sssd-ad-1.13.4-4.fc22$>ӔOJH!><4?$d   4 (<Z`h     2PlDD D $ ( -( <8 H9<:A4GH I$X,Y8\X]p^̱b*de flt(u@vXwаxyP Csssd-ad1.13.44.fc22The AD back end of the SSSDProvides the Active Directory back end that the SSSD can utilize to fetch identity data from and authenticate against an Active Directory ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv3+Fedora ProjectApplications/System`K'8BA큤WRWRWwW\IW7W78c4bdd519a63a99f5e9dd0b31ed747acf5a75425c8d3f6ddc6513e0354b981215c273fb5c2f6da96c69ce3cfe897bf22c77cbe5b2aca10d8a08befccd6a2e20d8ceb4b9ee5adedde47b @V$@V @V @UpUUU4@Ub@UzUzUzUL@UL@U.RU@T@T~T8TܕT@T@TTTq@T@T@Tp@TA@TuTto@TG@TD@TT @S0SS@S.SP@S @Sg@SrS!@SkqSkqSG@SFSCS!SSRRpRpR^R[RSRNREs@RD!R@R@RNQB@Q@QQQکQQQo@Q)@Q@QQ@Q@QbQbQV@Q'@QQQQnQZ@QU@Q0@QQQ@Q@QQ @QQh@PP@P@P@Pz@Pz@PqnPl(PaPaPS@PH@PDPM>M2@MMzMx@Mj - 1.13.3-4Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.4-3Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.4-2Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.4-1Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.3-6Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.3-5Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.3-3Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.3-2Lukas Slebodnik - 1.13.3-1Lukas Slebodnik - 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0.4.1-1Simo Sorce - 0.4.1-0Simo Sorce - 0.3.2-2Jakub Hrozek - 0.3.2-1Simo Sorce - 0.3.1-2Simo Sorce - 0.3.1-1Simo Sorce - 0.3.0-2Simo Sorce - 0.3.0-1Simo Sorce - 0.2.1-1Simo Sorce - 0.2.0-1Jakub Hrozek - 0.1.0-5.20090309git691c9b3Jakub Hrozek - 0.1.0-4Sumit Bose - 0.1.0-3Jakub Hrozek - 0.1.0-2Stephen Gallagher - 0.1.0-1- Additional upstream fixes- Resolves: rhbz#1335639 - [abrt] sssd-dbus: ldb_msg_find_element(): sssd_ifp killed by SIGSEGV- Resolves: rhbz#1328108 - Protocol error with FreeIPA on CentOS 6- New upstream release 1.13.4 - Resolves: rhbz#1276868 - Sudo PAM Login should support multiple password prompts (e.g. Password + Token) - Resolves: rhbz#1313041 - ssh with sssd proxy fails with "Connection closed by remote host" if locale not available- Resolves: rhbz#1310664 - [RFE] IPA: resolve external group memberships of IPA groups during getgrnam and getgrgid - Resolves: rhbz#1301303 - sss_obfuscate: SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'- Additional upstream fixes- Resolves: rhbz#1256849 - SUDO: Support the IPA schema- New upstream release 1.13.3 - New upstream release 1.13.2 - python-sssdconfig: Fix parssing sssd.conf without config_file_version - Resolves: upstream #2837 - REGRESSION: ipa-client-automout failed- Fix few segfaults - Resolves: upstream #2811 - PAM responder crashed if user was not set - Resolves: upstream #2810 - sssd_be crashed in ipa_srv_ad_acct_lookup_step- New upstream release 1.13.1 - Fix OTP bug - Resolves: upstream #2729 - Do not send SSS_OTP if both factors were entered separately- Additional fix for relax libldb Requires- Also relax libldb Requires - Remove --enable-ldb-version-check- Fix ipa-migration bug - Resolves: upstream #2719 - IPA: returned unknown dp error code with disabled migration mode- New upstream release 1.13.0 - Fix libwbclient alternatives- Backport important patches from upstream 1.13 prerelease- New upstream release 1.12.5 - Backport important patches from upstream 1.13 prerelease - Resolves: rhbz#1060325 - Does sssd-ad use the most suitable attribute for group name - Resolves: upstream #2335 - Investigate using the krb5 responder for driving the PAM conversation with OTPs - Enable cmocka tests for secondary architectures- Backport patches from upstream 1.12.5 prerelease - contains many fixes- Fix slow login with ipa and SELinux - Resolves: upstream #2624 - Only set the selinux context if the context differs from the local one- Fix regressions with ipa and SELinux - Resolves: upstream #2587 - With empty ipaselinuxusermapdefault security context on client is staff_u- Add support for python3 bindings - Add requirement to python3 or python3 bindings - Resolves: rhbz#1014594 - sssd: Support Python 3- New upstream release 1.12.4 - Backport patches with Python3 support from upstream- Fix double free in monitor - Resolves: rhbz#1186887 [abrt] sssd-common: talloc_abort(): sssd killed by SIGABRT- Rebuild for new libldb- Decrease priority of sssd-libwbclient 20 -> 5 - It should be lower than priority of samba veriosn of