python-nitrate-1.3-2.fc22$>[,H' &%l>9A@?A0d  S 39@-- N- - \-  - 8----  s (89:}G7(-H7-I8-X8Y8\8-]9-^;vb<8d<e<f<l<t=-u=-v>pw?<-x?-y@"A,Cpython-nitrate1.32.fc22Python API for the Nitrate test case management systempython-nitrate is a Python interface to the Nitrate test case management system. The package consists of a high-level Python module (provides natural object interface), a low-level driver (allows to directly access Nitrate's XMLRPC API) and a command line interpreter (useful for fast debugging and experimenting) F Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv2Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Languages Frodl 1.3-2Petr Šplíchal 1.3-1Petr Šplíchal 1.2-0Petr Šplíchal 1.1-0Petr Šplíchal 1.0-0Petr Šplíchal 0.15-0Petr Šplíchal 0.14-0Petr Šplíchal 0.13-0Petr Šplíchal 0.12-0Petr Šplíchal 0.11-0Petr Šplíchal 0.10-0Petr Šplíchal 0.9-0Petr Šplíchal - 0.8-0Petr Šplíchal - 0.7-2Petr Šplíchal 0.7-1- Removed obsolete project page links- Package nitrate for PyPI, several adjustments, docs update - Better handle non-existent objects [BZ#1204028] - Correctly handle no caseplan found [BZ#1171671] - Typo fix in the TestPlan's _attributes [BZ#1304295] - Make sure that PlanStatus id type is int- Include example config in documentation [BZ#1098818] - Handle duplicate entry errors gracefully [BZ#1112521] - Added Aleš Zelinka to the list of contributors- TestCase.{setup,action,effect,breakdown} attributes [BZ#1089039] - Map automated/manual when searching test cases [BZ#1092464] - Iterate over PlanRuns sorted by id/creation - Indexing support for containers - Separate methods for locking, handle corrupted cache - Limit cache writing window (chance of corruption) [BZ#1091404] - Ignore malformed and stale cache locks [BZ#1091404] - Workaround Teiid problem with converting time [BZ#1093054]- New stable version, see release notes for the list of changes - Single LOG_DATA level for data-related logs, docs cleanup - Initialize all plan-case tags in CACHE_OBJECTS level - Do not use log.error during object creation/init - Raise exception when invalid Build name given - Added link to the Copr repository - Use object name for identifier if id is unknown - Containers with uncached items should expire as well - No all-items fetching for modified containers [BZ#1084563]- Allow wiping cache of subclasses of given class - Update TestRun's CaseRuns in MultiCall batches - Import all containers into the main nitrate module - Remove version from test-bed-prepare Product init - Display warn message about locked persistent cache - Document batch updates using Cache().update() - Summary of new features added to release notes - Add reference to release notes and individual module docs - Custom formatter should return unicode messages - Updated the simple example code - Test suite documentation update - Use tag name for hashing to allow creating new tags - Initial version of the release notes- Give a summary of expired items for easier debugging - Wake up only containers with already cached items - New log.all() method for super-detailed logging - Use singletons for Coloring and Caching configuration - Use a single Cache instance for persistent cache handling - Include minimal config example in the synopsis - Use custom concise test results for python 2.7+ only - New log level for Teiid, global constants for all levels - Explicitly mention cache levels for environment variable - Use Config class directly rather than through Nitrate - Teiid requires python-psycopg2 for db connection - Refactored the huge api module into several modules - Explicitly mention the update() method in examples - Ignore enter() and exit() when persistent caching off- Disable PlanComponents test until BZ#866974 is fixed. - Support for fetching data from a