmp - /usr/share/munin/plugins/ should be labeled as bin_t - Fix svnserve policy - Add additional fixes for ecrypts - Add additional interface for ecryptfs - Dontaudit leak fd for mozilla_plugin_config - Allow pppd to send signull- Fix dup decl for munin plugins - Allow logwatch to domtrans to mdadm - Backport blueman policy from F18 - Allow mozilla-plugin-config to read power_supply info - Allow fsdaemon to read virt images - Allow useradd to create homedirs in /run. ircd-ratbox does this and we should just allow it - Allow sa-update to search admin home for /root/.spamassassin - Dontaudit attempts from thumb_t to connect to sssd - Add labeling and filename transition for .grl-podcasts - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to read files on hugetlbfs - Allow gnomesystemmm_t caps because of ioprio_set - Allow logrotate to domtrans to mdadm_t - Allow sectoolm to sys_ptrace since it is looking at other proceses /proc data. - Allow gpg_t to manage all gnome files - Add filename transition for .quakelive - Add unconfined_munin_plugin_t - Allow httpd_t to read munin conf files - Add additional labeling for munin cgi scripts - Add labeling for texlive bash scripts - Allow NM to transition to l2tpd - Add interface for postgesql_filetrans_name_content to make sure log directories get created with the correct label.- Allow gpsd_t to setattr on usbtty_device - Allow mail_munin_plugins domain to run postconf - Dontaudit reading of domain states for mozilla-plugin-config - Backport fixes related to http and keystone ports - Backport cloudform policy from F18 - ALlow logrotate sys_ptrace capability - Allow mscan to read /etc/MailScanner/conf.d directory - Add support for HOME_DIR/.lyx - Add support for rt4 - Back rhsmcertd policy from F18 - zoneminder needs to connect to httpd ports where remote cameras are listening - Add ntp_exec() interface - Dontaudit settatr on user tmp files for mozilla plugins - Allow colord-sane to read proc/sys/kernel/osrelease - Allow setroubleshoot_fixit to execute rpm - Allow logwatch to getattr on all dirs - Allow chrome and mozilla_plugin to create msgq and semaphores - systemd_logind_t is looking at all files under /run/user/apache - Allow confine users to ptrace screen- Add php-fpm support - Allow munin disk plugins to get attributes of all directories - Fix gnome_manage_config() to allow to manage sock_file- Add labeling for /var/www/openshift/{broker,console} - Allow openshift_initrc domain to dbus chat with systemd_logind - Allow httpd to getattr passenger log file if run_stickshift - Add passenger_getattr_log_files interface - Backport svirt_tcg policy - munint wants to send sigkill to ping - Allow munin plugins to send a signal to itself - Allow munin to send signal to ping- Allow openshift domain to read /dev/urand - Add labeling for /var/www/openshift/console/{tmp,log} dirs - gems seems to be placed in lots of places - Add labeling for /usr/bin/pg_ctl - Add labeling for HOME_DIR/irclogs - Allow systemd-logind to manage keyring user tmp dirs. We allow it for user_tmp_t dirs. - Add gnome_manage_gkeyringd_tmp_dirs() interface - Allow spamd_update to create spamd_var_lib_t directories and ignore DAC when searching for directories - Allow xend to run scsi_id - Allow rhsmcertd-worker to read "physical_package_id" - Allow lpr to read /usr/share/fonts - Allow open file from CD/DVD drive on domU - Dontaudit attempts by openshift to read apache logs - Add sntp support to ntp policy - Allow tor to read /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid- Backport openvswitch policy from F18 - Allow logrotate to transition to openvswitch domain - opendkim should be a part of milter - Add filename transition for /etc/tuned/active_profile - Allow condor_master to send mails - Allow condor_master to create /tmp files/dirs - Allow condor_mater to send sigkill to other condor domains - Allow condor_procd sigkill capability - tuned-adm wants to talk with tuned daemon - Allow all application domains to use fifo_files passed in from userdomains - pppd wants sys_nice by nmcli because of "syscall=sched_setscheduler" - Fix mozilla_plugin_can_network_connect to allow to connect to all ports - The host and a virtual machine can share the same printer on a usb device - Backport thumb.te from F18 - Dontaudit leaks of locks or generic log files to systemprocesses - Allow blueman to transition to ifconfig, dnsmasq - Backport virt_lock_t from F18 - Allow syslogd to request the kernel to load a module - Allow syslogd_t to read the network state information - Add awstats_purge_apache_log boolean - Allow ksysguardproces to read /.config/Trolltech.conf - Allow passenger to create and append puppet log files - Add puppet_append_log and puppet_create_log interfaces - Allow rhsmcertd to send signal to itself- Add commands needed to get mock to build from staff_t in enforcing mode - Allow dbus-daemon to read/write inherited removable devices - Add storage_rw_inherited_removable_device() interface - fetchmail reads /etc/passwd - Allow rhnsd to execute bin_t in the caller rhnsd_t domain - Allow all daemons and systemprocesses to use inherited initrc_tmp_t files - Allow enabling Network Access Point service using blueman - Make vmware_host_t as unconfined domain - Allow authenticate users in webaccess via squid, using mysql as backend - Allow firewalld to read /etc/hosts - Backport openshift.te from F18 - Dontaudit xdm_t to getattr on BOINC lib files - Allow chrome and mozilla plugin to connect to msnp ports- Allow BOINC client to use an HTTP proxy for all connections - Add labeling for /var/lib/zarafa-webapp - Allow mozilla plugins to read /dev/hpet - Allow MPD to read /dev/radnom - Allow dnsmasq to read /etc/NetworkManager - Fix storage_rw_inherited_fixed_disk_dev() to cover also blk_file - httpd needs to send signull to openshift init script - Fix tftp_read_content() interface- More fixes for passwd/group labeling - New ypbind pkg wants to search /var/run which is caused by sd_notify - dbus needs to be able to read/write inherited fixed disk device_t passed through it - Allow NM to read certs on NFS/CIFS using use_nfs_*, use_samba_* booleans - Add interface to make sure rpcbind.sock is created with the correct label - Add support for OpenShift sbin labeling- Fix labeling for passwd*- logwatch wants sys_nice/setsched - Add labeling for mcollectived - Allow openshift domains to read localization - Allow smokeping to execute fping in the neutils_t domain - Allow support for notifyclamd option in /etc/freshclam.conf - Allow mozilla-plugin-config to getattr on all fs - Add tftp_homedir boolean - Allow nslcd to connect to ldap port without boolean - policykit-auth wants sys_nice - openshift user domains wants to r/w ssh tcp sockets- Allow nfsd to write to mount_var_run_t - Allow smokeping to execute bin_t - Allow sshd_t to execute login program - Allow prelink to read power_supply - Allow alsa to r/w alsa config files - Allow tuned to setsched kernel - Add labeling for /usr/sbin/mkhomedir_helper - Allow initrc_t to readl all systemd unit files - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create .mplayer in users homedir - Allow sshd to send syslog msgs - Allow varnish execmem - Allow mongodb_t to getattr on all file systems - Allow pyzor running as spamc to manage amavis spool - Allow rhnsd to read /usr/lib/locale- Allow all openshift domains to read sysfs info - Allow openshift domains to getattr on all domains - Update httpd_run_stickshift boolean - Allow hplip to execute bin_t- fix opeshift labeling - Allow groupadd to read SELinux file context- Add openshift policy - Add changes needed by openshift policy - Allow vmnet-natd to request the kernel to load a module - Allown winbind to read /usr/share/samba/codepages/lowcase.dat - Access needed to allow hplip to send faxes - abrt_dump_oops needs to read debugfs - Add support for HTTPProxy* in /etc/freshclam.conf- Add file transition for mongodb lib dirs - Add labeling for /var/lib/mongo, /var/run/mongo - Allow gpg to write to /etc/mail/spamassassiin directories - Add support for hplip logs stored in /var/log/hp/tmp - Allow winbind to read usr_t - Add rhnsd policy - Add labeling for /etc/owncloud/config.php- Allow winbind to connect do ldap without a boolean - Allow mozilla-plugin to connect to commplex port - Fix tomcat template interface - Allow thumb to use user fonts- Backport tomcat fixes from F18 - Add filename transition for mongod.log - Dontaudit jockey to search /root/.local - Fix passenger labeling - fix corenetwork interfaces which needs to require ephemeral_port_t - Allow user domains to use tmpfs_t when it is created by the kernel and inherited by the app, IE No Open- Add sanlock_use_fusefs boolean - Add stapserver policy from F18 - Allow rhnsd to send syslog msgs - ABRT wants to read Xorg.0.log if if it detects problem with Xorg - ALlow chrome_sandbox to leak unix_dram_socket into chrome_sandbox_nacl_t - Allow postalias to read postfix config files - Allow tmpreaper to cleanup all files in /tmp - Allow chown capability for zarafa domains - Allow xauth to read /dev/urandom - Allow tmpreaper to list admin_home dir - Allow clamd to write/delete own pid file with clamd_var_run_t label - Add support for gitolite3 - Allow virsh_t to getattr on virtd_exec_t - Allow virsh can_exec on virsh_exec_t - Look up group name by spamass-milter-postfix - Add mozilla_plugin_can_network_connect boolean - Fix /var/lib/sqlgrey labeling - Add support for a new path for passenger- Allow virsh to stream connect to virtd - Add support for $HOME/.cache/libvirt - Allow groupadd_t to search default_context - Allow xdm_t to search dirs with xdm_unconfined_exec_t label - Allow ksysguardproces to read/write config_usr_t - Backport passenger policy from F18 - Allow wdmd to create wdmd_tmpfs_t- Fix passenger labeling - Add thumb_tmpfs_t files type - Add file name transitions for ttyACM0 - Allow virtd to send dbus messages to firewalld- Allow tmpreaper to delete unlabeled files - Backport selinux_login_config fixes from F18 for sssd - Allow thumb drives to create shared memory and semaphores - Make "snmpwalk -mREDHAT-CLUSTER-MIB ...." working - Allow dlm_controld to execute dlm_stonith labeled as bin_t - Allow GFS2 working on F17 - Allow thumb to gettatr on all fs - Allow condor domains to read kernel sysctls - Allow condor_master to connect to amqp - Allow abrt to read mozilla_plugin config files - Backport squid policy with support for lightsquid - Allow useradd to modify /etc/default/useradd - dovecot_auth_t uses ldap for user auth - Dontaudit mozilla_plugin attempts to ipc_lock - Allow tmpreaper to search unlabeled /tmp/kdecache-root - Allow jockey to list the contents of modeprobe.d - Allow web plugins to connect to the asterisk ports- Allow Chrome_ChildIO to read dosfs_t - Fix svirt to be allowed to use fusefs file system - Sanlock needs to send Kill Signals to non root process - Allow sendmail to read/write postfix_delivery_t- Allow sendmail to read/write postfix_delivery_t - Update sanlock policy to solve all AVC's - Change virt interface so confined users can optionally manage virt content - setroubleshoot was trying to getattr on sysctl and proc stuff - Need to allow svirt_t ability to getattr on nfs_t file system - Allow staff users to run svirt_t processes - Add new booleans to allow staff user and unprivuser to use boxes- Alias firstboot_tmp_t to tmp_t - Add support for sqlgre - Allow postfix to connect to spampd - Add support for spampd and treat it as spamd_t policy - Allow munin mail plugin to read exim.log - Fix mta_mailserver_delivery() interface - Allow logrotate to getattr on systemd unit files - Allow tor to read kernel sysctls - Add new man pages - Fix labeling for pingus- Regenerate man pages - Dontaudit mysqld_safe sending signull to random domains - Add interface for mysqld to dontaudit signull to all processes - Allow editparams.cgi running as httpd_bugzilla_script_t to read /etc/group - Allow smbd to read cluster config - Add additional labelinf for passenger - Add labeling for /var/motion - Add amavis_use_jit boolean - Allow mongod to connet to postgresql port- Allow samba_net to read /proc/net - Allow hplip_t to send notification dbus messages to users - Allow mailserver_deliver to read/write own pip - Allow munin-plugin domains to read /etc/passwd - Allow postfix_cleanup to use sockets create for smtpd - Dovecot seems to be searching directories of every mountpoint, lets just dontaudit this - Allow mozilla-plugin to read all kernel sysctls - Allow jockey to read random/urandom - Dontaudit dovecot to search all dirs - Add aditional params to allow cachedfiles to manage its content - gpg agent needs to read /dev/random - Add labelling and allow rules based on avc's from RHEL6 for amavis- Add support for rhnsd daemon - Allow cgclear to read cgconfig - Allow sys_ptrace capability for snmp - Allow freshclam to read /proc - Fix rhsmcertd pid filetrans - Allow NM to execute wpa_cli - Allow procmail to manage /home/user/Maildir content - Allow amavis to read clamd system state - Allow postdrop to use unix_stream_sockets leaked into it - Allow uucpd_t to uucpd port- Add support for ecryptfs * ecryptfs does not support xattr - Allow lpstat.cups to read fips_enabled file - Allow pyzor running as spamc_t to create /root/.pyzor directory - Add labeling for amavisd-snmp init script - Add support for amavisd-snmp - Allow fprintd sigkill self - Allow xend (w/o libvirt) to start virtual machines - Allow aiccu to read /etc/passwd - accountsd needs to fchown some files/directories - Add ICACLient and zibrauserdata as mozilla_filetrans_home_content - Allow xend_t to read the /etc/passwd file - Allow freshclam to update databases thru HTTP proxy - Add init_access_check() interface - Allow s-m-config to access check on systemd - Allow abrt to read public files by default - Fix amavis_create_pid_files() interface - Allow tuned sys_nice, sys_admin caps - Allow amavisd to execute fsav - Allow system_dbusd_t to stream connect to bluetooth, and use its socket- Add labeling for aeolus-configserver-thinwrapper - Allow thin domains to execute shell - Allow OpenMPI job running as condor_startd_ssh_t to manage condor lib files - Allow OpenMPI job to use kerberos - Make deltacloudd_t as nsswitch_domain - Allow xend_t to run lsscsi - Allow qemu-dm running as xend_t to create tun_socket - Allow jockey-backend to read pyconfig-64.h labeled as usr_t - Fix alsa_manage_home_files interface - Fix clamscan_can_scan_system boolean - Allow lpr to connectto to /run/user/$USER/keyring-22uREb/pkcs11- Fixes for passenger running within openshift - Add labeling for all tomcat6 dirs - Allow cobblerd to read /etc/passwd - Allow jockey to read sysfs and and execute binaries with bin_t - Allow thum to use user terminals - Allow systemd_logind_t to read/write /dev/input0- Fixes to make minimal policy to be installed- abrt_watch_log should be abrt_domain - add ptrace_child access to process - Allow mozilla_plugin to connect to gatekeeper port - Allow dbomatic to execute ruby - Allow boinc domains to manage boinc_lib_t lnk_files - Add support for boinc-client.service unit file - add support for boinc.log - Allow httpd_smokeping_cgi_script_t to read /etc/passwd- Allow mozilla_plugin execmod on mozilla home files if allow_execmod - Allow dovecot_deliver_t to read dovecot_var_run_t - Add tomcat policy from F18 - Allow ldconfig and insmod to manage kdumpctl tmp files - Add kdumpctl policy - Move thin policy out from cloudform.pp and add a new thin policy files - pacemaker needs to communicate with corosync streams - abrt is now started on demand by dbus - Allow certmonger to talk directly to Dogtag servers - Change labeling for /var/lib/cobbler/webui_sessions to httpd_cobbler_rw_content_t - Allow mozila_plugin to execute gstreamer home files - Allow useradd to delete all file types stored in the users homedir - rhsmcertd reads the rpm database - Add support for lightdm- Dontaudit thumb to setattr on xdm_tmp dirs - Allow wicd to execute ldconfig - Add /var/run/cherokee\.pid labeling - Allow snort to create netlink_socket - Allow setpcap for rpcd_t - Firstboot should be just creating tmp_t dirs - Transition xauth files within firstboot_tmp_t - Fix labeling of /run/media to match /media - Allow firstboot to create tmp_t files/directories - Label tuned scripts located in /etc as bin_t - Add port definition for mxi port - Fix labeling for /var/log/lxdm.log.old - Allow ddclient to read /etc/passwd - change dovecot_deliver to manage mail_home_rw_t - Remove razor/pyzor policy - Allow local_login_t to execute tmux - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to execute the dynamic link/loader- apcupsd needs to read /etc/passwd - Sanlock allso sends sigkill - Allow glance_registry to connect to the mysqld port - Dontaudit mozilla_plugin trying to getattr on /dev/gpmctl - Allow firefox plugins/flash to connect to port 1234 - Allow mozilla plugins to delete user_tmp_t files - Add transition name rule for printers.conf.O - Allow virt_lxc_t to read urand - Allow systemd_loigind to list gstreamer_home_dirs - Fix labeling for /usr/bin - Fixes for cloudform services * support FIPS - Allow polipo to work as web caching - Allow chfn to execute tmux- Fix labeling of kerbero host cache files, allow rpc.svcgssd to manage - Allow dovecot to manage Maildir content, fix transitions to Maildir - Allow postfix_local to transition to dovecot_deliver - Dontaudit attempts to setattr on xdm_tmp_t, looks like bogus code - Cleanup interface definitions - Allow apmd to change with the logind daemon - Changes required for sanlock in rhel6 - Label /run/user/apache as httpd_tmp_t - Allow thumb to use lib_t as execmod if boolean turned on - Allow squid to create the squid directory in /var with the correct - When staff_t runs libvirt it reads dnsmasq_var_run_t - Mount command