libwbclient. - Apply a number of patches from upstream to fix issues found 1.12.3 - Resolves: rhbz#1176373 - dyndns_iface does not accept multiple interfaces, or isn't documented to be able to - Resolves: rhbz#988068 - getpwnam_r fails for non-existing users when sssd is not running - Resolves: upstream #2557 authentication failure with user from AD- Resolves: rhbz#1164156 - libsss_simpleifp should pull sssd-dbus - Resolves: rhbz#1179379 - gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping when rotating logfile- New upstream release 1.12.3 - - Fix spelling errors in description (fedpkg lint)- Rebuild for libldb 1.1.19- Resolves: rhbz#1175511 - sssd-libwbclient conflicts with Samba's and causes crash in wbinfo - in addition to the patch is filtered out of the Provides list of the package- Fix regressions and bugs in sssd upstream 1.12.2 -{id} - Regressions: #2471, #2475, #2483, #2487, #2529, #2535 - Bugs: #2287, #2445- Rebuild for libldb 1.1.18- Fix typo in libwbclient-devel %preun- Use alternatives for libwbclient- Backport several patches from upstream. - Fix a potential crash against old (pre-4.0) IPA servers- New upstream release 1.12.2 - Resolves: rhbz#1139962 - Fedora 21, FreeIPA 4.0.2: sssd does not find user private group from server- New upstream release 1.12.1 - Do not crash on resolving a group SID in IPA server mode- Rebuilt for Fix release version for upgrades- New upstream release 1.12.0 - Rebuilt for New upstream release 1.12 beta2 - Fix tests on big-endian - Fix previous changelog entry- New upstream release 1.12 beta1 - Rebuild against new ding-libs- Make LDB dependency a strict equivalency- Rebuild against new libldb- New upstream release - Fix bug in generation of systemd unit file- New upstream release 1.11.5 - Remove upstreamed patch - Handle new error code for IPA password migration- Include couple of patches from upstream 1.11 branch- New upstream release 1.11.4 - Remove upstreamed patch - Handle OTP response from FreeIPA server gracefully- New upstream release 1.11.3 - Remove upstreamed patches - New upstream release 1.11.2 - Remove upstreamed patches - Fix potential crash with external groups in trusted IPA-AD setup- Add plugin for cifs-utils - Resolves: rhbz#998544- Fix failover from Global Catalog to LDAP in case GC is not available- Remove the ability to create public ccachedir (#1015089)- New upstream release 1.11.1 - Fix multicast checks in the SSSD - Resolves: rhbz#1007475 - The multicast check is wrong in the sudo source code getting the host info- Backport simplification of ccache management from 1.11.1 - Resolves: rhbz#1010553 - sssd setting KRB5CCNAME=(null) on login- New upstream release 1.11.0 - Resolves: #967012 - [abrt] sssd-1.9.5-1.fc18: sss_mmap_cache_gr_invalidate_gid: Process /usr/libexec/sssd/sssd_nss was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) - Resolves: #996214 - sssd proxy_child segfault- Rebuilt for Resolves: #906427 - Do not use %{_lib} in specfile for the nss and pam libraries- New upstream release 1.11 beta 2 - New upstream release 1.10.1 - sssd-tools should require sssd-common, not sssd- Move sssd_pac to the sssd-ipa and sssd-ad subpackages - Trim out RHEL5-specific macros since we don't build on RHEL 5 - Trim out macros for Fedora older than F18 - Update libldb requirement to 1.1.16 - Trim RPM changelog down to the last year- Move sssd_pac to the sssd-krb5 subpackage- Fix Obsoletes: to account for dist tag - Convert post and pre scripts to run on the sssd-common subpackage - Remove old conversion from SYSV- New upstream release 1.10 - the cmocka toolkit exists only on selected arches- Apply a number of patches from upstream to fix issues found post-beta, in particular: -- segfault with a high DEBUG level -- Fix IPA password migration (upstream #1873) -- Fix fail over when retrying SRV resolution (upstream #1886)- Only BuildRequire libcmocka on Fedora- Fix typo in Requires that prevented an upgrade (#973916) - Use a hardcoded version in Conflicts, not less-than-current- Enable hardened build for RHEL7- New upstream release 1.10 beta2 - - BuildRequire libcmocka-devel in order to run all upstream tests during build - BuildRequire libnl3 instead of libnl1 - No longer BuildRequire initscripts, we no longer use /sbin/service - Remove explicit krb5-libs >= 1.10 requires; this platform doensn't