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Forbes - 3.11.6-300Josh Boyer - 3.11.5-303Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.11.5-302Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.11.5-301Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.5-300Kyle McMartin - 3.11.4-302Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.4-301Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer Neil Horman Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.3-300Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.2-301Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.2-300Josh Boyer Neil Horman Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 3.11.1-300Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Neil Horman Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Kyle McMartin - 3.11.0-300Justin M. 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Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc2.git4.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc2.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc2.git2.1Kyle McMartin Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc2.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc2.git0.2Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc2.git0.1Kyle McMartin - 3.11.0-0.rc1.git4.1Kyle McMartin Kyle McMartin Kyle McMartin - 3.11.0-0.rc1.git3.1Kyle McMartin - 3.11.0-0.rc1.git2.1Kyle McMartin Kyle McMartin Kyle McMartin - 3.11.0-0.rc1.git1.1Kyle McMartin Petr Pisar - 3.11.0-0.rc1.git0.2Peter Robinson Kyle McMartin - 3.11.0-0.rc1.git0.1Peter Robinson Dennis Gilmore Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc0.git7.1Dave Jones - 3.11.0-0.rc0.git6.4Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc0.git6.1Kyle McMartin Peter Robinson Kyle McMartin Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc0.git3.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 3.11.0-0.rc0.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Dennis Gilmore - 3.10-2Justin M. Forbes - 3.10-1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.10.0-0.rc7.git0.1Dave Jones Justin M. Forbes - 3.10.0-0.rc6.git0.4Justin M. 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Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc8.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc7.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc7.git2.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc7.git0.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes Dave Jones Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc6.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc6.git1.1Peter Robinson Neil Horman Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc6.git0.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc5.git3.1Dave Jones Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc5.git2.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc5.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.9.0-0.rc5.git0.1Peter Robinson Peter Robinson Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes Dave Jones Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes Dave Jones -3.9.0-0.rc4.git0.1Peter Robinson Dave Jones Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc3.git1.1Dave Jones Dave Jones - 3.9.0-0.rc3.git0.5Dave Jones Dave Jones - 3.9.0-0.rc3.git0.4Dave Jones - 3.9.0-0.rc3.git0.3Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc2.git1.1Dave Jones Dave Jones - 3.9.0-0.rc2.git0.3Josh Boyer Dave Airlie Dave Jones - 3.9.0-0.rc2.git0.2Dave Jones Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc1.git2.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc1.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Dave Jones Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc1.git0.3Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc1.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git15.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git14.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git13.1Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git12.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git11.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git10.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git9.1Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git8.1Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git7.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git6.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git5.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git4.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.9.0-0.rc0.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-2Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc7.git4.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc7.git3.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc7.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc7.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc6.git3.3Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc6.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc6.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc5.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc5.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc5.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.8.0-0.rc5.git0.1Peter Robinson Kyle McMartin Justin M. Forbes Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc4.git5.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc4.git4.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc4.git3.1Dave Jones Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc4.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc4.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Dave Jones Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc3.git1.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc3.git0.2Dave Jones Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc3.git0.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc2.git4.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc2.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc2.