lilypond-emmentaler-fonts-2.19.45-1.fc22$>RP[3?bl>xQ>=>?>d$ + E<@O^d sp         2  < d    (89 `:)>;W@;_G;h H; I; X; Y; \< ]<, ^<b=d=e=f=l=t= u>$ v>Lw>l x> y> >Clilypond-emmentaler-fonts2.19.451.fc22Lilypond emmentaler fontsLilyPond is an automated music engraving system. It formats music beautifully and automatically, and has a friendly syntax for its input files. These are the emmentaler fonts included in the package.W$carm02-builder05.arm.fedoraproject.orghFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv3Fedora ProjectUser Interface/Xhttp://www.lilypond.orglinuxnoarchif [ -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ]; then /usr/bin/fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/lilypond || : fiif [ $1 -eq 0 -a -x /usr/bin/fc-cache ] ; then /usr/bin/fc-cache /usr/share/fonts/lilypond || : fix}Dzzz|$A큤W$ W" W" W" W"W"W"W"W"W"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-2.19.45-1.fc22.src.rpmfont(emmentaler-11)font(emmentaler-13)font(emmentaler-14)font(emmentaler-16)font(emmentaler-18)font(emmentaler-20)font(emmentaler-23)font(emmentaler-26)font(emmentaler-brace)lilypond-emmentaler-fonts    /bin/sh/bin/shfontpackages-filesystemlilypond-fonts-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)2.19.45-1.fc223.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-}WZW=W'A@W@VbVbVV'@V2V2V=@VHV^VzVetVTQ@VC-V.V&,V +UU@UAUȒ@UnU4@U3@Ua@UcUUU?v@U"u@UT@T TCS@SS(5@RƦ@RR;Rw@Rg@R-@RC@R QQPPAP7lP'PPO@OF@OF@O@O@OOOO@Or@Ohq@OYOU@ON@O?O5O-OObO@O @NN2NNwNˎN_N@N^N1O@MM@M@Mߒ@MM'M@M@MMlMM~@MzMv@Mn1@MgMY@MS@MQ0@MQ0@MF@M-M-M'@M"ME@L LbL>@KA@JjJ#Im@I2IIIIIy@Ix_Iw@ImIcGIZ @IZ @IHI3HHAG GF`FFuF@EEK@EEE=E@E@Et EX^@EK/@E*9D@DDn@DoDhm@Dhm@De@DWIDN@DN@D:HJon Ciesla - 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2.11.57-1Jon Ciesla - 2.10.33-4Christopher Aillon - 2.10.33-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.10.33-2Quentin Spencer 2.10.33-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.29-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.25-2Quentin Spencer 2.10.25-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.20-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.17-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.13-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.11-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.8-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.4-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.2-2Quentin Spencer 2.10.1-1Quentin Spencer 2.10.0-1Quentin Spencer 2.8.8-1Quentin Spencer 2.8.7-1Quentin Spencer 2.8.6-2Quentin Spencer 2.8.6-1Quentin Spencer 2.8.4-1Quentin Spencer 2.8.3-1Quentin Spencer 2.8.2-3Quentin Spencer 2.8.2-2Quentin Spencer 2.8.2-1Quentin Spencer 2.8.1-4Quentin Spencer 2.8.1-3Quentin Spencer 2.8.1-2Quentin Spencer 2.8.1-1- 2.19.45.- 2.19.44.- 2.19.43.- 2.19.42.- 2.19.41.- 2.19.40.- Patch to fix emmentaler brace area, fixing BZ 1235779.- 2.19.39.- 2.19.38.- Revised patch from upstream, Fix FTBFS, BZ 1307746.- 2.19.37.- Rebuilt for 2.19.36.- 2.19.35.- 2.19.34.- 2.19.33.- 2.19.32.- 2.19.31.- 2.19.30.- 2.19.29.- 2.19.28.- 2.19.27.- Fix font obsoletes.- 2.19.26. - century-schoolbook-l and nimbus fonts removed. - texgyre cursor, hera and schola fonts added.- 2.19.25.- 2.19.24.- 2.19.23.- 2.19.22.- Rebuilt for 2.19.21.- 2.19.20.- 2.19.19. - Add nimbus fonts.- 2.19.18.- 2.19.17.- 2.19.16.- 2.19.15, to fix BZ 1149230.- Add metainfo file to show CenturySchL-Roma font in gnome-software- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for 2.18.2.- 2.18.0, BZ 1047196.- 2.17.97.- 2.17.96.- 2.17.30.- 2.17.29.- 2.17.26. - Fix vim dir, BZ 1005394.- 2.17.25.- Fix FTBFS, 992140. Updated to latest as 2.16.x will not build - with texlive > 2012.- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New stable upstream.- New stable upstream.- New stable upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- Rebuilt for New upstream.- Make fonts noarch, BZ 826841.- New upstream.