python-xhtml2pdf-0.0.6-1.fc22 $ > 4`1hX6$ > 9 8 ? 8 d J
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X R R : R R D X !h ( ! 8 ! 9 ! : $ G '( R H (p R I ) R X * Y * \ * R ] +h R ^ / b 0 d 1_ e 1d f 1g l 1i t 1 R u 2 R v 4 w 5 R x 6X R y 7 D 8 C python-xhtml2pdf 0.0.6 1.fc22 HTML/CSS to PDF converter based on Python xhtml2pdf is a html2pdf converter using the ReportLab Toolkit, the HTML5lib
and pyPdf. It supports HTML 5 and CSS 2.1 (and some of CSS 3). It is completely
written in pure Python so it is platform independent.
The main benefit of this tool that a user with Web skills like HTML and CSS
is able to generate PDF templates very quickly without learning new
=Fedora Project Fedora Project ASL 2.0 and BSD Fedora Project Unspecified linux noarch - 7 ^ ; T &