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Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc7.git0.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc6.git4.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc6.git3.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc6.git2.1Laura Abbott Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc6.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc6.git0.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc5.git4.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc5.git3.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc5.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc5.git1.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc4.git4.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc4.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc4.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc4.git1.1Laura Abbott Justin M. Forbes Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc4.git0.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc3.git2.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc3.git1.1Laura Abbott Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc3.git0.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc2.git4.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc2.git3.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.8.0-0.rc2.git2.1Justin M. 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Forbes - 4.7.0-0.rc7.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc6.git2.2Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc6.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc6.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc5.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc5.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc5.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc5.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc4.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc4.git2.1Hans de Goede Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc4.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc4.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc3.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc3.git2.1Laura Abbott Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc3.git1.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc3.git0.1Peter Robinson 4.7.0-0.rc2.git3.2Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc2.git3.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc2.git2.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc2.git1.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc2.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc1.git4.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc1.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc1.git2.2Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc1.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc1.git1.2Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc1.git1.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git10.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git9.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git8.1Josh Boyer - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git7.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git6.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git5.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git4.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git2.2Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.7.0-0.rc0.git1.1Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc7.git3.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc7.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc7.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc6.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc6.git3.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc6.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc5.git3.1Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc5.git2.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc5.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc5.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc4.git3.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc4.git2.1Laura Abbott Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc4.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc4.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc3.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc3.git0.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.6.0-0.rc2.git4.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.6.0-0.rc2.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.6.0-0.rc2.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.6.0-0.rc2.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.6.0-0.rc2.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc1.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git26.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git25.1Josh Boyer - - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git23.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git22.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git21.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git20.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git19.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git18.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git17.1Laura Abbott Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git16.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git15.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git14.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git13.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git12.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git11.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git10.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git9.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git8.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git7.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git6.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git5.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git3.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.6.0-0.rc0.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc7.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc7.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc7.git1.1Thorsten Leemhuis Peter Robinson 4.5.0-0.rc7.git0.2Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc7.git0.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc6.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc6.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc6.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott Peter Robinson 4.5.0-0.rc5.git0.2Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc5.git0.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc4.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc4.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc4.git1.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc4.git0.1Laura Abbott Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc3.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc3.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc3.git1.1Laura Abbott Peter Robinson 4.5.0-0.rc3.git0.2Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc3.git0.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc2.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc2.git2.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc2.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc1.git0.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc1.git2.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc1.git1.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc1.git0.2Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc1.git0.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git9.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git8.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git7.1Josh Boyer Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git6.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git5.1Peter Robinson Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git4.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git3.1Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git2.1Justin M. Forbes Justin M. Forbes - 4.5.0-0.rc0.git1.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc8.git3.1Laura Abbott Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc8.git2.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc8.git1.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc8.git0.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc6.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc6.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc5.git3.1Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc5.git2.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc5.git1.1Laura Abbott Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc5.git0.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc4.git4.1Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc4.git3.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc4.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc4.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc4.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc3.git4.