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc2.git1.2Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 3.8.0-0.rc2.git1.1Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer Dave Jones Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Dave Jones - 3.7.0-2Dave Jones - 3.7.0-1- Apply queued fixes for crasher reported by Alex Larsson- Fix signed division error (rhbz 1200353)- Backport patch to fix might_sleep splat (rhbz 1220519) - Add submitted stable fix for i915 flickering on ilk (rhbz 1218688)- Linux v4.0.4- Fix DVB oops (rhbz 1220118)- Fix spew from KVM switch (rhbz 1219343)- Linux v3.19.8- Linux v3.19.7- Backport patch to blacklist TRIM on all Samsung 8xx series SSDs (rhbz 1218662) - CVE-2015-3636 ping-sockets use-after-free privilege escalation (rhbz 1218074 1218110)- Linux v3.19.6- Fix backlight on various Toshiba machines (rhbz 1206036 1215989)- Fix more missing v4l2 caps- CVE-2015-3339 race condition between chown and execve (rhbz 1214030) - Fix iscsi with QNAP devices (rhbz 1208999)- Fix noisy iwlwifi warning (rhbz 1205083)- Linux v3.19.5- Allow disabling raw mode in logitech-hidpp (rhbz 1210801)- Add patch to fix tty closure race (rhbz 1208953)- Linux v3.19.4- DoS against IPv6 stacks due to improper handling of RA (rhbz 1203712 1208491)- Backport patch to fix tg3 deadlock (rhbz 1207789) - Fix gssproxy (rhbz 1203913) - CVE-2015-2150 xen: NMIs triggerable by guests (rhbz 1196266 1200397)- Linux v3.19.3 rebase (rhbz 1205088)- CVE-2015-2672 unprivileged DoS du to mis-protected xsave/xstor instructions (rhbz 1204724 1204729) - CVE-2015-2666 execution in the early microcode loader (rhbz 1204724 1204722)- Fix brightness on Lenovo Ideapad Z570 (rhbz 1187004)- Add patch to support clickpads (rhbz 1201532)- CVE-2014-8159 infiniband: uverbs: unprotected physical memory access (rhbz 1181166 1200950)- Fix blank screen after resume with various radeon devices (rhbz 1069027) - CVE-2015-2150 xen: NMIs triggerable by guests (rhbz 1196266 1200397) - Patch series to fix Lenovo *40 and Carbon X1 touchpads (rhbz 1200777 1200778)- CVE-2015-2042 rds: information handling flaw in sysctl (rhbz 1195355 1199365)- Linux v3.18.9- Add patch to fix nfsd soft lockup (rhbz 1185519) - Enable ET131X driver (rhbz 1197842)- Fix Panda on ARMv7 crash on boot- Linux v3.18.8- CVE-2015-1421 sctp: slab corruption from use after free on INIT collisions (rhbz 1196581 1196595)- Add support for AR5B195 devices from Alexander Ploumistos (rhbz 1190947)- Fix ext4 remount with journal_checksum option (rhbz 1190933)- Add patch for HID i2c from Seth Forshee (rhbz 1188439) - CVE-2015-0275 ext4: fallocate zero range page size > block size BUG (rhbz 1193907 1195178)- CVE-XXXX-XXXX potential memory corruption in vhost/scsi driver (rhbz 1189864 1192079) - CVE-2015-1593 stack ASLR integer overflow (rhbz 1192519 1192520)- Linux v3.18.7 - Add disable_native_backlight quirk for Samsung 510R (rhbz 1186097)- Linux v3.18.6- Fixup adjtimex freq validation on 32bit systems (rhbz 1188074)- CVE-XXXX-XXX DoS due to routing packets to too many different dsts/too fast (rhbz 1183744 1188347)- Linux v3.18.5- Backport patch from Rob Clark to toggle i915 state machine checks - Disable i915 state checks- Linux v3.18.4- CVE-2014-8160 iptables restriction bypass (rhbz 1182059 1182063)- CVE-2014-9585 ASLR brute-force possible for vdso (rhbz 1181054 1181056) - Backlight fixes for Samsung and Dell machines (rhbz 1094948 1115713 1163574) - Add various UAS quirks (rhbz 1124119) - Add patch to fix loop in VDSO (rhbz 1178975)- Linux v3.17.8- CVE-2014-9529 memory corruption or panic during key gc (rhbz 1179813 1179853) - Enable POWERCAP and INTEL_RAPL- CVE-2014-9419 partial ASLR bypass through TLS base addr leak (rhbz 1177260 1177263) - CVE-2014-9428 remote DoS via batman-adv (rhbz 1178826 1178833) - Fix CIFS login issue (rhbz 1163927)- Enable F2FS (rhbz 972446)- CVE-2014-8989 userns can bypass group restrictions (rhbz 1170684 1170688) - Fix dm-cache crash (rhbz 1168434) - Fix blk-mq crash on CPU hotplug (rhbz 1175261)- Enable USBIP in modules-extra from Johnathan Dieter (rhbz 1169478) - CVE-2014-XXXX isofs: infinite loop in CE record entries (rhbz 1175235 1175250)- Linux v3.17.7- CVE-2014-8559 deadlock due to incorrect usage of rename_lock (rhbz 1159313 1173814) - Add patch from Josh Stone to restore var-tracking via Kconfig (rhbz 1126580)- Fix ppc64 boot with smt-enabled=off (rhbz 1173806) - CVE-2014-8133 x86: espfix(64) bypass via set_thread_area and CLONE_SETTLS (rhbz 1172797 1174374)- Remove pointless warning in cfg80211 (rhbz 1172543)- Fix MSI issues on another Samsung pci-e SSD (rhbz 1084928) - Fix UAS crashes with Seagate and Fresco Logic drives (rhbz 1164945) - CVE-2014-8134 fix espfix for 32-bit KVM paravirt guests (rhbz 1172765 1172769)- Linux v3.17.6- CVE-2014-9090 local DoS via do_double_fault due to improper SS faults (rhbz 1170691)- Add patch to quiet i915 driver on long hdps - Add patch to fix oops when using xpad (rhbz 1094048)- Add patch to fix radeon HDMI issues (rhbz 1167511)- Add quirk for Laser Mouse 6000 (rhbz 1165206)- Linux v3.17.4 - disable early microcode load (rhbz 1163520)- Move TPM drivers to main kernel package (rhbz 1164937)- Disable SERIAL_8250 on s390x (rhbz 1158848)- Linux v3.17.3- Quiet WARN in i915 edp VDD handling - Enable I40EVF driver (rhbz 1164029)- Add patch for MS Surface Pro 3 Type Cover (rhbz 1135338) - CVE-2014-7843 aarch64: copying from /dev/zero causes local DoS (rhbz 1163744 1163745) - CVE-2014-7842 kvm: reporting emulation failures to userspace (rhbz 1163762 1163767)- CVE-2014-7841 sctp: NULL ptr deref on malformed packet (rhbz 1163087 1163095)- Fix Samsung pci-e SSD handling on some macbooks (rhbz 1161805) - Add patch to fix crypto allocation issues on PAGE_SIZE > 4k- Fix iwlwifi oops (rhbz 1151836) - CVE-2014-7826 CVE-2014-7825 insufficient syscall number validation in perf and ftrace subsystems (rhbz 1161565 1161572)- Linux v3.17.2- Linux v3.16.7- Fix DVB-T cxusb firmware loading (rhbz 1154454)- Add quirk for rfkill on Yoga 3 machines (rhbz 1157327)- CVE-2014-3610 kvm: noncanonical MSR writes (rhbz 1144883 1156543) - CVE-2014-3611 kvm: PIT timer race condition (rhbz 1144878 1156537) - CVE-2014-3646 kvm: vmx: invvpid vm exit not handled (rhbz 1144825 1156534) - CVE-2014-8369 kvm: excessive pages un-pinning in kvm_iommu_map error path (rhbz 1156518 1156522) - Add touchpad quirk for Fujitsu Lifebook A544/AH544 models (rhbz 1111138)- CVE-2014-3688 sctp: remote memory pressure from excessive queuing (rhbz 1155745 1155751) - CVE-2014-3687 sctp: panic on duplicate ASCONF chunks (rhbz 1155731 1155738) - CVE-2014-3673 sctp: panic with malformed ASCONF chunks (rhbz 1147850 1155727) - CVE-2014-3690 kvm: invalid host cr4 handling (rhbz 1153322 1155372) - Add patch to fix synaptics forcepad issues (rhbz 1153381) - Add patch to fix wifi on X550VB machines (rhbz 1089731)- CVE-2014-8086 ext4: race condition (rhbz 1151353 1152608)- Linux v3.16.6- CVE-2014-7975 fs: umount DoS (rhbz 1151108 1152025)- Add patches to fix elantech touchscreens (rhbz 1149509)- Add patch to fix bcache NULL ptr deref (rhbz 1149414) - CVE-2014-7970 VFS: DoS with USER_NS (rhbz 1151095 1151484) - Drop doubly applied ACPI video quirk patches- Linux v3.16.5- Add patch to fix GFS2 regression (from Bob Peterson)- Linux v3.16.4- Add patch to fix XPS 13 touchpad