hwdata-0.284-1.fc21$>KAԈ__\/,IJ>8uX?uHd   E  0[ah             N  ?([8d9 \:3Gr Hr Is Xs Ys$\s4 ]s\ ^sbtdt(et-ft0lt2ttL utt vtwt xu uDChwdata0.2841.fc21Hardware identification and configuration datahwdata contains various hardware identification and configuration data, such as the pci.ids and usb.ids databases.VLEbuildhw-05.phx2.fedoraproject.orgpVsFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectSystem Environment/Basehttp://git.fedorahosted.org/git/hwdata.gitlinuxnoarchtF%n20}A큤A큤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-0.284-1.fc21.src.rpmhwdata    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-*!@UU@UUU\w@U@UQT~T,@TTTto@TL@TwTwSSS@S~@SVYS4S*@S(5@S R۾@R±RRo@R>RR6QY@Q@QQQo@QR@QGQ"P9@P@PM@Pb@PaP6@P6@N?MM@MBLuLZKK@K@K@KqKPXKPXKJi@JS8I@I3IHIw@I5#@H@HM@HCH1kG#G@G@G,@GG@GZ@Gl@Gl@GaG @FIF`F@F_FF@F#@F@F@Fw@EI@E*9E~E@EOD@D@DDĶ@D@DD@Dc'@DWIDC@CR@C@CCC}@C}@C{@C*C&@C 'C>C>C>C BBkB%B@B@B@BRB@Bz BY@BJBJBGB.@B%AA@AA@AvS@AuAk@Ae/A]FA[@ARAQi@AJAF@A@EA9@A5A1@@@@@p@@)@@n@@@@~y@@~y@@h@V@@Q@@Hk@C%@9@@4@@4@@,@@@ @@ @@?@?@?p5?p5?`c?[?Xz?Xz?W)@?L@?@?<@??@>v>v>@>܍><@>j@>j@>>>]>>u>R @>R @>K>J7@>H>G@>G@>7@>7@>1*>)>=z@=z@==a@=S=wG@=t@=r@=X=X=U@=S=O@=O@=Nh=F=A9==E@=O= 0.284-1Michal Minar 0.283-1Michal Minar 0.282-1Michal Minar 0.281-1Michal Minar 0.280-1Michal Minar 0.279-1Michal Minar 0.278-1Michal Minar 0.277-1Michal Minar 0.276-1Michal Minar 0.275-1Michal Minar 0.274-2Michal Minar 0.274-1Michal Minar 0.273-1Michal Minar 0.272-1Michal Minar 0.271-1Michal Minar 0.270-2Michal Minar 0.270-1Michal Minar 0.269-1Michal Minar 0.268-1Michal Minar 0.267-1Michal Minar 0.266-1Michal Minar 0.265-1Michal Minar 0.264-1Michal Minar 0.263-1Michal Minar 0.262-1Michal Minar 0.261-1Michal Minar 0.260-1Michal Minar 0.259-1Michal Minar 0.258-1Michal Minar 0.257-1Michal Minar 0.256-1Michal Minar 0.255-1Michal Minar 0.254-1Michal Minar 0.253-1Michal Minar 0.252-1Michal Minar 0.250-1Michal Minar 0.249-1Michal Minar 0.248-1Michal Minar 0.247-1Michal Minar 0.245-1Michal Minar 0.244-1Michal Minar 0.243-1Michal Minar 0.242-1Michal Minar 0.241-1Michal Minar 0.240-1Michal Minar 0.239-1Adam Jackson 0.238-1Adam Jackson 0.235-1Karsten Hopp 0.233-7.3Karsten Hopp 0.233-7.2Karsten Hopp 0.233-7.1Karsten Hopp 0.233-7Karsten Hopp 0.233-1Karsten Hopp 0.232-1Phil Knirsch 0.230-1Karsten Hopp 0.229-1Phil Knirsch 0.228-1Dave Airlie 0.227-1Karsten Hopp 0.227-1Karsten Hopp 0.226-1Karsten Hopp 0.225-4Dennis Gregorovic - 0.225-3.1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.225-3Adam Jackson 0.225-2Adam Jackson 0.224-1Karsten Hopp 0.223-1Karsten Hopp 0.222-1Karsten Hopp 0.221-1Karsten Hopp 0.220-1Karsten Hopp 0.220-1Karsten Hopp 0.219-1Karsten Hopp 0.219-1Karsten Hopp 0.218-1Karsten Hopp 0.217-1Karsten Hopp 0.216-1Phil Knirsch 0.215-1Karsten Hopp 0.215-1Karsten Hopp 0.214-1Karsten Hopp 0.213-1Karsten Hopp 0.212-1Karsten Hopp 0.209-1Karsten Hopp 0.208-1Karsten Hopp 0.207-3Matt Domsch 0.207-2Karsten Hopp 0.211-1Karsten Hopp 0.210-1Karsten Hopp 0.209-1Karsten Hopp 0.207-1Karsten Hopp 0.207-1Karsten Hopp 0.205-1Karsten Hopp 0.205-1Karsten Hopp 0.205-1Karsten Hopp 0.202-1Karsten Hopp 0.201-1Karsten Hopp 0.194-1Phil Knirsch - 0.191-1Adam Jackson - 0.190-1Phil Knirsch - 0.189-1Phil Knirsch - 0.188-1Adam Jackson - 0.187-1Phil Knirsch - 0.186-1Phil Knirsch - 0.185-1Phil Knirsch - 0.184-1Phil Knirsch - 0.183-1Adam Jackson - 0.182-1Adam Jackson - 0.181-1Phil Knirsch - 0.180-1Phil Knirsch - 0.179-1Phil Knirsch - 0.178-1Bill Nottingham - 0.177-1Phil Knirsch - 0.176-1Phil Knirsch - 0.175-1Phil Knirsch - 0.174-1Bill Nottingham - 0.173-1Bill Nottingham - 0.172-1Jeremy Katz - 0.171-1Bill Nottingham - 0.170-1Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham - 0.169-1Dan Williams - 0.168-1Dan Williams - 0.167-1Bill Nottingham - 0.166-1Dan Williams - 0.165-1Jeremy Katz - 0.164-1Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham - 0.162-1Bill Nottingham - 0.160-1Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham - 0.159-1Bill Nottingham - 0.158-1Jeremy Katz - 0.157-1Mike A. 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Harris 0.45-1Bill Nottingham 0.44-1Preston Brown 0.43-1Mike A. Harris 0.42-1Preston Brown 0.41-1Preston Brown 0.39-1Mike A. Harris 0.38-1Mike A. Harris 0.37-1Bill Nottingham 0.36-1Mike A. Harris 0.35-1Bill Nottingham 0.33-1Bill Nottingham 0.32-1Mike A. Harris 0.31-1Mike A. Harris 0.30-1Michael Fulbright 0.14-1Michael Fulbright 0.13-1Bill Nottingham 0.13-1Bill Nottingham 0.12-1Mike A. Harris 0.11-1Mike A. Harris 0.10-1Bill Nottingham 0.9-1Bill Nottingham 0.8-2Bill Nottingham 0.8-1Bill Nottingham 0.7-1Mike A. Harris 0.6-1Mike A. Harris 0.5-1Bill Nottingham 0.3-1Bill Nottingham 0.1-1- Updated pci and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Update pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Removed bad entry from usb ids file.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci and vendor ids.- Updateed pci and vendor ids.- Recreated pnp.ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci, and vendor ids.- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids- Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.- Updated pci and vendor ids.- Added Individual Address Blocks file (iab.txt).- Update of pci and vendor ids.- Update of pci, usb and vendor ids.- Update of pci, usb and vendor ids.- Update of pci, usb and vendor ids.- Update of pci and oui ids.- Update of pci, oui and usb ids.- Update of pci, oui and usb ids.- Update of pci, oui and usb ids.- Update of vendor ids.- Changelog fix and oui.ids update.- Data files update.- Data files update.- Data files update, pnp.ids included.- Data files update- Moved blacklist.conf from /etc/modprobe.d to /usr/lib/modprobe.d. - Renamed it to dist-blacklist.conf. - Data files update- Data files update- Data files updated- Data files updated- Update data files- Update data files- made use of configure script in prep- Update data files- Fix reference specfile to current Fedora style- Update data files - Remove upgradelist, not needed since kudzu-ectomy- update pci.ids, usb. ids- update pci.ids with a fix for QLogic Infiniband adapter- update to latest pci.ids, usb.ids- bump release - update oui.txt URL - fix tarball name in spec file - update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids (#550020, #611860) - fix