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc3.git3.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc3.git2.1Laura Abbott Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc3.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc3.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc2.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc2.git1.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc2.git0.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc1.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc1.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc1.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc1.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git9.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git8.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git7.2Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git7.1Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git6.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git5.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git4.2Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git4.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git2.1Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.4.0-0.rc0.git1.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc7.git2.1Laura Abbott Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc7.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc7.git0.1Laura Abbott Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc6.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc6.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc6.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc5.git2.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc5.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc5.git0.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc4.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc4.git2.1Laura Abbott Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc4.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc4.git0.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc3.git4.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc3.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc3.git2.2Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc3.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc3.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc2.git1.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc2.git0.2Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc1.git4.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc1.git3.1Laura Abbott - 4.3.0-0.rc1.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc1.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc1.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git14.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git13.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git12.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git11.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git10.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git9.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git8.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git7.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git6.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git5.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git3.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.3.0-0.rc0.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc8.git3.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc8.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc8.git1.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc8.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc7.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc7.git3.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc7.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc7.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc6.git1.1Peter Robinson - 4.2.0-0.rc6.git0.2Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc5.git3.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc5.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc5.git1.1Hans de Goede Hans de Goede Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc5.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc4.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc4.git3.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc4.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc4.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc4.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc3.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc3.git3.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc3.git1.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc3.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc2.git2.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc2.git1.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc2.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc1.git3.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc1.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc1.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc1.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc0.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.2.0-0.rc0.git3.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git2.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc8.git0.2Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc8.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc7.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc6.git2.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott Laura Abbott Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc5.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc4.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc4.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc3.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc3.git3.1Josh Boyer Laura Abbott Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc3.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc3.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc2.git3.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc2.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc2.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc2.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc1.git1.1Justin M. Forbes Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc1.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git14.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git13.1Peter Robinson Peter Robinson - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git12.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git11.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git10.1Dennis Gilmore Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git9.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git8.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git7.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git6.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git5.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git3.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.1.0-0.rc0.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc7.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc6.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc5.git4.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc5.git3.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc5.git2.4Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc5.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc5.git1.3Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc5.git0.3Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc4.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc4.git1.3Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Jarod Wilson Kyle McMartin - 4.0.0-0.rc4.git0.3Jarod Wilson Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc4.git0.1Jarod Wilson Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc3.git1.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc3.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc2.git2.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc2.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc2.git0.1Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc1.git3.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc1.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc1.git1.1Richard W.M. Jones - 4.0.0-0.rc1.git0.2Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 4.0.0-0.rc1.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git10.1Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git9.1Kyle McMartin - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git8.2Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git8.1Kyle McMartin - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git7.3Kyle McMartin - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git7.2Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git7.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git6.1Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git5.1Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git4.1Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.20.0-0.rc0.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc7.git3.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc7.