issue (rhbz 1123584)- Add patch to fix i2c-hid touchpad resume (rhbz 1143812)- Linux v3.16.3- CVE-2014-6410 udf: avoid infinite loop on indirect ICBs (rhbz 1141809 1141810) - CVE-2014-3186 HID: memory corruption via OOB write (rhbz 1141407 1141410)- CVE-2014-3181 HID: OOB write in magicmouse driver (rhbz 1141173 1141179)- Add support for touchpad in Asus X450 and X550 (rhbz 1110011)- CVE-2014-3631 Add patch to fix oops on keyring gc (rhbz 1116347)- Linux v3.16.2- Add support for Wacom Cintiq Companion from Benjamin Tissoires (rhbz 1134969)- Fix NFSv3 ACL regression (rhbz 1132786) - Don't enable CONFIG_DEBUG_WW_MUTEX_SLOWPATH (rhbz 1114160)- CVE-2014-{5471,5472} isofs: Fix unbounded recursion when processing relocated directories (rhbz 1134099 1134101)- Disable streams on via XHCI (rhbz 1132666)- Drop userns revert patch (rhbz 917708)- Fix NFSv3 oops (rhbz 1131551)- Linux v3.15.10- UAS: Limit max number of requests over USB-2 to 32 (rhbz#1128472)- Bump for build- CVE-2014-{5206,5207} ro bind mount bypass with namespaces (rhbz 1129662 1129669)- Linux v3.15.9- Backport two patches to fix T440s dock audio (rhbz 1101386)- Linux v3.15.8- Linux v3.15.7- Add use_native_backlight=1 quirk for HP ProBook 4540s (rhbz#1025690) - Add use_native_backlight=1 quirk for HP EliteBook 2014 series (rhbz#1123565) - Blacklist usb bulk streams on Etron EJ168 xhci controllers (rhbz#1121288)- CVE-2014-5077 sctp: fix NULL ptr dereference (rhbz 1122982 1123696)- Re-add patch fixing spice resize (rhbz 1060327)- CVE-2014-4171 shmem: denial of service (rhbz 1111180 1118247) - CVE-2014-5045 vfs: refcount issues during lazy umount on symlink (rhbz 1122471 1122482) - Fix regression in sched_setparam (rhbz 1117942) - CVE-2014-3534 s390: ptrace: insufficient sanitization with psw mask (rhbz 1114089 1122612) - Fix ath3k bluetooth regression (rhbz 1121785)- Linux v3.15.6 - CVE-2014-4943 pppol2tp level handling (rhbz 1119458 1120542)- Enable hermes prism driver (rhbz 1120393)- Linux v3.15.5 - Fix i915 regression with external monitors (rhbz 1117008)- Enable ISL12057 RTC for ARM (NetGear ReadyNAS)- Linux v3.15.4 - Fixes CVE-2014-4715 (rhbz 1115767 1116362) - Fixes CVE-2014-4699 (rhbz 1115927 1116477)- Linux v3.15.3 - drm/i915: Fix backlight regression caused by misconfigured VBT- Add min/max quirk for the ThinkPad Edge E531 touchpad (rhbz#1114768)- Backport netfilter panic fix (rhbz 1015989)- Linux v3.15.2- Add patch to fix wifi on lenove yoga 2 series (rhbz#1021036)- Linux v3.14.9- Revert commit that breaks Wacom Intuos4 from Benjamin Tissoires - CVE-2014-0206 aio: insufficient head sanitization in aio_read_events_ring (rhbz 1094602 1112975)- CVE-2014-4508 BUG in x86_32 syscall auditing (rhbz 1111590 1112073)- Bring in intel_pstate regression fixes for BayTrail (rhbz 1111920)- Linux v3.14.8- CVE-2014-4014 possible priv escalation in userns (rhbz 1107966 1109836)- Fix elantech right click on Dell vostro 5470 (rhbz 1103528) - Fix fstrim on dm-thin volume data (rhbz 1106856) - Fix NFS NULL pointer deref with ipv6 (rhbz 1099761) - Fix promisc mode on certain e1000e cards (rhbz 1064516) - Fix i915 backlight issue on gen4 (rhbz 1094066) - Linux v3.14.7- Linux v3.14.6- CVE-2014-3153 futex: pi futexes requeue issue (rhbz 1103626 1105609) - CVE-2014-3940 missing check during hugepage migration (rhbz 1104097 1105042)- Add fix for team MTU settings from Jiri Pirko (rhbz 1099857) - Backport fix for issues with Quagga introduced by CVE fixes (rhbz 1097684)- Linux v3.14.5- CVE-2014-3917 DoS with syscall auditing (rhbz 1102571 1102715)- Re-add rebased Beagle patch set for 3.14 (RHBZ 1094768) - Drop some no longer needed ARM patches- Backport patch to add new elantech touchpad support (rhbz 1051668)- Add synaptics min/max quirk patch for the ThinkPad W540 (rhbz 1096436)- Linux v3.14.4- CVE-2014-3144/CVE-2014-3145 filter: prevent nla from peeking beyond eom (rhbz 1096775, 1096784)- CVE-2014-1738 CVE-2014-1737 floppy: priv esclation (rhbz 1094299 1096195)- Fix dma unmap error in jme driver (rhbz 1082266)- CVE-2014-0181 insufficient netlink permission checks (rhbz 1094270 1094265)- Linux v3.14.3- Add a patch to fix the Synaptics Touch Pad V 103S found on some keyboard docks for win8 tablets - Add a patch to fix the elantech touchpad on Gigabyte U2442 laptops - Add a patch to fix backlight control on the Samsung NC210/NC110 (rhbz#861573) - Add a patch to fix backlight & wifi on the Asus EEE PC 1015PX (rhbz#1067181)- CVE-2014-0196 pty race leading to memory corruption (rhbz 1094232 1094240) - Add patch to fix smdb soft-lockup (rhbz 1082586)- Add use_native_brightness quirk for the ThinkPad T530 (rhbz 1089545)- Fix TUN performance regression (rhbz 1093931) - Add patch to fix HID rmi driver from Benjamin Tissoires (rhbz 1090161)- Add backported drm qxl fix (rhbz 1060327)- Sync min/max quirk patch with upstream to add a quirk for the ThinkPad L540 (rhbz 1088588)- Add use_native_backlight quirk for 4 laptops (rhbz 983342 1093120)- CVE-2014-3122: mm: fix locking DoS issue (rhbz 1093084 1093076)- Linux v3.14.2 (rhbz 1067071 1091722 906568)- Add patch from Will Woods to fix fanotify EOVERFLOW issue (rhbz 696821) - Fix ACPI issue preventing boot on AMI firmware (rhbz 1090746)- Add synaptics min-max quirk for ThinkPad Edge E431 (rhbz#1089689)- Fix SELinux wine issue again (rhbz 1013466)- Add patch to fix Synaptics touchscreens and HID rmi driver (rhbz 1089583)- Fix Brainboxes Express Cards (rhbz 1071914) - Fix build issues with CONFIG_DEBUG_VM set (rhbz 1074710) - Fix perf build failures- Linux v3.14.1- Update min/max quirk patch to add a quirk for the ThinkPad L540 (rhbz1088588)- Linux v3.13.10- Add min/max quirks for various new Thinkpad touchpads (rhbz 1085582 1085697)- CVE-2014-2851 net ipv4 ping refcount issue in ping_init_sock (rhbz 1086730 1087420)- Backported HID RMI driver for Haswell Dell XPS machines from Benjamin Tissoires (rhbz 1048314)- CVE-2014-0155 KVM: BUG caused by invalid guest ioapic redirect table (rhbz 1081589 1085016) - Add patch to fix SELinux lables on /proc files (rhbz 1084829) - Add patch to fix S3 in KVM guests (rhbz 1074235)- Linux v3.13.9- CVE-2014-2678 net: rds: deref of NULL dev in rds_iw_laddr_check (rhbz 1083274 1083280)- Linux v3.13.8- Fix clicks getting lost with cypress_ps2 touchpads with recent xorg-x11-drv-synaptics versions (bfdo#76341)- CVE-2014-2580 xen: netback crash trying to disable due to malformed packet (rhbz 1080084 1080086) - CVE-2014-0077 vhost-net: insufficent big packet handling in handle_rx (rhbz 1064440 1081504) - CVE-2014-0055 vhost-net: insufficent error handling in get_rx_bufs (rhbz 1062577 1081503) - CVE-2014-2568 net: potential info leak when ubuf backed skbs are zero copied (rhbz 1079012 