libcgroup-devel-0.38-9.fc20$>( v D 5^_L>9H?8d  h04X\kz      4  d     @ |  Hd(/88,9,:h,G H I XY\4 ]d ^bVdeflt u@ vpw x y(4Clibcgroup-devel0.389.fc20Development libraries to develop applications that utilize control groupsIt provides API to create/delete and modify cgroup nodes. It will also in the future allow creation of persistent configuration for control groups and provide scripts to manage that configuration.T!? ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv2+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Libraries MUm4g;A큤T!?T!?T!?T!?T!?T!?T!?T!?T!?T!?Mv&Mv&e8d26d36827bbb7ce009abc5d7ed919f0b80efab9c1d3ef6b3d5beef258cf2d475199e71b8effb64d69991dcf0c8a0b62c3c874cb62a6d130a049a4bf1443cbeeadd2382d134c7e4a397d4f63f86873d00d055530ec7b854bfade2fa15c205a17b69919e8a9794bede99b8c3d1d46d488aabaffd5dc4608af034457925ded2a52dd28fd6bc182b6fabb1d14bf4d9f3bc4a6f63bed118f14dbf2b584d6b74ada168e02910de65ecb75f1e2c8c56c38fecbc35c86e6271b5ad55c1d300f689bb12a5fe7b059    /usr/bin/pkg-configlibcgroup(x86-64)!`SnQQQ@QPe@POB5O+@OMM@MMoMOM4/@M L,@LV@L KuK8@KTM@JTJi@JS8III@I2Ia@IXIXIg@HCH@HL@HO@HE2@HA=H:@H2@H2@jchaloup - 0.38-9jchaloup - 0.38-8Fedora Release Engineering - 0.38-7Karsten Hopp 0.38-6Karsten Hopp 0.38-5Fedora Release Engineering - 0.38-4Peter Schiffer - 0.38-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.38-2Jan Safranek 0.38-1Jan Safranek 0.38-0.rc1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.37.1-5Jan Safranek 0.37.1-4Ivana Hutarova Varekova 0.37.1-3Jan Safranek 0.37.1-2Jan Safranek 0.37.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.37-3Jan Safranek 0.37-2Jan Safranek 0.37-1Jan Safranek 0.36.2-3Jan Safranek 0.36.2-2Jan Safranek 0.36.2-1Jan Safranek 0.36-1Jan Safranek 0.35-1Jan Safranek 0.34-4Jan Safranek 0.34-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.34-2Jan Safranek 0.34-1Dhaval Giani 0.33-3Dhaval Giani 0.33-2Dhaval Giani 0.33-1Fedora Release Engineering 0.32.2-4Dhaval Giani 0.32.2-3Dhaval Giani 0.32.2-2Dhaval Giani 0.32.2-1Dhaval Giani 0.32.1-1Dhaval Giani 0.32-1Dhaval Giani 0.31-1Dhaval Giani 0.1c-3Dhaval Giani 0.1c-1Balbir Singh 0.1b-3Balbir Singh 0.1b-2Balbir Singh 0.1b-1Balbir Singh 0.1-1Dhaval Giani 0.01-1- resolves: #647107 api.c: support for setting multiline values in control files- resolves: #1018839 lex.l update: add \,% and @ character into regexp for ID- Rebuilt for add BR: systemd-units- bump release and rebuild to fix some dependencies on PPC- Rebuilt for resolves: #850183 scriptlets replaced with new systemd macros (thanks to vpavlin) - cleaned .spec file- Rebuilt for updated to 0.38- updated to 0.38.rc1- Rebuilt for fixed cgconfig service not to unmount stuff it did not mount - added better sample cgconfig.conf file to reflect systemd mounting all controllers during boot (#702111)- split tools part from libcgroup package- Remove /cgroup directory, groups are created in /sys/fs/cgroup (#694687)- Update to 0.37.1- Rebuilt for Create the 'cgred' group as system group, not as user - Fix cgclassify exit code- Update to 0.37 - use /sys/fs/cgroup as default directory to mount control groups (and rely on systemd mounting tmpfs there)- Ignore systemd hierarchy - it's now invisible to libcgroup (#627378)- Fix initscripts to report stopped cgconfig service as not running (#619091)- Update to 0.36.2, fixing packaging the libraries (#605434) - Remove the dependency on redhat-lsb (#603578)- Update to 0.36.1- Update to 0.35.1 - Separate pam module to its own subpackage- Added README.Fedora to describe initscript integration- Change the default configuration to mount everything to /cgroup- Rebuilt for Update to 0.34- Add a workaround for rt cgroup controller.- Change the cgconfig script to start earlier - Move the binaries to /bin and /sbin- Update to latest upstream- Rebuilt for Fix redhat-lsb dependency- Fix build dependencies- Update to latest upstream* Tue Feb 24 2009 Balbir Singh 0.33-1 - Update to 0.33, spec file changes to add Makefiles and pam_cgroup module- Update to latest upstream- Update to latest upstream- Change release to fix broken upgrade path- Update to latest upstream version- Add post and postun. Also fix Requires for devel to depend on base n-v-r- Fix makeinstall, Source0 and URL (review comments from Tom)- Add a generatable spec file- Get the spec file to work- The first version of libcg 0.38-9.fc200.38-9.fc200.38libcgroup.hconfig.herror.hgroups.hinit.hiterators.htasks.hlibcgroup.solibcgroup.pclibcgroup-develCOPYINGREADME/usr/include//usr/include/libcgroup//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/pkgconfig//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/libcgroup-devel/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuLaTeX document, ASCII textC source, ASCII textpkgconfig filedirectoryASCII textRPR?p7zXZ !PH6]"k%{U}dD(r0;EU_!$,+oЏ [ސ^ږxosvIcNNy '7{({-S:0%I=$%wEBdu *SJ z8! Z`NEJvFmVj=fEp겒KΈ%3[gw Jlŋ?!\`2L 9{nўx ~/dPSyJw8uU*Ǣp8`z TI.@-@]3Q>}֑H_Z#-ӣYܨ=(a{c*0G05Nl_ju3QI;bVn ϑ0`J\# Q̆S= a (5=z)D'fTx##SA͢7G`tDL~~$ שE}H~xHP}Ƣ6> c[g3;^C&l.?&SRb:E ʉ9S4oۅjKPR[7=9)[j>"zjKSyHF=!' 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