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc7.git0.3Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc7.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc6.git3.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc6.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc5.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc5.git1.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc5.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc4.git4.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc4.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc4.git2.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc4.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc4.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc3.git2.1Kyle McMartin - 3.19.0-0.rc3.git1.2Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.19.0-0.rc3.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.1-2Josh Boyer - 3.18.1-1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-2Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc7.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc7.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc7.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc7.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin - 3.18.0-0.rc5.git0.2Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc5.git0.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc4.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc4.git1.1Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin - 3.18.0-0.rc4.git0.2Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc4.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc3.git4.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc3.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc3.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc3.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc2.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc2.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc2.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc2.git0.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc1.git4.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc1.git3.3Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc1.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc1.git2.1Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin - 3.18.0-0.rc1.git1.2Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc1.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc1.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git9.4Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git9.3Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git9.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git8.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git7.1Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git6.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git5.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git4.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.18.0-0.rc0.git1.1Josh Boyer Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc7.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc7.git2.1Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc7.git1.1Kyle McMartin - 3.17.0-0.rc7.git0.2Peter Robinson Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc7.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc6.git2.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc6.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc6.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc5.git5.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc5.git4.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc5.git3.1Kyle McMartin Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc5.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc5.git1.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc5.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc4.git4.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc4.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc4.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc4.git1.1Josh Boyer Peter Robinson Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc4.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc3.git3.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc3.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc3.git1.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc3.git0.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc2.git3.1Josh Boyer Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc2.git2.1Josh Boyer - 3.17.0-0.rc2.git1.1- Linux v4.11.12- Fix CVE-2017-7542 (rhbz 1473649 1473650) - Fix CVE-2017-11473 (rhbz 1473209 147310)- Linux v4.11.11 - Bring back /dev/port (rhbz 1471429 1451220)- Linux v4.11.10- Only call pwm_add_table for the first PWM controller (rhbz 1458599)- CVE-2017-10810 fix virtio-gpu mem leak (rhbz 1468023 1468024)- Linux v4.11.9- Linux v4.11.8- Linux v4.11.7 - Make CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_PCI builtin (rhbz 1464709)- Add fix for iptables (rhbz 1459676)- bump and build- Linux v4.11.6 - Fix CVE-2017-1000364 (rhbz 1462819 1461333)- Fix an auditd race condition (rhbz 1459326)- Linux v4.11.5- Add fix for EFI BGRT crash (rhbz 1461337)- Linux v4.11.4- Backport hotkey event support for 2017 thinkpad models (rhbz 1459272)- Bump and build once again- Actually fix ipsec encapsulation problems (rhbz 1458222 1458499)- Turn CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS back on- Enable Chromebook keyboard backlight (rhbz 1447031)- Bump and build- NVME firmware quirk (rhbz 1455780) - Fix for IPv6 tunnels reported on bodhi)- Fix for some broadwell issues- Linux v4.11.3- Linux v4.11.2- Linux v4.10.17 - Fix CVE-2017-8890 CVE-2017-9074 CVE-2017-9075 CVE-2017-9076 CVE-2017-9077 (rhbz 1452688 1450972 1452679 1452691 1452688 1452744)- Fix CVE-2017-9059 (rhbz 1451386 1451996)- Linux v4.10.16 - Fix CVE-2017-7487 (rhbz 1447734 1450417)- Linux v4.10.15- Fix for Dell Laptop LED errors (rhbz 1436686)- Linux v4.10.14 - Fixes CVE-2017-7895 (rhbz 1446103 1446541)- Linux v4.10.13- Fix CVE-2017-7477 (rhbz 1445207 1445208)- Linux v4.10.12 (rhbz 1438117 1440736) - Fixes CVE-2017-7889 (rhbz 1444493 1444496)- Fix CVE-2017-7645 (rhbz 1443615 1443617)- Linux v4.10.11- Linux v4.10.10 - CVE-2017-7616 (rhbz 1441088 1441093)- Fix CVE-2017-7618 (rhbz 1441095 1441093) - Fix CVE-2017-7308 (rhbz 1437404 1437406) - Turn on CONFIG_HAMRADIO for arm (rhbz 1425990)- Fix for openshift networking (rhbz 1441310)- Re-add fix for cxusb DMA on stack (rhbz 1439613)- Linux v4.10.9- Don't print MCEs when mcelog is running (rhbz 1438316) - CVE-2017-2671 Fix ping locking (rhbz 1436649 1436663) - Fix secureboot ERROR- redisable CONFIG_IWLWIFI_PCIE_RTPM (rhbz 1429135)- Linux v4.10.8- Linux v4.10.7 - CVE-2017-7184 Out-of-bounds heap access in xfrm (rhbz 1435153 1437469)- CVE-2017-7277 SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS feature causes out-of-bounds read (rhbz 1436629 1436661)- CVE-2017-7261 vmwgfx: check that number of mip levels is above zero (rhbz 1435719 1435740)- Linux v4.10.6- Linux v4.10.5 - Fix crda (rhbz 1422247)- Linux v4.10.4- Add upstream patches to improve xgene_enet stability a little- Linux v4.10.3 rebase - CVE-2017-6874 Fix race condition in ucount.c (rhbz 1432429 1432430)- Linux v4.9.14- Build for some CVEs- CVE-2017-2636 Race condition access to n_hdlc.tbuf causes double free in n_hdlc_release (rhbz 1430049)- Disable CONFIG_IWLWIFI_PCIE_RTPM (rhbz 1429135)- CVE-2017-6353 Possible double free in stcp_sendmsg (rhbz 1428907 1428910)- Add patch to fix desktop lockups on RPi (vc4) RHBZ# 1389163- CVE-2017-5669 shmat allows mmap null page protection bypass (rhbz 1427239) - Fix kernel-devel virtual provide- Linux v4.9.13- Linux v4.9.12- CVE-2017-6074 DCCP double-free vulnerability- Linux v4.9.11 - Fix rt2800 warning (rhbz 1422969)- Enable PWRSEQ_SIMPLE module (fixes rhbz 1377816)- Linux v4.9.10- CVE-2017-5967 Disable CONFIG_TIMER_STATS (rhbz 1422138 1422140)- CVE-2017-5970 keep skb->dst around in presence of IP options (rhbz 1421638)- Fix OOPSes in vc4 (Raspberry Pi)- Linux v4.9.9 - Fix DMA on stack from 1-wire driver (rhbz 1415397)- sctp: avoid BUG_ON on sctp_wait_for_sndbuf (rhbz 1420276)- Fix for some DMA on stack with DVB devices (rhbz 1417829) - Enable CONFIG_SENSORS_JC42 (rhbz 1417454)- CVE-2017-5897 ip6_gre: Invalid reads in ip6gre_err (rhbz 1419848 1419851)- Drop "fixes" for bcm238x as they seem to break other Raspberry Pi 3 things- Linux v4.9.8- Fix for pcie_aspm_init_link_state crash (rhbz 1418858)- Linux v4.9.7- Fix kvm nested virt CVE-2017-2596 (rhbz 1417812 1417813)- Fix CMA compaction regression (Raspberry Pi and others)- arm64: dma-mapping: Fix dma_mapping_error() when bypassing SWIOTLB- Linux v4.9.6 - Bring in fix for bogus EFI firmware - Fixes CVE-2017-5547, CVE-2016-10153, CVE-2017-5548, CVE-2017-5551 (rhbz 1416096 1416101 1416110 1416126 1416128)- CVE-2017-5576 CVE-2017-5577 vc4 overflows (rhbz 1416436 1416437 1416439)- Enable CONFIG_IPV6_GRE (rhbz 1405398)- Linux v4.9.5- Fix kubernetes networking issue (rhbz 1414068)- Add possible ATI fixes- Linux v4.9.4- Minor updates for Raspberry Pi 3 support - Re-enable /sys/class/gpio/ - Build gpio tools- Linux v4.9.3- Add fix for some thinkpads missed during the rebase.