incorrect syntax doc/comment in blacklist.conf (Ville Skyttä, #532802) - add Acer B243HL and BenQ G2420HDBL (Ville Skyttä, #590787) - add HP LP2475w and Samsung 2494HM (Ville Skyttä, #595059)- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids - Resolves: #584788- update usb.ids, out.txt and pci.ids for F-13 (#571914)- Blacklist chsc_sch for s390x - Resolves: #563228- add viafb to blacklist- update usb.ids, pci.ids, oui.txt - update license- update release number- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt- Rebuilt for RHEL 6- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- pnp-dell.patch: Fix Dell's entry in pnp.ids- Update pci.ids, usb.ids, and oui.txt - Add pnp.ids- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt - rename /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt and build for all current releases Fixes p.e. #465440- update usb.ids pci.ids oui.txt- add new monitor entries from Mandriva hardware database (Thierry Vignaud) - make generic entries have properly formated frequencies (Thierry Vignaud) - remove duplicate Dell monitor entries (Thierry Vignaud) - more vendor name fixes - fix extra field in 'Compudyne KD-1500N' definition (Thierry Vignaud) - make Dell monitors case consistent (Thierry Vignaud) - make all GoldStar monitors have the same vendor name (Thierry Vignaud) - add URL of git repository - fix spacing (Thierry Vignaud) - sort MonitorDB file with LANG=C sort -f -t ";" -k1,2 - add Samsung SyncMaster 2443BWX (Marc van den Dikkenberg) - add some Lenovo monitors (Im Sza)- update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt - MonitorsDB: add some Samsung monitors (Ronald Warsow) - MonitorsDB: add Dell E1609W (Matt Domsch) - MonitorsDB: add 7 Dell monitors (Matt Domsch) - MonitorsDB: add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors- add BenQ FP2091 monitor (Peter Williams) - add a bunch of Hyundai and ImageQuest monitors- update pci.ids, usb.ids, oui.txt - blacklist snd-pcsp (#448425)- add some Acer monitors (Im Sz)- update pci.ids, oui.txt - update usb.ids, fixes #439963 - add HP w1907 LCD monitor, fixes #431359 - fix many monitor entries (Stanislav Ievlev, #430276)- update pci.ids, usb.ids (#431658)- Pull new upstream pci.ids- add HP W2207 monitor - add oui.txt, a list of bluetooth device makers- remove MonitorsDB.generic as it isn't used anywhere - drop RHEL-5 blacklist patch in -devel- add many monitor entries (Im Sza, #367111)- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids - Resolves: #300831 - added HP TFT5600 LCD Monitor - Resolves: #250569 - added Acer AL1916W, Eizo L568/L568D, Samsung 795DF - Resolves: #250582 - Add Samsung 205BW/206BW/225BW/226BW - Resolves: #250584 - Add Samsung 931BF - Resolves: #250587- add Proview 926w monitor (#363091)- new release - drop dell-monitors patch, already included in tarball- fix License tag - add empty %build section for fedora-review- MonitorsDB: add 20 new Dell monitors- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids- add pci.id for Chelsio 10GbE Ethernet Adapter - Resolves: bz #296811- pull new upstream pci.ids, usb.ids- update license