now lists user_tmp looking for gvfs - /etc/blkid is moving to /run/blkid - Allow rw_cgroup_files to also read a symlink - Make sure gdm directory in ~/.cache/gdm gets created with the correct label - Add labeling for .cache/gdm in the homedir - Allow mount to mount on user_tmp_t for /run/user/dwalsh/gvfs - xdm now needs to execute xsession_exec_t - Need labels for /var/lib/gdm- Dontaudit logwatch to gettr on /dev/dm-2 - Allow policykit-auth to manage kerberos files - Allow systemd_logind_t to signal, signull, sigkill all processes - Add filetrans rules for etc_runtime files - Allow systemd_login to send signals to devicekit power - Allow systemd_logind to signal initrc scripts to handle third party packages running as initrc_t - Allow virsh to read /etc/passwd - Allow policykit to manage kerberos rcache files - Allow systemd-logind to send a signal to init_t - /usr/sbin/xl2tpd wants to read /etc/group - Allow ncftool to list of content /etc/modprobe.d - Allow dkim-milter to listen own tcp_socke- Allow collectd to read virt config - Allow collectd setsched - Add support for /usr/sbin/mdm* - Fix java binaries labels when installed under /usr/lib/jvm/java - Add labeling for /var/run/mdm - Allow apps that can read net_conf_t files read symlinks - Allow all domains that can search or read tmp_t, able to read a tmp_t link - Dontaudit mozilla_plugin looking at xdm_tmp_t - Looks like collectd needs to change it scheduling priority - Allow uux_t to access nsswitch data - New labeling for samba, pid dirs moved to subdirs of samba - Allow nova_api to use nsswitch - Allow mozilla_plugin to execute files labeled as lib_t - Label content under HOME_DIR/zimbrauserdata as mozilla_home date - abrt is fooled into reading mozilla_plugin content, we want to dontaudit - Allow mozilla_plugin to connect to ircd ports since a plugin might be a irc chat window - Allow winbind to create content in smbd_var_run_t directories - Allow setroubleshoot_fixit to read the selinux policy store. No reason to deny it - Support libvirt plugin for collectd- Fix description of authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap - Fix transition rule for rhsmcertd_t needed for RHEL7 - Allow useradd to list nfs state data - Allow openvpn to manage its log file and directory - We want vdsm to transition to mount_t when executing mount command to make sure /etc/mtab remains labeled correctly - Allow thumb to use nvidia devices - Allow local_login to create user_tmp_t files for kerberos - Pulseaudio needs to read systemd_login /var/run content - virt should only transition named system_conf_t config files - Allow munin to execute its plugins - Allow nagios system plugin to read /etc/passwd - Allow plugin to connect to soundd port - Fix httpd_passwd to be able to ask passwords - Radius servers can use ldap for backing store - Seems to need to mount on /var/lib for xguest polyinstatiation to work. - Allow systemd_logind to list the contents of gnome keyring - VirtualGL need xdm to be able to manage content in /etc/opt/VirtualGL - Add policy for isns-utils- Add policy for subversion daemon - Allow boinc to read passwd - Allow pads to read kernel network state - Fix man2html interface for sepolgen-ifgen - Remove extra /usr/lib/systemd/system/smb - Remove all /lib/systemd and replace with /usr/lib/systemd - Add policy for man2html - Fix the label of kerberos_home_t to krb5_home_t - Allow mozilla plugins to use Citrix - Allow tuned to read /proc/sys/kernel/nmi_watchdog - Allow tune /sys options via systemd's tmpfiles.d "w" type- Dontaudit lpr_t to read/write leaked mozilla tmp files - Add file name transition for .grl-podcasts directory - Allow corosync to read user tmp files - Allow fenced to create snmp lib dirs/files - More fixes for sge policy - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to execute any application - Allow dbus to read/write any open file descriptors to any non security file on the system that it inherits to that it can pass them to another domain - Allow mongod to read system state information - Fix wrong type, we should dontaudit sys_admin for xdm_t not xserver_t - Allow polipo to manage polipo_cache dirs - Add jabbar_client port to mozilla_plugin_t - Cleanup procmail policy - system bus will pass around open file descriptors on files that do not have labels on them - Allow l2tpd_t to read system state - Allow tuned to run ls /dev - Allow sudo domains to read usr_t files - Add label to machine-id - Fix corecmd_read_bin_symlinks cut and paste error- Fix pulseaudio port definition - Add labeling for condor_starter - Allow chfn_t to creat user_tmp_files - Allow chfn_t to execute bin_t - Allow prelink_cron_system_t to getpw calls - Allow sudo domains to manage kerberos rcache files - Allow user_mail_domains to work with courie - Port definitions necessary for running jboss apps within openshift - Add support for openstack-nova-metadata-api - Add support for nova-console* - Add support for openstack-nova-xvpvncproxy - Fixes to make privsep+SELinux working if we try to use chage to change passwd - Fix auth_role() interface - Allow numad to read sysfs - Allow matahari-rpcd to execute shell - Add label for ~/.spicec - xdm is executing lspci as root which is requesting a sys_admin priv but seems to succeed without it - Devicekit_disk wants to read the logind sessions file when writing a cd - Add fixes for condor to make condor jobs working correctly - Change label of /var/log/rpmpkgs to cron_log_t - Access requires to allow systemd-tmpfiles --create to work. - Fix obex to be a user application started by the session bus. - Add additional filename trans rules for kerberos - Fix /var/run/heartbeat labeling - Allow apps that are managing rcache to file trans correctly - Allow openvpn to authenticate against ldap server - Containers need to listen to network starting and stopping events- Make systemd unit files less specific- Fix zarafa labeling - Allow guest_t to fix labeling - corenet_tcp_bind_all_unreserved_ports(ssh_t) should be called with the user_tcp_server boolean - add lxc_contexts - Allow accountsd to read /proc - Allow restorecond to getattr on all file sytems - tmpwatch now calls getpw - Allow apache daemon to transition to pwauth domain - Label content under /var/run/user/NAME/keyring* as gkeyringd_tmp_t - The obex socket seems to be a stream socket - dd label for /var/run/nologin- Allow jetty running as httpd_t to read hugetlbfs files - Allow sys_nice and setsched for rhsmcertd - Dontaudit attempts by mozilla_plugin_t to bind to ssdp ports - Allow setfiles to append to xdm_tmp_t - Add labeling for /export as a usr_t directory - Add labels for .grl files created by gstreamer- Add labeling for /usr/share/jetty/bin/ - Add jetty policy which contains file type definitios - Allow jockey to use its own fifo_file and make this the default for all domains - Allow mozilla_plugins to use spice (vnc_port/couchdb) - asterisk wants to read the network state - Blueman now uses /var/lib/blueman- Add label for nodejs_debug - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create ~/.pki directory and content- Add clamscan_can_scan_system boolean - Allow mysqld to read kernel network state - Allow sshd to read/write condor lib files - Allow sshd to read/write condor-startd tcp socket - Fix description on httpd_graceful_shutdown - Allow glance_registry to communicate with mysql - dbus_system_domain is using systemd to lauch applications - add interfaces to allow domains to send kill signals to user mail agents - Remove unnessary access for svirt_lxc domains, add privs for virtd_lxc_t - Lots of new access required for secure containers - Corosync needs sys_admin capability - ALlow colord to create shm - .orc should be allowed to be created by any app that can create gstream home content, thumb_t to be specific - Add boolean to control whether or not mozilla plugins can create random content in the users homedir - Add new interface to allow domains to list msyql_db directories, needed for libra - shutdown has to be allowed to delete etc_runtime_t - Fail2ban needs to read /etc/passwd - Allow ldconfig to create /var/cache/ldconfig - Allow tgtd to read hardware state information - Allow collectd to create packet socket - Allow chronyd to send signal to itself - Allow collectd to read /dev/random - Allow collectd to send signal to itself - firewalld needs to execute restorecon - Allow restorecon and other login domains to execute restorecon- Allow logrotate to getattr on systemd unit files - Add support for tor systemd unit file - Allow apmd to create /var/run/pm-utils with the correct label - Allow l2tpd to send sigkill to pppd - Allow pppd to stream connect to l2tpd - Add label for scripts in /etc/gdm/ - Allow systemd_logind_t to ignore mcs constraints on sigkill - Fix files_filetrans_system_conf_named_files() interface - Add labels for /usr/share/wordpress/wp-includes/*.php - Allow cobbler to get SELinux mode and booleans- Add unconfined_execmem_exec_t as an alias to bin_t - Allow fenced to read snmp var lib files, also allow it to read usr_t - ontaudit access checks on all executables from mozilla_plugin - Allow all user domains to setexec, so that sshd will work properly if it call setexec(NULL) while running withing a user mode - Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to getattr all pipes and sockets - Allow glance-registry to send system log messages - semanage needs to manage mock lib files/dirs- Add policy for abrt-watch-log - Add definitions for jboss_messaging ports - Allow systemd_tmpfiles to manage printer devices - Allow oddjob to use nsswitch - Fix labeling of log files for postgresql - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to execmem and execstack by default - Allow firewalld to execute shell - Fix /etc/wicd content files to get created with the correct label - Allow mcelog to exec shell - Add ~/.orc as a gstreamer_home_t - /var/spool/postfix/lib64 should be labeled lib_t - mpreaper should be able to list all file system labeled directories - Add support for apache to use openstack - Add labeling for /etc/zipl.conf and zipl binary - Turn on allow_execstack and turn off telepathy transition for final release- More access required for virt_qmf_t - Additional assess required for systemd-logind to support multi-seat - Allow mozilla_plugin to setrlimit - Revert changes to fuse file system to stop deadlock- Allow condor domains to connect to ephemeral ports - More fixes for condor policy - Allow keystone to stream connect to mysqld - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to read generic USB device to support GPS devices - Allow thum to file name transition gstreamer home content - Allow thum to read all non security files - Allow glance_api_t to connect to ephemeral ports - Allow nagios plugins to read /dev/urandom - Allow syslogd to search postfix spool to support postfix chroot env - Fix labeling for /var/spool/postfix/dev - Allow wdmd chown - Label .esd_auth as pulseaudio_home_t - Have no idea why keyring tries to write to /run/user/dwalsh/dconf/user, but we can dontaudit for now- Add support for clamd+systemd - Allow fresclam to execute systemctl to handle clamd - Change labeling for /usr/sbin/rpc.ypasswd.env - Allow yppaswd_t to execute yppaswd_exec_t - Allow yppaswd_t to read /etc/passwd - Gnomekeyring socket has been moved to /run/user/USER/ - Allow samba-net to connect to ldap port - Allow signal for vhostmd - allow mozilla_plugin_t to read user_home_t socket - New access required for secure Linux Containers - zfs now supports xattrs - Allow quantum to execute sudo and list sysfs - Allow init to dbus chat with the firewalld - Allow zebra to read /etc/passwd- Allow svirt_t to create content in the users homedir under ~/.libvirt - Fix label on /var/lib/heartbeat - Allow systemd_logind_t to send kill signals to all processes started by a user - Fuse now supports Xattr Support- upowered needs to setsched on the kernel - Allow mpd_t to manage log files - Allow xdm_t to create /var/run/systemd/multi-session-x - Add rules for missedfont.log to be used by thumb.fc - Additional access required for virt_qmf_t - Allow dhclient to dbus chat with the firewalld - Add label for lvmetad - Allow systemd_logind_t to remove userdomain sock_files - Allow cups to execute usr_t files - Fix labeling on nvidia shared libraries - wdmd_t needs access to sssd and /etc/passwd - Add boolean to allow ftp servers to run in passive mode - Allow namepspace_init_t to relabelto/from a different user system_u from the user the namespace_init running with - Fix using httpd_use_fusefs - Allow chrome_sandbox_nacl to write inherited user tmp files as we allow it for chrome_sandbox- Rename rdate port to time port, and allow gnomeclock to connect to it - We no longer need to transition to ldconfig from rpm, rpm_script, or anaconda - /etc/auto.* should be labeled bin_t - Add httpd_use_fusefs boolean - Add fixes for heartbeat - Allow sshd_t to signal processes that it transitions to - Add condor policy - Allow svirt to create monitors in ~/.libvirt - Allow dovecot to domtrans sendmail to handle sieve scripts - Lot of fixes for cfengine- /var/run/postmaster.* labeling is no longer needed - Alllow drbdadmin to read /dev/urandom - l2tpd_t seems to use ptmx - group+ and passwd+ should be labeled as /etc/passwd - Zarafa-indexer is a socket- Ensure lastlog is labeled correctly - Allow accountsd to read /proc data about gdm - Add fixes for tuned - Add bcfg2 fixes which were discovered during RHEL6 testing - More fixes for gnome-keyring socket being moved - Run semanage as a unconfined domain, and allow initrc_t to create tmpfs_t sym links on shutdown - Fix description for files_dontaudit_read_security_files() interface- Add new policy and man page for bcfg2 - cgconfig needs to use getpw calls - Allow domains that communicate with the keyring to use cache_home_t instead of gkeyringd_tmpt - gnome-keyring wants to create a directory in cache_home_t - sanlock calls getpw- Add numad policy and numad man page - Add fixes for interface bugs discovered by SEWatch - Add /tmp support for squid - Add fix for #799102 * change default labeling for /var/run/slapd.* sockets - Make thumb_t as userdom_home_reader - label /var/lib/sss/mc same as pubconf, so getpw domains can read it - Allow smbspool running as cups_t to stream connect to nmbd - accounts needs to be able to execute passwd on behalf of users - Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to delete boot flags - Allow dnssec_trigger to connect to apache ports - Allow gnome keyring to create sock_files in ~/.cache - google_authenticator is using .google_authenticator - sandbox running from within firefox is exposing more leaks - Dontaudit thumb to read/write /dev/card0 - Dontaudit getattr on init_exec_t for gnomeclock_t - Allow certmonger to do a transition to certmonger_unconfined_t - Allow dhcpc setsched which is caused by nmcli - Add rpm_exec_t for /usr/sbin/bcfg2 - system cronjobs are sending dbus messages to systemd_logind - Thumnailers read /dev/urand- Allow auditctl getcap - Allow vdagent to use libsystemd-login - Allow abrt-dump-oops to search /etc/abrt - Got these avc's while trying to print a boarding pass from firefox - Devicekit is now putting the media directory under /run/media - Allow thumbnailers to create content in ~/.thumbails directory - Add support for proL2TPd by Dominick Grift - Allow all domains to call getcap - wdmd seems to get a random chown capability check that it does not need - Allow vhostmd to read kernel sysctls- Allow chronyd to read unix - Allow hpfax to read /etc/passwd - Add support matahari vios-proxy-* apps and add virtd_exec_t label for them - Allow rpcd to read quota_db_t - Update to man pages to match latest policy - Fix bug in jockey interface for sepolgen-ifgen - Add initial svirt_prot_exec_t policy- More fixes for systemd from Dan Walsh- Add a new type for /etc/firewalld and allow firewalld to write to this directory - Add definition for ~/Maildir, and allow mail deliver domains to write there - Allow polipo to run from a cron job - Allow rtkit to schedule wine processes - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to acquire a bug, and allow it to transition gnome content in the home dir to the proper label - Allow users domains to send signals to consolehelper domains- More fixes for boinc policy - Allow polipo domain to create its own cache dir and pid file - Add systemctl support to httpd domain - Add systemctl support to polipo, allow NetworkManager to manage the service - Add policy for jockey-backend - Add support for motion daemon which is now covered by zoneminder policy - Allow colord to read/write motion tmpfs - Allow vnstat to search through var_lib_t directories - Stop transitioning to quota_t, from init an sysadm_t- Add svirt_lxc_file_t as a customizable type- Add additional fixes for icmp nagios plugin - Allow cron jobs to open fifo_files from cron, since service script opens /dev/stdin - Add certmonger_unconfined_exec_t - Make sure tap22 device is created with the correct label - Allow staff users to read systemd unit files - Merge in previously built policy - Arpwatch needs to be able to start netlink sockets in order to start - Allow cgred_t to sys_ptrace to look at other DAC Processes- Back port some of the access that was allowed in nsplugin_t - Add definitiona for couchdb ports - Allow nagios to use inherited users ttys - Add git support for mock - Allow inetd to use rdate port - Add own type for rdate port - Allow samba to act as a portmapper - Dontaudit chrome_sandbox attempts to getattr on chr_files in /dev - New fixes needed for samba4 - Allow apps that use lib_t to read lib_t symlinks- Add policy for nove-cert - Add labeling for nova-openstack systemd unit files - Add policy for keystoke- Fix man pages fro domains - Add man pages for SELinux users and roles - Add storage_dev_filetrans_named_fixed_disk() and use it for smartmon - Add policy for matahari-rpcd - nfsd executes mount command on restart - Matahari domains execute renice and setsched - Dontaudit leaked tty in mozilla_plugin_config - mailman is changing to a per instance naming - Add 7600 and 4447 as jboss_management ports - Add fixes for nagios event handlers - Label httpd.event as httpd_exec_t, it is an apache daemon- Add labeling for /var/spool/postfix/dev/log - NM reads sysctl.conf - Iscsi log file context specification fix - Allow mozilla plugins to send dbus messages to user domains that transition to it - Allow mysql to read the passwd file - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create mozilla home dirs in user homedir - Allow deltacloud to read kernel sysctl - Allow postgresql_t to connectto itselfAllow postgresql_t to connectto itself - Allow postgresql_t to connectto itself - Add login_userdomain attribute for users which can log in using terminal- Allow sysadm_u to reach system_r by default #784011 - Allow nagios plugins to use inherited user terminals - Razor labeling is not used no longer - Add systemd support for matahari - Add port_types to man page, move booleans to the top, fix some english - Add support for matahari-sysconfig-console - Clean up matahari.fc - Fix matahari_admin() interfac - Add labels for/etc/ssh/ssh_host_*.pub keys- Allow ksysguardproces to send system log msgs - Allow boinc setpgid and signull - Allow xdm_t to sys_ptrace to run pidof command - Allow smtpd_t to manage spool files/directories and symbolic links - Add labeling for jetty - Needed changes to get unbound/dnssec to work with openswan- Add user_fonts_t alias xfs_tmp_t - Since depmod now runs as insmod_t we need to write to kernel_object_t - Allow firewalld to dbus chat with networkmanager - Allow qpidd to connect to matahari ports - policykit needs to read /proc for uses not owned by it - Allow systemctl apps to connecto the init stream- Turn on deny_ptrace boolean- Remove pam_selinux.8 man page. There was a conflict.