- Linux v4.9.2 rebase- Linux v4.8.16- Linux v4.8.15 - CVE-2016-9588 fix possible DoS in nVMX (rhbz 1404924 1404925) - Turn off CONFIG_IWLWIFI_PCIE_RTPM as it can cause wifi disconnects- Linux v4.8.14 - CVE-2016-8399 Fix out OOB stack read in memcpy_fromiovec (rhbz 1403833 1403834)- Linux v4.8.13 - CVE-2016-9576 fix use after free in SCSI generic device interface (rhbz 1403145 1403146)- Disable CONFIG_AF_KCM (rhbz 1402489)- CVE-2016-9793 avoid signed overflows for SO_{SND|RCV}BUFFORCE (rhbz 1402013 1402014)- CVE-2016-8655 fix race condition in packet_set_ring (rhbz 1400019 1401820)- Linux v4.8.12 - CVE-2016-9755 Fix Out-of-bounds write issue when defragmenting ipv6 packets (rhbz 1400904 1400905) - CVE-2016-9756 Fix kvm: stack memory information leakage (rhbz 1400468 1400469) - Fix kvm: out of bounds memory access via vcpu_id (rhbz 1400804 1400805)- Linux v4.8.11 - CVE-2016-8650 Fix NULL ptr dereference in mpi_powm() (rhbz 1395187 1398463)- Add upstream patch to fix all ARMv7 devices set to initial 200Mhz- Add patch from Dave Anderson to fix live system crash analysis on Aarch64- Linux v4.8.10- Minor ARM config tweaks- Linux v4.8.8 - Fix crash in tcp_collapse CVE-2016-8645 (rhbz 1393904 1393908)- Fix for some Yoga laptop WIFI (rhbz 1385823)- Nouveau: Add Maxwell to backlight initialization (rhbz 1390308)- Linux v4.8.7 - Fixes cve-2016-8630 (rhbz 1393350 1393358) - Refresh status of MST capable connectors (rhbz 1392885)- dm raid: fix compat_features validation (rhbz 1391279)- Linux v4.8.6 - Add revert to fix omap4 mmc (panda) - Other minor omap4 fixes - Adjust config for some AllWinner devices that don't like modular bits - Add patch for aarch64 memory regions- Minor VC4 bug fix- Linux v4.8.5- CVE-2016-9083 CVE-2016-9084 vfio multiple flaws (rhbz 1389258 1389259 1389285) - Skylake i915 fixes from 4.9 - Fix MS input devices identified as joysticks (rhbz 1325354)- Upstream fix for Raspberry Pi to fix setting low-resolution video modes on HDMI - A collection of other clock fixes in -next for the RPi- Linux v4.8.4- Linux v4.8.3 - CVE-2016-5195 (rhbz 1384344 1387080)- Fix memory corruption caused by p8_ghash - Make __xfs_xattr_put_listen preperly report errors (rhbz 1384606)- Disable ACPI_CPPC_CPUFREQ on aarch64 - Add ethernet driver for AllWinner sun8i-emac (H3/OrangePi and Pine64)- Linux v4.8.2 - i8042 - skip selftest on ASUS laptops- Build in AXP20X_I2C (should fix rhbz 1352140)- update baserelease for Fedora 25- Linux v4.8.1- Add patch to fix Xorg starting with virtio (rhbz 1366842)- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.8- ARM config cleanups, some minor general cleanups - Some bcm283x VC4 fixes for Raspberry Pi- Linux v4.8-rc8-28-g9a2172a- Linux v4.8-rc8-13-g53061af- Linux v4.8-rc8-8-gae6dd8d - Reenable debugging options.- Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_MODULE_RONX for arm targets- Linux v4.8-rc8 - Disable debugging options.- Updates to crash driver from Dave Anderson- Linux v4.8-rc7-158-g78bbf15- Linux v4.8-rc7-142-gb1f2beb- Linux v4.8-rc7-42-g7d1e042- Linux v4.8-rc7-37-gd2ffb01 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.8-rc7 - Disable debugging options. - CVE-2016-7425 SCSI arcmsr buffer overflow (rhbz 1377330 1377331)- Enable CPU IDLE on ARMv7 - Tweak big.LITTLE on ARMv7 - Update ARM64 pci-e quicks to latest upstream, update x-gene quirks patch- Linux v4.8-rc6-231-g024c7e3- Linux v4.8-rc6-214-g4cea877- Add patch for bcm2837 (RPi3) HDMI EDID detection- Linux v4.8-rc6-211-g77e5bdf- Fix for incorrect return checking in cpupower (rhbz 1374212) - Let iio tools build on older kernels- Linux v4.8-rc6-147-ge8988e0 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.8-rc6 - Disable debugging options.- Minor ARM config tweaks- Linux v4.8-rc5-176-gd0acc7d- Linux v4.8-rc5-129-g711bef6- Enable some popular audio addon drivers- Linux v4.8-rc5-62-gd060e0f - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.8-rc5-5-gbc4dee5 - Disable debugging options.- Use IIO BMP280 driver instead of old misc driver, wider HW support - Minor sensor driver changes - Disable omap_aes currently broken- Linux v4.8-rc4-199-gcc4163d- Linux v4.8-rc4-162-g071e31e- Linux v4.8-rc4-155-g86a1679- Linux v4.8-rc4-119-ge4e98c4- Add event decoding fix (rhbz 1360688)- Reenable debugging options. - Add SELinux OverlayFS support.- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.8-rc4- Minor ARM updates- Linux v4.8-rc3-39-g61c0457- Config updates and fixes for ARMv7 platforms- Linux v4.8-rc3-26-gcad9d20 - Reenable debugging options. - Fix keyboard input for some devices (rhbz 1366224)- Fix for inabiltiy to send zero sized UDP packets (rhbz 1365940)- Qualcomm QDF2432 errata fix - Move to upstream patches for ACPI SPCR (serial console) - Adjust max CPUs on ARM platforms to reflect newer real world hardware- Linux v4.8-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- Add fix for RTC crash on ARMv7 am33xx devices- Linux v4.8-rc2-348-g6040e57- Linux v4.8-rc2-232-g3408fef- Minor Tegra changes- Linux v4.8-rc2-42-g5ff132c - CVE-2016-6828 tcp fix use after free in tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue (rhbz 1367091 1367092)- Linux v4.8-rc2-17-gae5d68b - Add patch for qxl cursor bug (rhbz 1200901) - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.8-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.8-rc1-166-g9909170- Linux v4.8-rc1-88-g3b3ce01- Fix for crash seen with open stack (rhbz 1361414)- Minor ARM config updates - Disable long running watchdog in VM patch (in theory fixed) - Enable NUMA on aarch64 - Enable Cavium ThunderX - Enable Atmel i2c TPM on ARM platforms- Linux v4.8-rc1-70-g9512c47- Fix false positive VM_BUG() in page_add_file_rmap (rhbz 1365686)- Linux v4.8-rc1-53-ga0cba21- Linux v4.8-rc1-19-g81abf25 - Reenable debugging options.- Build CONFIG_POWERNV_CPUFREQ in on ppc64* (rhbz 1351346)- Linux v4.8-rc1 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.7-11891-gdd7fd3a- Linux v4.7-11544-g96b5852- Linux v4.7-11470-gd52bd54- Sync skylake hdaudio __unclaimed_reg WARN_ON fix with latest upstream version - Drop drm-i915-skl-Add-support-for-the-SAGV-fix-underrun-hangs.patch for now- Linux v4.7-10753-g731c7d3- Linux v4.7-6438-gc624c86- Add touchscreen and pen driver for the Surface 3 - Add CrystalCove PWM support, for CherryTrail devices- Linux v4.7-5906-g194dc87- CVE-2016-5412 powerpc: kvm: Infinite loop in HV mode (rhbz 1349916 1361040)- Filter nvme rdma modules to extras - Fix IP Wireless driver filtering (rhbz 1356043) thanks lkundrak - Build IIO tools- Linux v4.7-3199-g0e06f5c - Reenable debugging options.- rebuild for koji errors- CVE-2016-6136 race condition in auditsc.c (rhbz 1353533 1353534)- Linux v4.7- Add aarch64 ACPI pci-e patches headed for 4.8- Linux v4.7-rc7-92-g47ef4ad- ARM config updates, update bcm238x patches- Linux v4.7-rc7-78-gfa3a9f574- Fix various i915 uncore oopses (rhbz 1340218 1325020 1342722 1347681)- Linux v4.7-rc7-27-gf97d104- Linux v4.7-rc7-6-g63bab22 - Reenable debugging options.- CVE-2016-5389 CVE-2016-5696 tcp challenge ack info leak (rhbz 1354708 1355615)- Disable debugging options. - linux v4.7-rc7- Workaround for glibc change- Linux v4.7-rc6-94-gcc23c61- Linux v4.7-rc6-74-g076501f - Reenable debugging options.- Fix oops in qla2xxx driver (rhbz 1346753) - Fix blank screen on some nvidia cards (rbhz 1351205)- Enable Marvell mvebu for aarch64- Linux v4.7-rc6 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.7-rc5-254-g1a0a02d- Linux v4.7-rc5-227-ge7bdea7 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.7-rc5-28-g02184c6- Linux v4.7-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.7-rc4-76-g63c04ee- Linux v4.7-rc4-20-gf9020d1- Bring in patch-series from drm-next to fix skl_update_other_pipe_wm issues (rhbz 1305038) - Disable fbc on haswell by default (fdo#96461)- Linux v4.7-rc4-14-g67016f6 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.7-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.7-rc3-87-gbb96727 - enable CONFIG_PWM (rhbz 1347454)- Linux v4.7-rc3-55-gd325ea8- hp-wmi: fix wifi cannot be hard-unblock (rhbz 1338025)- CVE-2016-4470 keys: uninitialized variable crash (rhbz 1341716 1346626)- Enable support for TI dm81xx devices (kwizart)- ath9k: fix GPIO mask for AR9462 and AR9565 (rhbz 1346145)- Linux v4.7-rc3-9-gdb06d75 - Reenable debugging options.- Enable Infiniband on ARM now we have HW- Linux v4.7-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- Fix Power64 module filters - Minor ARM updates- Linux v4.7-rc2-64-g147d9e7- Enable ARM big.LITTLE on ARMv7 LPAE kernels- Linux v4.7-rc2-20-gc8ae067- Minor ARM/aarch64 config updates- Linux v4.7-rc2-4-g3613a62- CVE-2016-5244 info leak in rds (rhbz 1343338 1343337) - CVE-2016-5243 info leak in tipc (rhbz 1343338 1343335)- Linux v4.7-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.7-rc1-122-g4340fa5- Linux v4.7-rc1-104-g719af93- Add filtering for i686 as well- Linux v4.7-rc1-94-g6b15d66 - Reenable debugging options.- Update module filters- Linux v4.7-rc1-12-g852f42a - Disable debugging options.