geany-plugins-geanypg-1.28-1.fc22$>4Hݼ@.L.4ss>9&?&d $ V $6PV`x      *Hl <  (8191:1G#dH#|I#X#Y#\#]#^$b$\d%'e%,f%/l%1t%Pu%hv%w&8x&Py&h&Cgeany-plugins-geanypg1.281.fc22encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with GnuPGGeanyPG is a plugin for Geany that allows the user to encrypt, decrypt and verify signatures with{Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv3+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Tools{T,F A큤WsWsWsWsWsWsd863a2b9186ffd588da4430dfd89088784d0e502e4eb47d24a7127c66b4d7413557160e886de0cfc3832ca1d8cfc200e85b02c00aabc2a324ec923ef431890078177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643bb93392113cb87496f47667927f7b5323f8a68785b45f90320a4ad0d1ca454364f0aa087b321dc76ee00f436351d745841ce62813901869e6855aff52db90809rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgeany-plugins-1.28-1.fc22.src.rpmgeany-plugins-geanypggeany-plugins-geanypg(armv7hl-32)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ JjJf@Jf@Jf@Ja@J`gJ]J]J\s@J\s@J\s@J?r@Dominic Hopf 1.28-1Oliver Haessler - 1.27-1Oliver Haessler - 1.26-1Dominic Hopf - 1.25-4Dominic Hopf - 1.25-3Dominic Hopf - 1.25-2Dominic Hopf - 1.25-1Dominic Hopf - 1.24-6Dominic Hopf - 1.24-5Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-2Dominic Hopf - 1.24-1Ville Skyttä - 1.23-3Tom Callaway - 1.23-2Dominic Hopf - 1.23-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.22-4Dominic Hopf - 1.22-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.22-2Dominic Hopf - 1.22-1Dominic Hopf - 0.21-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.21-3Dominic Hopf - 0.21-2Dominic Hopf - 0.21-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.20-2Dominic Hopf - 0.20-1Dominic Hopf - 0.19-7Dominic Hopf - 0.19-6Dominic Hopf - 0.19-5Dominic Hopf - 0.19-4Dominic Hopf - 0.19-3Dominic Hopf - 0.19-2Dominic Hopf - 0.19-1Dominic Hopf 0.18-2Dominic Hopf 0.18-1Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-6Ville Skyttä - 0.17.1-5Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-4Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-3Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-2Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-1Dominic Hopf 0.17-5Dominic Hopf 0.17-4Dominic Hopf 0.17-3Dominic Hopf 0.17-2Dominic Hopf 0.17-1Jonathan G. Underwood - 0.17-0.2Jonathan G. Underwood - 0.17-0.1Pingou 0.1-1- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.28 - Renamed Plugin: geanysendmail -> sendmail- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.27 - new plugins: LineOperations, git-changebar - Updated package description to include all available AddOns - Updated geanypy directory- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.26- remove obsolete references to lua- fix Provides and Obsoletes for renamed/removed plugins- build without --enable-gtk3- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.25 - new plugins: Automark, Geanyctags, Overview - renamed plugins: gproject -> projectorganizer - plugins gone: geanylua- run gtk-update-icon-cache in %post and %postun for gproject only- run gtk-update-icon-cache in %post and %postun- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.24 - remove geanygdb from specfile - fix bogus date warnings - new plugins: autoclose, defineformat, geanypy, pairtaghighlighter and pohelper- Install docs to %{_pkgdocdir} where available.- rebuild for lua 5.2 - enable devhelp- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.23 - New plugins: commander, markdown, multiterm, scope- Rebuilt for add Obsoletes and Provides for pretty-print(er)- Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.22 - this release deprecates the geanygdb plugin - pretty-print has been renamed to pretty-printer - new plugins: geanyminiscript and geniuspaste- require and build against Geany 1.22- Rebuilt for fix a dependency issue for geanygendoc- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.21 - 0.21 adds seven new plugins: debugger, geanymacro, geanynumberedbookmarks, geanypg, gproject, tableconvert, xmlsnippets- Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.20 - remove unnecessary patches since the got applied upstream - 0.20 brings two new plugins: updatechecker and webhelper - order the plugins alphabetically (inspired by the output of ls)- apply patch from upstream SVN to fix geanylua build- require and build against Geany 0.20- backport upstream changes for geanygendoc to work with CTPL 0.3- remove Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver} from plugins, since Geany is required by geany-plugins-common, and any plugin requires the common package - add missing dependency for ctpl-libs to geanygendoc plugin- enable or rather add geanygendoc to the specfile - remove zero-length documentation files - fix various spelling errors- correct license to GPLv3+ - fix build of pretty print plugin - be more particular with BuildRequires- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.19 - redordered plugins according to Geany's plugin manager dialog - added new plugins: codenav, treebrowser, geanyextrasel, geanyinsertnum and pretty print- Build against and require Geany 0.18.1- update to new upstream release- build against and require geany 0.18- Use bzipped upstream tarball.- write BuildRequires at the beginning of this file- remove Requires: geany from the main package - change Group to Development/Tools - add release to the geanyvc Provides - entirely remove %files stanza for the main package- fix the required geany version also in the subpackages - remove the requires to sub-packages to avoid building the metapackage since all geany plugins also can be installed by something like 'yum install geany-plugins-*' - fix the requires of geany-plugins-common to include the release- bump upstream version to 0.17.1 - fix required geany version to be 0.16 at the present- add Requires for metapackage - rename subpackages back to geany-plugins-* instead of geany-plugin-*- readd the geany_plug_docdir global to fix the versioned directory issue for documentation files - replace geany-plugins with %{name} to be more consistent with macro usage - remove zero-length documentation files - fix the changelog - remove static *.la-files - split up packages- add %{_datadir}/geany-plugins/geanylua/ to %files-section- fix %files-section again, thanks to Jonathan for the hint.- update URL to Add Obsoletes for geanyvc - Add more BuildRequires and Requires- Update to 0.17 (first upstream release of tarball) - Fix handling of docs - Spec file cleanups- First RPM for Fedora1.28-1.fc221.28-1.fc22geanypg.sogeanypgAUTHORSCOPYINGChangeLogREADME/usr/lib/geany//usr/share/doc/geany-plugins//usr/share/doc/geany-plugins/geanypg/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=harddrpmxz2armv7hl-redhat-linux-gnueabiELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=2e9a6c6c7e778b85f0a98d37404101563c34fa69, strippeddirectoryASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textRRR RRRRRR RRRR RRRRRR RRR RRRR?p7zXZ !#, ]"k%|0 =tgeg2xH=ST8s^ώZAVcBB ;;)K6 x{׽/!!PQ^XK߽C u4,1 s_dұE|;=A mCP"3T50 ͎~U(D+2'&-*6E:8ui)37\~BwYf!ؗA,Qsl nwχ/AtmJl8ьCsM%d ^ tՄYy#R*ڦ*.gԐ"0ȭ+#}f%Sr]bS{D4<Nu0jZZdZ̾u6zv@z/iHtG{@HxW*q$f~ _[杯Է0{4TOֿzsI7o5sΘ׌y/\@qX6MU-lqd yu44>a 5FJo>m OfB46vU3mZhoX<\cr8ِ(4/×J!SyCZMtgQ?oQPo7<4EmVGyi#̗:(\/FPGm紐VPlxD55:eNM]>cz`jw` ÞO&՞B+}gA6E1[m+IK(d. 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