tag- pull new upstream pci.ids and rebuild - Resolves: bz #251732 - Resolves: bz #251734 - Resolves: bz #252195 - Resolves: bz #252196 - Resolves: bz #241274- add HP TFT5600 #229370- enable iwl4965 blacklist - Resolves: bz#245379- really update pci.ids, update-pciids downloaded an old file - disable iwl4965 blacklist as it is not approved yet (#245379)- don't load iwl4965 module automatically - Resolves: #245379- add some monitors - Resolves: #224511 - update pci.ids - Related: #223105- Update to latest pci.ids/usb.ids for RHEL5 - Resolves: #220182 Add some Dell monitors to MonitorDB- Update to latest pci.ids for RHEL5- Add a description for the 'intel' driver.- Updated usb.ids for FC6- Update of pci.ids for FC6- Fix sync ranges for Samsung SyncMaster 710N (#202344)- Updated pci.ids once more.- Added the 17inch Philips LCD monitor entry (#199828)- Added one more entry for missing Philips LCD monitor (#199828)- Updated pci.ids before FC6 final (#198994) - Added several missing Samsung monitors (#197463) - Included a new inf2mondb.py from Matt Domsch (#158723)- Added ast driver description to videodrivers - Numerous Dell monitor additions (#196734) - Numerous Belinea monitor additions (#198087)- Updated videodrivers to mention i945 - New monitors: Sony CPD-G420 (#145902), Compaq P1110 (#155120).- Updated and added some MonitorsDB entries- Updated PCI ids from upstream (#180402) - Fixed missing monitor entry in MonitorsDB (#189446)- Commented out the VT lines at the end of usb.ids as our tools don't handle them properly.- remove stock videoaliases in favor of driver-specific ones in the X driver packages- More entries from Dell to MonitorsDB (#181008)- Added a few more entries to MonitorsDB- Some cleanup and adds to the MonitorDB which closes several db related bugs.- add some IDs to the generic display entries for matching laptops- ditto for radeon- r128 -> ati. should fix the unresolved symbol and kem says its more generally the "right" thing to do- handle mptsas for migration as well - move videoaliases file to a subdir- add Iiyama monitor (#168143)- add IBM monitor (#168080)- remove Cards, pcitable. Add videodrivers- Add more Gateway monitors- Add some ADI monitors, one BenQ, and and DPMS codes for two Apples- add videoaliases file - remove CardMonitorCombos, as nothing uses it- Add a bunch of Acer monitors- migrate sk98lin -> skge- migrate mpt module names (#161420) - remove pcitable entries for drivers in modules.pcimap - switch lone remaining 'Server' entry - that can't work right- add Daytek monitor (#164339)- remove /etc/pcmcia/config, conflict with pcmcia-cs- move blacklist to /etc/modprobe.d, require new module-init-tools - add LG monitors (#162466, #161734) - add orinoco card (#161696) - more mptfusion stuff (#107088)- add Samsung monitor (#161013)- pcitable: make branding happy (#160047) - Cards: add required blank line (#157972) - add some monitors - add JVC CD-ROM (#160907, ) - add hisax stuff to blacklist (#154799, #159068)- add a orinoco card (#157482)- add 20" Apple Cinema Display- Update SiS entries in Cards/pcitable to match what Xorg X11 6.8.2 supports- Add a boatload