Teiid instance - Simple locking for persistent cache implemented - Support for string tags (backward-compatible) - Use multicall for unlinking testcases from testplans - Containers should iterate over sorted test cases - Support for test case sortkey in test plans [BZ#869594] - Improved logging for Container add/remove methods - Internal utility function for idifying - Cache.update() support for multicall slicing - Status can be specified upon test case creation - New utility function sliced() for cutting loafs - Store the initial object dict for future use - Setting arguments/requirement upon test case creation [BZ#1032259] - Product property removed from the TestCase class [BZ#1076058] - Special handling for comparison with None - TestRun.caseruns and TestRun.testcases containers - Cache setup only when needed, improved cleanup logging - Make sure we always compare objects of the same type - Improved container initialization when inject given - TestPlan.testruns reimplemented using PlanRuns container - More debugging output when expiring objects from cache - Containers should always be read-only properties - PlanComponents container implemented- One year is good enough for never-expire limit - Bugs reimplemented with containers and caching - Wake up containers as sets of objects, not lists - Use empty cache for objects not found in the cache file - Identifier should show UNKNOWN when id not defined - Set the default command line editing mode to vi - Do not use root logger for nitrate logging [BZ#1060206] - Use NitrateError class for raising exceptions instead of plain str - Fix regression after version removal from product - Container implementation status documented - TestRun.started and TestRun.finished [BZ#957741] - Better document the update() method [BZ#1004434] - New attribute TestPlan.owner [BZ#954913] - Move the default version from Product into TestPlan - Version fetch cleanup & test improvements - Use custom result format for unit tests - Added TestCase.created attribute (creation date) [BZ#1008489]- Add Filip Holec to the list of contributors - Convert timedelta into a human readable format - The Big Cleanup of Ininitialization and Caching - New custom log levels for cache and xmlrpc - Component should be among exported classes - Added support for plain authentication - Initialize color mode before caching - Colored logging [BZ#965665] - Handle attribute init and fetch timestamp reset at one place - Test summary should report errors as well - No need to load cache when testing - Allow to clear cache for selected classes only - Give an overall test summary at the end of testing - Support cache expiration configuration for parent classes - Improved auto-plural in listed() for words ending with 's' - New utility function header() for printing simple headers - Object fetching cleanup and improved _is_cached() - Move server communication debugging to lower level - New method Cache.update() for group updates - Use temporary cache file for running the test suite - Correctly handle modified objects with caching - Fix problem with restoring containers from the cache - Document logging with custom level, some cleanup - Common identifier width handling - Move constants to the top, expiration adjustments - Persistent caching for all Container classes - Container initialization - Persistent cache implementation - Common caching support in the Nitrate class - Skip performance tests when in regular mode - MultiCall support - Tag class implementation - Performance test cases - Test bed prepare script - Make the newline in info() optional - Added support for performance tests (--performance) - Allow short PlanType initialization by string - Allow to set the reference link upon test case creation [BZ#843382]- New function