1079013)- Linux v3.13.7- CVE-2014-0131: skbuff: use-after-free during segmentation with zerocopy (rhbz 1074589 1079006) - Fix readahead semantics on pipes and sockets (rhbz 1078894)- CVE-2014-2523 netfilter: nf_conntrack_dccp: incorrect skb_header_pointer API usages (rhbz 1077343 1077350)- Fix locking issue in iwldvm (rhbz 1046495)- CVE-2014-2309 ipv6: crash due to router advertisment flooding (rhbz 1074471 1075064)- Linux v3.13.6- Add patch to fix iwldvm WARN (rhbz 1065663) - Revert two xhci fixes that break USB mass storage (rhbz 1073180)- Fix stale EC events on Samsung systems (rhbz 1003602) - Fix depmod error message from hci_vhci module (rhbz 1051748) - Fix bogus WARN in iwlwifi (rhbz 1071998)- Fix MAC-before-DAC check for mmap_zero (rhbz 1013466) - Fix hidp crash with apple bluetooth trackpads (rhbz 1027465)- CVE-2014-0100 net: inet frag race condition use-after-free (rhbz 1072026 1070618) - CVE-2014-0101 sctp: null ptr deref when processing auth cookie_echo chunk (rhbz 1070209 1070705) - Fix overly verbose audit logs (rhbz 1066064)- CVE-2014-0049 kvm: mmio_fragments out-of-bounds access (rhbz 1062368 1071837) - Fix atomic sched BUG in tty low_latency (rhbz 1065087)- CVE-2014-0102 keyctl_link can be used to cause an oops (rhbz 1071396)- Drop alx phy reset patch that is already in 3.13- Fix mounting issues on cifs (rhbz 1068862)- CVE-2014-2039 s390: crash due to linkage stack instructions (rhbz 1067558 1068758) - Fix lockdep issue in EHCI when using threaded IRQs (rhbz 1056170)- Linux v3.13.5- Fix WARN from e100 from Michele Baldessari (rhbz 994438)- Rebase i.MX6 Utilite to upstream version- Linux v3.13.4- Fix r8169 ethernet after suspend (rhbz 1054408) - Enable INTEL_MIC drivers (rhbz 1064086)- CVE-2014-0069 cifs: incorrect handling of bogus user pointers (rhbz 1064253 1062584)- Linux v3.13.3- Add patch to fix list corruption from pinctrl (rhbz 1051918) - Add IFA_FLAGS for IPv6 temporary addresses back (rhbz 1064430) - Fix cgroup destroy oops (rhbz 1045755) - Fix backtrace in amd_e400_idle (rhbz 1031296) - CVE-2014-1874 SELinux: local denial of service (rhbz 1062356 1062507)- Packaging fixes for tmon and trace- Update am33xx (BeagleBone) patch for 3.13 - Minor ARM updates- Linux v3.13.2 - Fixes (rhbz 1062144)- Linux v3.12.10- fix resume issues on Renesas chips in Samsung laptops (rhbz 950630)- ipv6 addrconf: revert /proc/net/if_inet6 ifa_flag format (rhbz 1056711)- Add patch from Stanislaw Gruszka to fix ath9k BUG (rhbz 990955)- Backport new IPv6 address flag IFA_F_NOPREFIXROUTE and IFA_F_MANAGETEMPADDR (rhbz 1056711) - Linux v3.12.9 - i915: remove pm_qos request on error (rhbz 1057533)- Minor ARM config updates - Disable highbank cpuidle driver - Update CPU thermal scaling options for ARM- Linux v3.12.8- CVE-2014-1446 hamradio/yam: information leak in ioctl (rhbz 1053620 1053647) - CVE-2014-1438 x86: exceptions are not cleared in AMD FXSAVE workaround (rhbz 1053599 1052914)- Fix k-m-e Provides to be explicit to only the package flavor (rhbz 1046246)- Backport ipv6 route cache expiration fix (rhbz 1040128)- Enable generic cpufreq-cpu0 driver on ARM - Enable thermal userspace support for ARM- Linux v3.12.7- Backport support for ALPS Dolphin devices (rhbz 953211) - Enable BCMA_DRIVER_GPIO by turning on GPIOLIB everywhere (rhbz 1021098)- Add support for BCM57786 devices to tg3 (rhbz 1044471) - Fix use after free crash in KVM (rhbz 1047892) - Fix oops in KVM with invalid root_hpa (rhbz 924916) - CVE-2013-4579: ath9k_htc improper MAC update (rhbz 1032753 1033072)- Update am33xx (BeagleBone) cpsw patch to upstream version- Linux v3.12.6- Add patches to fix dummy gssd entry (rhbz 1037793)- Fix nowatchdog-on-virt.patch to actually work in KVM guests- Add patch to avoid using queued trim on M500 SSD (rhbz 1024002)- Fix host lockup in bridge code when starting from virt guest (rhbz 1025770)- More keys fixes from upstream to fix keyctl_get_persisent crash (rhbz 1043033)- Linux v3.12.5 rebase- CVE-2013-4587 kvm: out-of-bounds access (rhbz 1030986 1042071) - CVE-2013-6376 kvm: BUG_ON in apic_cluster_id (rhbz 1033106 1042099) - CVE-2013-6368 kvm: cross page vapic_addr access (rhbz 1032210 1042090) - CVE-2013-6367 kvm: division by 0 in apic_get_tmcct (rhbz 1032207 1042081)- Add patches to support ETPS/2 Elantech touchpads (rhbz 1030802)- CVE-2013-XXXX net: memory leak in recvmsg (rhbz 1039845 1039874)- Fix up ARM usb gadget config to make it useful- Add various fixes for keys crashes and an SELinux issue (rhbz 1035000)- Add patches to fix rfkill switch on Dell machines (rhbz 958826)- Fix crash driver build and re-enable on s390x (from Dan Horák)- CVE-2013-6405 net: leak of uninited mem to userspace via recv syscalls (rhbz 1035875 1035887)- Linux v3.11.10 - Fix memory leak in qxl (from Dave Airlie)- Add patch to fix usbnet URB handling (rhbz 998342) - Fix crash in via-velocity driver (rhbz 1022733) - CVE-2013-6382 xfs: missing check for ZERO_SIZE_PTR (rhbz 1033603 1034670)- CVE-2013-6380 aacraid: invalid pointer dereference (rhbz 1033593 1034304) - CVE-2013-6378 libertas: potential oops in debugfs (rhbz 1033578 1034183)- Add patches from Jeff Layton to fix 15sec NFS mount hang- Linux v3.11.9- Enable CGROUP_HUGETLB on ppc64/ppc64p7 and x86_64 (rhbz 1031984)- Add patch to fix rhel5.9 KVM guests (rhbz 967652) - Add patch to fix crash from slab when using md-raid mirrors (rhbz 1031086) - Add patches from Pierre Ossman to fix 24Hz/24p radeon audio (rhbz 1010679) - Add patch to fix ALX phy issues after resume (rhbz 1011362) - Fix ipv6 sit panic with packet size > mtu (from Michele Baldessari) (rbhz 1015905)- CVE-2013-4563: net: large udp packet over IPv6 over UFO-enabled device with TBF qdisc panic (rhbz 1030015 1030017)- Linux v3.11.8- Hush i915's check_crtc_state()- Add patch from Daniel Stone to avoid high order allocations in evdev - Add qxl backport fixes from Dave Airlie- crash-driver.patch: "port" to {arm,aarch64,ppc64,s390x} and enable CONFIG_CRASH modular on those architectures.- arm-exynos-mp.patch: install exynos-*.dtb by properly using the ARCH_EXYNOS_COMMON Kconfig symbol selected by EXYNOS4 && EXYNOS5.- Add patch to fix iwlwifi queue settings backtrace (rhbz 1025769)- Linux v3.11.7- Revert blocking patches causing systemd to crash on resume (rhbz 1010603) - CVE-2013-4348 net: deadloop path in skb_flow_dissect (rhbz 1007939 1025647)- Fix display regression on Dell XPS 13 machines (rhbz 995782)- Fix plaintext auth regression in cifs (rhbz 1011621)- CVE-2013-4470 net: memory corruption with UDP_CORK and UFO (rhbz 1023477 1023495) - Add touchpad support for Dell XT2 (rhbz 1023413)- Remove completely unapplied patches- Build virtio drivers as modules (rhbz 1019569)- Drop voodoo1 fbdev driver- Add patch to fix warning in tcp_fastretrans_alert (rhbz 989251)- Reduce scope of am335x-bone.patch, as it broke serial on Wandboard.