netpbm-10.76.00-2.fc23$>.[{G<N?>d   P@Dlp   <  N  `      ( L y  8(88D9 T:7>@G H I0 X<YP\t ] ^bhdaeffilkt u vw x y48Cnetpbm10.76.002.fc23A library for handling different graphics file formatsThe netpbm package contains a library of functions which support programs for handling various graphics file formats, including .pbm (portable bitmaps), .pgm (portable graymaps), .pnm (portable anymaps), .ppm (portable pixmaps) and others.XEUarm04-builder03.arm.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectBSD and GPLv2 and IJG and MIT and Public DomainFedora ProjectSystem Environment/Libraries`FAA큤A큤XETXETXETXETX$3!X$3!X$3!XETX$3!60503dbaa22735324d1f97c4aa95426251116e328b1758a35ae031497e0da78b60503dbaa22735324d1f97c4aa95426251116e328b1758a35ae031497e0da78b8672763b4     @/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/$a@WV=@UȒ@UL@Ua@TC@TC@S@SSr @SKRiQQ@Q@Q(@Q@QJQ$QP-PrPP7@P@P@Pr@Pj@PaP H@P H@OjO^@O؀OgO@O]@OP@O8@ObONNσ@NåN@NNTN.@N @Mx@MQ0@MOM4/@M@M\@L@L6L@L{@Lf@L;L_L @L@KuK @K޺K#@KKK@KK{@K`*K]KMK;@K&(K K@K@JJ%J@Jp9JjJF J@IIzIIyI@I2IU@I@IHIx_Iw@Itk@IPIKIFFI@I@HH @HBHAH@H)H@H`HM@H:@H(1@HG@G@GhG@G­G-@GC@GxGaGJ@G:@G+@GJGJG@FvFɂ@F]FyF @E'EEE@E..@E @E @E @E Es@E@E D@EE D@D@DDD@D@DD?D3@D1@D;@C@C@C@C@CC-C!@CqCBCX@CEC@CBBߎ@B@B@BBQB@BPBIC@B5|B.@B&@AA|As@As@ARA#DA A!@A~@@N@@@@*@@ia@@Dw@@2@@,@@(@'v@@G@@>@>_O@>Sq>.>=@={;=@=r@<<<@<;;33@:@::n:?M:?M9@9y9G9 @9r@9l]9]@9X@98@8@8@8K@7!77B@6@606@6P@5~u@5~u@5Q@5Q@5PP5Hg554a@4D@4C^4:$@3Josef Ridky - 10.76.00-2Josef Ridky - 10.76.00-1Josef Ridky - 10.75.99-1Fedora Release Engineering - 10.71.02-2Petr Hracek - 10.71.02-1Petr Hracek - 10.66.02-7Fedora Release Engineering - 10.66.02-6Petr Hracek - 10.66.02-5Petr Hracek - 10.66.02-4Fedora Release Engineering - 10.66.02-3Fedora Release Engineering - 10.66.02-2Petr Hracek - 10.66.02-1Jaromir Capik - 10.61.02-9Petr Hracek - 10.61.02-8Fedora Release Engineering - 10.61.02-7Petr Pisar - 10.61.02-6Petr Hracek - 10.61.02-5Petr Hracek - 10.61.02-4Petr Hracek - 10.61.02-3Petr Hracek 10.61.02-2Jindrich Novy 10.61.02-1Fedora Release Engineering - 10.61.01-3Adam Tkac - 10.61.01-2Jindrich Novy 10.61.01-1Jindrich Novy 10.60.05-1Jindrich Novy 10.60.04-1Jindrich Novy 10.60.03-2Jindrich Novy 10.60.03-1Jindrich Novy 10.60.01-1Jindrich Novy 10.60.00-1Jindrich Novy 10.59.03-1Jindrich Novy 10.59.02-1Fedora Release Engineering - 10.59.01-2Jindrich Novy 10.59.01-1Jindrich Novy 10.58.03-1Jindrich Novy 10.58.01-3Jindrich Novy 10.58.01-2Jindrich Novy 10.58.01-1Jindrich Novy 10.57.04-1Jindrich Novy 10.57.03-1Jindrich Novy 10.57.02-1Jindrich Novy 10.57.01-1Fedora Release Engineering - 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Johnson Michael K. Johnson Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Michael Johnson Bill Nottingham Cristian Gafton Cristian Gafton Prospector System Jeff Johnson Prospector System Cristian Gafton Michael Maher Cristian Gafton Erik Troan Donnie Barnes Donnie Barnes Erik Troan Donnie Barnes Erik Troan - set Provides: bundled for jasper and jbigkit library (#1395716)- Update to the latest upstream release 10.76.00 (#1393713)- Update to the latest upstream release 10.75.99 (#1361103)- Rebuilt for Update to the latest upstream release (#1252352)- remove doc/copyright_summary (#1219743)- Rebuilt for Moving from netpbm-devel to netpbm (#1180811)- Add missing pnmtops to netpbm-progs (#1171903)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update new sources (#1063264)- Fixing format-security flaws (#1037217)- pnmtops hangs in case of more then 10 files (#1029512)- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- Manual page corrections (#948531)- pnmpsnr: compare the same images failed (#969479)- pnmtops: Multi-page PAM files correction (#833546)- Man page corrections (#948531)- update to 10.61.02- Rebuilt for rebuild due to "jpeg8-ABI" feature drop- update to 10.61.01 - sync patches- update to 10.60.05 - fixes pngtopam and ppmpat- update to 10.60.04 - fixes pamtotiff, pnmmontage, pnmpsnr, pbmpscale, pgmhist, pampick, pamtompfont - fix dates in changelog- add upstream test suite- update to 10.60.3 - fixes xbmptopbm, pamtojpeg2k- update to 10.60.01 - fixes pamgauss, sunicontopnm- update to 10.60.00 - speeds up xpmtoppm- update to 10.59.03 - fixes xpmtoppm- update to 10.59.02 - fixes getline() glibc function conflict- Rebuilt for update to 10.59.01- update to 10.58.03 - pnmtops is back- fix ppmtopict buffer underflow - fix memory corruption in pnmtopclxl- rebuild against new libtiff- update to 10.58.01- update to 10.57.04 - fixes ppmquantall- update to 10.57.03- update to 10.57.02- update to 10.57.01- Rebuilt for update to 10.56.05 - fixes pamscale- update to 10.56.04 - fixes pngtopam - use more robust way to create library symlinks- fix library symlink to point to the new soname- update to 10.56.03 - fixes compilation against new libpng- update to 10.47.31 - fixes bmptopnm- update to 10.47.30 - fixes opacity in pnmtopng - fixes pnmquant perl compatibility- update to 10.47.29- update to 10.47.28- update to 10.47.27 - fixes error message in g3topbm + documentation fixes- Rebuilt for update to 10.47.26 - drop upstreamed asciitopgm patch- update to 10.47.25 - fix asciitopgm (#670082), thanks to Jonathan Kamens- update to 10.47.24- update to 10.47.23- fix HTML pages from which man pages are now generated correctly (#644248)- update to 10.47.21- update to 10.47.20- update to 10.47.19- update to 10.47.18- update to 10.47.17- update to 10.47.16 - fixes pbmtext- update to 10.47.15- add -fno-strict-aliasing to CFLAGS- update to 10.47.14 - fixes memory leak in pamarith- update to 10.47.13 - fixes pnmtops- fix cmuwtopbm so that magic bytes test actually works - fix pamtojpeg2k (don't close stdout twice) - fix documentation for pamperspective and pbmtoepson- fix CVE-2007-2721 (#501451) - add missing man pages- update to 10.47.12 - remove ppmtompeg, due to legal issues- package docs in separate netpbm-doc package (#492437) - don't package patch backups in documentation - netpbm-progs package requires ghostscript- pgmtopbm should generate PBM, not PAM file - forwardport pnmmontage from 10.35 to make it work - fix pamstretch-gen- update to 10.47.10 - fixes crash in pnmhistmap- remove obsolete pgmtopbm and pnmcomp, symlink them to the new compatible variants - fix ppmfade -h, --help options - add missing man pages - link against -lz (#564649)- fix buffer overflow in pnmtofiasco- update to 10.47.09, fixes occassional crash in pamtosvg - fix documentation - fix ppmfade exit status- update to 10.47.08- update to 10.47.07- update to 10.47.06 - fixes the dumb