unlisted() for conversion from human readable list - Clean up the cache before testing caching - Fix test plan initialization by type name - Rename test case components container to CaseComponents - Implemented TestPlan.children property [BZ#863226] - Allow to select cases when creating a new run [BZ#863480] - Invalid category should raise Nitrate exception [BZ#862523] - Implement PlanType using XMLRPC instead of hard coded values [BZ#841299] - Cleanup of log, cache and color funtions - Use unicode for logging where necessary [BZ#865033] - Use unicode for logging in _setter() [BZ#865033] - Sane unicode representation for user with no name [BZ#821629] - Support for system-wide config in /etc/nitrate.conf [BZ#844363] - Remove *.pyc files as well when cleaning - Move global variables out of the functions - Move utils tests into a separate class - Document how to get a short Nitrate summary [BZ#883798] - Push files to the production web only when in the master branch - New TestCase reference link field [BZ#843382] - Forgotten 'notes' in the list of test case attributes - Don't forget to include errata id when creating a new test run - Fix test run errata update, improve the self test - Added errata field in class TestRun - Suggest https in the minimal config example - Test case automation flags cleanup - Empty script or arguments to be handled same as None - Smarter implementation of the listed() function- New method clear() for cleaning containers - Component and Components class implementation - Improved object initialization and id check- Fix url, directory ownership and preserve timestamps.- Initial packaging. !""$%&'()*+,-1.3-2.fc22nitratenitrate__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyobase.pybase.pycbase.pyocache.pycache.pyccache.pyoconfig.pyconfig.pycconfig.pyocontainers.pycontainers.pyccontainers.pyoimmutable.pyimmutable.pycimmutable.pyomutable.pymutable.pycmutable.pyoteiid.pyteiid.pycteiid.pyotests.pytests.pyctests.pyoutils.pyutils.pycutils.pyoxmlrpc.pyxmlrpc.pycxmlrpc.pyopython-nitrateCOPYINGREADMEexamplesconfigcreate.pymatrix.pynitrate-notes.1.gznitrate.1.gzpython-nitrate.1.gz/usr/bin//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nitrate//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/python-nitrate//usr/share/doc/python-nitrate/examples//usr/share/man/man1/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuPython script, ASCII text executabledirectorypython 2.7 byte-compiledASCII textUTF-8 Unicode texttroff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)  !RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR?p7zXZ !#,(H]"k%r) Ӄmp2'ަ*~Aۣ%)1XhJ7HNL:V1YH/LI#)݇O%]uԪowXQqP.B{ZԊaPnV q1mv{$J[(-mOп"B'yoeYdw>XynSC|!kx2x ZXCnY\m1 ܂49R`5;+7ңoyUԋ K6ef딺zHBP =qusoV3)ZAxOCd3RʣƱp,KEH X3[/E1T:\!&G Yn /*.㪯VeNi%K;F,h+O%SF9<V5[=~P+"(p@s6nw_ыtA7IxԅNTe # Bө`fIaLU XZ+ ;)`B%6;41 _2tDTV"W@ o p0xQ0(!R++G*].ܗ"q-w7IS9__6D8Qr Mc3S2t[ɟ [6ȭƾD&Zu^JLƜ.!{ W'Ҹp%FߍԺAٯ}AtHIe1%,.t؁<ZYx1ݹȎϮDzp&!bi x``/ץlhÖUd i(Zl-DIykVh8hwUFV'_P5)iR&~ð׹sxBaqE [i^?D`g:58:w@bLD p.qHjW8JPȳPڍ `꘩S1`gyGM2%=jvU)ض]юR#aE[ra2ʯ|!zd;`/QpI R9uO` &kMRc*)P%u~cWȳ>Y5$c96K n= lo{ NCܐx9ҰhaEB0\<L'3s n/8Lx+Dd yE[Td2ń8ǻ*ڍne'诸s;t@w$ ih)lh2fOvUeW?^ g @CK,TUw(P)PcɚV@a^"&q̇Wdx1^՝vp=| +aG~e10WvX܄٤Nh)<`j)[(:>}&N- jE}B'Iԫ"~,~v /`L*sb(E Ruִ$_U x(bZzj !P+4s i4 ~Iu ̷xY;%F՝u>r`%X,*LC_aޮ&i|E|g)?5Gvk8b.-z,WQ9*-g:OQ5S}-ZޙYFk6ܺbx3A V!/‘Vfm#ڪkyl^&/Ѵ9mFRXE\?WqpcOCk7!YjIqA?> .׺Q;!.'@Mwf%<ㆂ;HDQ`0❅3{ɪ}Žf޵XznċD%jDܱù۲ˉ)F۞'mX ]%c * a酞j8#W5ݮ!c)^!l8)w,Q &ݲ{F֙_//~ʪ]J>DC尣xaRsGY 򃞺aq}"TmL5sh}0̓Zq2N`<ٺ+#eE?š9U ;ޏ"D (0J\<$_b?`;g̱rjjOŴ!O l!~ǯ RU֧bT`=*4NF8 cGщ75 ͠SV1jOX*ㇼf$kDEʶl˞d"1,$pLxCCW3(SWx4$`H+|cD@+\LlTH"UA@ Y[T^9]H܅Ulq' ,Qu/.ǷF}NB]+q&¦tW zHFIw=KI: 6i=n+zq?䰹P(Pp:&t;tE~tl9ynD'V>o^`cf)Jm?Vy܄D[ y(*xc"Z]@x@ uT`~I3Hڨ[?" 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