- aarch64: add AFTER_LINK to $vdsold for debuginfo generation of the vdso.- Linux v3.11.6- Fix keyring quota misaccounting (rhbz 1017683)- Add patch to fix BusLogic error (rhbz 1015558) - Fix rt2800usb polling timeouts and throughput issues (rhbz 984696)- Fix btrfs balance/scrub issue (rhbz 1011714)- Fix regression in radeon sound (rhbz 1010679)- Build BIG_KEYS into the kernel (rhbz 1017683)- Linux v3.11.5- Enable Beaglebone Black support, drop split up patches in favour of a git patch. - Fix up some config options to make BBB work better.- Fix segfault in cpupower set (rhbz 1000439)- Tag for build- USB OHCI accept very late isochronous URBs (in 3.11.4) (rhbz 975158) - Fix large order allocation in dm mq policy (rhbz 993744)- Don't trigger a stack trace on crashing iwlwifi firmware (rhbz 896695) - Add patch to fix VFIO IOMMU crash (rhbz 998732)- Add patch to fix nouveau crash (rhbz 1015920) - Quiet irq remapping stack trace (rhbz 982153) - Use RCU safe kfree for conntrack (rhbz 1015989)- General ARM config cleanups - Remove old/dupe ARM config options - Enable external connectors on ARM - Enable i.MX RNG driver - ARM MFD and REGULATOR changes and cleanups - Enable console for Zynq-7xxx SoCs- Linux v3.11.4- Add patch to support not importing certs from db - CVE-2013-4387 ipv6: panic when UFO=On for an interface (rhbz 1011927 1015166)- drm/radeon: don't set default clocks for SI when DPM is disabled (rhbz 1013814)- Enable options for Intel Low Power Subsystem Support- Add promiscuity fix for vlans plus bonding (rhbz 1005567)- Linux v3.11.3- Add support for rf3070 devices from Stanislaw Gruszka (rhbz 974072) - Drop VC_MUTE patch (rhbz 859485)- Bump and tag for build- Add patch to fix oops from applesmc (rhbz 1011719) - Enable VIRTIO_CONSOLE as a module on all ARM (rhbz 1005551) - Add patches to fix soft lockup from elevator changes (rhbz 902012)- Linux v3.11.2- Fix debuginfo_args regex for + separator (rhbz 1009751) - Add another fix for skge (rhbz 1008323)- Add alb learning packet config knob (rhbz 971893)- Revert rt2x00 commit that breaks connectivity (rhbz 1010431)- Fix RTC updates from ntp (rhbz 985522) - Fix broken skge driver (rhbz 1008328) - Fix large order rpc allocations (rhbz 997705) - Fix multimedia keys on Genius GX keyboard (rhbz 928561)- CVE-2013-4345 ansi_cprng: off by one error in non-block size request (rhbz 1007690 1009136)- Add nvme.ko to modules.block for anaconda.- Linux v3.11.1- CVE-2013-4350 net: sctp: ipv6 ipsec encryption bug in sctp_v6_xmit (rhbz 1007872 1007903) - CVE-2013-4343 net: use-after-free TUNSETIFF (rhbz 1007733 1007741)- Update HID CVE fixes to fix crash from lenovo-tpkbd driver (rhbz 1003998)- Fix pcie/acpi hotplug conflict (rhbz 963991) - Fix race in crypto larval lookup- Fix system freeze due to incorrect rt2800 initialization (rhbz 1000679)- Minor OMAP config changes- Build.- Bump baserelease to 300 to preserve upgrade path- [arm] Disable CONFIG_PCIEPORTBUS in arm-generic, causes untold problems with registering bus windows on tegra.- Update linux-firmware requirements for newer radeon firmware (rhbz 988268 972518)- Add patch set to fix MMC on AM33xx - Add support for BeagleBone Black (very basic!)- Add system_keyring patches back in- Pull in some Calxeda highbank fixes that are destined for 3.12 - Add a 1 twiddle to disable building kernel-modules-extra subpackages. - Fix dtbs install path to use %install_image_path (not that it's different at the moment.)- Add keyring patches to support krb5 (rhbz 1003043)- [arm64] disable VGA_CONSOLE and PARPORT_PC - [arm64] install dtb as on armv3l armv4b armv4l armv4tl armv5tel armv5tejl armv6l armv7l armv7hl armv7hnl- Linux v3.11 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.11-rc7-96-ga878764- Build in OMAP MMC again (fix at least omap3)- Linux v3.11-rc7-42-gd9eda0f- Fix HID CVEs. Absurd. - CVE-2013-2888 rhbz 1000451 1002543 CVE-2013-2889 rhbz 999890 1002548 - CVE-2013-2891 rhbz 999960 1002555 CVE-2013-2892 rhbz 1000429 1002570 - CVE-2013-2893 rhbz 1000414 1002575 CVE-2013-2894 rhbz 1000137 1002579 - CVE-2013-2895 rhbz 1000360 1002581 CVE-2013-2896 rhbz 1000494 1002594 - CVE-2013-2897 rhbz 1000536 1002600 CVE-2013-2899 rhbz 1000373 1002604- Linux v3.11-rc7-30-g41615e8- Rework Secure Boot support to use the secure_modules approach - Drop pekey- Linux v3.11-rc7-24-gc95389b - Add mei patches that fix various s/r issues (rhbz 994824 989373)- Linux v3.11-rc7-14-gfa8218d - Reenable debugging options.- [arm] build pinctrl-single in, needed to prevent deferral of omap_serial registration.- Linux v3.11-rc7 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.11-rc6-139-g89b53e5- Linux v3.11-rc6-76-g6a7492a- Minor ARM config cleanups - Enable some IOMMU drivers on ARM - Enable some i.MX sound drivers- Linux v3.11-rc6-72-g1f8b766- Drop arm-tegra-remove-direct-vbus-regulator-control.patch, proper fix will be in the next rebase.- Add patch to fix brcmsmac oops (rhbz 989269) - CVE-2013-0343 handling of IPv6 temporary addresses (rhbz 914664 999380)- Linux v3.11-rc6-28-gfd3930f - Reenable debugging options.- Disable Dell RBU so userspace firmware path isn't selected (rhbz 997149)- Linux v3.11-rc6 - Disable debugging options.- Minor kernel configs cleanup merging duplicated config opts into generic- Linux v3.11-rc5-168-ga08797e- Linux v3.11-rc5-165-g215b28a- Update ARM drivers config for Zynq 7000 devices- Linux v3.11-rc5-150-g0f7dd1a- Add patch from Nathanael Noblet to fix mic on Gateway LT27 (rhbz 845699)- Major cleanup of arm64 config - Add patch to enable build exynos5 as multi platform for lpae - Minor cleanup of ARMv7 configs- Enable CONFIG_HID_SENSOR_HUB (rhbz 995510) - Add patch to fix regression on TeVII S471 devices (rhbz 963715) - Linux v3.11-rc5-35-gf1d6e17- Linux v3.11-rc5-21-g28fbc8b - Disable WIMAX. It's fairly broken and abandoned upstream.- Linux v3.11-rc5-13-g584d88b - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.11-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.11-rc4-216-g77f63b4- Drop a bunch of generic dupe config from aarch64- Linux v3.11-rc4-162-g14e9419- Linux v3.11-rc4-103-g6c2580c- Linux v3.11-rc4-27-ge4ef108 - Add zero file length check to make sure pesign didn't fail (rhbz 991808)- Linux v3.11-rc4-20-g0fff106 - Reenable debugging options. - Don't package API man pages in -doc (rhbz 993905)- Linux v3.11-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.11-rc3-376-g72a67a9- Linux v3.11-rc3-288-gabe0308- radeon-si_calculate_leakage-use-div64.patch: fix a compile error on i686. - arm: disable CONFIG_LOCK_STAT, bloats .data massively, revisit shortly. - arm: build-in more rtc drivers.