pamtosvg mistake in 10.47.05 - pnmmargin won't create leftovers in /tmp (#547888)- update to 10.47.05 - fixes pnmtofiasco, fiascotopnm, pamtosvg, pamtouil and ppmrainbow - upstream fix to pamtosvg caused netpbm not to be rebuildable on any arch because of missing semicolon, the fix is now fixed :-/- fix segfault in pnmsmooth (#545089)- fix ppmpat segfault when using -camo option (#541568)- update to 10.47.04 (it is now stable) (#529525)- update to 10.35.68- update to 10.35.67 - fix configuration- update to 10.35.66 - sync svgatopam patch- Rebuilt for update to 10.35.65- update to 10.35.64 - fixes pnmremap, giftopnm, ppmpat, ppmdraw- update to 10.35.63 - basically new release with some of our patches applied upstream- update to 10.35.62 - upstream fixes pamstereogram - fix options in pamperspective, pbmtoepson, ppmpat, pamaddnoise so that they match their man pages (#483011, #483070, #483243, #483245) - avoid clashes with getline() from glibc- remove two hunks from security patch breaking pbmclean and pbmlife (#493015) - fix ppmdfont and svgtopnm, thanks to Jiri Moskovcak- update to 10.35.61 - upstream fixes array bound violation in pbmtog3 - drop .pbmtog3segfault patch, we fixed this some time ago already and it is in upstream now - use saner exit status in ppmfade- fix broken perl syntax in ppmfade - fix exit status and error reporting in ppmrainbow- Rebuilt for update to 10.35.60 - update .security patch, minor cleanup - fixes xwdtopnm for at least some direct color 24/32 images - fixes memory leak and out of memory crash in libpammap- update to 10.35.59 - fixes array bound violation in ilbmtoppm - fixes garbage output when input in fitstopnm is little endian floating point FITS- fix segfault in ximtoppm (#482891), the utility lacked the command line parsing initialization code- fix cmuwmtopbm and other utilities by making endianess functions work correctly on 64bit systems (#476863)- fix pnmtofiasco to accept image from stdin (#476989, #227283)- update to 10.35.38 - fixes crashes in picttoppm, pbmtomrf, mrftopbm - fixes bugs in leaftoppm, ilbmtoppm- unbreak ppmshadow and ppmrainbow (#476989) - pnmmontage won't crash because of uninitialized memory usage- fix segfault in pamtosvg caused by not reverting "sentinel value" (#476989)- update to 10.35.57- update to 10.35.55- update to 10.35.54 - adds better randomization for ppmforge, pgmnoise, pgmcrater - fixes array bounds violation in pnm_createBlackTuple() with PBM, PGM - fixes crash in pnmtoddif with any PGM input- update to 10.35.53 - fixes pamditherbw (-value parameter other than .5 with -fs)- update to 10.35.52 - fixes crash of libppmd/ppmdraw when line is completely out of frame- update to netpbm-10.35.51 - make it actually compilable by removing duplicated function in pamcomp.c- link against system jasper instead of embedded one (#460300)- update to 10.35.49 - fixes crash in pamcut when cutting a region entirely to the left or right of the input image, with -pad- fix license tag- update to 10.35.48 - fixes buffer overrun in pamperspective and pngtopnm output format - update .security2 patch so that it applies with fuzz==0- update to 10.35.46 - fixes pbmtext, pamtotga, pamtouil and pnmtopclxl- update to 10.35.45 - fixes anytopnm, pamtohtmltbl, xvminitoppm, pbmtogo, tgatoppm- update