- Update Utilite patch - Minor ARM cleanups - Initial Qualcomm ARM64 support (Dragonboard 410c)- Linux v4.6-11010-gdc03c0f - Kconfig, Kbuild, ceph, nfs, xfs, mmc, hwmon merges- Linux v4.6-10675-g2f7c3a1 - EFI, sched, perf, objtool, acpi, pm, drm merges- Linux v4.6-10530-g28165ec - ARM SoC, asm-generic, nfsd, ext4, spi, mtd, xen, merges- Linux v4.6-10203-g84787c572d40 - Enable CONFIG_MEMORY_HOTPLUG_DEFAULT_ONLINE (rhbz 1339281) - Fixup SB patchset to work with upstream changes- Linux v4.6-8907-g7639dad - trace, f2fs, btrfs, rtc, mailbox, akpm, staging, driver core, char, usb, tty, clk, net, devicetree, rdma, mfd, iio, powerpc, arm merges- Linux v4.6-6148-g03b979d - Docs, i2c, md, iommu, sound, pci, pinctrl, dmaengine, kvm, security merges- CVE-2016-4440 kvm: incorrect state leading to APIC register access (rhbz 1337806 1337807)- Minor ARM cleanups, enable Tegra USB-3 controller- Linux v4.6-5028-g2600a46 - trace, audit, input, media, scsi, armsoc merges- Linux v4.6-3623-g0b7962a - ata, regulator, gpio, HID, livepatching, networking, dm, block, vfs, fs, timers, crypto merges- Adjust solib for cpupower- Linux v4.6-1278-g1649098 - Enable CONFIG_INTEL_POWERCLAMP - pm, ACPI, mmc, regulator, i2c, hwmon, edac, led, arm64, x86, sched, RAS merges- Linux v4.6-153-g3469d26 - Reenable debugging options. - locking, efi, signals, rcu merges- Disable CONFIG_DEBUG_VM_PGFLAGS on non debug kernels (rhbz 1335173)- Linux v4.6 - CVE-2016-3713 kvm: out-of-bounds access in set_var_mtrr_msr (rhbz 1332139 1336410)- Linux v4.6-rc7-116-ga2ccb68b1e6a- Some minor ARMv7 platform fixes from F-24 - Enable PCI_HOST_GENERIC for all ARM arches (Jeremy Linton)- Linux v4.6-rc7-55-gc5114626f33b- Linux v4.6-rc7-45-g2d0bd9534c8d- Enable XEN SCSI front and backend (rhbz 1334512) - CVE-2016-4569 info leak in sound module (rhbz 1334643 1334645)- Linux v4.6-rc7- Linux v4.6-rc6-165-g9caa7e78481f- Linux v4.6-rc6-123-g21a9703de304 - CVE-2016-4486 CVE-2016-4485 info leaks (rhbz 1333316 1333309 1333321)- Linux v4.6-rc6-113-g83858a701cf3 - Enable NFC_NXP_NCI options (rhbz 1290556) - CVE-2016-4482 info leak in devio.c (rhbz 1332931 1332932)- Linux v4.6-rc6-72-g33656a1f2ee5- Linux v4.6-rc6 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.6-rc5-153-g92c19ea95357- Fix KVM with THP corruption (rhbz 1331092)- Linux v4.6-rc5-89-gb75a2bf899b6- Add patch to fix i.MX6 gpu module loading - Add patch to fix Jetson TX1 usb- Linux v4.6-rc5-69-gf28f20da704d - Require /usr/bin/kernel-install to fix installation after systemd package swizzling (rhbz 1331012) - Reenable debugging options.- Enable IEEE802154_AT86RF230 on more arches (rhbz 1330356)- Linux v4.6-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.6-rc4-124-g5f44abd041c5- Linux v4.6-rc4-17-g55f058e7574c- Allow antenna selection for rtl8723be (rhbz 1309487)- Linux v4.6-rc4-13-g9a0e3eea25d3 - Reenable debugging options.- Enable XILLYBUS (rhbz 1328394)- Linux v4.6-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- CVE-2016-3961 xen: hugetlbfs use may crash PV guests (rhbz 1327219 1323956)- Linux v4.6-rc3-99-g806fdcce017d- Disable oprofile driver as userspace oprofile only uses perf (rhbz 1326944)- Linux v4.6-rc3-57-g90de6800c240 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.6-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- Use the correct MMC driver for some ARM platforms- Linux v4.6-rc2-151-g3c96888- Linux v4.6-rc2-88-gc4004b0- Linux v4.6-rc2-84-g541d8f4- Linux v4.6-rc2-42-g1e1e5ce - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.6-rc2- Some minor ARMv7/aarch64 cleanups- Add another patch for CVE-2016-2184- Fix undefined __always_inline in exported headers (rhbz 1321749) - Make sure to install objtool in -devel subpackage if it exists (rhbz 1321628)- Add ARMv7 mvebu fixes headed upstream - Minor ARMv7 cleanups - Boot fix for aarch64 devices with 64K page size requirements (Seattle)- Linux v4.6-rc1 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.5-12596-g11caf57f6a4b - asm-generic, pm+acpi, rtc, hwmon, block, mtd, ubifs, nfsd, kbuild, parisc, h8, arm64, armsoc- Linux v4.5-12330-ge46b4e2b46e1 - trace, thermal, nfsd merges- Linux v4.5-12257-g8b97be054572 - staging, timers, perf, irq, x86, sched, locking merges- Linux v4.5-12149-gaca04ce - net, pwm, target, platform-drivers merges- Linux v4.5-12013-gc13042362033 - crypto, mailbox, clk merges- Linux v4.5-11787-ga24e3d414e59 - akpm, kvm, rdma- Fix Tegra Jetson TK1- Linux v4.5-11312-g01cde1538e1d - nfs, overlayfs, fuse, xen, i2c, target, pci, sound, iommu merges- CVE-2016-3136 mct_u232: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317007 1317010) - CVE-2016-2187 gtco: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317017 1317010)- Linux v4.5-11118-g968f3e374faf - btrfs, mmc, md merges- Linux v4.5-10883-g770c4c1119db - drm, arm64-perf, arc, udf, quota merges- Linux v4.5-9714-g53d2e6976bd4 - xfs, f2fs, cgroup merges- uas: Limit qdepth at the scsi-host level (rhbz 1315013) - Fix for performance regression caused by thermal (rhbz 1317190) - Input: synaptics - handle spurious release of trackstick buttons, again (rhbz 1318079)- Linux v4.5-9542-g643ad15d4741 - pekeys, efi, objtool merges- Linux v4.5-9406-g46e595a17dcf - xtensa, mailbox, vhost, all the armsoc merges- Minor aarch64 cleanups- Linux v4.5-8524-g1e75a9f34a5e - watchdog, firewire, vfs, linux-arm, sh, powerpc, audit, device tree merges- Linux v4.5-8194-g1200b6809dfd - net merge- Linux v4.5-6486-g6b5f04b6cf8e - cgroup, libata, workqueue, block, akpm, usb merges- Minor ARM cleanups - Drop ARM_PATCH_IDIV work around - Update geekbox patch to v4 - Upstream fix for stmmac driver regressions (AllWinner Gb NICs)- Linux v4.5-6229-gf7813ad5cbfd - ipmi, mfd, sound merges- Change requires to updated package names and correctly Requires findutils in -devel package (rhbz 1319131)- Linux v4.5-5842-g9ea446352047 - staging, rdma merges- Linux v4.5-4071-g10fdfee7f7fd - input, livepatching, trivial, hid, gpio, m68knommu, arm64, selftest merges- ims-pcu: sanity checking on missing interfaces - CVE-2016-3140 digi_acceleport: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317010 1316995) - CVE-2016-3138 cdc_acm: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317010 1316204) - CVE-2016-2185 ati_remote2: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317014 1317471) - CVE-2016-2188 iowarrior: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317018 1317467) - CVE-2016-2186 powermate: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317015 1317464) - CVE-2016-3137 cypress_m8: oops on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317010 1316996) - CVE-2016-2184 alsa: panic on invalid USB descriptors (rhbz 1317012 1317470)- Linux v4.5-3654-g5cd0911a9e0e - Fix oops from tsc subsystem (rhbz 1318596) - crypto, security, docs, rproc, dmaengine, powersupply, hsi, vfio, driver-core, tty, char, usb, configfs, ext4, dlm, gfs2, pstore merges- Add temporary patch to fix intel_pstate oops and lockdep report on various atom based CPUs.- Linux v4.5-2535-g09fd671ccb24 - fbdev, media, libnvdimm, dm, scsi, ibft merges- Linux v4.5-1822-g63e30271b04c - PCI, PM+ACPI merges- Linux v4.5-1523-g271ecc5253e2 - akpm patches (mm subsystem, various)- Linux v4.5-1402-gaa6865d83641 - s390, m68k, avr32, KVM, EDAC merges- Linux v4.5-1127-g9256d5a308c9 - pinctrl, LED, rtc, hwmon, regulator, regmap, spi merges- CVE-2016-3135 ipv4: DoS when destroying a network interface (rhbz 1318172 1318270)- Linux v4.5-760-g710d60cbf1b3- Linux v4.5-481-ge23604edac2a - Enable RANDOMIZE_BASE - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.5 - Disable debugging options.- CVE-2016-3134 netfilter: missing bounds check in ipt_entry struct (rhbz 1317383 1317384) - CVE-2016-3135 netfilter: size overflow in x_tables (rhbz 1317386 1317387)- Add patch for ICP DAS I-756xU devices (rhbz 1316136)- Linux v4.5-rc7-215-gf2c1242- Linux v4.5-rc7-159-g7f02bf6- Linux v4.5-rc7-116-ge2857b8 - Reenable debugging options.- add signkernel macro to make signing kernel and signing modules independent from each other - sign modules on all archs- Disble ARM_PATCH_IDIV as a work around to fix rhbz 1303147- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.5-rc7- Updates and new SoCs for aarch64 and ARMv7 - Add aarch64 support for PINE64 and Geekbox devices - Fix ethernet naming on Armada 38x devices - Serial console fixes for Tegra- Linux v4.5-rc6-41-ge3c2ef4- Linux v4.5-rc6-18-gf983cd3- Linux v4.5-rc6-8-gf691b77 - Reenable debugging options. - enable VIDEO_GO7007- Linux v4.5-rc6- Enable DHT11 (rhbz 1312888) - Fix erroneously installed .o files in python-perf subpackage (rhbz 1312102)- Re-enable ZONE_DMA (rhbz 1309658)- Fix tegra nouveau module load (thank kwizart for reference) - PowerPC Little Endian ToC fix- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.5-rc5- Linux v4.5-rc4-137-g23300f6- Linux v4.5-rc4-95-g2850713- Linux v4.5-rc4-37-g65c23c6 - Reenable debugging options.- Minor Aarch64 cleanups- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.5-rc4- Fix warning spew from vmware sockets (rhbz 1288684)- Linux v4.5-rc3-83-gc05235d- Linux v4.5-rc3-57-g721675f- Linux v4.5-rc3-19-g7cf91ad- Let 'make prepare' succeed with kernel-devel- Fix Power64 kernel build- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.5-rc3- Linux v4.5-rc2-212-gdf48ab3- Linux v4.5-rc2-192-gb37a05c- Linux v4.5-rc2-163-g34229b2 - Reenable debugging options.- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.5-rc2- Backport HID sony patch to fix some gamepads (rhbz 1255235)- Linux v4.5-rc1-32-g26cd836- Add patches to fix suprious NEWLINK netlink messages (rhbz 1302037)- Linux v4.5-rc1-28-g03c21cb - Reenable debugging options.