- Linux v3.11-rc3-207-g64ccccf- Minor ARM config update- Fix mac80211 connection issues (rhbz 981445) - Fix firmware issues with iwl4965 and rfkill (rhbz 977053) - Drop hid-logitech-dj patch that was breaking enumeration (rhbz 989138)- Linux v3.11-rc3-4-g36f571e - Reenable debugging options.- Revert some changes to make Logitech devices function properly (rhbz 989138)- arm-sound-soc-samsung-dma-avoid-another-64bit-division.patch: ditto- arm-dma-amba_pl08x-avoid-64bit-division.patch: STAHP libgcc callouts- Linux v3.11-rc3 - Disable debugging options. - Always include x509.genkey in Sources list- Linux v3.11-rc2-333-ga9b5f02- Add patch to fix NULL deref in iwlwifi (rhbz 979581)- Linux v3.11-rc2-185-g07bc9dc- Linux v3.11-rc2-158-g04012e3- arm-tegra-remove-direct-vbus-regulator-control.patch: backport patches to fix ehci-tegra.- Linux v3.11-rc2-93-gb3a3a9c- let flavors/variants end with "+$flavor" in the uname patch from - Reenable debugging options.- Fix timer issue in bridge code (rhbz 980254)- Linux v3.11-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.11-rc1-247-g90db76e- arm-omap-bbb-dts.patch: disable for now, it needs too much work for a sunday morning.- arm-omap-bbb-dts.patch: fix arch/arm/boot/dtb/Makefile rule- Linux v3.11-rc1-181-gb8a33fc- Linux v3.11-rc1-135-g0a693ab- Applied patch from Kay Sievers to kill initscripts Conflicts & Requires and udev Conflicts... - And then clean up some of the ancient crap from our Conflicts and Requires which reference versions not shipped since 2006.- devel-sysrq-secure-boot-20130717.patch: add a patch that allows the user to disable secure boot restrictions from the local console or local serial (but not /proc/sysrq-trigger or via uinput) by using SysRQ-x.- Linux v3.11-rc1-19-gc0d15cc - Reenable debugging options.- update s390x config [Dan Horák]- Perl 5.18 rebuild- Add patch for BeagleBone Black DTB- Linux v3.11-rc1 - Disable debugging options. - Fix %kernel_modules warning.- Update ARM config - Enable USB gadget module on ARM to fix build i.MX usb modules- update and reenable wandboard quad dtb patch- Linux v3.10-9289-g9903883- Disable LATENCYTOP/SCHEDSTATS in non-debug builds.- Add iwlwifi fix for connection issue (rhbz 885407)- Linux v3.10-9080-g19d2f8e- Enable USB on Wandboard Duallite and other i.MX based boards, patch from Niels de Vos.- ARM config cleanups and changes for 3.11- Fix crash-driver.patch to properly use page_is_ram.- Linux v3.10-6378-ga82a729- Initial ARM config for 3.11- Linux v3.10-6005-gd2b4a64 - Reenable debugging options.- Add vhost-net use-after-free fix (rhbz 976789 980643) - Add fix for timer issue in bridge code (rhbz 980254)- Add patches to fix iwl skb managment (rhbz 977040)- create a dtb for wandboard quad- Linux v3.10- Only enable ARM A15 errata on the LPAE kernel as it breaks A8- Fix stack memory usage for DMA in ath3k (rhbz 977558)- Add two patches to fix bridge networking issues (rhbz 880035)- Fix battery issue with bluetooth keyboards (rhbz 903741)- Linux v3.10-rc7 - Disable debugging options.- Disable MTRR sanitizer by default.- Testing the test harness- Reenable debugging options.- Add patch to fix radeon issues on powerpc- Linux v3.10-rc6- ARM64 support (config-arm64) Split out some config-armv7-generic options common between 32-bit and 64-bit ARM into a new config-arm-generic, and use that as a base for both. Buildable in rawhide, and F-19 by installing {gcc,binutils}-aarch64-linux-gnu and running: rpmbuild --rebuild --target $ARCH --with cross --without perf \ --without tools --without debuginfo --define "_arch aarch64" \ --define "_build_arch aarch64" \ --define "__strip /usr/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-strip" kernel*.src.rpm As rpm in F-19 doesn't have aarch64-linux macros yet.- Introduce infrastructure for cross-compiling Fedora kernels. Intended to assist building for secondary architectures like ppc64, s390x, and arm. To use, create an .src.rpm using "fedpkg srpm" and then run "rpmbuild --rebuild --target t --with cross --without perf --without tools \ kernel*.src.rpm" to cross compile. This requires binutils and gcc packages named like i686, which all but powerpc64 currently provides in rawhide/F-19. Can't (currently) cross compile perf or kernel-tools, since libc is missing from the cross environment.- arm-export-read_current_timer.patch: drop upstream patch (results in duplicate exports)- Minor ARM config updates- Merge 1 and %{with_lpae} so both ARM and i686 use the same flavours. Set PAE to the flavour name {lpae, PAE}. Merging the descriptions would be nice, but is somewhat irrelevant...- Fix KVM divide by zero error (rhbz 969644) - Add fix for rt5390/rt3290 regression (rhbz 950735)- Disable soft lockup detector on virtual machines. (rhbz 971139)- Add patches to fix MTRR issues in 3.9.5 (rhbz 973185) - Add two patches to fix issues with vhost_net and macvlan (rhbz 954181)- Linux v3.10-rc5 - CVE-2013-2164 information leak in cdrom driver (rhbz 973100 973109)- Enable Freescale i.MX platforms and initial config- CVE-2013-2851 block: passing disk names as format strings (rhbz 969515 971662) - CVE-2013-2852 b43: format string leaking into error msgs (rhbz 969518 971665)- CVE-2013-2148 fanotify: info leak in copy_event_to_user (rhbz 971258 971261) - CVE-2013-2147 cpqarray/cciss: information leak via ioctl (rhbz 971242 971249)- CVE-2013-2140 xen: blkback: insufficient permission checks for BLKIF_OP_DISCARD (rhbz 971146 971148)- 3.10-rc4 merged: radeon-use-max_bus-speed-to-activate-gen2-speeds.patch merged: iscsi-target-fix-heap-buffer-overflow-on-error.patch- Fix UEFI anti-bricking code (rhbz 964335)- Minor ARM config changes- Add patch to fix DRM/X on omap (panda) - Enable Cortex-A8 errata on multiplatform kernels (omap3) - Minor ARM config updates- CVE-2013-2850 iscsi-target: heap buffer overflow on large key error (rhbz 968036 969272)- Minor ARM config update for tegra (AC100)- Linux v3.10-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- Minor ARM updates- Add patch to quiet irq remapping failures (rhbz 948262)- Linux v3.10-rc2-328-g0e255f1- Linux v3.10-rc2-221-g514e250- Fix modules.* removal from /lib/modules/$KernelVer- Fix oops from incorrect rfkill set in hp-wmi (rhbz 964367)- Linux v3.10-rc2-68-gbb3ec6b - Reenable debugging options.- Rewrite the modinfo license check to generate significantly less noise in build logs. - Ditto for the modules.