to 10.35.44 - fixes pamscale PBM input with -nomix, pamtilt crash- update to 10.35.43 - fixes pbmtext and documentation of pamthreshold- update to 10.35.42 - fixes pnmnorm, resolution of conflicting -wpercent and -wvalue- update to 10.35.41 (fixes pnmnorm and gcc-4.3 build)- package rgb.txt for pnmtopng (#313301) - drop useless xorg-x11-server-utils BR- update to 10.35.40 (fixes pgmdeshadow, pgmmedian, pgmbentley and pamtosvg)- update to 10.35.39 (fixes crash in pamtosvg)- update to 10.35.38 (fixes to pbmtext and ppmtoarbtxt) - fix to let it built with gcc 4.3- update to 10.35.37- update to 10.35.36- update to 10.35.35- update to 10.35.34 - sync security patch and fix typos- update to 10.35.33- remove man pages that lacks corresponding binaries (#220739)- remove .svn directories from tarball to reduce its size - update fixes rhbz#337181 and likely others- update to 10.35.32 from svn tree - create man pages from userguide HTML files- add xorg-x11-server-utils BR (#313301)- rebuild for ppc32 - fix open() calls so that netpbm builds with new glibc- fix .ppmquantall patch (#207799) - merge cmapsize with bmptopnm patch (#224554)- /usr/share/netpbm is no more unowned (#248300)- package map files needed by pnmtopalm (#244983)- merge review fixes (#226191), thanks to Jason Tibbitts- fix pbmtomacp buffer overflow (#226969)- bmptopnm won't crash with "BMPlencolormap: internal error!" (#224554)- pbmtog3 won't segfault on 64bit arches (#220739)- remove bogus man pages (#220112, #220113) - overflow2() no more conflicts with (#216116) - fix BuildRoot- remove note about OSL 1 licensing from COPYRIGHT.PATENT file- rebuild for new libpng, again.- rebuild for new libpng- rebuild (#208866)- remove OSL 1.1 from security patch (#208587)- fix ppmquantall (#207799), thanks to Steve Grubb- update to 10.35 - drop .pnmtopng, .rgbtxt patches, fixed upstream - sync .xwidfix, .ppmtompeg patches - regenerate man pages- readd pbmtols, author claims it's LGPL (#202519) - add .l1 suffixes to tarball names to reflect legal fixes in the upstream release with the same NVR- rebuild- regenerate man pages so that makewhatis isn't confused (#204991) (upstream makeman script was broken -> now fixed)- readd spottopgm, author claims it's GPL (#202519)- legal fixes (#202519): - remove pbmtols, spottopgm, jbig and hpcd stuff from source and doc tarballs- pamscale won't waste all system resources by usage of uninitialized variables for output image resolution (#199871) - use %{?dist}- fix double free corruption in ppmtompeg (#199409), thanks to Milan Zazrivec- rebuild- update to 10.34 - drop .ppmtogif, .nstring patches - remove some overflow checks from .security patch, it's now resolved in the new upstream version - don't use svgalib by default (don't compile/ship ppmsvgalib) - don't compile svgtopam because of the libxml dependency - add BuildRequires libX11-devel - fix build on x86_64 and ppc64- fix multilib conflict (#192735) - remove jbigtopnm man page- fix image corruption in ppmtogif, thanks to Gilles Detillieux (#188597) - fix nsting.h to let pnmtopng and other utilities using seekable opening mode work on x86_64 (#188594)- update to 10.33 - drop upstreamed .ppmdepth patch - fix segfault in ppmtompeg when encoding jpeg images (#185970)- fix broken symlink in upstream: pnmsdepth -> pamdepth (#187667)- update to 10.32 - drop .msbmp patch, applied upstream - sync the rest of the patches - regenerate man pages- add missing flex BuildRequires - fix anytopnm to recognize ms-bmp files (#182060)- make xwdtopnm work on x86_64 (#181001)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- fix segfault caused by usage of uninitialized variables while parsing cmdline arguments in pnmtopng (#179645) - add validity check for date/time in pnmtopng - fix unchecked sscanf reads- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- rebuild to have greater version than in FC4 (#177698)- update to 10.31 - update security patch - regenerate man pages- rebuilt- fix path to rgb.txt to fit modular X (#174128)- update to 10.30 - update manpath, gcc4 patches - update security patch - fixed length problem in rle_addhist - update partly upstreamed bmptopnm, pnmtopng patches - drop manpath patch - regenerate man pages- fix segfault in pnmtopng caused by referencing a NULL pointer (#169532)- update to 10.29 - drop upstreamed .libpm, .pnmtojpeg, .pbmtolj patches - update .CAN-2005-2471 patch- link against -lm (#165980)- fix CAN-2005-2471, unsafe gs calls from pstopnm (#165355)- fix buffer overflow in pbmtolj (#163596)- create symlink pnmtopnm -> pamtopnm, this works now in netpbm-10.28 (#161436)- fix segfault in pbmtolj caused by unchecked assertions caused by definition of NDEBUG (#160429) - drop hunk from .security patch causing dual inclusion of string.h in pbmtolj.c- update to 10.28 - regenerated man pages - sync .security, .security2, .badlink, .libpm, .gcc4 patches - drop upstreamed .pngtopnm, .pnmcolormap patches- fix segfault in pnmcolormap what makes latex2html/ppmquant unusable (#158665, #139111)- fix ppmdither leak caused by bug in security patch (#157757) - drop gcc34 patch- fix invalid strcmp condition in bmptopnm, typo in pnmtojpeg (David Constanzo, #157106, #157118) - proper read longs and shorts in libpm.c (David Constanzo, #157110) - fix segfault in bmptopnm caused by freeing an uninitialized pointer- update to the new 10.27 release - update .security2, .security patch - regenerate man pages - remove jbig, hpcd - remove config_template from /usr - don't create symlink to pamtopnm- fix overflow checking of integers with incompatible endianess causing problems using xwdtopnm (#147790)- add .gcc4 patch to fix some missing declarations of headers, some pointer signedness mismatches, remove xmalloc2 - rebuilt with gcc4- update to netpbm-10.26.4, remove jbig, hpcd - this version fixes #149924 - regenerate man pages (don't include man pages without binaries - #146863)- update to netpbm-10.26-1, remove jbig, hpcd - regenerate man pages, remove man pages for non existent binaries - update security patch, additional fixes - drop upstreamed misc patch, merge malloc patch with security patch- include man pages in troff format, thanks to Michal Jaegerman (#136959) - drop bmpbpp patch, fixed upstream - remove pcdovtoppm, ppmsvgalib, vidtoppm man pages because binaries for them are not present (#136471)- avoid compile crash when "-msse" is in CFLAGS- update to latest upstream 10.25 - drop initvar patch - update security, misc patch - add bmpbpp patch to use only appropriate