of BenQ, Acer, Sony, NEC, Mitsubishi, and Dell monitors- Add Typhoon Speednet Wireless PCMCIA Card mapping to atmel_cs driver- update the framebuffer blacklist- fix qlogic driver mappings, add upgradelist mappings for the modules that changed names (#150621)- Added one hundred billion new nvidia PCI IDs to pcitable and Cards to synchronize it with X.Org X11 6.8.2. (#140601)- Add Dell UltraSharp 1704FPV (Analog & Digital)- add Amptron monitors (#139142)- update usb.ids (#138533) - migrate dpt_i2o to i2o_block (#138603)- update pci.ids (#138233) - add Apple monitors (#138481)- remove ahci mappings, don't prefer it over ata_piix- update IDs for Cirrus, Trident, C&T, and S3- add ahci mappings to prefer it over ata_piix - map davej's ancient matrox card to vesa (#122750)- Add Belkin F5D6020 ver.2 (802.11b card based on Atmel chipset)- include /etc/hotplug/blacklist here- add S3 UniChrome (#131403) - update pci.ids- megaraid -> megaraid_mbox- map ncr53c8xx to sym53c8xx (#133181)- fix 3Ware 9000 mapping (#132851)- Add python script to check sorting of pci.ids- Add pci ids and cards for new ATI, NVIDIA and Intel cards- trim pcitable - now just ids/drivers- pci.ids updates - remove updsftab.conf.*- Updates to pcitable/Cards for 'S3 Trio64 3D' cards. (#125866,59956)- Quick pcitable/Cards update for ATI Radeon and FireGL boards- add Proview monitor (#125853) - add ViewSonic monitor (#126324) - add a Concord camera (#126673)- Add Vobis monitor to MonitorsDB (bug #124151)- add Belkin F5D5020 10/100 PCMCIA card (#125581)- add modem (#124663)- mainly: fix upgradelist module for CMPci cards (#123647) - also: add another wireless card (#122676) add wireless card (#122625) add 1280x800 (#121548) add 1680x1050 (#121148) add IntelligentStick (#124313)- veth driver is iseries_veth in 2.6- add a wireless card (#122064) - and a monitor (#121696)- fix makefile- move updfstab.conf here - add wireless card (#116865) - add laptop display panel (#117385) - add clipdrive (#119928) - add travelling disk (#119143) - add NEXDISK (#106782)- replace snd-es1960 driver with snd-es1968 in pcitable (bug #120729)- fix entries pointing to Banshee (#119388)- add a Marvell sk98lin card (#118467, <64bit_fedora@comcast.net>)- add a Sun flat panel to MonitorsDB (bug #118138)- add Samsung monitor to MonitorsDB (bug #112112)- Added 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo II entries to the Cards database, both pointing to Alan Cox's new "voodoo" driver which is now included in XFree86 4.3.0-62 and later builds in Fedora development. Mapped their PCI IDs to the new Cards entry in pcitable. - Updated the entries for 3Dfx Banshee- pci.ids and other updates- Added Shamrock C407L to MonitorsDB for bug (#104920)- Massive Viewsonic monitor update for MonitorsDB (#84882)- fix typo, GP should have been HP- many monitor updates (#114260, #114216, #113993, #113932, #113782, - add some PCMCIA cards (#113006, #112505)- switch sound module mappings to alsa drivers- fix tab spacing- added an entry for ATI Radeon 9200SE (bug #111306)- add 1920x1200 Generic LCD as used on some Dell laptops (#108006)- add entry for Sun (made by