carry any older krb5-libs version- Apply a couple of patches from upstream git that resolve crashes when ID mapping object was not initialized properly but needed later- Resolves: rhbz#961357 - Missing dyndns_update entry in sssd.conf during realm join - Resolves: rhbz#961278 - Login failure: Enterprise Principal enabled by default for AD Provider - Resolves: rhbz#961251 - sssd does not create user's krb5 ccache dir/file parent directory when logging in- BuildRequire recent libini_config to ensure consistent behaviour- Explicitly Require libini_config >= to work around a SONAME bug in ding-libs - Fix SSH integration with fully-qualified domains - Add the ability to dynamically discover the NetBIOS name- New upstream release 1.10 beta1 - Add a patch to fix krb5 ccache creation issue with krb5 1.11- New upstream release 1.10 alpha1 - Add a patch to fix krb5 unit tests- Split internal helper libraries into a shared object - Significantly reduce disk-space usage- Fix the Kerberos password expiration warning (#912223)- Do not write out dots in the domain-realm mapping file (#905650)- Include upstream patch to build with krb5-1.11- Rebuild against new libldb- Fix build with new automake versions- Recreate Kerberos ccache directory if it's missing - Resolves: rhbz#853558 - [sssd[krb5_child[PID]]]: Credential cache directory /run/user/UID/ccdir does not exist- Fix changelog dates to make F19 rpmbuild happy- New upstream release 1.9.4- New upstream release 1.9.3- Resolve groups from AD correctly- Check the validity of naming context- Move the sss_cache tool to the main package- Include the 1.9.2 tarball- New upstream release 1.9.2- New upstream release 1.9.1- require the latest libldb- Use mcpath insted of mcachepath macro to be consistent with upsteam spec file- New upstream release 1.9.0- New upstream release 1.9.0 rc1- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta7 - obsoletes patches #1-#3- Rebuild against libldb 1.12- Rebuild against libldb 1.11- Change the default ccache location to DIR:/run/user/${UID}/krb5cc and patch man page accordingly - Resolves: rhbz#851304- Rebuild against libldb 1.10- Only create the SELinux login file if there are SELinux mappings on the IPA server- Don't discard HBAC rule processing result if SELinux is on Resolves: rhbz#846792 (CVE-2012-3462)- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 6 - - A new option, override_shell was added. If this option is set, all users managed by SSSD will have their shell set to its value. - Fixes for the support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA. - Fixed a regression introduced in beta 5 that broke LDAP SASL binds - The SSSD supports the concept of a Primary Server and a Back Up Server in failover - A new command-line tool sss_seed is available to help prime the cache with a user record when deploying a new machine - SSSD is now able to discover and save the domain-realm mappings between an IPA server and a trusted Active Directory server. - Packaging changes to fix ldconfig usage in subpackages (#843995) - Rebuild against libldb 1.1.9- Rebuilt for New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 5 - Obsoletes the patch for missing DP_OPTION_TERMINATOR in AD provider options - - Many fixes for the support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA, most notably fixed the specificity evaluation - Fixed an incorrect default in the krb5_canonicalize option of the AD provider which was preventing password change operation - The shadowLastChange attribute value is now correctly updated with the number of days since the Epoch, not seconds- Fix broken ARM build - Add missing DP_OPTION_TERMINATOR in AD provider options- Own several directories create during make install (#839782)- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 4 - - Add a new AD provider to improve integration with Active Directory 2008 R2 or later servers - SUDO integration was completely rewritten. The new implementation works with multiple domains and uses an improved refresh mechanism to download only the necessary rules - The IPA authentication provider now supports subdomains - Fixed regression for setups that were setting default_tkt_enctypes manually by reverting a previous workaround.- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 3 - - Add a new PAC responder for dealing with cross-realm Kerberos trusts - Terminate idle connections to the NSS and PAM responders- Switch unicode library from libunistring to Glib - Drop unnecessary explicit Requires on keyutils - Guarantee that versioned Requires include the correct architecture- Fix accidental disabling of the DIR cache support- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 2 - - Add support for the Kerberos DIR cache for storing multiple TGTs automatically - Major performance enhancement when storing large groups in the cache - Major performance enhancement when performing initgroups() against Active Directory - SSSDConfig data file default locations can now be set during configure for easier packaging- Fix regression in endianness patch- Rebuild SSSD against ding-libs 0.3.0beta1 - Fix endianness bug in service map protocol- Fix several regressions since 1.5.x - Ensure that the RPM creates the /var/lib/sss/mc directory - Add support for Netscape password warning expiration control - Rebuild against libldb 1.1.6- New upstream release 1.9.0 beta 1 - - Add native support for autofs to the IPA provider - Support for ID-mapping when connecting to Active Directory - Support for handling very large (> 1500 users) groups in Active Directory - Support for sub-domains (will be used for dealing with trust relationships) - Add a new fast in-memory cache to speed up lookups of cached data on repeated requests- New upstream release 1.8.3 - - Numerous manpage and translation updates - LDAP: Handle situations where the RootDSE isn't available anonymously - LDAP: Fix regression for users using non-standard LDAP attributes for user information- New upstream release 1.8.2 - - Several fixes to case-insensitive domain functions - Fix for GSSAPI binds when the keytab contains unrelated principals - Fixed several segfaults - Workarounds added for LDAP servers with unreadable RootDSE - SSH knownhostproxy will no longer enter an infinite loop preventing login - The provided SYSV init script now starts SSSD earlier at startup and stops it later during shutdown - Assorted minor fixes for issues discovered by static analysis tools- Don't duplicate in two packages - Set explicit package contents instead of globbing- Fix uninitialized value bug causing crashes throughout the code - Resolves: rhbz#804783 - [abrt] Segfault during LDAP 'services' lookup- New upstream release 1.8.1 - Resolve issue where we could enter an infinite loop trying to connect to an auth server - Fix serious issue with complex (3+ levels) nested groups - Fix netgroup support for case-insensitivity and aliases - Fix serious issue with lookup bundling resulting in requests never completing - IPA provider will now check the value of nsAccountLock during pam_acct_mgmt in addition to pam_authenticate - Fix several regressions in the proxy provider - Resolves: rhbz#743133 - Performance regression with Kerberos authentication against AD - Resolves: rhbz#799031 - --debug option for sss_debuglevel doesn't work- New upstream release 1.8.0 - Support for the service map in NSS - Support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA - Support for retrieving SSH user and host keys from LDAP (Experimental) - Support for caching autofs LDAP requests (Experimental) - Support for caching SUDO rules (Experimental) - Include the IPA AutoFS provider - Fixed several memory-corruption bugs - Fixed a regression in group enumeration since 1.7.0 - Fixed a regression in the proxy provider - Resolves: rhbz#741981 - Separate Cache Timeouts for SSSD - Resolves: rhbz#797968 - sssd_be: The requested tar get is not configured is logged at each login - Resolves: rhbz#754114 - [abrt] sssd-1.6.3-1.fc16: ping_check: Process /usr/sbin/sssd was killed by signal 11 (SIGSEGV) - Resolves: rhbz#743133 - Performance regression with Kerberos authentication against AD - Resolves: rhbz#773706 - SSSD fails during autodetection of search bases for new LDAP features - Resolves: rhbz#786957 - sssd and kerberos should change the default location for create the Credential Cashes to /run/usr/USERNAME/krb5cc- Change default kerberos credential cache location to /run/user/- New upstream release 1.8.0 beta 3 - - Fixed a regression in group enumeration since 1.7.0 - Fixed several memory-corruption bugs - Finalized the ABI for the autofs support - Fixed a regression in