geany-plugins-geanyminiscript-1.28-1.fc22$>Kp E^0-I z>9'?'td % , L  .HNTl x    <`x,W(819d1:H1G$H$ I$8X$@Y$H\$`]$x^$b%d%e%f%l%t& u&$v&<w&x&y''pCgeany-plugins-geanyminiscript1.281.fc22Geany Mini-Script filter pluginThe GeanyMiniScript plugin is a tool to apply a script filter on: * the text selection * the current document * all documents of the current session. The filter type can be: * Unix shell script * perl script * python script * sed commands * awk script The output can be: * the selection of the current document * all the current document * or a new documentWp5buildhw-04.phx2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv3+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Tools A큤Wp/Wp$WoWoWoWo31c71061bb139283c96ea4d2b79012ca90bc346921658e75bbb8a4318183c0131a44aa0297d4f1e3352f8bbefa88599f412677239ffb8c0327d79f6b369aa207c38aee9e3c8c4d5d594ff548a1be05453023016d6286931f6512db215ec1fd42585152e361fda6ca68bc1e609ee78f3efb95e732b1164f2a79e100cbca6fe528302dcc75eb801e31962d449a302f5657da99dca0c64b75ba7e7d880bc081cb42rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgeany-plugins-1.28-1.fc22.src.rpmgeany-plugins-geanyminiscriptgeany-plugins-geanyminiscript(x86-32)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ JjJf@Jf@Jf@Ja@J`gJ]J]J\s@J\s@J\s@J?r@Dominic Hopf 1.28-1Oliver Haessler - 1.27-1Oliver Haessler - 1.26-1Dominic Hopf - 1.25-4Dominic Hopf - 1.25-3Dominic Hopf - 1.25-2Dominic Hopf - 1.25-1Dominic Hopf - 1.24-6Dominic Hopf - 1.24-5Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.24-2Dominic Hopf - 1.24-1Ville Skyttä - 1.23-3Tom Callaway - 1.23-2Dominic Hopf - 1.23-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.22-4Dominic Hopf - 1.22-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.22-2Dominic Hopf - 1.22-1Dominic Hopf - 0.21-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.21-3Dominic Hopf - 0.21-2Dominic Hopf - 0.21-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.20-2Dominic Hopf - 0.20-1Dominic Hopf - 0.19-7Dominic Hopf - 0.19-6Dominic Hopf - 0.19-5Dominic Hopf - 0.19-4Dominic Hopf - 0.19-3Dominic Hopf - 0.19-2Dominic Hopf - 0.19-1Dominic Hopf 0.18-2Dominic Hopf 0.18-1Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-6Ville Skyttä - 0.17.1-5Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-4Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-3Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-2Dominic Hopf 0.17.1-1Dominic Hopf 0.17-5Dominic Hopf 0.17-4Dominic Hopf 0.17-3Dominic Hopf 0.17-2Dominic Hopf 0.17-1Jonathan G. Underwood - 0.17-0.2Jonathan G. Underwood - 0.17-0.1Pingou 0.1-1- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.28 - Renamed Plugin: geanysendmail -> sendmail- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.27 - new plugins: LineOperations, git-changebar - Updated package description to include all available AddOns - Updated geanypy directory- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.26- remove obsolete references to lua- fix Provides and Obsoletes for