* removal (and move it earlier, as pointed out by jwb)- Enable OMAP5 on ARM multiplatform- Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.10-rc2 - Disable debugging options- Minor ARM update- Linux v3.10-rc1-369-g343cd4f- Linux v3.10-rc1-266-gec50f2a- Enable memory cgroup swap accounting (rhbz 918951) - Fix config-local usage (rhbz 950841)- Linux v3.10-rc1-185-gc240a53- Add patch from Harald Hoyer to migrate to using kernel-install- Linux v3.10-rc1-120-gb973425- Linux v3.10-rc1-113-ga2c7a54- Linux v3.10-rc1-79-gdbbffe6- Linux v3.10-rc1-34-g1f63876- Add radeon fixes for PCI-e gen2 speed issues (rhbz 961527)- Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.10-rc1 - Disable debugging options.- Another patch to fix ARM kernel build- Add patch to fix exynosdrm build, drop old tegra patches, minor config updates- Linux v3.9-12555-g2dbd3ca- Enable RTLWIFI_DEBUG in debug kernels (rhbz 889425) - Switch the loop driver to a module and change to doing on-demand creation (rhbz 896160) - Disable CRYPTOLOOP as F18 util-linux is the last to support it (rhbz 896160)- Linux v3.9-12316-g70eba42- Linux v3.9-12070-g8cbc95e- Enable DMA for ARM sound drivers- Linux v3.9-11789-ge0fd9af- Enable RemoteProc drivers on ARM- Linux v3.9-11572-g5af43c2- Linux v3.9-11485-gbb9055b- Linux v3.9-10996-g0f47c94- Fix dmesg_restrict patch to avoid regression (rhbz 952655)- Linux v3.9-10936-g51a26ae- Enable TPS65217 (am33xx) and EC on ChromeOS devices- Don't remove headers explicitly exported via UAPI (rhbz 959467)- Linux v3.9-10518-gd7ab730- Linux v3.9-10104-g1aaf6d3- Update ARM config- Linux v3.9-9472-g1db7722- Linux v3.9-9409-g8665218- Linux v3.9-8933-gce85722- ARM 3.10 merge and general cleanup - Drop dedicated tegra kernel as now Multiplatform enabled - Enable Tegra and UX500 (Snowball) in Multiplatform- Linux v3.9-8153-g5a148af- Linux v3.9-7992-g99c6bcf- Linux v3.9-7391-g20b4fb4- Linux v3.9-5308-g8a72f38- Linux v3.9-5293-g823e75f- Minor ARM updates- Linux v3.9-5165-g5f56886- Linux v3.9-4597-g8c55f14- Enable CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_DW on ARM- Linux v3.9-4516-gc9ef713- Linux v3.9-3520-g5a5a1bf- Linux v3.9-3143-g56847d8- Linux v3.9-2154-gec25e24- Linux v3.9-332-g92ddcf4- Linux v3.9-84-g916bb6d7 - Reenable debugging options.- Enable CONFIG_PACKET_DIAG (rhbz 956870)- Linux v3.9- Add patch to prevent scheduling while atomic error in blkcg- Add patch to fix EFI boot on Macs (rhbz 953447)- Linux v3.9-rc8 - Disable debugging options.- Minor ARM updates- Add patch to fix RCU splat from perf events- Temporaily disable cpu idle on ARM as it appears to be causing stability issues- Disable Intel HDA and enable RSXX block dev on ppc64/ppc64p7- Linux v3.9-rc7-70-gd202f05- Linux v3.9-rc7-24-g542a672- Minor ARM config updates - Add patch for DT DMA issues that affect at least highbank/tegra ARM devices- Linux v3.9-rc7-4-gbb33db7 - Reenable debugging options.- Fix uninitialized variable free in iwlwifi (rhbz 951241) - Fix race in regulatory code (rhbz 919176)- Fix debug patches to build on s390x/ppc- Linux v3.9-rc7 - Disable debugging options.- Enable CONFIG_LDM_PARTITION (rhbz 948636)- Fix forcedeth DMA check error (rhbz 928024)- Print out some extra debug information when we hit bad page tables.- Linux v3.9-rc6-115-g7ee32a6 - libsas: use right function to alloc smp response (rhbz 949875)- Linux v3.9-rc6-36-ge8f2b54 - Reenable debugging options.- Add patch to fix building some ARM tegra modules - Some minor ARM OMAP updates- Fix dma unmap error in e100 (rhbz 907694)- Disable debugging options. - Linux-3.9-rc6- Linux v3.9-rc5-183-g22d1e6f- Enable MTD_CHAR/MTD_BLOCK (Needed for SFC) Enable 10gigE on 64-bit only.- Linux v3.9-rc5-146-gda241ef- Add upstream usb-next OMAP patch to fix usb on omap/mvebu- Enable CONFIG_FB_MATROX_G on powerpc- Linux v3.9-rc5-108-g118c9a4 - Reenable debugging options.- Enable CONFIG_SCSI_DMX3191D (rhbz 919874)- Enable CONFIG_MCE_INJECT (rhbz 927353)- Disable debugging options. - Linux v3.9-rc5 - fix htmldoc build for 8250 rename. Patch from Kyle McMartin- Minor ARM LPAE updates- Make tegra inherit armv7-generic, fix and re-enable tegra - Enable SPI on ARM - Drop config-arm-generic - ARM config updates- Update ARM unified config for OMAP- Fix child thread introspection of of /proc/self/exe (rhbz 927469)- Enable CONFIG_DM_CACHE (rhbz 924325)- Add quirk for Realtek card reader to avoid 10 sec boot delay (rhbz 806587) - Add quirk for MSI keyboard backlight to avoid 10 sec boot delay (rhbz 907221)- disable whci-hcd since it doesnt seem to have users (rhbz 919289)- Linux 3.9-rc4 merged: drm-i915-bounds-check-execbuffer-relocation-count.patch- Update ARM config for OMAP/mvebu/lpae- Fix calculation of current frequency in intel_pstate driver. (rhbz 923942) - Add missing build-req for perl-Carp- Fix workqueue crash in mac80211 (rhbz 920218)- Linux v3.9-rc3-148-g2ffdd7e - Fixes CVE-2013-1796, CVE-2013-1797, CVE-2013-1798 in kvm.- Enable CONFIG_DM_DELAY (rhbz 923721)- Reenable debugging options.- cpufreq/intel_pstate: Add function to check that all MSR's are valid (rhbz 922923)- s390x config option changes from Dan Horák - enable PCI - disable few useless drivers - disable drivers conflicting with s390x- Linux v3.9-rc3 merged: w1-fix-oops-when-w1_search-is-called-from.patch - Disable debugging options.- Merge OMAP support into ARM unified kernel - Add ARM LPAE kernel for Cortex A-15 devices that support LPAE and HW virtualisation - Unified ARM kernel provides highbank and OMAP support - Drop remantents of ARM softfp kernels- Fix divide by zero on host TSC calibration failure (rhbz 859282)- Linux v3.9-rc2-292-ga2362d2 - Fixes CVE-2013-1860 kernel: usb: cdc-wdm buffer overflow triggered by device- Move cpufreq drivers to be modular (rhbz 746372)- Reenable debugging options.- Add patch to fix ieee80211_do_stop (rhbz 892599) - Add patches to fix cfg80211 issues with suspend (rhbz 856863) - CVE-2013-0913 drm/i915: head writing overflow (rhbz 920471 920529) - CVE-2013-0914 sa_restorer information leak (rhbz 920499 920510)- add QXL driver (f19 only)- Disable debugging options.- Linux 3.9-rc2- Add patch to allow "8250." prefix to keep working (rhbz 911771) - Add patch to fix w1_search oops (rhbz 857954)- Linux v3.9-rc1-278-g8343bce- Enable Xilinx Zynq - Enable highbank cpufreq driver- Add turbostat and x86_engery_perf_policy debuginfo to kernel-tools-debuginfo- Linux v3.9-rc1-211-g47b3bc9 - Reenable debugging options. - CVE-2013-1828 sctp: SCTP_GET_ASSOC_STATS stack buffer overflow (rhbz 919315 919316)- CVE-2013-1792 keys: race condition in install_user_keyrings (rhbz 916646 919021)- Adjust secure-boot patchset to work with boot_params sanitizing - Don't clear efi_info in boot_params (rhbz 918408)- Update ARM mvebu config- drop acpi debugging patch.