the proxy provider- Rebuild against PCRE 8.30- New upstream release - - Fix two minor manpage bugs - Include the IPA AutoFS provider- New upstream release - - Support for the service map in NSS - Support for setting default SELinux user context from FreeIPA - Support for retrieving SSH user and host keys from LDAP (Experimental) - Support for caching autofs LDAP requests (Experimental) - Support for caching SUDO rules (Experimental)- Resolves: rhbz#773706 - SSSD fails during autodetection of search bases for new LDAP features - fix netgroups and sudo as well- Fixes a serious memory hierarchy bug causing unpredictable behavior in the LDAP provider.- Resolves: rhbz#773706 - SSSD fails during autodetection of search bases for new LDAP features- Rebuilt for New upstream release 1.7.0 - - Support for case-insensitive domains - Support for multiple search bases in the LDAP provider - Support for the native FreeIPA netgroup implementation - Reliability improvements to the process monitor - New DEBUG facility with more consistent log levels - New tool to change debug log levels without restarting SSSD - SSSD will now disconnect from LDAP server when idle - FreeIPA HBAC rules can choose to ignore srchost options for significant performance gains - Assorted performance improvements in the LDAP provider- New upstream release 1.6.4 - Rolls up previous patches applied to the 1.6.3 tarball - Fixes a rare issue causing crashes in the failover logic - Fixes an issue where SSSD would return the wrong PAM error code for users that it does not recognize.- Rebuild against libldb 1.1.4- Resolves: rhbz#753639 - sssd_nss crashes when passed invalid UTF-8 for the username in getpwnam() - Resolves: rhbz#758425 - LDAP failover not working if server refuses connections- Rebuild for libldb 1.1.3- Resolves: rhbz#752495 - Crash when apply settings- New upstream release 1.6.3 - - Fixes a major cache performance issue introduced in 1.6.2 - Fixes a potential infinite-loop with certain LDAP layouts- Rebuilt for glibc bug#747377- Change selinux policy requirement to Conflicts: with the old version, rather than Requires: the supported version.- Add explicit requirement on selinux-policy version to address new SBUS symlinks.- Remove %files reference to sss_debuglevel copied from wrong upstreeam spec file.- Improved handling of users and groups with multi-valued name attributes (aliases) - Performance enhancements Initgroups on RFC2307bis/FreeIPA HBAC rule processing - Improved process-hang detection and restarting - Enabled the midpoint cache refresh by default (fewer cache misses on commonly-used entries) - Cleaned up the example configuration - New tool to change debug level on the fly- New upstream release 1.6.1 - - Fixes a serious issue with LDAP connections when the communication is dropped (e.g. VPN disconnection, waking from sleep) - SSSD is now less strict when dealing with users/groups with multiple names when a definitive primary name cannot be determined - The LDAP provider will no longer attempt to canonicalize by default when using SASL. An option to re-enable this has been provided. - Fixes for non-standard LDAP attribute names (e.g. those used by Active Directory) - Three HBAC regressions have been fixed. - Fix for an infinite loop in the deref code- Build with _hardened_build macro- New upstream release 1.6.0 - - Add host access control support for LDAP (similar to pam_host_attr) - Finer-grained control on principals used with Kerberos (such as for FAST or - validation) - Added a new tool sss_cache to allow selective expiring of cached entries - Added support for LDAP DEREF and ASQ controls - Added access control features for Novell Directory Server - FreeIPA dynamic DNS update now checks first to see if an update is needed - Complete rewrite of the HBAC library - New libraries: libipa_hbac and libipa_hbac-python- New upstream release 1.5.11 - - Fix a serious regression that prevented SSSD from working with ldaps:// URIs - IPA Provider: Fix a bug with dynamic DNS that resulted in the wrong IPv6 - address being saved to the AAAA record- New upstream release 1.5.10 - - Fixed a regression introduced in 1.5.9 that could result in blocking calls - to LDAP- New upstream release 1.5.9 - - Support for overriding home directory, shell and primary GID locally - Properly honor TTL values from