Samsung) monitor (bug #107128)- Added entries for Radeon 9600/9600Pro/9800Pro to Cards - Fixed minor glitch in pcitable for Radeon 9500 Pro- add VMWare display adapter pci id and map to vmware X driver- bcm4400 -> b44- fix provided Dell tweaks (#103892)- Dell tweaks (#103861)- add adaptec pci id (#100844)- add an SGI monitor for bug (#74870)- updates from sourceforge.net pci.ids, update pcitable accordingly- Added HP monitors for bug (#102495)- added a sony monitor (bug #101550)- updates from modules.pcimap- Update MonitorsDB for new IBM monitors from upstream XFree86 bugzilla: http://bugs.xfree86.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=459- fusion update- pci id for ata_piix- correct entry for Dell P991 monitor- fix qla2100 mapping (#91476) - add dell mappings (#84069)- Add new Compaq and HP monitors - bug 90570, bug 90707, bug 90575, IT 17231- add an entry for SiS 650 video card (bug #88271)- Changed Generic monitor entries in MonitorsDB to being in LCD and CRT groups- pci.ids and usb.ids updates- added a Samsung monitor to MonitorsDB- add Xircom wireless airo_cs card (#90099)- add generic framebuffer to Cards- Updated MonitorsDb for Dell monitors (#86072)- Change savage MX and IX driver default back to "savage" for the 1.1.27t driver update- Use full resolution description for Dell laptop screens (bug #80398)- Updated pcitable and Cards database to fix Savage entries up a bit, and change default Savage/MX driver to 'vesa' as it is hosed and with no sign of working in time for 4.3.0. Fixes (#72476,80278,80346,80423,82394)- slightly alter the sync rates for the Dell 1503FP (bug #84123)- large pcitable and pci.ids updates - more tg3, e100- Updated pcitable and Cards database for new Intel i852/i855/i865 support- Massive update of all ATI video hardware PCI IDs in pcitable and a fair number of additions and corrections to the Cards database as well- change refresh rates of sny0000 monitors to use a low common denominator- don't force DRI off on R200 (#82957)- Added Card:S3 Trio64V2 (Unsupported RAMDAC) entry to pcitable, pci.ids, and Cards database to default this particular variant to "vesa" driver (#81659)- pci.ids and associated pcitable updates- Updates for GeForce 2 Go, GeForce 4 (#80209)- fix Cards for NatSemi Geode- use e100 instead of eepro100 for pcmcia- Complete reconstruction of all Neomagic hardware entries in Cards database to reflect current XFree86, as well as pcitable update, and submitted cleaned up entries to sourceforge- move pcmcia config file here - sort MonitorsDB, add some entries, remove dups - switch some network driver mappings- broadcom 5704 mapping - aic79xx (#73781)- pci.ids updates - add msw's wireless card- Card entries in pcitable need matching in Cards- Update G450 entry in Cards- fix some of the Dell entries - add cardbus controller id (#71198) - add audigy mapping - add NEC monitor (#71320)- pci.id for SMC wireless PCI card (#67346)- Change default driver for old S3 based "Miro" card for bug (#70743)- fix tabs in pci.ids - Change pci ids for the PowerEdge 4 series again...