renamed/removed plugins- build without --enable-gtk3- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.25 - new plugins: Automark, Geanyctags, Overview - renamed plugins: gproject -> projectorganizer - plugins gone: geanylua- run gtk-update-icon-cache in %post and %postun for gproject only- run gtk-update-icon-cache in %post and %postun- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.24 - remove geanygdb from specfile - fix bogus date warnings - new plugins: autoclose, defineformat, geanypy, pairtaghighlighter and pohelper- Install docs to %{_pkgdocdir} where available.- rebuild for lua 5.2 - enable devhelp- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.23 - New plugins: commander, markdown, multiterm, scope- Rebuilt for add Obsoletes and Provides for pretty-print(er)- Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 1.22 - this release deprecates the geanygdb plugin - pretty-print has been renamed to pretty-printer - new plugins: geanyminiscript and geniuspaste- require and build against Geany 1.22- Rebuilt for fix a dependency issue for geanygendoc- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.21 - 0.21 adds seven new plugins: debugger, geanymacro, geanynumberedbookmarks, geanypg, gproject, tableconvert, xmlsnippets- Rebuilt for New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.20 - remove unnecessary patches since the got applied upstream - 0.20 brings two new plugins: updatechecker and webhelper - order the plugins alphabetically (inspired by the output of ls)- apply patch from upstream SVN to fix geanylua build- require and build against Geany 0.20- backport upstream changes for geanygendoc to work with CTPL 0.3- remove Requires: geany >= %{req_geany_ver} from plugins, since Geany is required by geany-plugins-common, and any plugin requires the common package - add missing dependency for ctpl-libs to geanygendoc plugin- enable or rather add geanygendoc to the specfile - remove zero-length documentation files - fix various spelling errors- correct license to GPLv3+ - fix build of pretty print plugin - be more particular with BuildRequires- New upstream release: Geany-Plugins 0.19 - redordered plugins according to Geany's plugin manager dialog - added new plugins: codenav, treebrowser, geanyextrasel, geanyinsertnum and pretty print- Build against and require Geany 0.18.1- update to new upstream release- build against and require geany 0.18- Use bzipped upstream tarball.- write BuildRequires at the beginning of this file- remove Requires: geany from the main package - change Group to Development/Tools - add release to the geanyvc Provides - entirely remove %files stanza for the main package- fix the required geany version also in the subpackages - remove the requires to sub-packages to avoid building the metapackage since all geany plugins also can be installed by something like 'yum install geany-plugins-*' - fix the requires of geany-plugins-common to include the release- bump upstream version to 0.17.1 - fix required geany version