- Only apply KEY_FLAG_KEEP to a key if a parent keyring has it set (rhbz 1301099)- Disable debugging options. - Linux v4.5-rc1- Linux v4.4-10454-g3e1e21c- Fix backtrace from PNP conflict on Haswell-ULT (rhbz 1300955)- Linux v4.4-10062-g30f0530- Fix incorrect country code issue on RTL8812AE devices (rhbz 1279653)- Linux v4.4-8950-g2b4015e- CVE-2016-0723 memory disclosure and crash in tty layer (rhbz 1296253 1300224)- Linux v4.4-8855-ga200dcb - CVE-2016-0728 Keys: reference leak in join_session_keyring (rhbz 1296623)- Fix boot on TI am33xx/omap devices- Linux v4.4-8606-g5807fca- Minor updates and cleanups to aarch64/ARMv7/PowerPC - ARM: enable nvmem drivers - Build usb gadget/OTG on aarch64- Linux v4.4-5966-g7d1fc01- Linux v4.4-5593-g7fdec82- Linux v4.4-3408-g6799060- drop i915 patch to turn off wc mmaps- Linux v4.4-1175-g03891f9 - Reenable debugging options.- CVE-2015-7566 usb: visor: Crash on invalid USB dev descriptors (rhbz 1296466 1297517) - Fix backtrace from PNP conflict on Broadwell (rhbz 1083853)- Linux v4.4 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc8-36-g02006f7a- Fix unlocked gem warning (rhbz 1295646)- Bring back patches for Lenovo Yoga touchpad (rhbz 1275718)- Linux v4.4-rc8-26-gb06f3a1- Quiet i915 gen8 irq messages- Linux v4.4-rc8-5-gee9a7d2 - Reenable debugging options.- CVE-2015-8709 ptrace: potential priv escalation with userns (rhbz 1295287 1295288)- Drop patches for Lenovo Yoga Touchpad (rhbz 1275718)- Linux v4.4-rc8 - Disable debugging options.- Minor ARMv7/aarch64/ppc/s390 config cleanups - Enable rk3368 aarch64 platforms- Linux v4.4-rc6-23-g24bc3ea - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc6 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc5-168-g73796d8- Enable XEN_PVN support (rhbz 1211904)- Linux v4.4-rc5-25-ga5e90b1 - Reenable debugging options.- CVE-2015-8569 info leak from getsockname (rhbz 1292045 1292047)- Enable a set of RDMA drivers (rhbz 1291902)- Linux v4.4-rc5-18-gedb42dc- Add support for Yoga touch input (rhbz 1275718)- CVE-2015-8543 ipv6: DoS via NULL pointer dereference (rhbz 1290475 1290477)- Linux v4.4-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- CVE-2015-7550 Race between read and revoke keys (rhbz 1291197 1291198)- Linux v4.4-rc4-113-g0bd0f1e- Ignore errors from scsi_dh_add_device (rhbz 1288687)- Linux v4.4-rc4-86-g6764e5e- Fix rfkill issues on ideapad Y700-17ISK (rhbz 1286293)- Linux v4.4-rc4-48-gaa53685- Linux v4.4-rc4-16-g62ea1ec - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc3-171-g071f5d1- Linux v4.4-rc3-24-g25364a9- Add patch to fix palm rejection on certain touchpads (rhbz 1287819)- Linux v4.4-rc3-8-g6a24e72- Enable CONFIG_X86_INTEL_MPX (rhbz 1287279)- CVE-2015-7515 aiptek: crash on invalid device descriptors (rhbz 1285326 1285331) - CVE-2015-7833 usbvision: crash on invalid device descriptors (rhbz 1270158 1270160)- Linux v4.4-rc3-5-g2255702 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc3 - Fix for cgroup use after free (rhbz 1282706) - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc2-44-g6ffeba9- Linux v4.4-rc2-3-ga293154 - Reenable debugging options.- Update AMD xgbe driver for 4.4- Linux v4.4-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Fix sound issue on some ARM devices (tested on Arndale)- Linux v4.4-rc1-223-g86eaf54- Linux v4.4-rc1-118-g34258a3 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.4-rc1-96-g7f151f1- Linux v4.4-rc1 - Disable debugging options. - Add potential fix for set_features breakage in networking- Linux v4.3-11742-gf6d07df- Linux v4.3-11626-g5d50ac7 - Set CONFIG_SECTION_MISMATCH_WARN_ONLY since powerpc has mismatches- CVE-2015-5327 x509 time validation- Drop CONFIG_DRM_DW_HDMI_AHB_AUDIO for now- Linux v4.3-11481-gc5a3788 - Actually drop CONFIG_DMADEVICES_VDEBUG- Enable CONFIG_CMA on x86_64 (rhbz 1278985)- Linux v4.3-9393-gbd4f203- Fix Yoga 900 rfkill switch issues (rhbz 1275490) - Fix incorrect size calculations in megaraid with 64K pages (rhbz 1269300) - CVE-2015-8104 kvm: DoS infinite loop in microcode DB exception (rhbz 1278496 1279691) - CVE-2015-5307 kvm: DoS infinite loop in microcode AC exception (rhbz 1277172 1279688)- Don't build Serial 8250 on ppc platforms (fix FBTFS) - Enable some more common sensors on ARMv7- Linux v4.3-9269-gce5c2d2- Minor ARMv7 updates- Fix ARM dt compilation error- Linux v4.3-7965-gd1e41ff- Disable Exynos IOMMU as it crashes - Minor ARMv7 update for battiery/charging- Linux v4.3-6681-g8e483ed- Linux v4.3-1107-g66ef349- Minor ARMv7 config updates- Linux v4.3-272-g5062ecd - Reenable debugging options.- CVE-2015-7799 slip:crash when using PPP char dev driver (rhbz 1271134 1271135)- Add patch to fix crash in omap_wdt (headed upstream) - Build in ARM generic crypto optomisation modules - Minor ARM updates- Linux v4.3 - Disable debugging options.- Drop kdbus- CVE-2015-7099 RDS: race condition on unbound socket null deref (rhbz 1276437 1276438)- Move iscsi_tcp and related modules to kernel-core (rhbz 1249424)- Linux v4.3-rc7-32-g8a28d67- Disable CONFIG_DMADEVICES_VDEBUG- Add new PCI ids for wireless, including Lenovo Yoga- Linux v4.3-rc7-19-g858e904 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc7 - Disable debugging options.- Enable CONFIG_FS_DAX (rhbz 1274844)- Linux v4.3-rc6-232-g0386729- Linux v4.3-rc6-117-g8a70dd2- Linux v4.3-rc6-108-gce1fad2 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc6 - Disable debugging options.- Fix crash in key garbage collector when using request_key (rhbz 1272172)- Linux v4.3-rc5-65-g69984b6- Linux v4.3-rc5-37-g5b5f145 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc4-61-gc6fa8e6- Linux v4.3-rc4-46-g8ace60f- Disable hibernation for powerpc (rhbz 1267395)- Increase the default number of runtime UARTS (rhbz 1264383) - Enable X86_NUMACHIP- Linux v4.3-rc4-15-gf670268 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Add patches to fix qxl locking issues (rhbz 1238803 1249850)- Add support for BeagleBone Green- Linux v4.3-rc3-145-g36f8daf- Linux v4.3-rc3-65-gf97b870- Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc3-42-g3225031- Revert upstream guesture disabling patch on synaptics (rhbz 1262434)- Linux v4.3-rc3-40-g097f70b - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc3- Minor ARMv7 updates- CVE-2015-5257 Null ptr deref in usb whiteheat driver (rhbz 1265607 1265612)- Linux v4.3-rc2-19-gbcee19f - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc1-131-ga7d5c18- Fix oops in 32-bit kernel on 64-bit AMD cpus (rhbz 1263762)- Linux v4.3-rc1-47-g7271484- Linux v4.3-rc1-21-g865ca08- Linux v4.3-rc1-19-gd25ed277fbd4- Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.3-rc1 - Disable debugging options.- ARMv7 update for AllWinner devices- Linux v4.2-11169-g64d1def7d338- Linux v4.2-11142-gb0a1ea51bda4- Linux v4.2-10963-g519f526d391b- Linux v4.2-10774-g26d2177e977c- Linux v4.2-10637-ga794b4f32921 - Rework secure boot patchset- Config updates for ARMv7/aarch64- Linux v4.2-9861-g4e4adb2f4628- Fix oops in blk layer (rhbz 1237136)- Linux v4.2-9700-g7d9071a09502- Add patch to fix alternatives oops from Thomas Gleixner (rhbz 1258223)- Linux v4.2-6663-g807249d3ada1- Bump Requiers on linux-firmware for new amdgpu firmware requirements- Linux v4.2-6105-gdd5cdb48edfd - Networking merge- Linux v4.2-4507-g1e1a4e8f4391- Linux v4.2-4282-gae982073095a- Linux v4.2-3986-g73b6fa8e49c2- Linux v4.2-2890-g361f7d175734- Linux v4.2-2744-g65a99597f044 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.2- Linux v4.2-rc8-37-g4941b8f0c2b9- Fix vmware driver issues from Thomas Hellström (rhbz 1227193)- Linux v4.2-rc8-10-gf9ed72dde34e - Add patch from Hans de Goede to fix nv46 based cards (rhbz 1257534) - Add patch from Jonathon Jongsma to fix modes in qxl (rhbz 1212201)- Linux v4.2-rc8-7-gf5db4b31b315 - Fixes x2apic panic (rhbz 1224764) - Don't build perf-read-vdsox32 either - Enable SCHEDSTATS and LATENCYTOP again (rhbz 1013225)- Build in GPIO_OMAP to fix BeagleBone boot on mSD (changes in 4.2 upstream)- Linux v4.2-rc8- Disable EFI_VARS (rhbz 1252137)- Linux v4.2-rc7-100-ge45fc85a2f37- Linux v4.2-rc7-71-g0bad90985d39- Minor config updates for ARMv7- Fix incorrect ext4 freezing behavior on non-journaled fs (rhbz 1250717)- Linux v4.2-rc7-24-g1b647a166f07- Linux v4.2-rc7-15-gbf6740281ed5- Fix iscsi issue (rhbz 1253789)- Linux v4.2-rc7- Patch from Hans de Goede to add yoga 3 rfkill quirk (rhbz 1239050)- Linux v4.2-rc6-130-g7ddab73346a1- Drop UACCESS_WITH_MEMCPY on ARMv7 as it's broken (rhbz 1250613)- Linux v4.2-rc6- Linux v4.2-rc5-78-g49d7c6559bf2- Linux v4.2-rc5-42-g4e6b6ee253ce- Patch from Nicholas Kudriavtsev for Acer Switch 12 Fn keys (rhbz 1244511)- Linux v4.2-rc5-19-gc2f3ba745d1c- Always enable mmiotrace when building x86 kernels- Move joydev.ko from kernel-modules-extra to kernel-modules- Fix i386 boot bug correctly (rhbz 1247382) - CVE-2015-5697 info leak in md driver (rhbz 1249011 1249013)- Linux v4.2-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Revert upstream commit 1c220c69ce to fix i686 booting (rhbz 1247382)- Linux v4.2-rc4-111-g8400935737bf- Linux v4.2-rc4-87-g86ea07ca846a- Disable CRYPTO_DEV_VMX_ENCRYPT on PPC for now to fix Power 8 boot (rhbz 1237089)- Linux v4.2-rc4-53-g956325bd55bb- Drop acpi_brightness_enable revert patch- Linux v4.2-rc4-44-g67eb890e5e13 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.2-rc4 - CVE-2015-1333 add_key memory leak (rhbz 1244171) - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.2-rc3-136-g45b4b782e848- Linux v4.2-rc3-115-gc5dfd654d0ec- Linux v4.2-rc3-17-gd725e66c06ab- Linux v4.2-rc3-4-g9d634c410b07 - Reenable debugging options.