SRV record lookups - Support non-POSIX groups in nested group chains (for RFC2307bis LDAP - servers) - Properly escape IPv6 addresses in the failover code - Do not crash if inotify fails (e.g. resource exhaustion) - Don't add multiple TGT renewal callbacks (too many log messages)- New upstream release 1.5.8 - - Support for the LDAP paging control - Support for multiple DNS servers for name resolution - Fixes for several group membership bugs - Fixes for rare crash bugs- Resolves: rhbz#706740 - Orphaned links on rc0.d-rc6.d - Make sure to properly convert to systemd if upgrading from newer - updates for Fedora 14- Fix segfault in TGT renewal- Resolves: rhbz#700891 - CVE-2011-1758 sssd: automatic TGT renewal overwrites - cached password with predicatable filename- Re-add manpage translations- New upstream release 1.5.6 - - Fixed a serious memory leak in the memberOf plugin - Fixed a regression with the negative cache that caused it to be essentially - nonfunctional - Fixed an issue where the user's full name would sometimes be removed from - the cache - Fixed an issue with password changes in the kerberos provider not working - with kpasswd- Resolves: rhbz#697057 - kpasswd fails when using sssd and - kadmin server != kdc server - Upgrades from SysV should now maintain enabled/disabled status- Fix %postun- Fix systemd conversion. Upgrades from SysV to systemd weren't properly - enabling the systemd service. - Fix a serious memory leak in the memberOf plugin - Fix an issue where the user's full name would sometimes be removed - from the cache- Install systemd unit file instead of sysv init script- New upstream release 1.5.5 - - Fixes for several crash bugs - LDAP group lookups will no longer abort if there is a zero-length member - attribute - Add automatic fallback to 'cn' if the 'gecos' attribute does not exist- New upstream release 1.5.4 - - Fixes for Active Directory when not all users and groups have POSIX attributes - Fixes for handling users and groups that have name aliases (aliases are ignored) - Fix group memberships after initgroups in the IPA provider- Resolves: rhbz#683267 - sssd 1.5.1-9 breaks AD authentication- New upstream release 1.5.3 - Support for libldb >= 1.0.0- New upstream release 1.5.2 - - Fixes for support of FreeIPA v2 - Fixes for failover if DNS entries change - Improved sss_obfuscate tool with better interactive mode - Fix several crash bugs - Don't attempt to use START_TLS over SSL. Some LDAP servers can't handle this - Delete users from the local cache if initgroups calls return 'no such user' - (previously only worked for getpwnam/getpwuid) - Use new translations - Better support for automatic TGT renewal (now survives restart) - Netgroup fixes- Rebuild sssd against libldb 1.0.2 so the memberof module loads again. - Related: rhbz#677425- Resolves: rhbz#677768 - name service caches names, so id command shows - recently deleted users- Ensure that SSSD builds against libldb-1.0.0 on F15 and later - Remove .la for memberOf- Fix memberOf install path- Add support for libldb 1.0.0- Rebuilt for Fix nested group member filter sanitization for RFC2307bis - Put translated tool manpages into the sssd-tools subpackage- Restore Requires: cyrus-sasl-gssapi as it is not auto-detected during - rpmbuild- New upstream release 1.5.1 - Addresses CVE-2010-4341 - DoS in sssd PAM responder can prevent logins - Vast performance improvements when enumerate = true - All PAM actions will now perform a forced initgroups lookup instead of just - a user information lookup - This guarantees that all group information is available to other - providers, such as the simple provider. - For backwards-compatibility, DNS lookups will also fall back to trying the - SSSD domain name as a DNS discovery domain. - Support for more password expiration policies in LDAP - 389 Directory Server - FreeIPA - ActiveDirectory - Support for ldap_tls_{cert,key,cipher_suite} config options -Assorted bugfixes- CVE-2010-4341 - DoS in sssd PAM responder can prevent logins- New upstream release 1.5.0 - Fixed issues with LDAP search filters that needed to be escaped - Add Kerberos FAST support on platforms that support it - Reduced verbosity of PAM_TEXT_INFO messages for cached credentials - Added a Kerberos access provider to honor .k5login - Addressed several thread-safety issues in the