- Add proxy class and read access for gssd_proxy - Separate out the sharing public content booleans - Allow certmonger to execute a script and send signals to apache and dirsrv to reload the certificate - Add label transition for gstream-0.10 and 12 - Add booleans to allow rsync to share nfs and cifs file sytems - chrome_sandbox wants to read the /proc/PID/exe file of the program that executed it - Fix filename transitions for cups files - Allow denyhosts to read "unix" - Add file name transition for - Allow boinc projects to gconf config files - sssd needs to be able to increase the socket limit under certain loads - sge_execd needs to read /etc/passwd - Allow denyhost to check network state - NetworkManager needs to read sessions data - Allow denyhost to check network state - Allow xen to search virt images directories - Add label for /dev/megaraid_sas_ioctl_node - Add autogenerated man pages- Allow boinc project to getattr on fs - Allow init to execute initrc_state_t - rhev-agent package was rename to ovirt-guest-agent - If initrc_t creates /etc/local.conf then we need to make sure it is labeled correctly - sytemd writes content to /run/initramfs and executes it on shutdown - kdump_t needs to read /etc/mtab, should be back ported to F16 - udev needs to load kernel modules in early system boot- Need to add sys_ptrace back in since reading any content in /proc can cause these accesses - Add additional systemd interfaces which are needed fro *_admin interfaces - Fix bind_admin() interface- Allow firewalld to read urand - Alias java, execmem_mono to bin_t to allow third parties - Add label for kmod - /etc/redhat-lsb contains binaries - Add boolean to allow gitosis to send mail - Add filename transition also for "event20" - Allow systemd_tmpfiles_t to delete all file types - Allow collectd to ipc_lock- make consoletype_exec optional, so we can remove consoletype policy - remove unconfined_permisive.patch - Allow openvpn_t to inherit user home content and tmp content - Fix dnssec-trigger labeling - Turn on obex policy for staff_t - Pem files should not be secret - Add lots of rules to fix AVC's when playing with containers - Fix policy for dnssec - Label ask-passwd directories correctly for systemd- sshd fixes seem to be causing unconfined domains to dyntrans to themselves - fuse file system is now being mounted in /run/user - systemd_logind is sending signals to processes that are dbus messaging with it - Add support for winshadow port and allow iscsid to connect to this port - httpd should be allowed to bind to the http_port_t udp socket - zarafa_var_lib_t can be a lnk_file - A couple of new .xsession-errors files - Seems like user space and login programs need to read logind_sessions_files - Devicekit disk seems to be being launched by systemd - Cleanup handling of setfiles so most of rules in te file - Correct port number for dnssec - logcheck has the home dir set to its cache- Add policy for grindengine MPI jobs- Add new sysadm_secadm.pp module * contains secadm definition for sysadm_t - Move user_mail_domain access out of the interface into the te file - Allow httpd_t to create httpd_var_lib_t directories as well as files - Allow snmpd to connect to the ricci_modcluster stream - Allow firewalld to read /etc/passwd - Add auth_use_nsswitch for colord - Allow smartd to read network state - smartdnotify needs to read /etc/group- Allow gpg and gpg_agent to store sock_file in gpg_secret_t directory - lxdm startup scripts should be labeled bin_t, so confined users will work - mcstransd now creates a pid, needs back port to F16 - qpidd should be allowed to connect to the amqp port - Label devices 010-029 as usb devices - ypserv packager says ypserv does not use tmp_t so removing selinux policy types - Remove all ptrace commands that I believe are caused by the kernel/ps avcs - Add initial Obex policy - Add logging_syslogd_use_tty boolean - Add polipo_connect_all_unreserved bolean - Allow zabbix to connect to ftp port - Allow systemd-logind to be able to switch VTs - Allow apache to communicate with memcached through a sock_file- Fix file_context.subs_dist for now to work with pre usrmove- More /usr move fixes- Add zabbix_can_network boolean - Add httpd_can_connect_zabbix boolean - Prepare file context labeling for usrmove functions - Allow system cronjobs to read kernel network state - Add support for selinux_avcstat munin plugin - Treat hearbeat with corosync policy - Allow corosync to read and write to qpidd shared mem - mozilla_plugin is trying to run pulseaudio - Fixes for new sshd patch for running priv sep domains as the users context - Turn off dontaudit rules when turning on allow_ypbind - udev now reads /etc/modules.d directory- Turn on deny_ptrace boolean for the Rawhide run, so we can test this out - Cups exchanges dbus messages with init - udisk2 needs to send syslog messages - certwatch needs to read /etc/passwd- Add labeling for udisks2 - Allow fsadmin to communicate with the systemd process- Treat Bip with bitlbee policy * Bip is an IRC proxy - Add port definition for interwise port - Add support for ipa_memcached socket - systemd_jounald needs to getattr on all processes - mdadmin fixes * uses getpw - amavisd calls getpwnam() - denyhosts calls getpwall()- Setup labeling of /var/rsa and /var/lib/rsa to allow login programs to write there - bluetooth says they do not use /tmp and want to remove the type - Allow init to transition to colord - Mongod needs to read /proc/sys/vm/zone_reclaim_mode - Allow postfix_smtpd_t to connect to spamd - Add boolean to allow ftp to connect to all ports > 1023 - Allow sendmain to write to inherited dovecot tmp files - setroubleshoot needs to be able to execute rpm to see what version of packages- Merge systemd patch - systemd-tmpfiles wants to relabel /sys/devices/system/cpu/online - Allow deltacloudd dac_override, setuid, setgid caps - Allow aisexec to execute shell - Add use_nfs_home_dirs boolean for ssh-keygen- Fixes to make rawhide boot in enforcing mode with latest systemd changes- Add labeling for /var/run/systemd/journal/syslog - libvirt sends signals to ifconfig - Allow domains that read logind session files to list them- Fixed destined form libvirt-sandbox - Allow apps that list sysfs to also read sympolicy links in this filesystem - Add ubac_constrained rules for chrome_sandbox - Need interface to allow domains to use tmpfs_t files created by the kernel, used by libra - Allow postgresql to be executed by the caller - Standardize interfaces of daemons - Add new labeling for mm-handler - Allow all matahari domains to read network state and etc_runtime_t files- New fix for seunshare, requires seunshare_domains to be able to mounton / - Allow systemctl running as logrotate_t to connect to private systemd socket - Allow tmpwatch to read meminfo - Allow rpc.svcgssd to read supported_krb5_enctype - Allow zarafa domains to read /dev/random and /dev/urandom - Allow snmpd to read dev_snmp6 - Allow procmail to talk with cyrus - Add fixes for check_disk and check_nagios plugins- default trans rules for Rawhide policy - Make sure sound_devices controlC* are labeled correctly on creation - sssd now needs sys_admin - Allow snmp to read all proc_type - Allow to setup users homedir with Add httpd_can_connect_ldap() interface - apcupsd_t needs to use seriel ports connected to usb devices - Kde puts procmail mail directory under ~/.local/share - nfsd_t can trigger sys_rawio on tests that involve too many mountpoints, dontaudit for now - Add labeling for /sbin/iscsiuio- Add label for /var/lib/iscan/interpreter - Dont audit writes to leaked file descriptors or redirected output for nacl - NetworkManager needs to write to /sys/class/net/ib*/mode- Allow abrt to request the kernel to load a module - Make sure mozilla content is labeled correctly - Allow tgtd to read system state - More fixes for boinc * allow to resolve dns name * re-write boinc policy to use boinc_domain attribute - Allow munin services plugins to use NSCD services- Allow mozilla_plugin_t to manage mozilla_home_t - Allow ssh derived domain to execute ssh-keygen in the ssh_keygen_t domain - Add label for tumblerd- Fixes for xguest package- Fixes related to /bin, /sbin - Allow abrt to getattr on blk files - Add type for rhev-agent log file - Fix labeling for /dev/dmfm - Dontaudit wicd leaking - Allow systemd_logind_t to look at process info of apps that exchange dbus messages with it - Label /etc/locale.conf correctly - Allow user_mail_t to read /dev/random - Allow postfix-smtpd to read MIMEDefang - Add label for /var/log/suphp.log - Allow swat_t to connect and read/write nmbd_t sock_file - Allow systemd-tmpfiles to setattr for /run/user/gdm/dconf - Allow systemd-tmpfiles to change user identity in object contexts - More fixes for rhev_agentd_t consolehelper policy- Use fs_use_xattr for squashf - Fix procs_type interface - Dovecot has a new fifo_file /var/run/dovecot/stats-mail - Dovecot has a new fifo_file /var/run/stats-mail - Colord does not need to connect to network - Allow system_cronjob to dbus chat with NetworkManager - Puppet manages content, want to make sure it labels everything correctly- Change port 9050 to tor_socks_port_t and then allow openvpn to connect to it - Allow all postfix domains to use the fifo_file - Allow sshd_t to getattr on all file systems in order to generate avc on nfs_t - Allow apmd_t to read grub.cfg - Let firewallgui read the selinux config - Allow systemd-tmpfiles to delete content in /root that has been moved to /tmp - Fix devicekit_manage_pid_files() interface - Allow squid to check the network state - Dontaudit colord getattr on file systems - Allow ping domains to read zabbix_tmp_t files- Allow mcelog_t to create dir and file in /var/run and label it correctly - Allow dbus to manage fusefs - Mount needs to read process state when mounting gluster file systems - Allow collectd-web to read collectd lib files - Allow daemons and system processes started by init to read/write the unix_stream_socket passed in from as stdin/stdout/stderr - Allow colord to get the attributes of tmpfs filesystem - Add sanlock_use_nfs and sanlock_use_samba booleans - Add bin_t label for /usr/lib/virtualbox/VBoxManage- Add ssh_dontaudit_search_home_dir - Changes to allow namespace_init_t to work - Add interface to allow exec of mongod, add port definition for mongod port, 27017 - Label .kde/share/apps/networkmanagement/certificates/ as home_cert_t - Allow spamd and clamd to steam connect to each other - Add policy label for passwd.OLD - More fixes for postfix and postfix maildro - Add ftp support for mozilla plugins - Useradd now needs to manage policy since it calls libsemanage - Fix devicekit_manage_log_files() interface - Allow colord to execute ifconfig - Allow accountsd to read /sys - Allow mysqld-safe to execute shell - Allow openct to stream connect to pcscd - Add label for /var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq\.conf - Allow networkmanager to chat with virtd_t- Pulseaudio changes - Merge patches- Merge patches back into git repository.- Remove allow_execmem boolean and replace with deny_execmem boolean- Turn back on allow_execmem boolean- Add more MCS fixes to make sandbox working - Make faillog MLS trusted to make sudo_$1_t working - Allow sandbox_web_client_t to read passwd_file_t - Add .mailrc file context - Remove execheap from openoffice domain - Allow chrome_sandbox_nacl_t to read cpu_info - Allow virtd to relabel generic usb which is need if USB device - Fixes for virt.if interfaces to consider chr_file as image file type- Remove Open Office policy - Remove execmem policy- MCS fixes - quota fixes- Remove transitions to consoletype- Make nvidia* to be labeled correctly - Fix abrt_manage_cache() interface - Make filetrans rules optional so base policy will build - Dontaudit chkpwd_t access to inherited TTYS - Make sure postfix content gets created with the correct label - Allow gnomeclock to read cgroup - Fixes for cloudform policy- Check in fixed for Chrome nacl support- Begin removing qemu_t domain, we really no longer need this domain. - systemd_passwd needs dac_overide to communicate with users TTY's - Allow svirt_lxc domains to send kill signals within their container- Remove qemu.pp again without causing a crash- Remove qemu.pp, everything should use svirt_t or stay in its current domain- Allow policykit to talk to the systemd via dbus - Move chrome_sandbox_nacl_t to permissive domains - Additional rules for chrome_sandbox_nacl- Change bootstrap name to nacl - Chrome still needs execmem - Missing role for chrome_sandbox_bootstrap - Add boolean to remove execmem and execstack from virtual machines - Dontaudit xdm_t doing an access_check on etc_t directories- Allow named to connect to dirsrv by default - add ldapmap1_0 as a krb5_host_rcache_t file - Google chrome developers asked me to add bootstrap policy for nacl stuff - Allow rhev_agentd_t to getattr on mountpoints - Postfix_smtpd_t needs access to milters and cleanup seems to read/write postfix_smtpd_t unix_stream_sockets- Fixes for cloudform policies which need to connect to random ports - Make sure if an admin creates modules content it creates them with the correct label - Add port 8953 as a dns port used by unbound - Fix file name transition for alsa and confined users- Turn on mock_t and thumb_t for unconfined domains- Policy update should not modify local contexts- Remove ada policy- Remove tzdata policy - Add labeling for udev - Add cloudform policy - Fixes for bootloader policy- Add policies for nova openstack- Add fixes for nova-stack policy- Allow svirt_lxc_domain to chr_file and blk_file devices if they are in the domain - Allow init process to setrlimit on itself - Take away transition rules for users executing ssh-keygen - Allow setroubleshoot_fixit_t to read /dev/urand - Allow sshd to relbale tunnel sockets - Allow fail2ban domtrans to shorewall in the same way as with iptables - Add support for lnk files in the /var/lib/sssd directory - Allow system mail to connect to courier-authdaemon over an unix stream socket- Add passwd_file_t for /etc/ptmptmp- Dontaudit access checks for all executables, gnome-shell is doing access(EXEC, X_OK) - Make corosync to be able to relabelto cluster lib fies - Allow samba domains to search /var/run/nmbd - Allow dirsrv to use pam - Allow thumb to call getuid - chrome less likely to get mmap_zero bug so removing dontaudit - gimp help-browser has built in javascript - Best guess is that devices named /dev/bsr4096 should be labeled as cpu_device_t - Re-write glance policy- Move dontaudit sys_ptrace line from permissive.te to domain.te - Remove policy for hal, it no longer exists- Don't check md5 size or mtime on certain config files- Remove allow_ptrace and replace it with deny_ptrace, which will remove all ptrace from the system - Remove 2000 dontaudit rules between confined domains on transition and replace with single dontaudit domain domain:process { noatsecure siginh rlimitinh } ;- Fixes for bootloader policy - $1_gkeyringd_t needs to read $HOME/%USER/.local/share/keystore - Allow nsplugin to read /usr/share/config - Allow sa-update to update rules - Add use_fusefs_home_dirs for chroot ssh option - Fixes for grub2 - Update systemd_exec_systemctl() interface - Allow gpg to read the mail spool - More fixes for sa-update running out of cron job - Allow ipsec_mgmt_t to read hardware state information - Allow pptp_t to connect to unreserved_port_t - Dontaudit getattr on initctl in /dev from chfn - Dontaudit getattr on kernel_core from chfn - Add systemd_list_unit_dirs to systemd_exec_systemctl call - Fixes for collectd policy - CHange sysadm_t to create content as user_tmp_t under /tmp- Shrink size of policy through use of attributes for userdomain and apache- Allow virsh to read