- Fix stmmac eth driver (AllWinner, other ARM, and other devices)- Linux v4.2-rc3- Linux v4.2-rc2-190-g21bdb584af8c- Enable DW MMC for generic ARM (hi6220 SoC support)- Linux v4.2-rc2-77-gf760b87f8f12- Update AMD Seattle a0 eth driver for 4.2- Linux v4.2-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.2-rc1-62-gc4b5fd3fb205 - Build perf with NO_PERF_READ_VDSO32 on all arches- Use git to apply patches- Linux v4.2-rc1-33-gd6ac4ffc61ac- Add kdbus- Linux v4.2-rc1-17-gc7e9ad7da219 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.2-rc1 - Disable debug options. - Add patch to fix perf build- Move aarch64 relevant AMBA config options to arm-generic - Minor ARMv7 updates- Linux v4.1-11549-g05a8256c586a- Linux v4.1-11355-g6aaf0da8728c - Add patch to fix KVM sleeping in atomic issue (rhbz 1237143) - Fix errant with_perf disable that removed perf entirely (rhbz 1237266)- Minor Aarch64 updates and cleanups - Enable initial support for hi6220- Linux v4.1-11235-gc63f887bdae8 - Reenable debugging options.- Reorganisation and cleanup of the powerpc configs- Linux v4.1-5596-gaefbef10e3ae- Linux v4.1- Add patch to fix touchpad issues on Razer machines (rhbz 1227891)- Bump for rebuild to hopefully fix size issues due to elfutils bug- Make some of the ARMv7 cpufreq drivers modular- Linux v4.1-rc8- Linux v4.1-rc7-72-gdf5f4158415b- CVE-2015-XXXX kvm: NULL ptr deref in kvm_apic_has_events (rhbz 1230770 1230774)- Fix touchpad for Thinkpad S540 (rhbz 1223051)- Linux v4.1-rc7- Linux v4.1-rc6-49-g8a7deb362b76- Add patch to turn of WC mmaps on i915 from airlied (rhbz 1226743)- Drop that blasted firwmare warning until we get a real fix (rhbz 1133378)- Fix auditing of canonical mode (rhbz 1188695)- Fix from Ngo Than for perf build on ppc64le (rhbz 1227260)- Linux v4.1-rc6-44-g8cd9234c64c5- Fix middle button issues on external Lenovo keyboards (rhbz 1225563)- Linux v4.1-rc6- Add quirk for Mac Pro backlight (rhbz 1217249)- Linux v4.1-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.1-rc4-11-g1113cdfe7d2c - Reenable debugging options. - Add patch to fix discard on md RAID0 (rhbz 1223332)- Linux v4.1-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Fix incorrect bandwidth on some Chicony webcams - Fix DVB oops (rhbz 1220118)- Linux v4.1-rc3-346-gc0655fe9b090 - Enable in-kernel vmmouse driver (rhbz 1214474)- Linux v4.1-rc3-177-gf0897f4cc0fc- Fix non-empty dir removal in overlayfs (rhbz 1220915)- Fix spew from KVM switch (rhbz 1219343)- Linux v4.1-rc3-165-g110bc76729d4- Linux v4.1-rc3-46-g4cfceaf0c087 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.1-rc3 - Disable debugging options. - Use kernel-install to create files in /boot partition (from Harald Hoyer)- Minor ARM update- Linux v4.1-rc2-79-g0e1dc4274828- Linux v4.1-rc2-37-g5198b44374ad- Linux v4.1-rc2-7-gd9cee5d4f66e - Reenable debugging options.- Backport patch to blacklist TRIM on all Samsung 8xx series SSDs (rhbz 1218662)- Linux v4.1-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Enable ACPI on aarch64 - General ARMv7 updates- Linux v4.1-rc1-117-g4a152c3913fb - Reenable debugging options.- Fix up boot times for live images (rhbz 1210857)- Linux v4.1-rc1 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.0-10976-gd56a669ca59c- Fix iscsi with QNAP devices (rhbz 1208999)- Linux v4.0-10710-g27cf3a16b253- Update AMD xgbe a0 aarch64 driver for 4.1- Inital ARM updates for 4.1 - Temporarily disable AMD ARM64 xgbe-a0 driver- Linux v4.0-9804-gdb4fd9c5d072- Linux v4.0-9362-g1fc149933fd4- Enable ECHO driver (rhbz 749884)- Linux v4.0-8962-g14aa02449064 - DRM merge- enable mvebu for the LPAE kernel- Linux v4.0-8158-g09d51602cf84- Linux v4.0-7945-g7505256626b0- Linux v4.0-7300-g4fc8adcfec3d - Patch from Benjamin Tissoires to fix 3 finger tap on synaptics (rhbz 1212230) - Add patch to support touchpad on Google Pixel 2 (rhbz 1209088)- Linux v4.0-7209-g7d69cff26cea- Linux v4.0-7084-g497a5df7bf6f- Linux v4.0-6817-geea3a00264cf- Linux v4.0-5833-g6c373ca89399- Linux v4.0-3843-gbb0fd7ab0986- Linux v4.0-2620-gb79013b2449c - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.0- Linux v4.0-rc7-42-ge5e02de0665e- Linux v4.0-rc7-30-g20624d17963c- Linux v4.0-rc6-101-g0a4812798fae- DoS against IPv6 stacks due to improper handling of RA (rhbz 1203712 1208491)- Linux v4.0-rc6-31-gd4039314d0b1 - CVE-2015-2150 xen: NMIs triggerable by guests (rhbz 1196266 1200397)- Enable MLX4_EN_VXLAN (rhbz 1207728)- Linux v4.0-rc6- Linux v4.0-rc5-96-g3c435c1e472b - Fixes hangs due to i915 issues (rhbz 1204050 1206056)- Linux v4.0-rc5-80-g4c4fe4c24782- Add aarch64 patches to fix mustang usb, seattle eth, and console settings- Add patches to fix a few more i915 hangs/oopses- Linux v4.0-rc5-53-gc875f421097a- Fix ALPS v5 and v7 trackpads (rhbz 1203584)- Linux v4.0-rc5-25-g90a5a895cc8b - Add some i915 fixes- Enable CONFIG_SND_BEBOB (rhbz 1204342) - Validate iovec range in sys_sendto/sys_recvfrom - Revert i915 commit that causes boot hangs on at least some headless machines - Linux v4.0-rc5- Linux v4.0-rc4-199-gb314acaccd7e - Fix brightness on Lenovo Ideapad Z570 (rhbz 1187004)- Linux v4.0-rc4-88-g7b09ac704bac - Rename arm64-xgbe-a0.patch- Drop arm64 non upstream patch- Add patch to fix high cpu usage on direct_read kernfs files (rhbz 1202362)- Fix kernel-uname-r Requires/Provides variant mismatches- Update kernel-arm64.patch, move EDAC to arm-generic, add EDAC_XGENE on arm64. - Add PCI_ECAM on generic, since it'll be selected most places anyway.- Fix bad variant usage in kernel dependencies- Linux v4.0-rc4 - Drop arm64 RCU revert patch. Should be fixed properly upstream now. - Disable debugging options.- Fix kernel-tools sub-packages for variant builds- Fix esrt build on aarch64- arm64-revert-tlb-rcu_table_free.patch: revert 5e5f6dc1 which causes lockups on arm64 machines. - Also revert ESRT on AArch64 for now.- Linux v4.0-rc3-148-gc202baf017ae - Add patch to support clickpads (rhbz 1201532)- CVE-2014-8159 infiniband: uverbs: unprotected physical memory access (rhbz 1181166 1200950)- Linux v4.0-rc3-111-gaffb8172de39 - CVE-2015-2150 xen: NMIs triggerable by guests (rhbz 1196266 1200397) - Patch series to fix Lenovo *40 and Carbon X1 touchpads (rhbz 1200777 1200778) - Revert commit that added bad rpath to cpupower (rhbz 1199312) - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v4.0-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- ARMv7: add patches to fix crash on boot for some devices on multiplatform- Linux v4.0-rc2-255-g5f237425f352- Linux v4.0-rc2-150-g6587457b4b3d - Reenable debugging options.- Enable MLX4_EN on ppc64/aarch64 (rhbz 1198719)- Linux v4.0-rc2 - Enable CONFIG_CM32181 for ALS on Carbon X1 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v4.0-rc1-178-g023a6007a08d- Add patch to fix nfsd soft lockup (rhbz 1185519) - Enable ET131X driver (rhbz 1197842) - Enable YAMA (rhbz 1196825)- ARMv7 OMAP updates, fix panda boot- Linux v4.0-rc1-36-g4f671fe2f952- Add support for AR5B195 devices from Alexander Ploumistos (rhbz 1190947)- Linux v4.0-rc1-22-gb24e2bdde4af - Reenable debugging options.- Add patch to fix aarch64 KVM bug with module loading (rhbz 1194366).- Minor ARM config update- Add patch for HID i2c from Seth Forshee (rhbz 1188439)- Linux v4.0-rc1 - CVE-2015-0275 ext4: fallocate zero range page size > block size BUG (rhbz 1193907 1195178) - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.19-8975-g3d883483dc0a - Add patch to fix intermittent hangs in nouveau driver - Move mtpspi and related mods to kernel-core for VMWare guests (rhbz 1194612)- Linux v3.19-8784-gb2b89ebfc0f0- kernel-arm64.patch: Revert dropping some of the xgene fixes we carried against upstream. (#1193875) - kernel-arm64-fix-psci-when-pg.patch: make it simpler. - config-arm64: turn on CONFIG_DEBUG_SECTION_MISMATCH.- Linux v3.19-8217-gcc4f9c2a91b7- kernel-arm64.patch turned on.- kernel-arm64.patch merge, but leave it off. - kernel-arm64-fix-psci-when-pg.patch: when -pg (because of ftrace) is enabled we must explicitly annotate which registers should be assigned, otherwise gcc will do unexpected things behind our backs.- Linux v3.19-7478-g796e1c55717e - DRM merge- CVE-XXXX-XXXX potential memory corruption in vhost/scsi driver (rhbz 1189864 1192079) - CVE-2015-1593 stack ASLR integer overflow (rhbz 1192519 1192520)- Minor updates for ARMv7/ARM64- Linux v3.19-6676-g1fa185ebcbce- Linux v3.19-5015-gc7d7b9867155- Linux v3.19-4542-g8cc748aa76c9- Linux v3.19-4020-gce01e871a1d4- Linux v3.19-2595-gc5ce28df0e7c- Linux v3.19-463-g3e8c04eb1174 - Reenable debugging options. - Temporarily disable aarch64 patches- Linux v3.19- Linux v3.19-rc7-189-g26cdd1f76a88- Allwinner A23 (sun8i) SoC - Move ARM usb platform options to arm-generic- Linux v3.19-rc7-32-g5ee0e962603e- Linux v3.19-rc7-22-gdc6d6844111d- Add patch to fix NFS backtrace (rhbz 1188638)- Linux v3.19-rc7 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.19-rc6-142-g1c999c47a9f1- Backport patch from Rob Clark to toggle i915 state machine checks- More ARMv7 updates - A few more sound config cleanups- Linux v3.19-rc6-105-gc59c961ca511- Enable SND_SOC and the button array driver on x86 for Baytrail devices- Linux v3.19-rc6-21-g4adca1cbc4ce - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.19-rc6 - Remove symbolic link hunk from patch-3.19-rc6 (rbhz 1185928) - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.19-rc5-134-gf8de05ca38b7- Linux v3.19-rc5-117-g5eb11d6b3f55 - Reenable debugging options.