bit depths for BMP (#135675)- added patch to suppress installation of doc.url to /usr/bin #133346- added patch to fix compile crash for 64bit machines - various hacks related to .security patch- updated to 10.24 - updated docs- added pngtopnm patch - added malloc patch- updated to netpbm-10.23 upsteam (and removed jbig, hpcd) - $TMPDIR patch removed, obsolete - updated gcc34 patch - removed nestedfunc patch, already applied in upstream version - updated security patch to conform to 10.23 (mostly in ppmtompeg/frame.c)- Fixed Zero byte allocation error in bmptopnm (#123169) - Honour the $TMPDIR in ppmfade (#117247) - Fixed nested function bug (#117377) - Fixed several uninitialized variables (#117377)- Update to latest upstream version 10.22 (also for docs). - Removed jbig and hdcp code from tarball.- merged fix for pnmrotate crash freeing wrong number of rows- rebuilt- fixed compilation with gcc34- rebuilt- Fixed problem in pnmquant with GetOptions() and args/ARGV (#115788).- rebuilt- Fixed several tmp vulnerabilities in scripts and apps. Based on Debian security fix for netpbm-9.24.- Included doc tarball with manpages (#114755). - Fixed small manpage incorrectness (#84922). - Fixed message from giftopnm (#114756).- No need anymore to fix ppmfade and ppmshade.- Major update to latest upstream version 10.19.- rebuilt- Updated Alan's patch.- Added big security patch by Alan Cox.- rebuilt- Removed print filters again as they are too dangerous.- Merge in hammer changes, rebuild- fix for x86-64- automated rebuild- Don't forcibly strip binaries- automated rebuild- Fixed a possible gcc compiler problem for inline struct parameters (#62181). - Added missing .map files to progs files selection (#61625).- Fixed stupid dangling symlink problem (#62478)- Updated to netpbm version 9.24 - Hacked around a couple of library problems.- Updated to netpbm version 9.20- Updated to netpbm version 9.14 - Removed pnmtotiff resize patch as it is now part of the original package - Removed pstopnm csh fix as it is now part of the original package - Removed asciitopgm memcpy fix as it is now part of the original package - Removed manpages patch as it is now part of the original package- Fixed bugzilla bug #26767 where the new glibc time and sys/time fixes needed to be done.- switched filters to printconf filters- Fixed bugzilla bug #21644 where few manpages had a small error.- Fixed bugzilla bug #19487 where asciitopgm dumped core on Alpha. Actually dumped core everywhere- update to 9.9 - Due to patent infringement problems removed the jbig support from the tarball (pnm/jbig + Makefile changes) and created a new tarball- include shared libraries missing from previous build- update to 9.8 - make sure shhopt.h is included in the -devel package (#19672) - rename shhopt.h to pbmshhopt.h because it's not the same as the normal shhopt.h that other things (like util-linux) expect- added a png-to-pnm.fpi filter- rebuilt against new libpng- move netpbm-progs to the Applications/Multimedia group - reintroduce patches from the old libgr package- automatic rebuild- update to 9.5- update to 9.4- switch back to the netpbm tree, which is maintained again- make sure all man pages are included (#9328) - fix pstopnm bomb when xres == yres (#9329) - add libjpeg and libz because libtiff now needs them- added/updated TIFF compression patch from (#8826)- added TIFF resolution patch from (#7589)- added section 5 man pages- fix tiff-to-pnm.fpi (#4267)- add a pile of foo-to-bar.fpi filters (#4251)- removed old png.h header file that was causing png utils to die - build png in build instead of install section...