xenstored pid file - Backport corenetwork fixes from upstream - Do not audit attempts by thumb to search config_home_t dirs (~/.config) - label ~/.cache/telepathy/logger telepathy_logger_cache_home_t - allow thumb to read generic data home files (mime.type)- Allow nmbd to manage sock file in /var/run/nmbd - ricci_modservice send syslog msgs - Stop transitioning from unconfined_t to ldconfig_t, but make sure /etc/ is labeled correctly - Allow systemd_logind_t to manage /run/USER/dconf/user- Fix missing patch from F16- Allow logrotate setuid and setgid since logrotate is supposed to do it - Fixes for thumb policy by grift - Add new nfsd ports - Added fix to allow confined apps to execmod on chrome - Add labeling for additional vdsm directories - Allow Exim and Dovecot SASL - Add label for /var/run/nmbd - Add fixes to make virsh and xen working together - Colord executes ls - /var/spool/cron is now labeled as user_cron_spool_t- Stop complaining about leaked file descriptors during install- Remove java and mono module and merge into execmem- Fixes for thumb policy and passwd_file_t- Fixes caused by the labeling of /etc/passwd - Add thumb.patch to transition unconfined_t to thumb_t for Rawhide- Add support for Clustered Samba commands - Allow ricci_modrpm_t to send log msgs - move permissive virt_qmf_t from virt.te to permissivedomains.te - Allow ssh_t to use kernel keyrings - Add policy for libvirt-qmf and more fixes for linux containers - Initial Polipo - Sanlock needs to run ranged in order to kill svirt processes - Allow smbcontrol to stream connect to ctdbd- Add label for /etc/passwd- Change unconfined_domains to permissive for Rawhide - Add definition for the ephemeral_ports- Make mta_role() active - Allow asterisk to connect to jabber client port - Allow procmail to read utmp - Add NIS support for systemd_logind_t - Allow systemd_logind_t to manage /run/user/$USER/dconf dir which is labeled as config_home_t - Fix systemd_manage_unit_dirs() interface - Allow ssh_t to manage directories passed into it - init needs to be able to create and delete unit file directories - Fix typo in apache_exec_sys_script - Add ability for logrotate to transition to awstat domain- Change screen to use screen_domain attribute and allow screen_domains to read all process domain state - Add SELinux support for ssh pre-auth net process in F17 - Add logging_syslogd_can_sendmail boolean- Add definition for ephemeral ports - Define user_tty_device_t as a customizable_type- Needs to require a new version of checkpolicy - Interface fixes- Allow sanlock to manage virt lib files - Add virt_use_sanlock booelan - ksmtuned is trying to resolve uids - Make sure .gvfs is labeled user_home_t in the users home directory - Sanlock sends kill signals and needs the kill capability - Allow mockbuild to work on nfs homedirs - Fix kerberos_manage_host_rcache() interface - Allow exim to read system state- Allow systemd-tmpfiles to set the correct labels on /var/run, /tmp and other files - We want any file type that is created in /tmp by a process running as initrc_t to be labeled initrc_tmp_t- Allow collectd to read hardware state information - Add loop_control_device_t - Allow mdadm to request kernel to load module - Allow domains that start other domains via systemctl to search unit dir - systemd_tmpfiles, needs to list any file systems mounted on /tmp - No one can explain why radius is listing the contents of /tmp, so we will dontaudit - If I can manage etc_runtime files, I should be able to read the links - Dontaudit hostname writing to mock library chr_files - Have gdm_t setup labeling correctly in users home dir - Label content unde /var/run/user/NAME/dconf as config_home_t - Allow sa-update to execute shell - Make ssh-keygen working with fips_enabled - Make mock work for staff_t user - Tighten security on mock_t- removing unconfined_notrans_t no longer necessary - Clean up handling of secure_mode_insmod and secure_mode_policyload - Remove unconfined_mount_t- Add exim_exec_t label for /usr/sbin/exim_tidydb - Call init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket() interface in mta policy - sssd need to search /var/cache/krb5rcache directory - Allow corosync to relabel own tmp files - Allow zarafa domains to send system log messages - Allow ssh to do tunneling - Allow initrc scripts to sendto init_t unix_stream_socket - Changes to make sure dmsmasq and virt directories are labeled correctly - Changes needed to allow sysadm_t to manage systemd unit files - init is passing file descriptors to dbus and on to system daemons - Allow sulogin additional access Reported by dgrift and Jeremy Miller - Steve Grubb believes that wireshark does not need this access - Fix /var/run/initramfs to stop restorecon from looking at - pki needs another port - Add more labels for cluster scripts - Allow apps that manage cgroup_files to manage cgroup link files - Fix label on nfs-utils scripts directories - Allow gatherd to read /dev/rand and /dev/urand- pki needs another port - Add more labels for cluster scripts - Fix label on nfs-utils scripts directories - Fixes for cluster - Allow gatherd to read /dev/rand and /dev/urand - abrt leaks fifo files- Add glance policy - Allow mdadm setsched - /var/run/initramfs should not be relabeled with a restorecon run - memcache can be setup to override sys_resource - Allow httpd_t to read tetex data - Allow systemd_tmpfiles to delete kernel modules left in /tmp directory.- Allow Postfix to deliver to Dovecot LMTP socket - Ignore bogus sys_module for lldpad - Allow chrony and gpsd to send dgrams, gpsd needs to write to the real time clock - systemd_logind_t sets the attributes on usb devices - Allow hddtemp_t to read etc_t files - Add permissivedomains module - Move all permissive domains calls to permissivedomain.te - Allow pegasis to send kill signals to other UIDs- Allow insmod_t to use fds leaked from devicekit - dontaudit getattr between insmod_t and init_t unix_stream_sockets - Change sysctl unit file interfaces to use systemctl - Add support for chronyd unit file - Allow mozilla_plugin to read gnome_usr_config - Add policy for new gpsd - Allow cups to create kerberos rhost cache files - Add authlogin_filetrans_named_content, to unconfined_t to make sure shadow and other log files get labeled correctly- Make users_extra and into config(noreplace) so semanage users and login does not get overwritten- Add policy for sa-update being run out of cron jobs - Add create perms to postgresql_manage_db - ntpd using a gps has to be able to read/write generic tty_device_t - If you disable unconfined and unconfineduser, rpm needs more privs to manage /dev - fix spec file - Remove qemu_domtrans_unconfined() interface - Make passenger working together with puppet - Add init_dontaudit_rw_stream_socket interface - Fixes for wordpress- Turn on allow_domain_fd_use boolean on F16 - Allow syslog to manage all log files - Add use_fusefs_home_dirs boolean for chrome - Make vdagent working with confined users - Add abrt_handle_event_t domain for ABRT event scripts - Labeled /usr/sbin/rhnreg_ks as rpm_exec_t and added changes related to this change - Allow httpd_git_script_t to read passwd data - Allow openvpn to set its process priority when the nice parameter is used- livecd fixes - spec file fixes- fetchmail can use kerberos - ksmtuned reads in shell programs - gnome_systemctl_t reads the process state of ntp - dnsmasq_t asks the kernel to load multiple kernel modules - Add rules for domains executing systemctl - Bogus text within fc file- Add cfengine policy- Add abrt_domain attribute - Allow corosync to manage cluster lib files - Allow corosync to connect to the system DBUS- Add sblim, uuidd policies - Allow kernel_t dyntrasition to init_t- init_t need setexec - More fixes of rules which cause an explosion in rules by Dan Walsh- Allow rcsmcertd to perform DNS name resolution - Add dirsrvadmin_unconfined_script_t domain type for 389-ds admin scripts - Allow tmux to run as screen - New policy for collectd - Allow gkeyring_t to interact with all user apps - Add rules to allow firstboot to run on machines with the unconfined.pp module removed- Allow systemd_logind to send dbus messages with users - allow accountsd to read wtmp file - Allow dhcpd to get and set capabilities- Fix oracledb_port definition - Allow mount to mounton the selinux file system - Allow users to list /var directories- systemd fixes- Add initial policy for abrt_dump_oops_t - xtables-multi wants to getattr of the proc fs - Smoltclient is connecting to abrt - Dontaudit leaked file descriptors to postdrop - Allow abrt_dump_oops to look at kernel sysctls - Abrt_dump_oops_t reads kernel ring buffer - Allow mysqld to request the kernel to load modules - systemd-login needs fowner - Allow postfix_cleanup_t to searh maildrop- Initial systemd_logind policy - Add policy for systemd_logger and additional proivs for systemd_logind - More fixes for systemd policies- Allow setsched for virsh - Systemd needs to impersonate cups, which means it needs to create tcp_sockets in cups_t domain, as well as manage spool directories - iptables: the various /sbin/ip6?tables.* are now symlinks for /sbin/xtables-multi- A lot of users are running yum -y update while in /root which is causing ldconfig to list the contents, adding dontaudit - Allow colord to interact with the users through the tmpfs file system - Since we changed the label on deferred, we need to allow postfix_qmgr_t to be able to create maildrop_t files - Add label for /var/log/mcelog - Allow asterisk to read /dev/random if it uses TLS - Allow colord to read ini files which are labeled as bin_t - Allow dirsrvadmin sys_resource and setrlimit to use ulimit - Systemd needs to be able to create sock_files for every label in /var/run directory, cupsd being the first. - Also lists /var and /var/spool directories - Add openl2tpd to l2tpd policy - qpidd is reading the sysfs file- Change usbmuxd_t to dontaudit attempts to read chr_file - Add mysld_safe_exec_t for libra domains to be able to start private mysql domains - Allow pppd to search /var/lock dir - Add rhsmcertd policy- Update to upstream- More fixes * Fix spec file to not report Verify errors- Add dspam policy - Add lldpad policy - dovecot auth wants to search statfs #713555 - Allow systemd passwd apps to read init fifo_file - Allow prelink to use inherited terminals - Run cherokee in the httpd_t domain - Allow mcs constraints on node connections - Implement pyicqt policy - Fixes for zarafa policy - Allow cobblerd to send syslog messages- Add policy.26 to the payload - Remove olpc stuff - Remove policygentool- Fixes for zabbix - init script needs to be able to manage sanlock_var_run_... - Allow sandlock and wdmd to create /var/run directories... - has been compiled correctly - Fix passenger policy module name- Add mailscanner policy from dgrift - Allow chrome to optionally be transitioned to - Zabbix needs these rules when starting the zabbix_server_mysql - Implement a type for freedesktop openicc standard (~/.local/share/icc) - Allow system_dbusd_t to read inherited icc_data_home_t files. - Allow colord_t to read icc_data_home_t content. #706975 - Label stuff under /usr/lib/debug as if it was labeled under /- Fixes for sanlock policy - Fixes for colord policy - Other fixes *;a=log- Add rhev policy module to modules-targeted.conf- Lot of fixes *;a=log- Allow logrotate to execute systemctl - Allow nsplugin_t to getattr on gpmctl - Fix dev_getattr_all_chr_files() interface - Allow shorewall to use inherited terms - Allow userhelper to getattr all chr_file devices - sandbox domains should be able to getattr and dontaudit search of sysctl_kernel_t - Fix labeling for ABRT Retrace Server- Dontaudit sys_module for ifconfig - Make telepathy and gkeyringd daemon working with confined users - colord wants to read files in users homedir - Remote login should be creating user_tmp_t not its own tmp files- Fix label for /usr/share/munin/plugins/munin_* plugins - Add support for zarafa-indexer - Fix boolean description - Allow colord to getattr on /proc/scsi/scsi - Add label for /lib/upstart/init - Colord needs to list /mnt- Forard port changes from F15 for telepathy - NetworkManager should be allowed to use /dev/rfkill - Fix dontaudit messages to say Domain to not audit - Allow telepathy domains to read/write gnome_cache files - Allow telepathy domains to call getpw - Fixes for colord and vnstatd policy- Allow init_t getcap and setcap - Allow namespace_init_t to use nsswitch - aisexec will execute corosync - colord tries to read files off noxattr file systems - Allow init_t getcap and setcap- Add support for ABRT retrace server - Allow user_t and staff_t access to generic scsi to handle locally plugged in scanners - Allow telepath_msn_t to read /proc/PARENT/cmdline - ftpd needs kill capability - Allow telepath_msn_t to connect to sip port - keyring daemon does not work on nfs homedirs - Allow $1_sudo_t to read default SELinux context - Add label for tgtd sock file in /var/run/ - Add apache_exec_rotatelogs interface - allow all zaraha domains to signal themselves, server writes to /tmp - Allow syslog to read the process state - Add label for /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chrome - Remove the telepathy transition from unconfined_t - Dontaudit sandbox domains trying to mounton sandbox_file_t, this is caused by fuse mounts - Allow initrc_t domain to manage abrt pid files - Add support for AEOLUS project - Virt_admin should be allowed to manage images and processes - Allow plymountd to send signals to init - Change labeling of fping6- Add filename transitions- Fixes for zarafa policy - Add support for AEOLUS project - Change labeling of fping6 - Allow plymountd to send signals to init - Allow initrc_t domain to manage abrt pid files - Virt_admin should be allowed to manage images and processes- xdm_t needs getsession for switch user - Every app that used to exec init is now execing systemdctl - Allow squid to manage krb5_host_rcache_t files - Allow foghorn to connect to agentx port - Fixes for colord policy- Add Dan's patch to remove 64 bit variants - Allow colord to use unix_dgram_socket - Allow apps that search pids to read /var/run if it is a lnk_file - iscsid_t creates its own directory - Allow init to list var_lock_t dir - apm needs to verify user accounts auth_use_nsswitch - Add labeling for systemd unit files - Allow gnomeclok to enable ntpd service using systemctl - systemd_systemctl_t domain was added - Add label for file - We want to remove untrustedmcsprocess from ability to read /proc/pid - Fixes for matahari policy - Allow system_tmpfiles_t to delete user_home_t files in the /tmp dir - Allow sshd to transition to sysadm_t if ssh_sysadm_login is turned on- Fix typo- Add /var/run/lock /var/lock definition to file_contexts.subs - nslcd_t is looking for kerberos cc files - SSH_USE_STRONG_RNG is 1 which requires /dev/random - Fix auth_rw_faillog definition - Allow sysadm_t to set attributes on fixed disks - allow user domains to execute lsof and look at application sockets - prelink_cron job calls telinit -u if init is rewritten - Fixes to run qemu_t from staff_t- Fix label for /var/run/udev to udev_var_run_t - Mock needs to be able to read network state- Add file_contexts.subs to handle /run and /run/lock - Add other fixes relating to /run changes from F15 policy- Allow $1_sudo_t and $1_su_t open access to user terminals - Allow initrc_t to use generic terminals - Make Makefile/Rules.modular run sepolgen-ifgen during build to check if files for bugs -systemd is going to be useing /run and /run/lock for early bootup files. - Fix some comments in rlogin.if - Add policy for KDE backlighthelper - sssd needs to read ~/.k5login in nfs, cifs or fusefs file systems - sssd wants to read .k5login file in users homedir - setroubleshoot reads executables to see if they have TEXTREL - Add /var/spool/audit support for new version of audit - Remove kerberos_connect_524() interface calling - Combine kerberos_master_port_t and kerberos_port_t - systemd has setup /dev/kmsg as stderr for apps it executes - Need these access so that init can impersonate sockets on unix_dgram_socket- Remove some unconfined domains - Remove permissive domains - Add policy-term.patch from Dan- Fix multiple specification for boot.log - devicekit leaks file descriptors to setfiles_t - Change all all_nodes to generic_node and all_if to generic_if - Should not use deprecated interface - Switch from using all_nodes to generic_node and from all_if to generic_if - Add support for xfce4-notifyd - Fix file context to show several labels as SystemHigh - seunshare needs to be able to mounton nfs/cifs/fusefs homedirs - Add etc_runtime_t label for /etc/securetty - Fixes to allow xdm_t to start gkeyringd_USERTYPE_t directly - login.krb needs to be able to write user_tmp_t - dirsrv needs to bind to port 7390 for dogtag - Fix a bug in gpg policy - gpg sends audit messages - Allow qpid to manage matahari files- Initial policy for matahari - Add dev_read_watchdog - Allow clamd to connect clamd port - Add support for kcmdatetimehelper - Allow shutdown to setrlimit and sys_nice - Allow systemd_passwd to talk to /dev/log before udev or syslog is running - Purge chr_file and blk files on /tmp - Fixes for pads - Fixes for piranha-pulse - gpg_t needs to be able to encyprt anything owned by the user- mozilla_plugin_tmp_t needs to be treated as user tmp files - More dontaudits of writes from readahead - Dontaudit readahead_t file_type:dir write, to cover up kernel bug - systemd_tmpfiles needs to relabel faillog directory as well as the file - Allow hostname and consoletype to r/w inherited initrc_tmp_t files handline hostname >> /tmp/myhost- Add policykit fixes from Tim Waugh - dontaudit sandbox domains sandbox_file_t:dir mounton - Add new dontaudit rules for sysadm_dbusd_t - Change