to be 0.16 at the present- add Requires for metapackage - rename subpackages back to geany-plugins-* instead of geany-plugin-*- readd the geany_plug_docdir global to fix the versioned directory issue for documentation files - replace geany-plugins with %{name} to be more consistent with macro usage - remove zero-length documentation files - fix the changelog - remove static *.la-files - split up packages- add %{_datadir}/geany-plugins/geanylua/ to %files-section- fix %files-section again, thanks to Jonathan for the hint.- update URL to Add Obsoletes for geanyvc - Add more BuildRequires and Requires- Update to 0.17 (first upstream release of tarball) - Fix handling of docs - Spec file cleanups- First RPM for Fedora1.28-1.fc221.28-1.fc22geanyminiscript.sogeanyminiscriptAUTHORSCOPYINGChangeLogREADME/usr/lib/geany//usr/share/doc/geany-plugins//usr/share/doc/geany-plugins/geanyminiscript/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f1089078e401079061c76ab5e276222ed0d8c79b, strippeddirectoryASCII textRRRRRRR RR RRRR RRRRR R RRRR?p7zXZ !#,8Q]"k%|0 =tK "^>1|q;OOBЉx= 樋%I6VO1m1giMՓxfO7wQÝM |,XgC"d(% }9:Ư5Pk;^z,1Bb)MnXKR&t6Č]N=DBxX\ !-d 6`-]ś h3#ԭx4w1W`d~Er}}[+/1n[Զ~ 8^aqAX6PblJԏ@y6=95⨀ɇ!9arQv(\_OFlM ^ȎS0l'}"_PxH* BF-^v,"P]d9:w# /-CIy *niV)TE2"]Pzcrq#5s+gI=?&VIcϩ=P XǠjX o2%9ȟ$>V-$a$ɇR K!2I lSRNס').琜f7_S/Ƴ'V&o,tPqLyDFZmHH~_tՇ 6~-Bz{|G`mFTI|W餁w-mia2Ev/O|b-WFƷrP=x-|ZkKA%cLVm?lx$uZ]0~EeckL5Fb%º HJˊ.| 5o0pϸk_Bau7I6iD >;5d"1:u6gyiC@s*"h4u2kN#ppv,y(ce_ [6!;'4M.$+m.6ˣ酁@iHj?}xFF|e-Yd ɛըw#"wQӋj߸m|1BE[C ?'+dX+L"*\qHU/ݡF a¡Z.qޥhEo #A&dfgpb듞*x]TMDt BKЉ!nQLQ1j+CSc`FCKn2Xa%}&)]v(fALͮgMV["\#>C4# +XOܫS@W>[Dgؗ-D684_hmlq SI\!4/yN5B:n.𐾎q9,DN'] !#ZE1]>L xJk9siCCK瞌ꐙy`%`L6+2CA,SV)%tǠ4pD=KWTfLV5 wĦDlKxYva!htЕW( Mb}S&V,ʫAb-7&"oX@~mk 8Qx\M^ f wϷ~"2l+jA ౩N'P}39!6|Tr$OJa f%A]~g+X>`tWq/ Lˈ ܤÿ) QVpY:N6 0󖵇8)(믱l~E&h8r3[rG o6+Wd`٦3n7IiV|5U1,,58 ]G^kөHEKyE͇m2;[1q(~Ӊa0ksR<%%L:yBiM xh/y `{⽟ހTOJ>z #e H"5[G5Je.qp4uvSkxVp<&Yl_LzfaleD'!:ِĤGQGenɔ4n.=f&`{(Fc0oKT07 Z, y~~!c@?i-[P's7cPcP܊2x C4qA;T o|hWb9s3#VQgZ3'lnk]H{֎z~ʉp;]hrצ1p ]k^Sc}B$LP?a#A% s_OFYlXX5Wp-9f 8E ׸-.# QA]i 4R|6Sztnx[9F͂zBt#9~-ăAȫhBS}l9m*})Trn!&؜y'y,St?ZO,Ŋ{.gEvZ52]FP8b9 VK*ρB%졎.R7S?x/-[|">xW q,"N:/:aKIV;nW_ |}Vmzu 1b]w5+HSMNiD0l{aw&OZvzqYlIW`氜ihkԐEm&sp܋CK?C;o#g꽔[磡=$}d_L]ǭxrFxr UA YS[.nձ& VPW̍C{* gr0W#,Vb"t,1fNd"ƨFQh!4\pO{qv" oHEZ(7NsEj?\ʵ'6LǚF%XBa?vD'tvܜn(lC -́DGքl$2H(9Q({4=7(FrV2ݚyf7[I:s2˵[sZaXSY Όy~kPNU]YH]M^z&1M-X ]ۣWoo)R#x/C\ܧ Jn_58z}CM /q;LMmdA( UrY͓We?ztȮvE1,9tDx:XIXL4&uWq̅0Od @H|qF-!z%Z\wѵʝNRKOeD,WɓHGaw{ػ֌)iH uLk{:Rwb[ҵ1WՍĕ>Uh9+cgvdroRc^RZVhzs0^h2p;9-(&J!QSzq3ڱ 4W?I Ɵ<`XMcI9Y%G\Uoa_\-g0 =uc@{%˙GlcV l]m~U5sOФkkrfp2Dh*(nr'#!;RX t)EXkC+ J":aZe#% Hʽgpb$)y%vJDdS>?37t{no jbB;xiZ]ki``;/N+#B̺o@! ؠyN]*ѩ6խOU)ɱSjh ;rc嶼hv)-zDV73wop̕J .ȆpmA"nrzjo ِ(4;G_&sR F w|*q.V-\Q2>Zpy7t}~) ]g\Tz#2m'`T["Qrm3%~HTfzb,Mjh\Lm>}&rѱv-aBB( {@M|PQYe4ռp47^tR/:+8Fů6LB|NCo9Dm; iUN@T1HŪ*bIxuGn3ʌ%׀?/wE规쎳Du^I@Rd%>lJ,ؒz0|t{z-^# _ B2+{+P@ tT 1%_V$5Ppqx-yFk3~H 2cjÙ(~ +N)d) .~F]+ɲZO!JyPC3 5:7uIHeoKЂ >̽F5)$\R(A4$h y_GE CFQѯÐ. 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