sss_client code - Improved support for delayed online Kerberos auth - Significantly reduced time between connecting to the network/VPN and - acquiring a TGT - Added feature for automatic Kerberos ticket renewal - Provides the kerberos ticket for long-lived processes or cron jobs - even when the user logs out - Added several new features to the LDAP access provider - Support for 'shadow' access control - Support for authorizedService access control - Ability to mix-and-match LDAP access control features - Added an option for a separate password-change LDAP server for those - platforms where LDAP referrals are not supported - Added support for manpage translations- Solve a shutdown race-condition that sometimes left processes running - Resolves: rhbz#606887 - SSSD stops on upgrade- Log startup errors to the syslog - Allow cache cleanup to be disabled in sssd.conf- New upstream release 1.4.1 - Add support for netgroups to the proxy provider - Fixes a minor bug with UIDs/GIDs >= 2^31 - Fixes a segfault in the kerberos provider - Fixes a segfault in the NSS responder if a data provider crashes - Correctly use sdap_netgroup_search_base- Fix incorrect tarball URL- New upstream release 1.4.0 - Added support for netgroups to the LDAP provider - Performance improvements made to group processing of RFC2307 LDAP servers - Fixed nested group issues with RFC2307bis LDAP servers without a memberOf plugin - Build-system improvements to support Gentoo - Split out several libraries into the ding-libs tarball - Manpage reviewed and updated- Fix pre and post script requirements- Resolves: rhbz#606887 - sssd stops on upgrade- Resolves: rhbz#626205 - Unable to unlock screen- Resolves: rhbz#637955 - libini_config-devel needs libcollection-devel but - doesn't require it- Resolves: rhbz#632615 - the krb5 locator plugin isn't packaged for multilib- Resolves: CVE-2010-2940 - sssd allows null password entry to authenticate - against LDAP- Rebuilt for New upstream version 1.2.91 (1.3.0rc1) - Improved LDAP failover - Synchronous sysdb API (provides performance enhancements) - Better online reconnection detection- New stable upstream version 1.2.1 - Resolves: rhbz#595529 - spec file should eschew %define in favor of - %global - Resolves: rhbz#593644 - Empty list of simple_allow_users causes sssd service - to fail while restart. - Resolves: rhbz#599026 - Makefile typo causes SSSD not to use the kernel - keyring - Resolves: rhbz#599724 - sssd is broken on Rawhide- New stable upstream version 1.2.0 - Support ServiceGroups for FreeIPA v2 HBAC rules - Fix long-standing issue with auth_provider = proxy - Better logging for TLS issues in LDAP- New LDAP access provider allows for filtering user access by LDAP attribute - Reduced default timeout for detecting offline status with LDAP - GSSAPI ticket lifetime made configurable - Better offline->online transition support in Kerberos- Release new upstream version 1.1.91 - Enhancements when using SSSD with FreeIPA v2 - Support for deferred kinit - Support for DNS SRV records for failover- Bump up release number to avoid library sub-packages version issues with previous releases.- New upstream release 1.1.1 - Fixed the IPA provider (which was segfaulting at start) - Fixed a bug in the SSSDConfig API causing some options to revert to - their defaults - This impacted the Authconfig UI - Ensure that SASL binds to LDAP auto-retry when interrupted by a signal- Release SSSD 1.1.0 final - Fix two potential segfaults - Fix memory leak in monitor - Better error message for unusable confdb- Release candidate for SSSD 1.1 - Add simple access provider - Create subpackages for libcollection, libini_config, libdhash and librefarray - Support IPv6 - Support LDAP referrals - Fix cache issues - Better feedback from PAM when offline- Rebuild against new libtevent- Fix licenses in sources and on RPMs- Fix regression on 64-bit platforms- Fixes link error on platforms that do not do implicit linking - Fixes double-free segfault in PAM - Fixes double-free error in async resolver - Fixes support for TCP-based DNS lookups in async resolver - Fixes memory alignment issues on ARM processors - Manpage fixes- Fixes a bug in the failover code that prevented the SSSD from detecting when it went back online - Fixes a bug causing long (sometimes multiple-minute) waits for NSS requests - Several segfault bugfixes- Fix CVE-2010-0014- Patch SSSDConfig API to address - New upstream stable release 1.0.0- New upstream bugfix release 0.99.1- New upstream release 0.99.0- Fix segfault in sssd_pam when cache_credentials was enabled - Update the sample configuration - Fix upgrade issues caused by data provider service removal- Fix upgrade issues from old (pre-0.5.0) releases of SSSD- New upstream release 0.7.0- Fix missing file permissions for sssd-clients- Add SSSDConfig API - Update polish translation for 0.6.0 - Fix long timeout on ldap operation - Make dp requests more robust- Ensure that the configuration upgrade script always writes the config file with 0600 permissions - Eliminate an infinite loop in group enumerations- New upstream release 0.6.0- New upstream release 0.5.0- Fix for CVE-2009-2410 - Native SSSD users with no password set could log in without a password. (Patch by Stephen Gallagher)- Rebuilt for Fix a couple of segfaults that may happen on reload- add missing configure check that broke stopping the daemon - also fix default config to add a missing required option- latest upstream release. - also add a patch that fixes debugging output (potential segfault)- release out of the official 0.3.2 tarball- bugfix release 0.3.2 - includes previous release patches - change permissions of the /etc/sssd/sssd.conf to 0600- Add last minute bug fixes, found in testing the package- Version 0.3.1 - includes previous release patches- Try to fix build adding automake as an explicit BuildRequire - Add also a couple of last minute patches from upstream- Version 0.3.0 - Provides file based configuration and lots of improvements- Version 0.2.1- Version 0.2.0- package git snapshot- fixed items found during review - added initscript- added sss_client- Small cleanup and fixes in the spec file- Initial release (based on version 0.1.0 upstream code)uk1.13.4-4.fc221.13.4-4.fc22libsss_ad.sogpo_childsssd-adCOPYINGsssd-ad.5.gzsssd-ad.5.gz/usr/lib64/sssd//usr/libexec/sssd//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/sssd-ad//usr/share/man/man5//usr/share/man/uk/man5/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=d50c269575e07fbe23054d36cb391de232a0547a, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=23fa9465df816b92d0ecccb4f567f9e155ba0b07, strippeddirectoryASCII texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)99PRR R;R8R%RRRRRRR2R(RRR'R)R4R5R"RR RRRR&RRRR9RR.R:R-R/R,R+RRR!R RR$R7R0R6R3RR RRR R1R RR?R#R RRRRRRR8R*R0R6R7R"R RRR&RR)R RR??@7zXZ !#,Ie]"k%bP}zK抯It〵t:Ś4Q&}?Z/=O>7d9mqXX4zM>$fAgj[:C9wUȔ#XŬ!I{J!1;Fz]dS]MZh2" gtb0DVEdk꾧2}ϟRKoIûo^c2Afc)gx!1;vwwBRaolBQ}#DF.~_*mQu z?86R]q?d%ElO %/Sus<&GN/~Z[n ?B=ݘE&Ol9fr^DKqbbMrm8] m;Jj)JjiQlUS"ޠq^@Utzl!cUgJzĊũI,FسZwYmߣѾP|=ޟGy\q<5{wڋs(X &x- ;Y"gfc#R2!)o܉a#Kd f4ň2:ȒJW^mA_My&8KA]t&`R (A$O~v ]73cRC?6C 3N1QOT^}ޭU;%akOhR s]̮$*l-R[IɒC.k DXL*?2Cޛ? u|3ѹCGaW~{c#if!uqZZV%d;?ؤ5)DmtI"v;K# 9l|OIpV#6Kn_AlM= nG*JsǕ0׳eWL|QFs}S!5vKΏ΍bWNT.1 Ag &7#= :tM>^ qؑI;ls;R:StpԪ\F R]^铡/UGӉ6e9ޠV(i7ap|>h9 y/TIxKQ4u`]{҉X4H_ `:P{۶,ńۨ:0\47y^}^;Nx" #NjwE"=4?㨴bhe62@Ea3GV)0?gqj#-b9ͼj=%w 垇#^Pz 15lv̎ۼ1 0ʸȬ WUwr-j?`˷6 t%X?Y BLK۰(p=ZhB)w ވ1Q'N0宧b̧?Z`mr}$-͢v!ݩ}Cr:ѳ ߥh!)8n6>#v8ox$ffK5eA^)WV?} \^l}Dp˨1?䌷*ށB ~Vf}_3gZl& b&f4eвƭ.YD8_.c*J2.p Wwxڔx:'E }!Jl~T3{D%fκ_Oc0j2yyY kw1`E-QjfZ 3FIU6;.Mne!.-x}NsbO;>nsIj2䣇N>P1nI AqEvGVﭬjE,4$5ê CԦF*IRZi1xfۜh` wy ]x]=K2Ls+\ u1(6YZ@ΗC'H_9zs.a qM`>}=dVهm߃5r/iR'@YMwrS:QΚ# K:/$Vj\l@pdεY=><^ϧ^xA/B& : )!.tI J.GidvN.~)q=jg˱|r("KpӃq6 `T;gqMB'i)1R07Пn;""T*q8X&f<@ LFvNMZ1؃-'…7ҳ5b$ybY` ƺɂiJsVtb4^URLmݷv}@fdy]c{".,ug%'R_NU./E. ԃTR tP}HH*z).4 [l7$toW}L6:xL+Li^e~ uMrTMsJa,L];.l33e;qh_O_m3Wf|PF4K.!Y^ZOnBr!f0jvq=Mp aLD@\͵j|N!ȩ;q ^1*IRtQJ7^vbֲ}76}T2f^WߖoF8u9K ]xX/&J,QX@]rw.":/NJ2,:$%-枈>CVUUu)/$it."-\q)9Oح;C'w~CC`iOayM`LH2mW/oI"-סx$Ӧ!pخU|1L}dU}ҙ my^є'8MT"n:SY .6D%p\Jd*xut.h`HL Bni)OF>ְ&4Š\; 3 Nb]cQlP7CTx#~Ӕ!83$'챺7??^BҒ>$_J@שVzh{}р?'ngjLԉ2Da I9< hLv\ݯehQ{. i*+D f%m7wR#*DL jTbWi)K9Y~@ӱn I0rӊ-&4c(@J4$9! km+Cq M4[mzM!j}9vle'{T)wX~Ū0o-RG"g(rծ|L8'ŃDs@E5xSA3)Ĥh;ڹ|\b)wZ{,y5:;6keh_[pS]aP^P `lpqIKteF OWaN}'(o} e= 9_d:F97.m^7I̜} \ClyK3R$ZѨ;eU;OrFvqF-.NMa<ɥ(4IiJRdJΏ2]…dyj1/L{CFa?[bVyȩ5"[0m_=MV3*8ꣲӹV\䳦`uw<)z:.PD'X5.N#%l"OuC2Uc <^3^|R!+}$RzlK2@ fg83#+ͮI9׺iWH CS&}uSd*U5<\ Lp&nRGEcc.w+h鉌 f`bT# q.>_zp<6 k}|+\>["-Q[+"F] piT@1q !l 9H MÂrs4k.GFRu[02F \h4((69;4Zwe8UW J:BWϺdeuJvuZ[UR7ês%Cਅ_xP . 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