label for /var/run/faillock * other fixes which relate with this change- Update to upstream - Fixes for telepathy - Add port defition for ssdp port - add policy for /bin/systemd-notify from Dan - Mount command requires users read mount_var_run_t - colord needs to read konject_uevent_socket - User domains connect to the gkeyring socket - Add colord policy and allow user_t and staff_t to dbus chat with it - Add lvm_exec_t label for kpartx - Dontaudit reading the mail_spool_t link from sandbox -X - systemd is creating sockets in avahi_var_run and system_dbusd_var_run- gpg_t needs to talk to gnome-keyring - nscd wants to read /usr/tmp->/var/tmp to generate randomziation in unixchkpwd - enforce MCS labeling on nodes - Allow arpwatch to read meminfo - Allow gnomeclock to send itself signals - init relabels /dev/.udev files on boot - gkeyringd has to transition back to staff_t when it runs commands in bin_t or shell_exec_t - nautilus checks access on /media directory before mounting usb sticks, dontaudit access_check on mnt_t - dnsmasq can run as a dbus service, needs acquire service - mysql_admin should be allowed to connect to mysql service - virt creates monitor sockets in the users home dir- Allow usbhid-ups to read hardware state information - systemd-tmpfiles has moved - Allo cgroup to sys_tty_config - For some reason prelink is attempting to read gconf settings - Add allow_daemons_use_tcp_wrapper boolean - Add label for ~/.cache/wocky to make telepathy work in enforcing mode - Add label for char devices /dev/dasd* - Fix for apache_role - Allow amavis to talk to nslcd - allow all sandbox to read selinux poilcy config files - Allow cluster domains to use the system bus and send each other dbus messages- Update to upstream- Rebuilt for Update to ref policy - cgred needs chown capability - Add /dev/crash crash_dev_t - systemd-readahead wants to use fanotify which means readahead_t needs sys_admin capability- New labeling for postfmulti #675654 - dontaudit xdm_t listing noxattr file systems - dovecot-auth needs to be able to connect to mysqld via the network as well as locally - shutdown is passed stdout to a xdm_log_t file - smartd creates a fixed disk device - dovecot_etc_t contains a lnk_file that domains need to read - mount needs to be able to read etc_runtim_t:lnk_file since in rawhide this is a link created at boot- syslog_t needs syslog capability - dirsrv needs to be able to create /var/lib/snmp - Fix labeling for dirsrv - Fix for dirsrv policy missing manage_dirs_pattern - corosync needs to delete clvm_tmpfs_t files - qdiskd needs to list hugetlbfs - Move setsched to sandbox_x_domain, so firefox can run without network access - Allow hddtemp to read removable devices - Adding syslog and read_policy permissions to policy * syslog Allow unconfined, sysadm_t, secadm_t, logadm_t * read_policy allow unconfined, sysadm_t, secadm_t, staff_t on Targeted allow sysadm_t (optionally), secadm_t on MLS - mdadm application will write into /sys/.../uevent whenever arrays are assembled or disassembled.- Add tcsd policy- ricci_modclusterd_t needs to bind to rpc ports 500-1023 - Allow dbus to use setrlimit to increase resoueces - Mozilla_plugin is leaking to sandbox - Allow confined users to connect to lircd over unix domain stream socket which allow to use remote control - Allow awstats to read squid logs - seunshare needs to manage tmp_t - apcupsd cgi scripts have a new directory- Fix xserver_dontaudit_read_xdm_pid - Change oracle_port_t to oracledb_port_t to prevent conflict with satellite - Allow dovecot_deliver_t to read/write postfix_master_t:fifo_file. * These fifo_file is passed from postfix_master_t to postfix_local_t to dovecot_deliver_t - Allow readahead to manage readahead pid dirs - Allow readahead to read all mcs levels - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to use nfs or samba homedirs- Allow nagios plugin to read /proc/meminfo - Fix for mozilla_plugin - Allow samba_net_t to create /etc/keytab - pppd_t setting up vpns needs to run unix_chkpwd, setsched its process and write wtmp_t - nslcd can read user credentials - Allow nsplugin to delete mozilla_plugin_tmpfs_t - abrt tries to create dir in rpm_var_lib_t - virt relabels fifo_files - sshd needs to manage content in fusefs homedir - mock manages link files in cache dir- nslcd needs setsched and to read /usr/tmp - Invalid call in likewise policy ends up creating a bogus role - Cannon puts content into /var/lib/bjlib that cups needs to be able to write - Allow screen to create screen_home_t in /root - dirsrv sends syslog messages - pinentry reads stuff in .kde directory - Add labels for .kde directory in homedir - Treat irpinit, iprupdate, iprdump services with raid policy- NetworkManager wants to read consolekit_var_run_t - Allow readahead to create /dev/.systemd/readahead - Remove permissive domains - Allow newrole to run namespace_init- Add sepgsql_contexts file- Update to upstream- Add oracle ports and allow apache to connect to them if the connect_db boolean is turned on - Add puppetmaster_use_db boolean - Fixes for zarafa policy - Fixes for gnomeclock poliy - Fix systemd-tmpfiles to use auth_use_nsswitch- gnomeclock executes a shell - Update for screen policy to handle pipe in homedir - Fixes for polyinstatiated homedir - Fixes for namespace policy and other fixes related to polyinstantiation - Add namespace policy - Allow dovecot-deliver transition to sendmail which is needed by sieve scripts - Fixes for init, psad policy which relate with confined users - Do not audit bootloader attempts to read devicekit pid files - Allow nagios service plugins to read /proc- Add firewalld policy - Allow vmware_host to read samba config - Kernel wants to read /proc Fix duplicate grub def in cobbler - Chrony sends mail, executes shell, uses fifo_file and reads /proc - devicekitdisk getattr all file systems - sambd daemon writes wtmp file - libvirt transitions to dmidecode- Add initial policy for system-setup-keyboard which is now daemon - Label /var/lock/subsys/shorewall as shorewall_lock_t - Allow users to communicate with the gpg_agent_t - Dontaudit mozilla_plugin_t using the inherited terminal - Allow sambagui to read files in /usr - webalizer manages squid log files - Allow unconfined domains to bind ports to raw_ip_sockets - Allow abrt to manage rpm logs when running yum - Need labels for /var/run/bittlebee - Label .ssh under amanda - Remove unused genrequires for virt_domain_template - Allow virt_domain to use fd inherited from virtd_t - Allow iptables to read shorewall config- Gnome apps list config_home_t - mpd creates lnk files in homedir - apache leaks write to mail apps on tmp files - /var/stockmaniac/templates_cache contains log files - Abrt list the connects of mount_tmp_t dirs - passwd agent reads files under /dev and reads utmp file - squid apache script connects to the squid port - fix name of plymouth log file - teamviewer is a wine app - allow dmesg to read system state - Stop labeling files under /var/lib/mock so restorecon will not go into this - nsplugin needs to read network state for google talk- Allow xdm and syslog to use /var/log/boot.log - Allow users to communicate with mozilla_plugin and kill it - Add labeling for ipv6 and dhcp- New labels for ghc http content - nsplugin_config needs to read urand, lvm now calls setfscreate to create dev - pm-suspend now creates log file for append access so we remove devicekit_wri - Change authlogin_use_sssd to authlogin_nsswitch_use_ldap - Fixes for greylist_milter policy- Update to upstream - Fixes for systemd policy - Fixes for passenger policy - Allow staff users to run mysqld in the staff_t domain, akonadi needs this - Add bin_t label for /usr/share/kde4/apps/kajongg/ - auth_use_nsswitch does not need avahi to read passwords,needed for resolving data - Dontaudit (xdm_t) gok attempting to list contents of /var/account - Telepathy domains need to read urand - Need interface to getattr all file classes in a mock library for setroubleshoot- Update selinux policy to handle new /usr/share/sandbox/start script- Update to upstream - Fix version of policy in spec file- Allow sandbox to run on nfs partitions, fixes for systemd_tmpfs - remove per sandbox domains devpts types - Allow dkim-milter sending signal to itself- Allow domains that transition to ping or traceroute, kill them - Allow user_t to conditionally transition to ping_t and traceroute_t - Add fixes to systemd- tools, including new labeling for systemd-fsck, systemd-cryptsetup- Turn on systemd policy - mozilla_plugin needs to read certs in the homedir. - Dontaudit leaked file descriptors from devicekit - Fix ircssi to use auth_use_nsswitch - Change to use interface without param in corenet to disable unlabelednet packets - Allow init to relabel sockets and fifo files in /dev - certmonger needs dac* capabilities to manage cert files not owned by root - dovecot needs fsetid to change group membership on mail - plymouthd removes /var/log/boot.log - systemd is creating symlinks in /dev - Change label on /etc/httpd/alias to be all cert_t- Fixes for clamscan and boinc policy - Add boinc_project_t setpgid - Allow alsa to create tmp files in /tmp- Push fixes to allow disabling of unlabeled_t packet access - Enable unlabelednet policy- Fixes for lvm to work with systemd- Fix the label for wicd log - plymouthd creates force-display-on-active-vt file - Allow avahi to request the kernel to load a module - Dontaudit hal leaks - Fix gnome_manage_data interface - Add new interface corenet_packet to define a type as being an packet_type. - Removed general access to packet_type from icecast and squid. - Allow mpd to read alsa config - Fix the label for wicd log - Add systemd policy- Fix gnome_manage_data interface - Dontaudit sys_ptrace capability for iscsid - Fixes for nagios plugin policy- Fix cron to run ranged when started by init - Fix devicekit to use log files - Dontaudit use of devicekit_var_run_t for fstools - Allow init to setattr on logfile directories - Allow hald to manage files in /var/run/pm-utils/ dir which is now labeled as devicekit_var_run_t- Fix up handling of dnsmasq_t creating /var/run/libvirt/network - Turn on sshd_forward_ports boolean by default - Allow sysadmin to dbus chat with rpm - Add interface for rw_tpm_dev - Allow cron to execute bin - fsadm needs to write sysfs - Dontaudit consoletype reading /var/run/pm-utils - Lots of new privs fro mozilla_plugin_t running java app, make mozilla_plugin - certmonger needs to manage dirsrv data - /var/run/pm-utils should be labeled as devicekit_var_run_t- fixes to allow /var/run and /var/lock as tmpfs - Allow chrome sandbox to connect to web ports - Allow dovecot to listem on lmtp and sieve ports - Allov ddclient to search sysctl_net_t - Transition back to original domain if you execute the shell- Remove duplicate declaration- Update to upstream - Cleanup for sandbox - Add attribute to be able to select sandbox types- Allow ddclient to fix file mode bits of ddclient conf file - init leaks file descriptors to daemons - Add labels for /etc/lirc/ and - Allow amavis_t to exec shell - Add label for gssd_tmp_t for /var/tmp/nfs_0- Put back in lircd_etc_t so policy will install- Turn on allow_postfix_local_write_mail_spool - Allow initrc_t to transition to shutdown_t - Allow logwatch and cron to mls_read_to_clearance for MLS boxes - Allow wm to send signull to all applications and receive them from users - lircd patch from field - Login programs have to read /etc/samba - New programs under /lib/systemd - Abrt needs to read config files- Update to upstream - Dontaudit leaked sockets from userdomains to user domains - Fixes for mcelog to handle scripts - Apply patch from Ruben Kerkhof - Allow syslog to search spool dirs- Allow nagios plugins to read usr files - Allow mysqld-safe to send system log messages - Fixes fpr ddclient policy - Fix sasl_admin interface - Allow apache to search zarafa config - Allow munin plugins to search /var/lib directory - Allow gpsd to read sysfs_t - Fix labels on /etc/mcelog/triggers to bin_t- Remove saslauthd_tmp_t and transition tmp files to krb5_host_rcache_t - Allow saslauthd_t to create krb5_host_rcache_t files in /tmp - Fix xserver interface - Fix definition of /var/run/lxdm- Turn on mediawiki policy - kdump leaks kdump_etc_t to ifconfig, add dontaudit - uux needs to transition to uucpd_t - More init fixes relabels man,faillog - Remove maxima defs in libraries.fc - insmod needs to be able to create tmpfs_t files - ping needs setcap- Allow groupd transition to fenced domain when executes fence_node - Fixes for rchs policy - Allow mpd to be able to read samba/nfs files- Fix up corecommands.fc to match upstream - Make sure /lib/systemd/* is labeled init_exec_t - mount wants to setattr on all mountpoints - dovecot auth wants to read dovecot etc files - nscd daemon looks at the exe file of the comunicating daemon - openvpn wants to read utmp file - postfix apps now set sys_nice and lower limits - remote_login (telnetd/login) wants to use telnetd_devpts_t and user_devpts_t to work correctly - Also resolves nsswitch - Fix labels on /etc/hosts.* - Cleanup to make upsteam patch work - allow abrt to read etc_runtime_t- Add conflicts for dirsrv package- Update to upstream - Add vlock policy- Fix sandbox to work on nfs homedirs - Allow cdrecord to setrlimit - Allow mozilla_plugin to read xauth - Change label on systemd-logger to syslogd_exec_t - Install dirsrv policy from dirsrv package- Add virt_home_t, allow init to setattr on xserver_tmp_t and relabel it - Udev needs to stream connect to init and kernel - Add xdm_exec_bootloader boolean, which allows xdm to execute /sbin/grub and read files in /boot directory- Allow NetworkManager to read openvpn_etc_t - Dontaudit hplip to write of /usr dirs - Allow system_mail_t to create /root/dead.letter as mail_home_t - Add vdagent policy for spice agent daemon- Dontaudit sandbox sending sigkill to all user domains - Add policy for rssh_chroot_helper - Add missing flask definitions - Allow udev to relabelto removable_t - Fix label on /var/log/wicd.log - Transition to initrc_t from init when executing bin_t - Add audit_access permissions to file - Make removable_t a device_node - Fix label on /lib/systemd/*- Fixes for systemd to manage /var/run - Dontaudit leaks by firstboot- Allow chome to create netlink_route_socket - Add additional MATHLAB file context - Define nsplugin as an application_domain - Dontaudit sending signals from sandboxed domains to other domains - systemd requires init to build /tmp /var/auth and /var/lock dirs - mount wants to read devicekit_power /proc/ entries - mpd wants to connect to soundd port - Openoffice causes a setattr on a lib_t file for normal users, add dontaudit - Treat lib_t and textrel_shlib_t directories the same - Allow mount read access on virtual images- Allow sandbox_x_domains to work with nfs/cifs/fusefs home dirs. - Allow devicekit_power to domtrans to mount - Allow dhcp to bind to udp ports > 1024 to do named stuff - Allow ssh_t to exec ssh_exec_t - Remove telepathy_butterfly_rw_tmp_files(), dev_read_printk() interfaces which are nolonger used - Fix clamav_append_log() intefaces - Fix 'psad_rw_fifo_file' interface- Allow cobblerd to list cobler appache content- Fixup for the latest version of upowed - Dontaudit sandbox sending SIGNULL to desktop apps- Update to upstream-Mount command from a confined user generates setattr on /etc/mtab file, need to dontaudit this access - dovecot-auth_t needs ipc_lock - gpm needs to use the user terminal - Allow system_mail_t to append ~/dead.letter - Allow NetworkManager to edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf - Add pid file to vnstatd - Allow mount to communicate with gfs_controld - Dontaudit hal leaks in setfiles- Lots of fixes for systemd - systemd now executes readahead and tmpwatch type scripts - Needs to manage random seed- Allow smbd to use sys_admin - Remove duplicate file context for tcfmgr - Update to upstream- Fix fusefs handling - Do not allow sandbox to manage nsplugin_rw_t - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to connecto its parent - Allow init_t to connect to plymouthd running as kernel_t - Add mediawiki policy - dontaudit sandbox sending signals to itself. This can happen when they are running at different mcs. - Disable transition from dbus_session_domain to telepathy for F14 - Allow boinc_project to use shm - Allow certmonger to search through directories that contain certs - Allow fail2ban the DAC Override so it can read log files owned by non root users- Start adding support for use_fusefs_home_dirs - Add /var/lib/syslog directory file context - Add /etc/localtime as locale file context- Turn off default transition to mozilla_plugin and telepathy domains from unconfined user - Turn off iptables from unconfined user - Allow sudo to send signals to any domains the user could have transitioned to. - Passwd in single user mode needs to talk to console_device_t - Mozilla_plugin_t needs to connect to web ports, needs to write to video device, and read alsa_home_t alsa setsup pulseaudio - locate tried to read a symbolic link, will dontaudit - New labels for telepathy-sunshine content in homedir - Google is storing other binaries under /opt/google/talkplugin - bluetooth/kernel is creating unlabeled_t socket that I will allow it to use until kernel fixes bug - Add boolean for unconfined_t transition to mozilla_plugin_t and telepathy domains, turned off in F14 on in F15 - modemmanger and bluetooth send dbus messages to devicekit_power - Samba needs to getquota on filesystems labeld samba_share_t- Dontaudit attempts by xdm_t to write to bin_t for kdm - Allow initrc_t to manage system_conf_t- Fixes to allow mozilla_plugin_t to create nsplugin_home_t directory. - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to create tcp/udp/netlink_route sockets - Allow confined users to read xdm_etc_t files - Allow xdm_t to transition to xauth_t for lxdm program- Rearrange firewallgui policy to be more easily updated to upstream, dontaudit search of /home - Allow clamd to send signals to itself - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to read user home content. And unlink pulseaudio shm. - Allow haze to connect to yahoo chat and messenger port tcp:5050. Bz #637339 - Allow guest to run ps command on its processes by allowing it to read /proc - Allow firewallgui to sys_rawio which seems to be required to setup masqerading - Allow all domains to search through default_t directories, in order to find differnet labels. For example people serring up /foo/bar to be share via samba. - Add label for /var/log/slim.log- Pull in cleanups from dgrift - Allow mozilla_plugin_t to execute mozilla_home_t - Allow rpc.quota to do quotamod- Cleanup policy via dgrift - Allow dovecot_deliver to append to inherited log files - Lots of fixes for consolehelper- Fix up Xguest policy- Add vnstat policy - allow libvirt to send audit messages - Allow chrome-sandbox to search nfs_t- Update to upstream- Add the ability to send audit messages to confined admin policies - Remove permissive domain from cmirrord and dontaudit sys_tty_config - Split out unconfined_domain() calls from other unconfined_ calls so we can d - virt needs to be able to read processes to clearance for MLS- Allow all domains that can use cgroups to search tmpfs_t directory - Allow init to send audit messages- Update to upstream- Allow mdadm_t to create files and sock files in /dev/md/- Add policy for ajaxterm- Handle /var/db/sudo - Allow pulseaudio to read alsa config - Allow init to send initrc_t dbus messagesAllow iptables to read shorewall tmp files Change chfn and passwd to use auth_use_pam so they can send dbus messages to fpr intd label vlc as an execmem_exec_t Lots of fixes for mozilla_plugin to run google vidio chat Allow telepath_msn to execute ldconfig and its own tmp files Fix labels on hugepages Allow mdadm to read files on /dev Remove permissive domains and change back to unconfined Allow freshclam to execute shell and bin_t Allow devicekit_power to transition to dhcpc Add boolean to allow icecast to connect to any port- Merge upstream fix of mmap_zero - Allow mount to write files in debugfs_t - Allow corosync to communicate with clvmd via tmpfs - Allow certmaster to read usr_t files - Allow dbus system services to search cgroup_t - Define rlogind_t as a login pgm- Allow mdadm_t to read/write hugetlbfs- Dominic Grift Cleanup - Miroslav Grepl policy for jabberd - Various fixes for mount/livecd and prelink- Merge with upstream- More access needed for devicekit - Add dbadm policy- Merge with upstream- Allow seunshare to fowner- Allow cron to look at user_cron_spool links - Lots of fixes for mozilla_plugin_t - Add sysv file system - Turn unconfined domains to permissive to find additional avcs- Update policy for mozilla_plugin_t- Allow clamscan to read proc_t - Allow mount_t to write to debufs_t dir - Dontaudit mount_t trying to write to security_t dir- Allow clamscan_t execmem if clamd_use_jit set - Add policy for firefox plugin-container- Fix /root/.forward definition- label dead.letter as mail_home_t- Allow login programs to search /cgroups- Fix cert handling- Fix devicekit_power bug - Allow policykit_auth_t more access.- Fix nis calls to allow bind to ports 512-1024 - Fix smartmon- Allow pcscd to read sysfs - systemd fixes - Fix wine_mmap_zero_ignore boolean- Apply Miroslav munin patch - Turn back on allow_execmem and allow_execmod booleans- Merge in fixes from dgrift repository- Update boinc policy - Fix sysstat policy to allow sys_admin - Change failsafe_context to unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0- New paths for upstart- New permissions for syslog - New labels for /lib/upstart- Add mojomojo policy- Allow systemd to setsockcon on sockets to immitate other services- Remove debugfs label- Update to latest policy- Fix eclipse labeling from IBMSupportAssasstant packageing- Make boot with systemd in enforcing mode- Update to upstream- Add boolean to turn off port forwarding in sshd.- Add support for ebtables - Fixes for rhcs and corosync policy-Update to upstream-Update to upstream-Update to upstream- Add Zarafa policy- Cleanup of aiccu policy - initial mock policy- Lots of random fixes- Update to upstream- Update to upstream - Allow prelink script to signal itself - Cobbler fixes- Add xdm_var_run_t to xserver_stream_connect_xdm - Add cmorrord and mpd policy from Miroslav Grepl- Fix sshd creation of krb cc files for users to be user_tmp_t- Fixes for accountsdialog - Fixes for boinc- Fix label on /var/lib/dokwiki - Change permissive domains to enforcing - Fix libvirt policy to allow it to run on mls- Update to upstream- Allow procmail to execute scripts in the users home dir that are labeled home_bin_t - Fix /var/run/abrtd.lock label- Allow login programs to read krb5_home_t Resolves: 594833 - Add obsoletes for cachefilesfd-selinux package Resolves: #575084- Allow mount to r/w abrt fifo file - Allow svirt_t to getattr on hugetlbfs - Allow abrt to create a directory under /var/spool- Add labels for /sys - Allow sshd to getattr on shutdown - Fixes for munin - Allow sssd to use the kernel key ring - Allow tor to send syslog messages - Allow iptabels to read usr files - allow policykit to read all domains state- Fix path for /var/spool/abrt - Allow nfs_t as an entrypoint for http_sys_script_t - Add policy for piranha - Lots of fixes for sosreport- Allow xm_t to read network state and get and set capabilities - Allow policykit to getattr all processes - Allow denyhosts to connect to tcp port 9911 - Allow pyranha to use raw ip sockets and ptrace itself - Allow unconfined_execmem_t and gconfsd mechanism to dbus - Allow staff to kill ping process - Add additional MLS rules- Allow gdm to edit ~/.gconf dir Resolves: #590677 - Allow dovecot to create directories in /var/lib/dovecot Partially resolves 590224 - Allow avahi to dbus chat with NetworkManager - Fix cobbler labels - Dontaudit iceauth_t leaks - fix /var/lib/lxdm file context - Allow aiccu to use tun tap devices - Dontaudit shutdown using xserver.log- Fixes for sandbox_x_net_t to match access for sandbox_web_t ++ - Add xdm_etc_t for /etc/gdm directory, allow accountsd to manage this directory - Add dontaudit interface for bluetooth dbus - Add chronyd_read_keys, append_keys for initrc_t - Add log support for ksmtuned Resolves: #586663- Allow boinc to send mail- Allow initrc_t to remove dhcpc_state_t - Fix label on sa-update.cron - Allow dhcpc to restart chrony initrc - Don't allow sandbox to send signals to its parent processes - Fix transition from unconfined_t -> unconfined_mount_t -> rpcd_t Resolves: #589136- Fix location of oddjob_mkhomedir Resolves: #587385 - fix labeling on /root/.shosts and ~/.shosts - Allow ipsec_mgmt_t to manage net_conf_t Resolves: #586760- Dontaudit sandbox trying to connect to netlink sockets Resolves: #587609 - Add policy for piranha- Fixups for xguest policy - Fixes for running sandbox firefox- Allow ksmtuned to use terminals Resolves: #586663 - Allow lircd to write to generic usb devices- Allow sandbox_xserver to connectto unconfined stream Resolves: #585171- Allow initrc_t to read slapd_db_t Resolves: #585476 - Allow ipsec_mgmt to use unallocated devpts and to create /etc/resolv.conf Resolves: #585963- Allow rlogind_t to search /root for .rhosts Resolves: #582760 - Fix path for cached_var_t - Fix prelink paths /var/lib/prelink - Allow confined users to direct_dri - Allow mls lvm/cryptosetup to work- Allow virtd_t to manage firewall/iptables config Resolves: #573585- Fix label on /root/.rhosts Resolves: #582760 - Add labels for Picasa - Allow openvpn to read home certs - Allow plymouthd_t to use tty_device_t - Run ncftool as iptables_t - Allow mount to unmount unlabeled_t - Dontaudit hal leaks- Allow livecd to transition to mount- Update to upstream - Allow abrt to delete sosreport Resolves: #579998 - Allow snmp to setuid and gid Resolves: #582155 - Allow smartd to use generic scsi devices Resolves: #582145- Allow ipsec_t to create /etc/resolv.conf with the correct label - Fix reserved port destination - Allow autofs to transition to showmount - Stop crashing tuned- Add telepathysofiasip policy- Update to upstream - Fix label for /opt/google/chrome/chrome-sandbox - Allow modemmanager to dbus with policykit- Fix allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam to use auth_use_pam(httpd_t) - Allow accountsd to read shadow file - Allow apache to send audit messages when using pam - Allow asterisk to bind and connect to sip tcp ports - Fixes for dovecot 2.0 - Allow initrc_t to setattr on milter directories - Add procmail_home_t for .procmailrc file- Fixes for labels during install from livecd- Fix /cgroup file context - Fix broken afs use of unlabled_t - Allow getty to use the console for s390- Fix cgroup handling adding policy for /cgroup - Allow confined users to write to generic usb devices, if user_rw_noexattrfile boolean set- Merge patches from dgrift- Update upstream - Allow abrt to write to the /proc under any process- Fix ~/.fontconfig label - Add /root/.cert label - Allow reading of the fixed_file_disk_t:lnk_file if you can read file - Allow qemu_exec_t as an entrypoint to svirt_t- Update to upstream - Allow tmpreaper to delete sandbox sock files - Allow chrome-sandbox_t to use /dev/zero, and dontaudit getattr file systems - Fixes for gitosis - No transition on livecd to passwd or chfn - Fixes for denyhosts- Add label for /var/lib/upower - Allow logrotate to run sssd - dontaudit readahead on tmpfs blk files - Allow tmpreaper to setattr on sandbox files - Allow confined users to execute dos files - Allow sysadm_t to kill processes running within its clearance - Add accountsd policy - Fixes for corosync policy - Fixes from crontab policy - Allow svirt to manage svirt_image_t chr files - Fixes for qdisk policy - Fixes for sssd policy - Fixes for newrole policy- make libvirt work on an MLS platform- Add qpidd policy- Update to upstream- Allow boinc to read kernel sysctl - Fix snmp port definitions - Allow apache to read anon_inodefs- Allow shutdown dac_override- Add device_t as a file system - Fix sysfs association- Dontaudit ipsec_mgmt sys_ptrace - Allow at to mail its spool files - Allow nsplugin to search in .pulse directory- Update to upstream- Allow users to dbus chat with xdm - Allow users to r/w wireless_device_t - Dontaudit reading of process states by ipsec_mgmt- Fix openoffice from unconfined_t- Add shutdown policy so consolekit can shutdown system- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- Update to upstream - These are merges of my patches - Remove 389 labeling conflicts - Add MLS fixes found in RHEL6 testing - Allow pulseaudio to run as a service - Add label for mssql and allow apache to connect to this database port if boolean set - Dontaudit searches of debugfs mount point - Allow policykit_auth to send signals to itself - Allow modcluster to call getpwnam - Allow swat to signal winbind - Allow usbmux to run as a system role - Allow svirt to create and use devpts- Add MLS fixes found in RHEL6 testing - Allow domains to append to rpm_tmp_t - Add cachefilesfd policy - Dontaudit leaks when transitioning- Change allow_execstack and allow_execmem booleans to on - dontaudit acct using console - Add label for fping - Allow tmpreaper to delete sandbox_file_t - Fix wine dontaudit mmap_zero - Allow abrt to read var_t symlinks- Additional policy for rgmanager- Allow sshd to setattr on pseudo terms- Update to upstream- Allow policykit to send itself signals- Fix duplicate cobbler definition- Fix file context of /var/lib/avahi-autoipd- Merge with upstream- Allow sandbox to work with MLS- Make Chrome work with staff user- Add icecast policy - Cleanup spec file- Add mcelog policy- Lots of fixes found in F12- Fix rpm_dontaudit_leaks- Add getsched to hald_t - Add file context for Fedora/Redhat Directory Server- Allow abrt_helper to getattr on all filesystems - Add label for /opt/real/RealPlayer/plugins/oggfformat\.so- Add gstreamer_home_t for ~/.gstreamer- Update to upstream- Fix git- Turn on puppet policy - Update to dgrift git policy- Move users file to selection by spec file. - Allow vncserver to run as unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t- Update to upstream- Remove most of the permissive domains from F12.- Add cobbler policy from dgrift- add usbmon device - Add allow rulse for devicekit_disk- Lots of fixes found in F12, fixes from Tom London- Cleanups from dgrift- Add back xserver_manage_home_fonts- Dontaudit sandbox trying to read nscd and sssd- Update to upstream- Rename udisks-daemon back to devicekit_disk_t policy- Fixes for abrt calls- Add tgtd policy- Update to upstream release- Add asterisk policy back in - Update to upstream release 2.20091117- Update to upstream release 2.20091117- Fixup nut policy- Update to upstream- Allow vpnc request the kernel to load modules- Fix minimum policy installs - Allow udev and rpcbind to request the kernel to load modules- Add plymouth policy - Allow local_login to sys_admin- Allow cupsd_config to read user tmp - Allow snmpd_t to signal itself - Allow sysstat_t to makedir in sysstat_log_t- Update rhcs policy- Allow users to exec restorecond- Allow sendmail to request kernel modules load- Fix all kernel_request_load_module domains- Fix all kernel_request_load_module domains- Remove allow_exec* booleans for confined users. Only available for unconfined_t- More fixes for sandbox_web_t- Allow sshd to create .ssh directory and content- Fix request_module line to module_request- Fix sandbox policy to allow it to run under firefox. - Dont audit leaks.- Fixes for sandbox- Update to upstream - Dontaudit nsplugin search /root - Dontaudit nsplugin sys_nice- Fix label on /usr/bin/notepad, /usr/sbin/vboxadd-service - Remove policycoreutils-python requirement except for minimum- Fix devicekit_disk_t to getattr on all domains sockets and fifo_files - Conflicts seedit (You can not use selinux-policy-targeted and seedit at the same time.)- Add wordpress/wp-content/uploads label - Fixes for sandbox when run from staff_t- Update to upstream - Fixes for devicekit_disk- More fixes- Lots of fixes for initrc and other unconfined domains- Allow xserver to use netlink_kobject_uevent_socket- Fixes for sandbox- Dontaudit setroubleshootfix looking at /root directory- Update to upsteam- Allow gssd to send signals to users - Fix duplicate label for apache content- Update to upstream- Remove polkit_auth on upgrades- Add back in unconfined.pp and unconfineduser.pp - Add Sandbox unshare- Fixes for cdrecord, mdadm, and others- Add capability setting to dhcpc and gpm- Allow cronjobs to read exim_spool_t- Add ABRT policy- Fix system-config-services policy- Allow libvirt to change user componant of virt_domain- Allow cupsd_config_t to be started by dbus - Add smoltclient policy- Add policycoreutils-python to pre install- Make all unconfined_domains permissive so we can see what AVC's happen- Add pt_chown policy- Add kdump policy for Miroslav Grepl - Turn off execstack boolean- Turn on execstack on a temporary basis (#512845)- Allow nsplugin to connecto the session bus - Allow samba_net to write to coolkey data- Allow devicekit_disk to list inotify- Allow svirt images to create sock_file in svirt_var_run_t- Allow exim to getattr on mountpoints - Fixes for pulseaudio- Allow svirt_t to stream_connect to virtd_t- Allod hald_dccm_t to create sock_files in /tmp- More fixes from upstream- Fix polkit label - Remove hidebrokensymptoms for nss_ldap fix - Add modemmanager policy - Lots of merges from upstream - Begin removing textrel_shlib_t labels, from fixed libraries- Update to upstream- Allow certmaster to override dac permissions- Update to upstream- Fix context for VirtualBox- Update to upstream- Allow clamscan read amavis spool files- Fixes for xguest- fix multiple directory ownership of mandirs- Update to upstream- Add rules for rtkit-daemon- Update to upstream - Fix nlscd_stream_connect- Add rtkit policy- Allow rpcd_t to stream connect to rpcbind- Allow kpropd to create tmp files- Fix last duplicate /var/log/rpmpkgs- Update to upstream * add sssd- Update to upstream * cleanup- Update to upstream - Additional mail ports - Add virt_use_usb boolean for svirt- Fix mcs rules to include chr_file and blk_file- Add label for udev-acl- Additional rules for consolekit/udev, privoxy and various other fixes- New version for upstream- Allow NetworkManager to read inotifyfs- Allow setroubleshoot to run mlocate- Update to upstream- Add fish as a shell - Allow fprintd to list usbfs_t - Allow consolekit to search mountpoints - Add proper labeling for shorewall- New log file for vmware - Allow xdm to setattr on user_tmp_t- Upgrade to upstream- Allow fprintd to access sys_ptrace - Add sandbox policy- Add varnishd policy- Fixes for kpropd- Allow brctl to r/w tun_tap_device_t- Add /usr/share/selinux/packages- Allow rpcd_t to send signals to kernel threads- Fix upgrade for F10 to F11- Add policy for /var/lib/fprint-Remove duplicate line- Allow svirt to manage pci and other sysfs device data- Fix package selection handling- Fix /sbin/ip6tables-save context - Allod udev to transition to mount - Fix loading of mls policy file- Add shorewall policy- Additional rules for fprintd and sssd- Allow nsplugin to unix_read unix_write sem for unconfined_java- Fix uml files to be owned by users- Fix Upgrade path to install unconfineduser.pp when unocnfined package is 3.0.0 or less- Allow confined users to manage virt_content_t, since this is home dir content - Allow all domains to read rpm_script_tmp_t which is what shell creates on redirection- Fix labeling on /var/lib/misc/prelink* - Allow xserver to rw_shm_perms with all x_clients - Allow prelink to execute files in the users home directory- Allow initrc_t to delete dev_null - Allow readahead to configure auditing - Fix milter policy - Add /var/lib/readahead- Update to latest milter code from Paul Howarth- Additional perms for readahead- Allow pulseaudio to acquire_svc on session bus - Fix readahead labeling- Allow sysadm_t to run rpm directly - libvirt needs fowner- Allow sshd to read var_lib symlinks for freenx- Allow nsplugin unix_read and write on users shm and sem - Allow sysadm_t to execute su- Dontaudit attempts to getattr user_tmpfs_t by lvm - Allow nfs to share removable media- Add ability to run postdrop from confined users- Fixes for podsleuth- Turn off nsplugin transition - Remove Konsole leaked file descriptors for release- Allow cupsd_t to create link files in print_spool_t - Fix iscsi_stream_connect typo - Fix labeling on /etc/acpi/actions - Don't reinstall unconfine and unconfineuser on upgrade if they are not installed- Allow audioentroy to read etc files- Add fail2ban_var_lib_t - Fixes for devicekit_power_t- Separate out the ucnonfined user from the unconfined.pp package- Make sure unconfined_java_t and unconfined_mono_t create user_tmpfs_t.