- patch for 24-bit .BMP files (from auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 15)- clean up the spec file - build for glibc 2.1 - patch to fix pktopbm- translations modified for de- glibc2 defines random in (pbm/pbmplus.h problem #693)- translations modified for de, fr, tr- cleaned up the spec file a little bit - validated mike's changes :-)- added pnm-to-ps.fpi that was missing from previous packages- altered install so that the package installs now even if a previous version was not installed on the system- built against libpng 1.0- changed copyright from "distributable" to "freeware" - added some missing scripts that existed in netpbm - added some binaries that weren't getting built - added patch to build tiff manipulation progs (requires libtiff)- obsoletes netpbm now- mucked config.guess and Make.Rules to build on Alpha/Linux- updated to 2.0.13 - dropped libjpeg and libtiff (those should come from home sources) - removed glibc patch (new version appears to have it!) - added i686 as a valid arch type to config.guess- built against glibc/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfig -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=harddrpmxz2armv7hl-redhat-linux-gnueabiELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=962aa0fc0350ef050cb560d11103b283468ac646, strippeddirectoryASCII textISO-8859 text PRR RRRRR RRR R RPRR RRRRR RRR R Rutf-8?@7zXZ !#,3i]"k%f4ձ5O[mԃDlE[!9_ACI6b]H/:hOI:H"t\NǟWaSykIQqI6=zb_tu/weuwpPg0z㚛bXƻy^xmI!YNA%J#$-)U:mNr#Wjz!IqqZg-PRײD!{nFP]W_iL"@ey!UC s@k1U"/XHp$cЩY"6B||;n4ۋ‡ uQTc!0O;xtUkԁQ!{'Z&}n|iP J(r=Ayv{aeSj5#9&Ey|Uf)KP(p&n}P_!sm:Ëvz7OD"@Y>d 'X_{9,4@fos(f;+(cB>X?M(5@& A5Tʙ7H1Q8"9!=EhexmB72a_ ޥ mnfmhp$[%wΧИt[cj-'qkK8G Э/Tֱ_ж0TC 8} 9o2.YI.#9ɯ37Pc -v7c!(_f{N;:=~%K6~Ҷ zs M _CA9ȡs&$}<$y&H"ل4@#$h Ne#@+n&Dr'vaqWFgFf#A zP%.vP;::%FeCjZ4С 7֐;]ؾq>f{4$0ZZ"ƕf.Ý Ckub5OFۋ8ըWFB"\u:t$$h|$E[9 ©x$+L[Bv Uf>B 1J3wA}%a": bSiRؾWRw2j. ۺhBNfpPČ(RVrT!vs%gIYV++q@"3bT/Y j.:3CRFZsʨ9' iJh GTγ' f`m`pv͈ Qw?t&l9?Gg 5K5#EJc$Ȫг: /ϞjTͿ͟{7gʖtb$q֕ǐE> 3ֆ[ چI[Rt ,4*컏 l;m9@Zˁ?'XNR MzutK[}W-`g=&S=Ȇ^ks wjsxR4]'\Uc= \nG^Bq3=/(s?{Bx))q܁JY$ݫmyIv,szḪk׬4nq6C5p$rϥNgR-pUeejBu 0qO=}ƶslG=J:+gH 8kMΓֿ~@S_e/wSr gbѩüt#(S/*#❸ѕjq7mj_CIkr*sV'_QHSTx-JdJFdLp%~ࠀWEPc"ZE-XnDׂEdBI2gx  o`ʩHdta*g>3A{Byx] < GIhx`0+d`W; RjZZ{zt)o[!]VbH3w$uAlanx]ohQBgsõk7究ВI;=I\ΰ ;@ f>%BdR5O7w/qNM_j%M nL|LhE;w8HnR,"EտswXHCp'^܀NĮÄ)9id8blKq]|3SY{Ȯ߇..0lL!g%fVMMt>~;O<M4mg*4>8!Byv7^>ȇز<6iQ7 Վ.|= DE}Бo̗Qٳtzc|W/o;*lo0dCw@Ldw+h')^w?~en 6dܻ2L{%eCyt>B3Z2<}Q/FXRk4֐qHoJc2ʛ'?EY{%rW2:s5đ ~'þ#Fy j$i(q etfs Y o󊆴y+ ->]XA\(j# !9Y8\%+f do5s{LʧyYQjI- TIe6E1zmR, a?=`50{|Le*CjO|-68B6b1_W]ac UPS2y=!fj#$I\$]懘تkćb{ލ}0YL&:ݩɑU)p.Z Ikn%x"vXq2p(u CZ7hZkFW]?/Ʌië^a9j \$XS~-[#3sc+ E PS/8J?=Zfʎ3mAw#љvÌk);ycT8=v_0L.J49X|s oރZQ04INSƴΙ$/!TpL-[}-jbE/f:Sd\.(10bϱI^^F"J]U3l%$A*7DxQSnjP3@J~AX"׉L5[jY{lb+ KJ^cMxU{390^IP௡(2Ur k}>[~ņ{ Э"34/j7ZSc:˜=cVHb/97V)/R%z5' e\Q LK1lIl#w)oG6{QY,S'ɥ >. 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