- More ARM config option cleanups- Linux v3.19-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Move Rockchip to ARMv7 generic to support rk32xx on LPAE - Enable Device Tree Overlays for dynamic DTB - ARM config updates- Linux v3.19-rc4-155-gcb59670870d9- Re-enable BUILD_DOCSRC- Linux v3.19-rc4-141-gf800c25b7a76- Linux v3.19-rc4-46-g188c901941ef - Enable I40E_VXLAN (rhbz 1182116)- Enable Checkpoint/Restore on ARMv7 (rhbz 1146995)- Add installonlypkg(kernel) to kernel-devel subpackages (rhbz 1079906)- Linux v3.19-rc4-23-g971780b70194 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.19-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Backlight fixes for Samsung and Dell machines (rhbz 1094948 1115713) - Add various UAS quirks (rhbz 1124119) - Add patch to fix loop in VDSO (rhbz 1178975)- Linux v3.19-rc3-69-g11c8f01b423b- kernel-arm64.patch: fix up build... no idea if it works.- CVE-2014-9529 memory corruption or panic during key gc (rhbz 1179813 1179853)- Linux v3.19-rc3-38-gbdec41963890 - Enable POWERCAP and INTEL_RAPL options - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.19-rc3- Linux v3.19-rc2 - Temporarily disable aarch64patches - Happy New Year- Enable F2FS (rhbz 972446)- CVE-2014-8989 userns can bypass group restrictions (rhbz 1170684 1170688) - Fix from Kyle McMartin for target_core_user uapi issue since it's enabled - Fix dm-cache crash (rhbz 1168434) - Fix blk-mq crash on CPU hotplug (rhbz 1175261)- Linux v3.18.1 - CVE-2014-XXXX isofs: infinite loop in CE record entries (rhbz 1175235 1175250) - Enable TCM_USER (rhbz 1174986) - Enable USBIP in modules-extra from Johnathan Dieter (rhbz 1169478)- Add patch from Josh Stone to restore var-tracking via Kconfig (rhbz 1126580)- Fix ppc64 boot with smt-enabled=off (rhbz 1173806) - CVE-2014-8133 x86: espfix(64) bypass via set_thread_area and CLONE_SETTLS (rhbz 1172797 1174374) - CVE-2014-8559 deadlock due to incorrect usage of rename_lock (rhbz 1159313 1173814)- build in ahci_platform on aarch64 temporarily.- Remove pointless warning in cfg80211 (rhbz 1172543)- kernel-arm64.patch: update from git.- Fix UAS crashes with Seagate and Fresco Logic drives (rhbz 1164945) - CVE-2014-8134 fix espfix for 32-bit KVM paravirt guests (rhbz 1172765 1172769)- Linux v3.18- Linux v3.18-rc7-59-g56c67ce187a8- Linux v3.18-rc7-48-g7cc78f8fa02c- Linux v3.18-rc7-3-g3a18ca061311- Linux v3.18-rc7- Linux v3.18-rc6-28-g3314bf6ba2ac - Gobble Gobble- Linux v3.18-rc6 - Add quirk for Laser Mouse 6000 (rhbz 1165206)- Move TPM drivers to main kernel package (rhbz 1164937)- Disable SERIAL_8250 on s390x (rhbz 1158848)- Re-merge kernel-arm64.patch- Linux v3.18-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Enable I40EVF driver (rhbz 1164029)- Linux v3.18-rc4-184-gb23dc5a7cc6e- Add patch for MS Surface Pro 3 Type Cover (rhbz 1135338) - CVE-2014-7843 aarch64: copying from /dev/zero causes local DoS (rhbz 1163744 1163745)- Linux v3.18-rc4-52-g04689e749b7e - Reenable debugging options.- CVE-2014-7841 sctp: NULL ptr deref on malformed packet (rhbz 1163087 1163095)- Re-enable kernel-arm64.patch, and fix up merge conflicts with 3.18-rc4- Fix Samsung pci-e SSD handling on some macbooks (rhbz 1161805)- Linux v3.18-rc4 - Temporarily disable aarch64patches - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.18-rc3-82-ged78bb846e8b- Linux v3.18-rc3-68-g20f3963d8f48- Linux v3.18-rc3-61-ga1cff6e25e6e- Linux v3.18-rc3-31-g980d0d51b1c9 - Reenable debugging options.- Enable CONFIG_KXCJK1013 - Add driver for goodix touchscreen from Bastien Nocera- Linux v3.18-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.18-rc2-106-ga7ca10f263d7- Linux v3.18-rc2-53-g9f76628da20f- Add quirk for rfkill on Yoga 3 machines (rhbz 1157327)- Linux v3.18-rc2-43-gf7e87a44ef60 - Add two RCU patches to fix a deadlock and a hang - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.18-rc2 - Disable debugging options.- Update ARM config options, some minor cleanups- Linux v3.18-rc1-422-g2cc91884b6b3- CVE-2014-3610 kvm: noncanonical MSR writes (rhbz 1144883 1156543) - CVE-2014-3611 kvm: PIT timer race condition (rhbz 1144878 1156537) - CVE-2014-3646 kvm: vmx: invvpid vm exit not handled (rhbz 1144825 1156534) - CVE-2014-8369 kvm: excessive pages un-pinning in kvm_iommu_map error path (rhbz 1156518 1156522) - CVE-2014-8480 CVE-2014-8481 kvm: NULL pointer dereference during rip relative instruction emulation (rhbz 1156615 1156616)- Linux v3.18-rc1-280-g816fb4175c29 - Add touchpad quirk for Fujitsu Lifebook A544/AH544 models (rhbz 1111138)- Linux v3.18-rc1-221-gc3351dfabf5c - Add patch to fix wifi on X550VB machines (rhbz 1089731)- Drop pinctrl qcom revert now that it's dependencies should be merged- Re-enable kernel-arm64.patch after updating. - CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_FINTEK moved to generic since it appears on x86-generic and arm64 now. - CONFIG_IMX_THERMAL=n added to config-arm64. - arm64: disable BPF_JIT temporarily- Linux v3.18-rc1-68-gc2661b806092 - Make LOG_BUF_SHIFT on arm64 the same as the rest of the arches (rhbz 1123327) - Enable RTC PL031 driver on arm64 (rhbz 1123882) - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.18-rc1 - Disable debugging options.- CVE-2014-8086 ext4: race condition (rhbz 1151353 1152608) - Enable B43_PHY_G to fix b43 driver regression (rhbz 1152502)- Revert Btrfs ro snapshot commit that causes filesystem corruption- Linux v3.17-9670-g0429fbc0bdc2- Add patches to fix elantech touchscreens (rhbz 1149509)- Linux v3.17-9283-g2d65a9f48fcd- Linux v3.17-8307-gf1d0d14120a8- Update armv7/aarch64 config options- Linux v3.17-7872-g5ff0b9e1a1da- Linux v3.17-7639-g90eac7eee2f4- Enable CONFIG_I2C_DESIGNWARE_PCI (rhbz 1045821)- CVE-2014-7970 VFS: DoS with USER_NS (rhbz 1151095 1151484)- Linux v3.17-6136-gc798360cd143- Linux v3.17-5585-g782d59c5dfc5- Linux v3.17-5503-g35a9ad8af0bb- Linux v3.17-2860-gef0625b70dac - Reenable debugging options. - Temporarily disable aarch64patches - Add patch to fix ATA blacklist- Add patch to fix GFS2 regression (from Bob Peterson)- enable 64K pages on arm64... (presently) needed to boot on amd seattle platforms due to physical memory being unreachable.- Linux v3.17- Linux v3.17-rc7-76-g58586869599f - Various ppc64/ppc64le config changes- Linux v3.17-rc7-46-g50dddff3cb9a - Cleanup dead Kconfig symbols in config-* from Paul Bolle- Update kernel-arm64.patch from git, again... enable AMD_XGBE on arm64.- Linux v3.17-rc7-6-gaad7fb916a10- Revert some v3.16 changes to mach-highbank which broke L2 cache enablement. Will debug upstream separately, but we need F22/21 running there. (#1139762)- Don't build Exynos4 on lpae kernel - Add dts for BananaPi - Minor ARM updates - Build 6lowpan modules- Update kernel-arm64.patch from git.- Linux v3.17-rc7- Linux v3.17-rc6-180-g452b6361c4d9- Fix return code when adding keys (rhbz 1145318) - Add patch to fix XPS 13 touchpad issue (rhbz 1123584)- Linux v3.17-rc6-125-gf3670394c29f- Linux v3.17-rc6 - Revert EFI GOT fixes as it causes boot failures - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.17-rc5-105-g598a0c7d0932- Disable NO_HZ_FULL again - Enable early microcode loading (rhbz 1083716)- Linux v3.17-rc5-63-gd9773ceabfaf - Enable infiniband on s390x- Linux v3.17-rc5-25-g8ba4caf1ee15- I also like to live dangerously. (Re-enable RCU_FAST_NO_HZ which has been off since April 2012. Also enable NO_HZ_FULL on x86_64.) - I added zipped modules ages ago, remove it from TODO.- Linux v3.17-rc5-24-g37504a3be90b - Fix vmwgfx header include (rhbz 1138759)- Linux v3.17-rc5-13-g2324067fa9a4 - Reenable debugging options.- Linux v3.17-rc5 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.17-rc4-244-g5874cfed0b04- Enable ACPI_I2C_OPREGION- Linux v3.17-rc4-168-g7ec62d421bdf - Add support for touchpad in Asus X450 and X550 (rhbz 1110011)- Linux v3.17-rc4-158-ge874a5fe3efa - Add patch to fix oops on keyring gc (rhbz 1116347)- Linux v3.17-rc4-140-g8c68face5548 - Reenable debugging options.- Remove ppc32 support- Build tools on ppc64le (rhbz 1138884) - Some minor ppc64 cleanups- Linux v3.17-rc4 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.17-rc3-94-gb7fece1be8b1- Linux v3.17-rc3-63-g44bf091f5089 - Enable kexec bzImage signature verification (from Vivek Goyal) - Add support for Wacom Cintiq Companion from Benjamin Tissoires (rhbz 1134969)- Linux v3.17-rc3-16-g955837d8f50e - Reenable debugging options.- Remove with_extra switch- Linux v3.17-rc3 - Disable debugging options.- Linux v3.17-rc2-89-g59753a805499- Fix NFSv3 ACL regression (rhbz 1132786)- Linux v3.17-rc2-42-gf1bd473f95e0 - Don't enable CONFIG_DEBUG_WW_MUTEX_SLOWPATH (rhbz 1114160)- Disable streams on via XHCI (rhbz 1132666) - Linux v3.17-rc2-9-g68e370289c29 - Reenable debugging options.4.11.12-200.fc254.11.12-200.fc25-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnuutf-8?7zXZ !#,s]"k%ȋWvD_-lO&Y+GO C^o8x)0c>j;X\{RZR Yo*k߳:\W9/cZdi8?\T iF\?&@4<Td$x+ǚ{Sw sC[)p|q,2FyׄCwwNX!JqU #ֺ@-g ,':_pyL;ˤH;, !9pڱZ1Q9_OM769zETq˿`lI6iG=1RAZ.yI;@o׆bgP]ÉC2b(+&-01m]ٹ__˪ xYC祈2 -dqb^C8{_7'E=rԠuf1c% o|$8Y^ YNDjEwxO,CR_[x-Z]}흡ʅM]D:e8)ZXTFGבa\԰ 2[玸&'0@"0A*^fxS~t )ond=/WKl6m-jBhkm HgzWzf)f=oj@2KBgߨlp Oaxl۽Y@MRX3ƛnO".#TotB8fOPwyF@Gp" IO1&7ّtEwelSy赇{6u55O'WS/2B~e F_F^v!Viz%ChW Q&:V&/ inʗ9r2]`0*T1v~!:Pf e_0Qa6(k7a;r| m`$~x4Zw~C@+È6T`xv'r.vܒ4SFa6g@(=14Ch؟f3ծp1)APю !vEGƃ[)@ x ac;A 4׿QrWsfYu PFQd ó z V֛3c9֣}/7ZbLCBkMf)J6#Nq>#\ j1}̀L@#LYn!6ݝX $=ڶ YZ