- Upgrade to latest upstream - Allow devicekit_disk sys_rawio- Dontaudit binds to ports < 1024 for named - Upgrade to latest upstream- Allow podsleuth to use tmpfs files- Add customizable_types for svirt- Allow setroubelshoot exec* privs to prevent crash from bad libraries - add cpufreqselector- Dontaudit listing of /root directory for cron system jobs- Fix missing label- Add label for ~/.forward and /root/.forward- Fixes for svirt- Fixes to allow svirt read iso files in homedir- Add xenner and wine fixes from mgrepl- Allow mdadm to read/write mls override- Change to svirt to only access svirt_image_t- Fix libvirt policy- Upgrade to latest upstream- Fixes for iscsid and sssd - More cleanups for upgrade from F10 to Rawhide.- Add pulseaudio, sssd policy - Allow networkmanager to exec udevadm- Add pulseaudio context- Upgrade to latest patches- Fixes for libvirt- Update to Latest upstream- Fix setrans.conf to show SystemLow for s0- Further confinement of qemu images via svirt- Rebuilt for Allow NetworkManager to manage /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections- add virtual_image_context and virtual_domain_context files- Allow rpcd_t to send signal to mount_t - Allow libvirtd to run ranged- Fix sysnet/net_conf_t- Fix squidGuard labeling- Re-add corenet_in_generic_if(unlabeled_t)* Tue Feb 10 2009 Dan Walsh 3.6.5-2 - Add git web policy- Add setrans contains from upstream- Do transitions outside of the booleans- Allow xdm to create user_tmp_t sockets for switch user to work- Fix staff_t domain- Grab remainder of network_peer_controls patch- More fixes for devicekit- Upgrade to latest upstream- Add boolean to disallow unconfined_t login- Add back transition from xguest to mozilla- Add virt_content_ro_t and labeling for isos directory- Fixes for wicd daemon- More mls/rpm fixes- Add policy to make dbus/nm-applet work- Remove polgen-ifgen from post and add trigger to policycoreutils-python- Add wm policy - Make mls work in graphics mode- Fixed for DeviceKit- Add devicekit policy- Update to upstream- Define openoffice as an x_domain- Fixes for reading xserver_tmp_t- Allow cups_pdf_t write to nfs_t- Remove audio_entropy policy- Update to upstream- Allow hal_acl_t to getattr/setattr fixed_disk- Change userdom_read_all_users_state to include reading symbolic links in /proc- Fix dbus reading /proc information- Add missing alias for home directory content- Fixes for IBM java location- Allow unconfined_r unconfined_java_t- Add cron_role back to user domains- Fix sudo setting of user keys- Allow iptables to talk to terminals - Fixes for policy kit - lots of fixes for booting.- Cleanup policy- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Fix labeling on /var/spool/rsyslog- Allow postgresl to bind to udp nodes- Allow lvm to dbus chat with hal - Allow rlogind to read nfs_t- Fix cyphesis file context- Allow hal/pm-utils to look at /var/run/video.rom - Add ulogd policy- Additional fixes for cyphesis - Fix certmaster file context - Add policy for system-config-samba - Allow hal to read /var/run/video.rom- Allow dhcpc to restart ypbind - Fixup labeling in /var/run- Add certmaster policy- Fix confined users - Allow xguest to read/write xguest_dbusd_t- Allow openoffice execstack/execmem privs- Allow mozilla to run with unconfined_execmem_t- Dontaudit domains trying to write to .xsession-errors- Allow nsplugin to look at autofs_t directory- Allow kerneloops to create tmp files- More alias for fastcgi- Remove mod_fcgid-selinux package- Fix dovecot access- Policy cleanup- Remove Multiple spec - Add include - Fix makefile to not call per_role_expansion- Fix labeling of libGL- Update to upstream- Update to upstream policy- Fixes for confined xwindows and xdm_t- Allow confined users and xdm to exec wm - Allow nsplugin to talk to fifo files on nfs- Allow NetworkManager to transition to avahi and iptables - Allow domains to search other domains keys, coverup kernel bug- Fix labeling for oracle- Allow nsplugin to comminicate with xdm_tmp_t sock_file- Change all user tmpfs_t files to be labeled user_tmpfs_t - Allow radiusd to create sock_files- Upgrade to upstream- Allow confined users to login with dbus- Fix transition to nsplugin- Add file context for /dev/mspblk.*- Fix transition to nsplugin '- Fix labeling on new pm*log - Allow ssh to bind to all nodes- Merge upstream changes - Add Xavier Toth patches- Add qemu_cache_t for /var/cache/libvirt- Remove gamin policy- Add tinyxs-max file system support- Update to upstream - New handling of init scripts- Allow pcsd to dbus - Add memcache policy- Allow audit dispatcher to kill his children- Update to upstream - Fix crontab use by unconfined user- Allow ifconfig_t to read dhcpc_state_t- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- Allow system-config-selinux to work with policykit- Fix novel labeling- Consolodate pyzor,spamassassin, razor into one security domain - Fix xdm requiring additional perms.- Fixes for logrotate, alsa- Eliminate vbetool duplicate entry- Fix xguest -> xguest_mozilla_t -> xguest_openiffice_t - Change dhclient to be able to red networkmanager_var_run- Update to latest refpolicy - Fix libsemanage initial install bug- Add inotify support to nscd- Allow unconfined_t to setfcap- Allow amanda to read tape - Allow prewikka cgi to use syslog, allow audisp_t to signal cgi - Add support for netware file systems- Allow ypbind apps to net_bind_service- Allow all system domains and application domains to append to any log file- Allow gdm to read rpm database - Allow nsplugin to read mplayer config files- Allow vpnc to run ifconfig- Allow confined users to use postgres - Allow system_mail_t to exec other mail clients - Label mogrel_rails as an apache server- Apply unconfined_execmem_exec_t to haskell programs- Fix prelude file context- allow hplip to talk dbus - Fix context on ~/.local dir- Prevent applications from reading x_device- Add /var/lib/selinux context- Update to upstream- Add livecd policy- Dontaudit search of admin_home for init_system_domain - Rewrite of xace interfaces - Lots of new fs_list_inotify - Allow livecd to transition to setfiles_mac- Begin XAce integration- Merge Upstream- Allow amanada to create data files- Fix initial install, semanage setup- Allow system_r for httpd_unconfined_script_t- Remove dmesg boolean - Allow user domains to read/write game data- Change unconfined_t to transition to unconfined_mono_t when running mono - Change XXX_mono_t to transition to XXX_t when executing bin_t files, so gnome-do will work- Remove old booleans from targeted-booleans.conf file- Add boolean to mmap_zero - allow tor setgid - Allow gnomeclock to set clock- Don't run crontab from unconfined_t- Change etc files to config files to allow users to read them- Lots of fixes for confined domains on NFS_t homedir- dontaudit mrtg reading /proc - Allow iscsi to signal itself - Allow gnomeclock sys_ptrace- Allow dhcpd to read kernel network state- Label /var/run/gdm correctly - Fix unconfined_u user creation- Allow transition from initrc_t to getty_t- Allow passwd to communicate with user sockets to change gnome-keyring- Fix initial install- Allow radvd to use fifo_file - dontaudit setfiles reading links - allow semanage sys_resource - add allow_httpd_mod_auth_ntlm_winbind boolean - Allow privhome apps including dovecot read on nfs and cifs home dirs if the boolean is set- Allow nsplugin to read /etc/mozpluggerrc, user_fonts - Allow syslog to manage innd logs. - Allow procmail to ioctl spamd_exec_t- Allow initrc_t to dbus chat with consolekit.- Additional access for nsplugin - Allow xdm setcap/getcap until pulseaudio is fixed- Allow mount to mkdir on tmpfs - Allow ifconfig to search debugfs- Fix file context for MATLAB - Fixes for xace- Allow stunnel to transition to inetd children domains - Make unconfined_dbusd_t an unconfined domain- Fixes for qemu/virtd- Fix bug in mozilla policy to allow xguest transition - This will fix the libsemanage.dbase_llist_query: could not find record value libsemanage.dbase_llist_query: could not query record value (No such file or directory) bug in xguest- Allow nsplugin to run acroread- Add cups_pdf policy - Add openoffice policy to run in xguest- prewika needs to contact mysql - Allow syslog to read system_map files- Change init_t to an unconfined_domain- Allow init to transition to initrc_t on shell exec. - Fix init to be able to sendto init_t. - Allow syslog to connect to mysql - Allow lvm to manage its own fifo_files - Allow bugzilla to use ldap - More mls fixes- fixes for init policy (#436988) - fix build- Additional changes for MLS policy- Fix initrc_context generation for MLS- Fixes for libvirt- Allow bitlebee to read locale_t- More xselinux rules- Change httpd_$1_script_r*_t to httpd_$1_content_r*_t- Prepare policy for beta release - Change some of the system domains back to unconfined - Turn on some of the booleans- Allow nsplugin_config execstack/execmem - Allow nsplugin_t to read alsa config - Change apache to use user content- Add cyphesis policy- Fix Makefile.devel to build mls modules - Fix qemu to be more specific on labeling- Update to upstream fixes- Allow staff to mounton user_home_t- Add xace support- Add fusectl file system- Fixes from yum-cron - Update to latest upstream- Fix userdom_list_user_files- Merge with upstream- Allow udev to send audit messages- Add additional login users interfaces - userdom_admin_login_user_template(staff)- More fixes for polkit- Eliminate transition from unconfined_t to qemu by default - Fixes for gpg- Update to upstream- Fixes for staff_t- Add policy for kerneloops - Add policy for gnomeclock- Fixes for libvirt- Fixes for nsplugin- More fixes for qemu- Additional ports for vnc and allow qemu and libvirt to search all directories- Update to upstream - Add libvirt policy - add qemu policy- Allow fail2ban to create a socket in /var/run- Allow allow_httpd_mod_auth_pam to work- Add audisp policy and prelude- Allow all user roles to executae samba net command- Allow usertypes to read/write noxattr file systems- Fix nsplugin to allow flashplugin to work in enforcing mode- Allow pam_selinux_permit to kill all processes- Allow ptrace or user processes by users of same type - Add boolean for transition to nsplugin- Allow nsplugin sys_nice, getsched, setsched- Allow login programs to talk dbus to oddjob- Add procmail_log support - Lots of fixes for munin- Allow setroubleshoot to read policy config and send audit messages- Allow users to execute all files in homedir, if boolean set - Allow mount to read samba config- Fixes for xguest to run java plugin- dontaudit pam_t and dbusd writing to user_home_t- Update gpg to allow reading of inotify- Change user and staff roles to work correctly with varied perms- Fix munin log, - Eliminate duplicate mozilla file context - fix wpa_supplicant spec- Fix role transition from unconfined_r to system_r when running rpm - Allow unconfined_domains to communicate with user dbus instances- Fixes for xguest- Let all uncofined domains communicate with dbus unconfined- Run rpm in system_r- Zero out customizable types- Fix definiton of admin_home_t- Fix munin file context- Allow cron to run unconfined apps- Modify default login to unconfined_u- Dontaudit dbus user client search of /root- Update to upstream- Fixes for polkit - Allow xserver to ptrace- Add polkit policy - Symplify userdom context, remove automatic per_role changes- Update to upstream - Allow httpd_sys_script_t to search users homedirs- Allow rpm_script to transition to unconfined_execmem_t- Remove user based home directory separation- Remove user specific crond_t- Merge with upstream - Allow xsever to read hwdata_t - Allow login programs to setkeycreate- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- Allow XServer to read /proc/self/cmdline - Fix unconfined cron jobs - Allow fetchmail to transition to procmail - Fixes for hald_mac - Allow system_mail to transition to exim - Allow tftpd to upload files - Allow xdm to manage unconfined_tmp - Allow udef to read alsa config - Fix xguest to be able to connect to sound port- Fixes for hald_mac - Treat unconfined_home_dir_t as a home dir - dontaudit rhgb writes to fonts and root- Fix dnsmasq - Allow rshd full login privs- Allow rshd to connect to ports > 1023- Fix vpn to bind to port 4500 - Allow ssh to create shm - Add Kismet policy- Allow rpm to chat with networkmanager- Fixes for ipsec and exim mail - Change default to unconfined user- Pass the UNK_PERMS param to makefile - Fix gdm location- Make alsa work- Fixes for consolekit and startx sessions- Dontaudit consoletype talking to unconfined_t- Remove homedir_template- Check asound.state- Fix exim policy- Allow tmpreadper to read man_t - Allow racoon to bind to all nodes - Fixes for finger print reader- Allow xdm to talk to input device (fingerprint reader) - Allow octave to run as java- Allow login programs to set ioctl on /proc- Allow nsswitch apps to read samba_var_t- Fix maxima- Eliminate rpm_t:fifo_file avcs - Fix dbus path for helper app- Fix service start stop terminal avc's- Allow also to search var_lib - New context for dbus launcher- Allow cupsd_config_t to read/write usb_device_t - Support for finger print reader, - Many fixes for clvmd - dbus starting networkmanager- Fix java and mono to run in xguest account- Fix to add xguest account when inititial install - Allow mono, java, wine to run in userdomains- Allow xserver to search devpts_t - Dontaudit ldconfig output to homedir- Remove hplip_etc_t change back to etc_t.- Allow cron to search nfs and samba homedirs- Allow NetworkManager to dbus chat with yum-updated- Allow xfs to bind to port 7100- Allow newalias/sendmail dac_override - Allow bind to bind to all udp ports- Turn off direct transition- Allow wine to run in system role- Fix java labeling- Define user_home_type as home_type- Allow sendmail to create etc_aliases_t- Allow login programs to read symlinks on homedirs- Update an readd modules- Cleanup spec file- Allow xserver to be started by unconfined process and talk to tty- Upgrade to upstream to grab postgressql changes- Add setransd for mls policy- Add ldconfig_cache_t- Allow sshd to write to proc_t for afs login- Allow xserver access to urand- allow dovecot to search mountpoints- Fix Makefile for building policy modules- Fix dhcpc startup of service- Fix dbus chat to not happen for xguest and guest users- Fix nagios cgi - allow squid to communicate with winbind- Fixes for ldconfig- Update from upstream- Add nasd support- Fix new usb devices and dmfm- Eliminate mount_ntfs_t policy, merge into mount_t- Allow xserver to write to ramfs mounted by rhgb- Add context for dbus machine id- Update with latest changes from upstream- Fix prelink to handle execmod- Add ntpd_key_t to handle secret data- Add anon_inodefs - Allow unpriv user exec pam_exec_t - Fix trigger- Allow cups to use generic usb - fix inetd to be able to run random apps (git)- Add proper contexts for rsyslogd- Fixes for xguest policy- Allow execution of gconf- Fix moilscanner update problem- Begin adding policy to separate setsebool from semanage - Fix xserver.if definition to not break sepolgen.if- Add new devices- Add brctl policy- Fix root login to include system_r- Allow prelink to read kernel sysctls- Default to user_u:system_r:unconfined_t- fix squid - Fix rpm running as uid- Fix syslog declaration- Allow avahi to access inotify - Remove a lot of bogus security_t:filesystem avcs- Remove ifdef strict policy from upstream- Remove ifdef strict to allow user_u to login- Fix for amands - Allow semanage to read pp files - Allow rhgb to read xdm_xserver_tmp- Allow kerberos servers to use ldap for backing store- allow alsactl to read kernel state- More fixes for alsactl - Transition from hal and modutils - Fixes for suspend resume. - insmod domtrans to alsactl - insmod writes to hal log- Allow unconfined_t to transition to NetworkManager_t - Fix netlabel policy- Update to latest from upstream- Update to latest from upstream- Update to latest from upstream- Allow pcscd_t to send itself signals-- Fixes for unix_update - Fix logwatch to be able to search all dirs- Upstream bumped the version- Allow consolekit to syslog - Allow ntfs to work with hal- Allow iptables to read etc_runtime_t- MLS Fixes- Fix path of /etc/lvm/cache directory - Fixes for alsactl and pppd_t - Fixes for consolekit- Allow insmod_t to mount kvmfs_t filesystems- Rwho policy - Fixes for consolekit- fixes for fusefs- Fix samba_net to allow it to view samba_var_t- Update to upstream- Fix Sonypic backlight - Allow snmp to look at squid_conf_t- Fixes for pyzor, cyrus, consoletype on everything installs- Fix hald_acl_t to be able to getattr/setattr on usb devices - Dontaudit write to unconfined_pipes for load_policy- Allow bluetooth to read inotifyfs- Fixes for samba domain controller. - Allow ConsoleKit to look at ttys- Fix interface call- Allow syslog-ng to read /var - Allow locate to getattr on all filesystems - nscd needs setcap- Update to upstream- Allow samba to run groupadd- Update to upstream- Allow mdadm to access generic scsi devices- Fix labeling on udev.tbl dirs- Fixes for logwatch- Add fusermount and mount_ntfs policy- Update to upstream - Allow saslauthd to use kerberos keytabs- Fixes for samba_var_t- Allow networkmanager to setpgid - Fixes for hal_acl_t- Remove disable_trans booleans - hald_acl_t needs to talk to nscd- Fix prelink to be able to manage usr dirs.