- Remove Ricoh multifunction DMAR patch as it's no longer needed (rhbz 880051)- Fix intel_pstate init error path (rhbz 916833)- Temporarily disable tegra until we get a fix from upstream- Add 3 fixes for efi issues (rhbz 917984) - Enable CONFIG_IP6_NF_TARGET_MASQUERADE- Linux v3.9-rc1 - Add patch from Dirk Brandewie to fix intel pstate divide error (rhbz 916833) - Disable debugging options.- Update vexpress and omap options (fix MMC on qemu, hopefully fix OMAP3)- Linux v3.8-10734-ga7c1120- Linux v3.8-10206-gb0af9cd- Linux v3.8-9761-gde1a226- Make iso9660 a module.- Linux v3.8-9633-g2a7d2b9- Drop ARM kirkwood kernel - Enable SPI on ARM - General 3.9 updates- Linux v3.8-9456-g309667e- Linux v3.8-9405-gd895cb1- Linux v3.8-9165-g1cef935- Move VMXNET3 to config-x86-generic from config-generic, it's VMware virtual ethernet.- Linux v3.8-8664-gc41b381- Add blk_queue_physical_block_size and register_netdevice to the symbols used for initrd generation (synched from .el6) - ipr.ko driven SAS VRAID cards found on x86_64 machines these days, and not just on ppc64- Fix vmalloc_fault oops during lazy MMU (rhbz 914737)- Honor dmesg_restrict for /dev/kmsg (rhbz 903192) - Linux v3.8-7888-gab78265- Linux v3.8-6988-g9e2d59a- CVE-2013-1763 sock_diag: out-of-bounds access to sock_diag_handlers (rhbz 915052,915057)- Linux v3.8-6071-g8b5628a- Linux v3.8-6071-g8b5628a - Enable the rtl8192e driver (rhbz 913753)- Linux v3.8-3195-g024e4ec - Shut up perf about missing build things we don't care about - Drop the old aic7xxx driver, from Paul Bolle- Linux v3.8-3040-ga0b1c42- Linux v3.8-523-gece8e0b - Reenable debugging options.- Add pekey support from David Howells and rework secure-boot patchset on top - Add support for Atheros 04ca:3004 bluetooth devices (rhbz 844750) - Backport support for newer ALPS touchpads (rhbz 812111) - Enable CONFIG_AUDIT_LOGINUID_IMMUTABLE- Linux v3.8 - Fix build with CONFIG_EFI disabled, reported by Peter Bowey (rhbz 911833) - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.8-rc7-93-gf741656- Linux v3.8-rc7-73-g323a72d- Add patch to fix corruption on newer M6116 SATA bridges (rhbz 909591) - CVE-2013-0228 xen: xen_iret() invalid %ds local DoS (rhbz 910848 906309)- Disable tegra30- Linux v3.8-rc7-32-gecf223f- Add patch to create a convenient mount point for pstore (rhbz 910126)- Linux v3.8-rc7-6-g211b0cd - Reenable debugging options.- Add patch from Kees Cook to restrict MSR writting in secure boot mode - Build PATA_MACIO in on powerpc (rhbz 831361)- Linux v3.8-rc7 - Add patch to fix atomic sleep issue on alloc_pid failure (rhbz 894623) - Disable debugging options.- Minor ARM build fixes- Enable CONFIG_NAMESPACES everywhere (rhbz 907576) - Add patch to fix ath9k dma stop checks (rhbz 892811)- Linux v3.8-rc6-98-g1589a3e - Add patch to honor MokSBState (rhbz 907406)- Linux v3.8-rc6-62-gfe547d7 - Enable CONFIG_DRM_VMWGFX_FBCON (rhbz 907620) - Enable CONFIG_DETECT_HUNG_TASK- Linux v3.8-rc6-22-g6edacf0 - Enable CONFIG_EXT4_DEBUG - Fix rtlwifi scheduling while atomic from Larry Finger (rhbz 903881)- Linux v3.8-rc6 - Enable CONFIG_DMA_API_DEBUG - Add patches to improve mac80211 latency and throughput (rhbz 830151)- Linux v3.8-rc5-245-g04c2eee - Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_STACK_USAGE- Linux v3.8-rc5-218-ga56e160 - Enable NAMESPACES and CHECKPOINT_RESTORE on x86_64 for F19 CRIU feature - Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_ATOMIC_SLEEP- Linux v3.8-rc5-150-g6abb7c2- Backport driver for Cypress PS/2 trackpad (rhbz 799564)- Linux v3.8-rc5 - Add patches to fix issues with iwlwifi (rhbz 863424) - Enable CONFIG_PROVE_RCU- Reenable perf on ARM (was suppose to be temporary) - Build and package dtbs on ARM - Enable FB options for qemu vexpress on unified- Sign all modules with the script, ensures nothing gets missed because of .config differences between invocations of BuildKernel.- Turn off THP for 32bit- Linux v3.8-rc4-277-g66e2d3e - Enable slub debug- Update secure-boot patchset- Linux v3.8-rc4-183-gff7532c - Enable lockdep- Linux v3.8-rc4-139-g1d85490 - Enable debug spinlocks- Remove warnings about empty IPI masks.- Remove obsolete ARM configs - Update OMAP config for TI AM35XX SoCs - Add patch to fix versatile build failure- Linux v3.8-rc4-42-g5da1f88- Linux v3.8-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Disable problematic PL310 ARM errata - Minor ARM config tweaks - OMAP DRM driver to fix OMAP kernel build- Fix power management sysfs on non-secure boot machines (rhbz 896243)- Experiment: Double the length of the brcmsmac transmit timeout.- Add patch from Stanislaw Gruszka to fix iwlegacy IBSS cleanup (rhbz 886946)- Linux v3.8-rc3-293-g406089d- Enable CONFIG_DVB_USB_V2 (rhbz 895460)- Enable Orinoco drivers in kernel-modules-extra (rhbz 894069)- Linux v3.8-rc3-74-gb719f43- Update secure-boot patchset- Reenable debugging options.- Drop old Montevina era E1000 workaround.- Linux v3.8-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.8-rc2-370-g57a0c1e- Update ARM mvebu config- Enable CONFIG_CIFS_DEBUG as it was on before it was split out- Ensure modules are signed even if *-debuginfo rpms are not produced by re-defining __spec_install_post and adding a hook after all strip invocations. Ideally, in the future, we could patch the rpm macro and remove the re-define from kernel.spec, but that's another windmill to tilt at.- Linux v3.8-rc2-222-g2a893f9- Linux v3.8-rc2-191-gd287b87 - remove the namei-include.patch, it's upstream now- Reenable debugging options.- Further ARM config updates - Add patch to fix building omapdrm- Bye sparc- Fix up configs for build- Patch to fix efivarfs underflow from Lingzhu Xiang (rhbz 888163)- Initial update of ARM configs for 3.8 - Enable DRM driver for tegra - Drop separate imx kernel. Will be reintroduced soon in unified- Linux v3.8-rc2-116-g5f243b9- Initial 3.8-rc2 rebase- BR the hostname package (rhbz 886113)- On rebases, list new config options. (Revert to pre-18 behaviour)- Fix oops in sony-laptop setup (rhbz 873107)- Add patch to fix arm imx drm driver build- Fix infinite loop in efi signature parser - Don't error out if db doesn't exist- Update ARM configs for latest 3.7 - Drop highbank kernel build variant as its in unified kernel- Update secure boot patches to include MoK support - Fix IBSS scanning in mac80211 (rhbz 883414)- Reenable debugging options.- Linux -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=5dc28ad63d6c1b573e07b14b64d3ff335a923a3f, strippedPRRRR?p7zXZ !PH6]"k%jOvSe⿏3g-#1TlgrsӪR,g 3Հ5 UH4~Ӓ󝯭eEye]gaD *_Epc|T¨DDI3j5gU/)T*s *;4u@$!kbP߲G<%n+o0hݛ\vvR. AMFXk }jS|Ho ˃,G<FܥR2mm̮RCq'7@!Z9)X+i )sGr^)ȵK%:Amg +w\ES$KjYS9 {eaEYB}odxZ M31xY>xJѣSNې;A1лhwVj1rƌo /&̃ܪN,qg-97FXH82Qd{޲V?xM+cL^ vd#O]F⧆syUpsG݁/5dDקw\(gS)v|pʬYol:Z T8ѻbburFV~` }}Hi#wW6F~0t[BPCG H. "RCl;RffNv?2}O);$AG=i%AI T3ja:䗿_I{R\4ɘYTt5<1SP ~t߿>Qj͵:rSQoh[q[Ҭ 7ro>!YA(Q 9X b|J+!({M=;Ѱ(69iAml=XTTbԐ3haiIT %WJ׏B ̧' YZ