- Dell PERC and SCSI pci.id additions- Removed and/or invalid entries from Cards database BLOCKER (#70802)- Changed Matrox G450 driver default options to fix bug (#66697) - Corrected S3 Trio64V2 bug in Cards file (#66492)- tweaks for Dell Remote Assisstant cards (#60376)- Updated Cards db for CT69000 - Various ATI cleanups and additions to Cards and pcitable - Updated S3 Trio3D to default to "vesa" driver (#59956)- Eizo monitor updates (#56080, ) - pci.ids updates, corresponding pcitable updates - pcilint for pcitable- switch de4x5 back to tulip- Modified ATI entries in pcitable to be able to autodetect the FireGL 8700 and FireGL 8800 which both have the same ID, but different subdevice ID's. Added entries to Cards database for the 8700/8800 as well.- Reconfigured Cards database to default to XFree86 4.x for ALL video hardware, since 3.3.6 support is being removed. Video cards not supported natively by 4.x will be changed to use the vesa or vga driver, or completely removed as unsupported.- another megaraid variant- fix monitor entry for Dell 1600X Laptop Display Panel- more aacraid- another 3ware, another megaraid- Added commented out line for some Radeon 7500 cards to Cards database.- Fixed i830 entry to use driver "i810" not "i830" which doesn't exist- fix rebuild (#62459) - SuperSavage ids (#62101) - updates from pci.ids- fix errant space (#61363)- nVidia updates- lots of pcitable updates- Updated Cards database- Built new package with updated database files for rawhide.- return of XFree86-3.3.x- initial build 0.284-1.fc21dist-blacklist.confhwdataCOPYINGLICENSEhwdataiab.txtoui.txtpci.idspnp.idsusb.ids/usr/lib/modprobe.d//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/hwdata//usr/share//usr/share/hwdata/-O2 -g -march=pentium3drpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryUTF-8 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminatorsUTF-8 Unicode text?7zXZ !#,]"k%Ywjq9D@hUjͽITi.^n&[0t,1=|jcOc)ap0V6iWH jɄVΏt3'XdGʑd'F > @yC#V`b83H]9or /]ˤX-n3:Q95݂Z t`Y81\]K,jQ{kk%AB"6?ڣϟg`b@3~ǀUiNOǗ(.4~n{kIv֖> kҪZH*)\]؈9#9davS{!}aqnAN/+)$G/)S4LhpVek50s)Ȋ`ck :_}~T\Ƿ(Г(OOG}byaQ tt^..{L'ywafkߔ,P61Grc{ I [p\ sWy6ϋ"5I2+:&WI/ e/=$/Qi-LK?i0nL~9~=pqU4(Ι5;,׿8N91eR F@ަt{~ LF @tND"%|2 vdw ~`3d\2tmٸBkT2{Wc7QZ ̤ZѴ-+Wz:.wQޜ^.Zf2[(:4/p+P/СW_uu1U_yC>oDJA݂!_/WhW[Iwv9zhȠ.-in{q̡F%ʗPP `5;TNam (эVoݓMXGә6I>jLA:AmX\]R=}mSF%Q :7yoדp0$b%m气R^_>ٯܡ%oHB::U$>)V& ϹM戮BW- 7 N*,ñ?_8ixIj9"#d4򅻫~'{[ajt/bz}r..dPDۓ)n:DƋK*H/tF"8jvtV%2 pL ԓ?SJe&:_xj::"}Remsa>RL ?`|x }@@Vct~|? u'tSF< 󽆦OmSsE>p(K*]B:]q'p&?N$9\*]Ρy G_\mF3N*с̿!4(r4G| ™=2scZ_}[x]=Fu9{f a2C⬸cxPtHJﯺemI ֜J)7p|yH]zEe2ڧ&d &V;IXC5`qCi ҏjc;MNcMGyȦG2,\RCZhc@>/_Ͱ@%!,m860v\ԯ\Z^jI1`;sWk@AO&2ɬubWih>)^meqi H]R:!FPU{Viss'[dTR/+4 #5nlj u睛cZWM8 JxFi+E3Cj!ߦݾiw+}/Uu  >y݌<*Amc0X7kJǷuUvw嚮5p]ώַo=:tߠ?|M' ҁO l߾I^hAnnQN&jNg}u,ʳ Az?ߩyﴏ2Xղ&^1A#񱴼Rv3&@jQy?_VxX1e$ެ+KgE#ZfqҟP7;lWxZj_k%88B(k@U/zߨf/ ͺRV~^Fe&?N>*EiHܻI ߂,=auF/"{bEt>[11Q3zc#-ٝ5Ylui?Gw>!EsW%cX'$"/øeSvPWHiֳFGԻA5xXσ\g7[G䡇E]B."j}FDMn ݄ HN]V*:4ft) dثmliBB[jBDحl!P(j@ :Z1Ty‹|>ۼşk (7XCD? - !3юj$M)q\2Lff bRTS>w+ϳ]f)YxKtB7%Ÿ9}lg\5kG32yi^f6AaR"ٌt>s#Z:#"ޛ_s~D7bݬ@m^¡*a ٗGh)ttm&[T#alwleD~؃#`\FxYߏ'sP(\!n1pEAnY-87,PU)`1].`HsQ {ZY^IOjqYX[J#1JʙИ ; E2$A {˲Ӵ\! 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