- Allow insmod to launch init scripts- Remove setsebool policy- Fix handling of unlabled_t packets- More of my patches from upstream- Update to latest from upstream - Add fail2ban policy- Update to remove security_t:filesystem getattr problems- Policy for consolekit- Update to latest from upstream- Revert Nemiver change - Set sudo as a corecmd so prelink will work, remove sudoedit mapping, since this will not work, it does not transition. - Allow samba to execute useradd- Upgrade to the latest from upstream- Add sepolgen support - Add bugzilla policy- Fix file context for nemiver- Remove include sym link- Allow mozilla, evolution and thunderbird to read dev_random. Resolves: #227002 - Allow spamd to connect to smtp port Resolves: #227184 - Fixes to make ypxfr work Resolves: #227237- Fix ssh_agent to be marked as an executable - Allow Hal to rw sound device- Fix spamassisin so crond can update spam files - Fixes to allow kpasswd to work - Fixes for bluetooth- Remove some targeted diffs in file context file- Fix squid cachemgr labeling- Add ability to generate webadm_t policy - Lots of new interfaces for httpd - Allow sshd to login as unconfined_t- Continue fixing, additional user domains- Begin adding user confinement to targeted policy- Fixes for prelink, ktalkd, netlabel- Allow prelink when run from rpm to create tmp files Resolves: #221865 - Remove file_context for exportfs Resolves: #221181 - Allow spamassassin to create ~/.spamassissin Resolves: #203290 - Allow ssh access to the krb tickets - Allow sshd to change passwd - Stop newrole -l from working on non securetty Resolves: #200110 - Fixes to run prelink in MLS machine Resolves: #221233 - Allow spamassassin to read var_lib_t dir Resolves: #219234- fix mplayer to work under strict policy - Allow iptables to use nscd Resolves: #220794- Add gconf policy and make it work with strict- Many fixes for strict policy and by extension mls.- Fix to allow ftp to bind to ports > 1024 Resolves: #219349- Allow semanage to exec it self. Label genhomedircon as semanage_exec_t Resolves: #219421 - Allow sysadm_lpr_t to manage other print spool jobs Resolves: #220080- allow automount to setgid Resolves: #219999- Allow cron to polyinstatiate - Fix creation of boot flags Resolves: #207433- Fixes for irqbalance Resolves: #219606- Fix vixie-cron to work on mls Resolves: #207433Resolves: #218978- Allow initrc to create files in /var directories Resolves: #219227- More fixes for MLS Resolves: #181566- More Fixes polyinstatiation Resolves: #216184- More Fixes polyinstatiation - Fix handling of keyrings Resolves: #216184- Fix polyinstatiation - Fix pcscd handling of terminal Resolves: #218149 Resolves: #218350- More fixes for quota Resolves: #212957- ncsd needs to use avahi sockets Resolves: #217640 Resolves: #218014- Allow login programs to polyinstatiate homedirs Resolves: #216184 - Allow quotacheck to create database files Resolves: #212957- Dontaudit appending hal_var_lib files Resolves: #217452 Resolves: #217571 Resolves: #217611 Resolves: #217640 Resolves: #217725- Fix context for helix players file_context #216942- Fix load_policy to be able to mls_write_down so it can talk to the terminal- Fixes for hwclock, clamav, ftp- Move to upstream version which accepted my patches- Fixes for nvidia driver- Allow semanage to signal mcstrans- Update to upstream- Allow modstorage to edit /etc/fstab file- Fix for qemu, /dev/- Fix path to realplayer.bin- Allow xen to connect to xen port- Allow cups to search samba_etc_t directory - Allow xend_t to list auto_mountpoints- Allow xen to search automount- Fix spec of jre files- Fix unconfined access to shadow file- Allow xend to create files in xen_image_t directories- Fixes for /var/lib/hal- Remove ability for sysadm_t to look at audit.log- Fix rpc_port_types - Add aide policy for mls- Merge with upstream- Lots of fixes for ricci- Allow xen to read/write fixed devices with a boolean - Allow apache to search /var/log- Fix policygentool specfile problem. - Allow apache to send signals to it's logging helpers. - Resolves: rhbz#212731- Add perms for swat- Add perms for swat- Allow daemons to dump core files to /- Fixes for ricci- Allow mount.nfs to work- Allow ricci-modstorage to look at lvm_etc_t- Fixes for ricci using saslauthd- Allow mountpoint on home_dir_t and home_t- Update xen to read nfs files- Allow noxattrfs to associate with other noxattrfs- Allow hal to use power_device_t- Allow procemail to look at autofs_t - Allow xen_image_t to work as a fixed device- Refupdate from upstream- Add lots of fixes for mls cups- Lots of fixes for ricci- Fix number of cats- Update to upstream- More iSCSI changes for #209854- Test ISCSI fixes for #209854- allow semodule to rmdir selinux_config_t dir- Fix boot_runtime_t problem on ppc. Should not be creating these files.- Fix context mounts on reboot - Fix ccs creation of directory in /var/log- Update for tallylog- Allow xend to rewrite dhcp conf files - Allow mgetty sys_admin capability- Make xentapctrl work- Don't transition unconfined_t to bootloader_t - Fix label in /dev/xen/blktap- Patch for labeled networking- Fix crond handling for mls- Update to upstream- Remove bluetooth-helper transition - Add selinux_validate for semanage - Require new version of libsemanage- Fix prelink- Fix rhgb- Fix setrans handling on MLS and useradd- Support for fuse - fix vigr- Fix dovecot, amanda - Fix mls- Allow java execheap for itanium- Update with upstream- mls fixes- Update from upstream- More fixes for mls - Revert change on automount transition to mount- Fix cron jobs to run under the correct context- Fixes to make pppd work- Multiple policy fixes - Change max categories to 1023- Fix transition on mcstransd- Add /dev/em8300 defs- Upgrade to upstream- Fix ppp connections from network manager- Add tty access to all domains boolean - Fix gnome-pty-helper context for ia64- Fixed typealias of firstboot_rw_t- Fix location of xel log files - Fix handling of sysadm_r -> rpm_exec_t- Fixes for autofs, lp- Update from upstream- Fixup for test6- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- Fix suspend to disk problems- Lots of fixes for restarting daemons at the console.- Fix audit line - Fix requires line- Upgrade to upstream- Fix install problems- Allow setroubleshoot to getattr on all dirs to gather RPM data- Set /usr/lib/ia32el/ia32x_loader to unconfined_execmem_exec_t for ia32 platform - Fix spec for /dev/adsp- Fix xen tty devices- Fixes for setroubleshoot- Update to upstream- Fixes for stunnel and postgresql - Update from upstream- Update from upstream - More java fixes- Change allow_execstack to default to on, for RHEL5 Beta. This is required because of a Java compiler problem. Hope to turn off for next beta- Misc fixes- More fixes for strict policy- Quiet down anaconda audit messages- Fix setroubleshootd- Update to the latest from upstream- More fixes for xen- Fix anaconda transitions- yet more xen rules- more xen rules- Fixes for Samba- Fixes for xen- Allow setroubleshootd to send mail- Add nagios policy- fixes for setroubleshoot- Added Paul Howarth patch to only load policy packages shipped with this package - Allow pidof from initrc to ptrace higher level domains - Allow firstboot to communicate with hal via dbus- Add policy for /var/run/ldapi- Fix setroubleshoot policy- Fixes for mls use of ssh - named has a new conf file- Fixes to make setroubleshoot work- Cups needs to be able to read domain state off of printer client- add boolean to allow zebra to write config files- setroubleshootd fixes- Allow prelink to read bin_t symlink - allow xfs to read random devices - Change gfs to support xattr- Remove spamassassin_can_network boolean- Update to upstream - Fix lpr domain for mls- Add setroubleshoot policy- Turn off auditallow on setting booleans- Multiple fixes- Update to upstream- Update to upstream - Add new class for kernel key ring- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- Break out selinux-devel package- Add ibmasmfs- Fix policygentool gen_requires- Update from Upstream- Fix spec of realplay- Update to upstream- Fix semanage- Allow useradd to create_home_dir in MLS environment- Update from upstream- Update from upstream- Add oprofilefs- Fix for hplip and Picasus- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- fixes for spamd- fixes for java, openldap and webalizer- Xen fixes- Upgrade to upstream- allow hal to read boot_t files - Upgrade to upstream- allow hal to read boot_t files- Update from upstream- Fixes for amavis- Update from upstream- Allow auditctl to search all directories- Add acquire service for mono.- Turn off allow_execmem boolean - Allow ftp dac_override when allowed to access users homedirs- Clean up spec file - Transition from unconfined_t to prelink_t- Allow execution of cvs command- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- Fix libjvm spec- Update to upstream- Add xm policy - Fix policygentool- Update to upstream - Fix postun to only disable selinux on full removal of the packages- Allow mono to chat with unconfined- Allow procmail to sendmail - Allow nfs to share dosfs- Update to latest from upstream - Allow selinux-policy to be removed and kernel not to crash- Update to latest from upstream - Add James Antill patch for xen - Many fixes for pegasus- Add unconfined_mount_t - Allow privoxy to connect to httpd_cache - fix cups labeleing on /var/cache/cups- Update to latest from upstream- Update to latest from upstream - Allow mono and unconfined to talk to initrc_t dbus objects- Change libraries.fc to stop shlib_t form overriding texrel_shlib_t- Fix samba creating dirs in homedir - Fix NFS so its booleans would work- Allow secadm_t ability to relabel all files - Allow ftp to search xferlog_t directories - Allow mysql to communicate with ldap - Allow rsync to bind to rsync_port_t- Fixed mailman with Postfix #183928 - Allowed semanage to create file_context files. - Allowed amanda_t to access inetd_t TCP sockets and allowed amanda_recover_t to bind to reserved ports. #149030 - Don't allow devpts_t to be associated with tmp_t. - Allow hald_t to stat all mountpoints. - Added boolean samba_share_nfs to allow smbd_t full access to NFS mounts. - Make mount run in mount_t domain from unconfined_t to prevent mislabeling of /etc/mtab. - Changed the file_contexts to not have a regex before the first ^/[a-z]/ whenever possible, makes restorecon slightly faster. - Correct the label of /etc/named.caching-nameserver.conf - Now label /usr/src/kernels/.+/lib(/.*)? as usr_t instead of /usr/src(/.*)?/lib(/.*)? - I don't think we need anything else under /usr/src hit by this. - Granted xen access to /boot, allowed mounting on xend_var_lib_t, and allowed xenstored_t rw access to the xen device node.- More textrel_shlib_t file path fixes - Add ada support- Get auditctl working in MLS policy- Add mono dbus support - Lots of file_context fixes for textrel_shlib_t in FC5 - Turn off execmem auditallow since they are filling log files- Update to upstream- Allow automount and dbus to read cert files- Fix ftp policy - Fix secadm running of auditctl- Update to upstream- Update to upstream- Fix policyhelp- Fix pam_console handling of usb_device - dontaudit logwatch reading /mnt dir- Update to upstream- Get transition rules to create policy.20 at SystemHigh- Allow secadmin to shutdown system - Allow sendmail to exec newalias- MLS Fixes dmidecode needs mls_file_read_up - add ypxfr_t - run init needs access to nscd - udev needs setuid - another xen log file - Dontaudit mount getattr proc_kcore_t- fix buildroot usage (#185391)- Get rid of mount/fsdisk scan of /dev messages - Additional fixes for suspend/resume- Fake make to rebuild enableaudit.pp- Get xen networking running.- Fixes for Xen - enableaudit should not be the same as base.pp - Allow ps to work for all process- more xen policy fixups- more xen fixage (#184393)- Fix blkid specification - Allow postfix to execute mailman_que- Blkid changes - Allow udev access to usb_device_t - Fix post script to create targeted policy config file- Allow lvm tools to create drevice dir- Add Xen support- Fixes for cups - Make cryptosetup work with hal- Load Policy needs translock- Fix cups html interface- Add hal changes suggested by Jeremy - add policyhelp to point at policy html pages- Additional fixes for nvidia and cups- Update to upstream - Merged my latest fixes - Fix cups policy to handle unix domain sockets- NSCD socket is in nscd_var_run_t needs to be able to search dir- Fixes Apache interface file- Fixes for new version of cups- Turn off polyinstatiate util after FC5- Fix problem with privoxy talking to Tor- Turn on polyinstatiation- Don't transition from unconfined_t to fsadm_t- Fix policy update model.- Update to upstream- Fix load_policy to work on MLS - Fix cron_rw_system_pipes for postfix_postdrop_t - Allow audotmount to run showmount- Fix swapon - allow httpd_sys_script_t to be entered via a shell - Allow httpd_sys_script_t to read eventpolfs- Update from upstream- allow cron to read apache files- Fix vpnc policy to work from NetworkManager- Update to upstream - Fix semoudle polcy- Update to upstream - fix sysconfig/selinux link- Add router port for zebra - Add imaze port for spamd - Fixes for amanda and java- Fix bluetooth handling of usb devices - Fix spamd reading of ~/ - fix nvidia spec- Update to upsteam- Add users_extra files- Update to upstream- Add semodule policy- Update from upstream- Fix for spamd to use razor port- Fixes for mcs - Turn on mount and fsadm for unconfined_t- Fixes for the -devel package- Fix for spamd to use ldap- Update to upstream- Update to upstream - Fix rhgb, and other Xorg startups- Update to upstream- Separate out role of secadm for mls- Add inotifyfs handling- Update to upstream - Put back in changes for pup/zen- Many changes for MLS - Turn on strict policy- Update to upstream- Update to upstream - Fixes for booting and logging in on MLS machine- Update to upstream - Turn off execheap execstack for unconfined users - Add mono/wine policy to allow execheap and execstack for them - Add execheap for Xdm policy- Update to upstream - Fixes to fetchmail,- Update to upstream- Fix for procmail/spamassasin - Update to upstream - Add rules to allow rpcd to work with unlabeled_networks.- Update to upstream - Fix ftp Man page- Update to upstream- fix pup transitions (#177262) - fix xen disks (#177599)- Update to upstream- More Fixes for hal and readahead- Fixes for hal and readahead- Update to upstream - Apply- Add wine and fix hal problems- Handle new location of hal scripts- Allow su to read /etc/mtab- Update to upstream- Fix "libsemanage.parse_module_headers: Data did not represent a module." problem- Allow load_policy to read /etc/mtab- Fix dovecot to allow dovecot_auth to look at /tmp- Allow restorecon to read unlabeled_t directories in order to fix labeling.- Add Logwatch policy- Fix /dev/ub[a-z] file context- Fix library specification - Give kudzu execmem privs- Fix hostname in targeted policy- Fix passwd command on mls- Lots of fixes to make mls policy work- Add dri libs to textrel_shlib_t - Add system_r role for java - Add unconfined_exec_t for vncserver - Allow slapd to use kerberos- Add man pages- Add enableaudit.pp- Fix mls policy- Update mls file from old version- Add sids back in - Rebuild with update checkpolicy- Fixes to allow automount to use portmap - Fixes to start kernel in s0-s15:c0.c255- Add java unconfined/execmem policy- Add file context for /var/cvs - Dontaudit webalizer search of homedir- Update from upstream- Clean up spec - range_transition crond to SystemHigh- Fixes for hal - Update to upstream- Turn back on execmem since we need it for java, firefox, ooffice - Allow gpm to stream socket to itself- fix requirements to be on the actual packages so that policy can get created properly at install time- Allow unconfined_t to execmod texrel_shlib_t- Update to upstream - Turn off allow_execmem and allow_execmod booleans - Add tcpd and automount policies- Add two new httpd booleans, turned off by default * httpd_can_network_relay * httpd_can_network_connect_db- Add ghost for policy.20- Update to upstream - Turn off boolean allow_execstack- Change setrans-mls to use new libsetrans - Add default_context rule for xdm- Change Requires to PreReg for requiring of policycoreutils on install- New upstream releaseAdd xdm policyUpdate from upstreamUpdate from upstreamUpdate from upstream- Also trigger to rebuild policy for versions up to 2.0.7.- No longer installing policy.20 file, anaconda handles the building of the app.- Fixes for dovecot and saslauthd- Cleanup pegasus and named - Fix spec file - Fix up passwd changing applications-Update to latest from upstream- Add rules for pegasus and avahi- Start building MLS Policy- Update to upstream- Turn on bash- Initial versionI-  aq m]  oz m/.P u# C rk%* x  +TR BU t  z s ky  *A9 [ ~JWj }7 \ u nOHMd !<f  q5  K)N vK  t=  [     h  $> gD n wg w y k Sm@A i}8F,_  V lET2 edho aL{ sZN  |( ; Wv &)  r: ,J  ]4-` ~ 6cX  p 1 0 { F" x ?bp +^2Y Q|G3SU   /1.i'0l_9486:573  *+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdef;;    !"#$%&'()3.10.0-171.fc17   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