geany-plugins-devhelp-1.28-1.fc22$>CcϷ(">9,`?,Pd $ G *1 @Rlr|              Lp $h$ .$( u8 19 D1:(1G& H' I'H X'TY'\\'t ]' ^(4b(d)e)f)l)t) u) v*w+p x+ y+,LCgeany-plugins-devhelp1.281.fc22API documentation browser in GeanyThis plugin embeds an API documentation browser and search functionality directly into Geany's user interface. In case you didn't know, Devhelp is an API documentation browser mainly aimed at GNOME-related libraries, although there are Devhelp books for a wide range of library APIs. Check your package manager and/or Google and you should have no trouble finding books that can be viewed with Devhelp.Wsarm04-builder13.arm.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv3+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Tools;%K/ TM^ӁA큤A큤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-plugins-1.28-1.fc22.src.rpmgeany-plugins-devhelpgeany-plugins-devhelp(armv7hl-32)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ JjJf@Jf@Jf@Ja@J`gJ]J]J\s@J\s@J\s@J?r@Dominic Hopf 1.28-1Oliver Haessler - 1.27-1Oliver Haessler - 1.26-1Dominic Hopf - 1.25-4Dominic Hopf - 1.25-3Dominic Hopf - 1.25-2Dominic Hopf - 1.25-1Dominic Hopf - 1.24-6Dominic Hopf - 1.24-5Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-2Dominic Hopf - 1.24-1Ville Skyttä - 1.23-3Tom Callaway - 1.23-2Dominic Hopf - 1.23-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.22-4Dominic Hopf - 1.22-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.22-2Dominic Hopf - 1.22-1Dominic Hopf - 0.21-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.21-3Dominic Hopf - 0.21-2Dominic Hopf - 0.21-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.20-2Dominic Hopf - 0.20-1Dominic Hopf - 0.19-7Dominic Hopf - 0.19-6Dominic Hopf - 0.19-5Dominic Hopf - 0.19-4Dominic Hopf - 0.19-3Dominic Hopf - 0.19-2Dominic Hopf - 0.19-1Dominic Hopf 0.18-2Dominic Hopf 0.18-1Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-6Ville Skyttä - 0.17.1-5Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-4Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-3Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-2Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-1Dominic Hopf 0.17-5Dominic Hopf 0.17-4Dominic Hopf 0.17-3Dominic Hopf 0.17-2Dominic Hopf 0.17-1Jonathan G. Underwood - 0.17-0.2Jonathan G. Underwood - 0.17-0.1Pingou 0.1-1- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.28 - Renamed Plugin: geanysendmail -> sendmail- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.27 - new plugins: LineOperations, git-changebar - Updated package description to include all available AddOns - Updated geanypy directory- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.26- remove obsolete references to lua- fix Provides and Obsoletes for renamed/removed plugins- build without --enable-gtk3- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.25 - new plugins: Automark, Geanyctags, Overview - renamed plugins: gproject -> projectorganizer - plugins gone: geanylua- run gtk-update-icon-cache in %post and %postun for gproject only- run gtk-update-icon-cache in %post and %postun- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.24 - remove geanygdb from specfile - fix bogus date warnings - new plugins: autoclose, defineformat, geanypy, pairtaghighlighter and pohelper- Install docs to %{_pkgdocdir} where available.- rebuild for lua 5.2 - enable devhelp- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.23 - New plugins: commander, markdown, multiterm, scope- Rebuilt for add Obsoletes and Provides for pretty-print(er)- Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.22 - this release deprecates the geanygdb plugin - pretty-print has been renamed to pretty-printer - new plugins: geanyminiscript and geniuspaste- require and build against Geany 1.22- Rebuilt for fix a dependency issue for geanygendoc- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.21 - 0.21 adds seven new plugins: debugger, geanymacro, geanynumberedbookmarks, geanypg, gproject, tableconvert, xmlsnippets- Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.20 - remove unnecessary patches since the got applied upstream - 0.20 brings two new plugins: updatechecker and webhelper - order the plugins alphabetically (inspired by the output of ls)- apply patch from upstream SVN to fix geanylua build- require and build against Geany 0.20- backport upstream changes for geanygendoc to work with CTPL 0.3- remove Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver} from plugins, since Geany is required by geany-plugins-common, and any plugin requires the common package - add missing dependency for ctpl-libs to geanygendoc plugin- enable or rather add geanygendoc to the specfile - remove zero-length documentation files - fix various spelling errors- correct license to GPLv3+ - fix build of pretty print plugin - be more particular with BuildRequires- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.19 - redordered plugins according to Geany's plugin manager dialog - added new plugins: codenav, treebrowser, geanyextrasel, geanyinsertnum and pretty print- Build against and require Geany 0.18.1- update to new upstream release- build against and require geany 0.18- Use bzipped upstream tarball.- write BuildRequires at the beginning of this file- remove Requires: geany from the main package - change Group to Development/Tools - add release to the geanyvc Provides - entirely remove %files stanza for the main package- fix the required geany version also in the subpackages - remove the requires to sub-packages to avoid building the metapackage since all geany plugins also can be installed by something like 'yum install geany-plugins-*' - fix the requires of geany-plugins-common to include the release- bump upstream version to 0.17.1 - fix required geany version to be 0.16 at the present- add Requires for metapackage - rename subpackages back to geany-plugins-* instead of geany-plugin-*- readd the geany_plug_docdir global to fix the versioned directory issue for documentation files - replace geany-plugins with %{name} to be more consistent with macro usage - remove zero-length documentation files - fix the changelog - remove static *.la-files - split up packages- add %{_datadir}/geany-plugins/geanylua/ to %files-section- fix %files-section again, thanks to Jonathan for the hint.- update URL to Add Obsoletes for geanyvc - Add more BuildRequires and Requires- Update to 0.17 (first upstream release of tarball) - Fix handling of docs - Spec file cleanups- First RPM for Fedora 1.28-1.fc221.28-1.fc22devhelp.sodevhelpAUTHORSCOPYINGNEWSREADMEdevhelpdevhelp-plugin-48.pngdevhelp-plugin.svgdevhelp.confgeany-devhelp-plugin.pnghome.html/usr/lib/geany//usr/share/doc/geany-plugins//usr/share/doc/geany-plugins/devhelp//usr/share/geany-plugins//usr/share/geany-plugins/devhelp/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=harddrpmxz2armv7hl-redhat-linux-gnueabiELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f335af523e64e6506ff4015f5f01b7b499544a58, strippeddirectoryASCII textPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imagePNG image data, 200 x 200, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedHTML document, ASCII textRR RRRRRRRRRR RRRR RRRRRRR RRRR RRRR"?p7zXZ !#,#T]"k%|0 =t yAJ}f8kVZ"{Kw+Y9 |AgQ&BuFT+Sbdw[]=;͐"Zp@p'0G͌/x>fD~fXtګ7*VKWx$vbжٓ5cf[&>2£iJ+=m Au# <ʀ%_1rמ86l6apQ ݃<;blnT;6"kGA{!4+7ԏQ𘨓PAhJ*N[=>%t)⢋`+q7[^k+S)q 鿗k➴Qb̧.i!X(rTp}{=Tٶ\6Cm6%.;5`5p]l:Z*sl+g+mb+UQ}4 ݖ!t~2cCF]]?-=om27zLߩg! 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