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It also allows you to continuously deliver your software by providing powerful ways to define your build pipelines and integrating with a large number of testing and deployment technologies.X. obuildvm-04.phx2.fedoraproject.orgbFedora ProjectFedora ProjectMIT and ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2+ and CDDLFedora ProjectUnspecifiedhttp://jenkins-ci.orglinuxnoarch# Add jenkins user and group getent group jenkins >/dev/null || groupadd -r jenkins getent passwd jenkins >/dev/null || \ useradd -r -g jenkins -d /var/lib/jenkins -s /sbin/nologin \ -c "Jenkins Continuous Build server" jenkins exit 0 if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then # Initial installation systemctl preset jenkins.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then # Package removal, not upgrade systemctl --no-reload disable jenkins.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : systemctl stop jenkins.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : fi systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then # Package upgrade, not uninstall systemctl try-restart jenkins.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi11A클AAAAAX. 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1.549-5Michal Srb - 1.549-4Michal Srb - 1.549-3Michal Srb - 1.549-2Michal Srb - 1.549-1- Fix remote code execution vulnerability in remoting module - Resolves: CVE-2016-9299- Resolves: CVE-2016-3721 - Resolves: CVE-2016-3722 - Resolves: CVE-2016-3723 - Resolves: CVE-2016-3724 - Resolves: CVE-2016-3725 - Resolves: CVE-2016-3726 - Resolves: CVE-2016-3727- Fix NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/stax2/XMLInputFactory2 - Resolves: rhbz#1311132- Fix remote code execution vulnerability in remoting module (Resolves: CVE-2016-0788) - Fix HTTP response splitting vulnerability (Resolves: CVE-2016-0789) - Fix non-constant time comparison of API token (Resolves: CVE-2016-0790) - Fix non-constant time comparison of CSRF crumbs (Resolves: CVE-2016-0791) - Fix remote code execution through remote API (Resolves: CVE-2016-0792)- Update to 1.625.3 - Resolves: CVE-2015-7536 - Resolves: CVE-2015-7537 - Resolves: CVE-2015-7538 - Resolves: CVE-2015-7539- Remove workaround for rhbz#1276729- Fix R- Add missing R: apache-commons-compress- Update to 1.625.2 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5317 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5318 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5319 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5320 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5324 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5321 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5322 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5323 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5325 - Resolves: CVE-2015-5326 - Resolves: Remote code execution vulnerability due to unsafe deserialization in Jenkins remoting- Update to 1.625.1- Fix plugins unpacking issue (rhbz#1267631)- Update to next LTS release 1.625- Update description- Fix R- Fix BR/R - Fix plugin-unpacking workaround- Start migration to mvn()-like Requires- Rebuilt for Fix BR on findbugs- Fix R- Update to upstream release 1.616- Update to upstream release 1.614- Spec clean up, add R: jenkins-script-security-plugin- Clean up dangling symlinks in JENKINS_HOME- Update to upstream release 1.611- Migrate to plugins containing symlinks- Update to upstream release 1.606 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1806 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1807 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1813 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1812 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1810 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1808 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1809 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1814 - Resolves: CVE-2015-1811- Add BR: springframework-instrument- Fix jstl dep- Fix init script- Switch to unpacked executable-war- Sanitize R- Add missing R: springframework-instrument- Migrate to tomcat-taglibs-standard- Add missing BR: mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14)- Update to upstream version 1.598- Require jna >= 4.1.0-7- Update to upstream version 1.590 - Add R: jenkins-matrix-project-plugin- Update to upstream version 1.589- Fix JENKINS_HOME ownership (Resolves: rhbz#1147846) - Do not inform about upstream core updates (Resolves: rhbz#1147897) - Move webroot to %{webroot} - Own directory for core plugins - Make jenkins-cli.jar available for download (Resolves: rhbz#1147831) - Make slave.jar available for download (Resolves: rhbz#1147978) - Exclude unneeded slf4j binding (Resolves: rhbz#1147875) - Fix "Incorrect plugin version to downgrade" bug (Resolves: rhbz#1147908) - Fix "RPM plugin uninstallation is not persistent" (Resolves: rhbz#1147902)- Add R: jenkins-junit-plugin- Update to upstream version 1.581 - Migrate to jenkins-winstone - Initial support for plugins from RPMs - Bugfixes- Update to upstream version 1.578- Add R for webapp: jenkins-core and jenkins-cli- Update to upstream version 1.575- Update to upstream version 1.572- Exclude unneeded JARs- Update to upstream version 1.569- Fix FTBFS- Rebuilt for Do not inherit default configuration from tomcat - Tweak permissions- Run as a separate service- Remove forgotten BSD license references- Update license tag to reflect changes in 1.557- Drop unneeded trilead-ssh2 patch- Spec file cleanup- Remove superfluous JARs from cli jpackage script- Use jline1- Symlink remoting and cli JAR- Build with stapler-adjunct-codemirror- Allow symlinking- Update to upstream version 1.557- First acegisecurity experiment- Symlink tomcat's work dir- Unbundle yui - Install proper sysconfig- BR jenkins-core when building webapp- Add missing BR- Build webapp- Fix license tag - Install missing licenses - Remove bundled jars and classes- Initial packaging/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh1.625.3-5.fc23jenkinsjenkins.servicejenkinsjenkinsjenkinspluginsjenkinsjenkins/etc//usr/lib/systemd/system//usr/libexec//usr/libexec/jenkins//usr/share//usr/share/jenkins//var/lib//var/log/-O2 -g -march=pentium3drpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executable, with very long linesutf-8?7zXZ !#,]"k%f+7"_C^ Ѓ\&Ɍv CwgmېQ`B%Bxs,FnfDT>#kϗCb4Pwa{9kT̄H_ Us|&E @Ja :/Oi(N!-]I[Ħ9M(M2_ShѬ"-dBaf.󈍇*R'3 E.?5TFܱ6Խ&P/H$uem8|@&&0 Y'r;t ioy_XTyXFHPQDD/gbD$݊\f/WFP<kꂬhW_Qps7Gpa-WZ~z)Łp)ܼW%0f Ӑihgʳ8!o۱6cO uz 4. $E2d裵th9d^@ ,'P_Pѐ\zo19] HV$>p7!ee ېBPaYDMq0QZ!h]JnP󕩬c&:8h/9!]^}g6ʨ!&4,o+{3}hfS%p L%8 *%dtQS=d|KcoK6 \Ż>q%Rug.W`Tpk +B Wң6#V6v8 /&)wwNS" {q?oŏ> 6{<> KL +7%!WT$uR B'zX^S͘,x[6(d.n竗}93Mϊ4JQ3A~lG_6ޜ$ݚD Ͳu*&#:9E\ 0! ֽSf/)v6;Vz=@)5L $X YZ