libbytesize-0.2-1.fc22$> (iZM )Qe(>;?d  C (D R ` |  $@|(58@9H:> @ G H 0I LX TY `\ x] ^ b d 3e 8f ;l =t Xu tv w4xPyl Clibbytesize0.21.fc22A library for working with sizes in bytesThe libbytesize is a C library with GObject introspection support that facilitates work with sizes in bytes. Be it parsing the input from users or producing a nice human readable representation of a size in bytes this library takes localization into account. It also provides support for sizes bigger than MAXUINT64.V.@buildvm-20.phx2.fedoraproject.orgdFedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv2+Fedora ProjectUnspecified]gPA큤A큤V.?V.?V.?V.@VV.@Vae2ed17fea07    @/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/*!@V @Vratislav Podzimek - 0.2-1Vratislav Podzimek - 0.1-1- Distribute the tests for overrides (vpodzime) - Fix the rpmlog target (vpodzime) - Respect the signs when doing division (vpodzime) - Add two more internal methods that may be required (vpodzime) - Do not pass negative numbers as guint64 when comparing with negative ints (vpodzime) - Round toward zero when converting bytes from float to int (vpodzime) - Make sure we return Size if doing operations with big integers (vpodzime) - Implement the __divmod__() method (vpodzime) - Do not try to convert negative int to an unsigned int when multiplying (vpodzime) - Fix and test the __deepcopy__ method (vpodzime) - Implement the evaluation of Size instance as a bool value (vpodzime) - Fix some issues in comparison functions and add tests (vpodzime) - Add a function for getting string representation of a unit (vpodzime) - Hook the overrides tests to the 'test' target (vpodzime) - Merge pull request #4 from japokorn/master-tests_03_python_override (vpodzime) - Added tests for Python override (japokorn) - Make sure our tests don't get broken by installed overrides (vpodzime)- Initial release/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a52f62cec81c553cc446395aeb1ac5995de02892, strippeddirectoryASCII text PRRRRR RRR ?P7zXZ !#, j]"k%f0]d$T@ıF&L^0z"PIDZwӬ.$ݿgH'Xo4) ڭѱ ۷nZ(y.ip/ SP<]֧GnJQt[X@TAϽ4-ZnA/EW%.{]?<*os@[~+MƢDx2Σ ϢV=(u2I 3jc#֪@RV qRl!W j10b79ƺI s9XEvSW枪)9T ͒-,! q%.XgI.]2԰x|Qp䣚VB^iۇ]cӀh~CN [<~Y)XR,VQKCH^eb SCOnd6<\nd+k l}|o]``G&›I#nC^B46·]R  ?bbjhb.2AEEO2pP5JJ AK:H9WkeMZY7%(%\bOpJs.Ri)T.yGahkZp'~9%~&U²QhvLh@s*8DmZ`Csٽy*RhfKeCHCЀiz~Ď4g3c&Q~&+C)G3l;`FGA,̨sZ<d{7Kfi SL(G RtMVaB}O2R6cYǃ\AN#-Wb^s^!)ͽ~Raa#s%1Ɩ* ‡"Z;tXbʧ: ,S"# ԸfKz =?ߎ*}}*LACEc߰W5w[˭~9sIWU?#)GrHDء!Xrdb񪑶4$tƬ FGZqM rܛYp FWf9 nN f򧖁k)cDl NĆ9%\Nk/<7H0}>+'Z$ڡwO4V{Xcz`p_*:(yj*#g3]a % JjWb*H-_:},GT%ԗPéB$ ݵ?+,庰QaH1}6C" ȂVY!/\I+ž ,ݒ}A# 59|觢h $<Wjy`RPh{g.QqO鮕Xya9%yi;ZpƦ Qy꽅;A J$6BI W307O:d3g#I+ G ͔iY3:{.){Wg.1<"&($r\D^$WBЊqVώ~a;`Bzvpy1 Ùj~{*7>ۛb<瀖28?*HwgOcD DSI T.o}񗴝`m̊~WοXwa4®GSxC_8,Ǭjں boXh`ZQ>+ms0_e(l1e,jjj`[ZS m az!l8SŸL؁LKO^C5Ix+8sg9&z@bK!4G~Ўj璺Y`.O& o_[TCkhJ%LPP:n)ۆ+[c/VOHh|G5,DG/7<4P͢|9|p|z^qR\Xr7D#4Oc6p 'ȶ}mp gS[oGrO?ӁšN`yI2o,U|@IS;iu8kGX w/b=]."E1ę|Y"~ׯiBiLBewV-ֽ/U/\G~mF*\W't/08oy9o \=(^4g,4q<_cL,-|`Z+n[A!M.Ed=ʥ~79{QOH'D=ϕRYX]iJZ*od eCv5nh Q;L,: YA7zx%%5\uQUhDS٫;o+mP",Q|Դ~ggBjZ.g,)eKk)4l8 &&iJ&|ںl4c 8LE(z3K02I/享 ^ 0F؋ZYTUJ_گ.P@C} `,)diact3HU޻Z|~=-)3Y@aHL_ pWt6څK WARC֋TOQONXGӻ׳ڌ#}\`[y}{<5]n N?Iv#9] XJ.\4P%%9]S^_*نD95_V*׆^^IŐ WŞ|S_;+UYdMe7e?n( ^f0]A^g"/5{{Hs=-,( YZ