- RC.- Patch for gcc bug, BZ 820998.- New stable release.- New upstream. - Decruft spec.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- excluding s390 is no longer needed- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- Fixed license tag, BZ 684215.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- New upstream.- Rebuilt for New upstream.- New upstream.- exclude s390 because fontforge fails with an internal error- New upstream.- Scriptlet fix.- Update for new vim, BZ 663889.- Update to first Beta for 2.14.x to fix FTBFS BZ 631363.- recompiling .py files against Python 2.7 (rhbz#623331)- Update for new licensing guidelines.- Update to 2.12.3. - Dropped consts patch, upstreamed.- Rebuilt for Update for vim 7.2, BZ 503429.- fix up strchr const rets for const arg- Rebuilt for Update to 2.12.2. - Patch for gcc 4.4.- Split out feta and parmesan type1 fonts.- Final font corrections.- More font refinements.- Drop feta-fonts package cruft.- Implementing font_pkg.- Update to 2.12.1. - Droppedn parse-scm patch, applied upstream.- Split out fonts subpackage, BZ 477416.- Re-fix Source0 URL.- New upstream, BZ 476836. - Fixed Source0 URL. - Patched to allow Python 2.6. - Patch for parse-scm fix.- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Upgrade to new upstream.- Spec cleanup, fix for BZ 456842, vim file locations.- Fix the build against GCC 4.3; simply missing some #includes- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- New release. - Fix source URL. - Change licence from GPL to GPLv2.- New release. Remove old patch.- Patch to fix problems with recent versions of fontforge.- New release & new source URL.- New release.- New release. Fix bug 225410.- New release.- New release.- New release. - Fix source URL.- New release. - Finish fixing bug 219400.- New release. - Fix bug 219400.- New release.- New release. Update build requirements for 2.10 series.- New release.- New release.- Rebuild for FC6 - Update directory for vim. - Don't ghost .pyo files, as per changes in packaging guidelines (bug 205387).- New release.- New release.- New upstream, remove patch. - Put docs in separate SRPM.- Fixes to dependencies, encoding of info files. - Add docs as separate tarball (building them fails without ghostscript 8.50).- Patch to fix segfault in fontconfig.- New release.- Add missing BuildRequires. - Specify location of NCSB fonts to configure script. - Disable parallel build.- Make .so file executable.- Use gettext.- Initial build./bin/sh/bin/sh 2.19.45-1.fc22lilypondemmentaler-11.otfemmentaler-13.otfemmentaler-14.otfemmentaler-16.otfemmentaler-18.otfemmentaler-20.otfemmentaler-23.otfemmentaler-26.otfemmentaler-brace.otf/usr/share/fonts//usr/share/fonts/lilypond/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=harddrpmxz2armv7hl-redhat-linux-gnueabidirectoryOpenType font dataPPPPPPPPP?07zXZ !#, !]"k%PPă 4)w>}%}1Ok|tJ4iճj;BtCPkn9A4oK`" &]pu&6}#\#,V)=Z:xw'MőY0._@,FX0N4Z= ~zHlqyyHA 'yKf wF}f'MCc0C7)Db__80-$™Е*r׫N~WZXxN,8DՔ{Mء(8SCԣ{P+M, m?lhMuf +B4G 圌se'0%2|_2|/h)Yq[{ q>m]fa0AZThd\. ۆ@'"iA=)J K "f bg%ֶo сOm+v^tH??x-ə(M35N ccrg]$[|?]k2y- -=?E껾57gV?Z*@~ ồh𰢟\A[!UÉ/װ"A%O-YjV cvj6TMg =5r_TߎX[dCֳC7lHۈO.Np#JX Q8Hñ/̽áS_>o1X֠m呸9qNJ䤤yӁI`8'!G/NbV*1eZ $COMrq\S$\5hl2l8 Ѳ$ x zG3c ;-tR7*5?8d1P~O@F "YI2nAԎi{yM48QQl<HI!a}cU4 yձ]Tһ4Hg}Uվ&EpE _"+'_}Pwz'+#1y.H.);Ur$tyv7 8h㞶p]y Kk}vLewJK\89B%tK*˒UX~fːe@$s{(87:Aᬪ&%WB"\1t:B@ē 75X]lB A])&hB)˨=6 0>FXfPR%lbv-sK&]w T./jNggtg> iHJVMSfȻ.f?82=rM슭w7ovȗעKWOw'!$V|QtBP>ȞBۧToi$bt1p;*J:-~'ZY~ˆ=3 G|9.L+ ~ȅ (06XΥAǾmw`vkd#B?}Ye]38%E/:˾Ŷ_"l_HGX7S,}Pgx˰GܪKH[ŐRh.\lb&LQ\p?'[AMG 8 Dyu>m6:2hFʇ|gNlYn1Qw\,mib [LvFHd֚ePqTvx:l/wD=< #MX=P.5eAܣ ǜqPl}3 q!O¯ﶣ3Ҵ5EN[5Kɉ,q%0 i,6GWǏd}ѧ:5?  `-Y>)7- 9#:,~H[_zh3+(n{x9 aC7+^\,16&=m@5`8-^s\`3;jr\sW qm83ɪ5ltfO9BqFj$i&DZaLͰJrTbp̂<8mYCR"ڣl6ś GMM^8Z^9㳻PrGŅ\1Jƾn_Ӷb"9~oU Uiu@ېa b8&Sc٤#k:kj)<;Z2K#q#pp9xWﱜtuaDN/_:W]f.WⰤJ*̒Avfb餤. ޟHo3kX.'P ضmp^w&t3ϟ^&n|ROjύˌJx:`S.f_ec8JӼBn+֢! 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