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0.20.1-3Joe Orton 0.20.1-2Florian La Roche Jeff Johnson 0.17.1-4503.0Jeff Johnson 0.16-3987.1Jeff Johnson 0.15-3687.2Jeff Johnson 0.15-3687.1Jeff Johnson 0.15-3687.0- move javahl .so to -libs (#1469158)- update to 1.9.6 (#1467890) - update to latest upstream psvn.el - move libsvnjavahl to -libs, build -javahl noarch - fix javahl Requires- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Rebuilt for F-26: rebuild for ruby24- update to 1.9.5 (#1400040, CVE-2016-8734)- Enable tests - Revert one of Ruby 2.2 fixes- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Update to 1.9.4 (#1331222) CVE-2016-2167 CVE-2016-2168 - Move tools in docs to tools subpackage (rhbz 1171757 1199761) - Disable make check to work around FTBFS- Rebuilt for rebuild for Ruby 2.3- update to 1.9.3 (#1291683) - use private /tmp in svnserve.service- update to 1.9.2 (#1265447)- update to 1.9.1 (#1259099)- update to 1.9.0 (#1207835) - package pkgconfig files- move svnauthz to -tools; make svnauthz-validate a symlink - move svnmucc man page to -tools - restore dep on systemd (#1183873)- rebuild with tests enabled- Rebuilt for Own bash-completion dirs not owned by anything in dep chain- Perl 5.22 rebuild- Disable tests to fix swig test issues- Fix Ruby's test suite.- update to 1.8.13 (#1207835) - attempt to patch around SWIG issues- update to 1.8.11 (#1174521) - require newer libserf (#1155670)- prevents assert()ions in library code (#1058693)- drop sysv conversion trigger (#1133786)- move svn-bench, fsfs-* to -tools- Perl 5.20 rebuild- Rebuild for rpm bug 1131960- update to 1.8.10 (#1129100, #1128884, #1125800)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for update to 1.8.9 (#1100779)- Rebuilt for require minitest 4 to fix tests for Ruby bindings (#1089252)- update to 1.8.8- fix _httpd_mmn expansion in absence of httpd-devel- fix permissions of /run/svnserve (#1048422)- don't drop -Wall when building swig Perl bindings (#1037341)- update to 1.8.5 (#1034130) - add fix for wc-queries-test breakage (h/t Andreas Stieger, r1542774)- add fix for ppc breakage (Andreas Stieger, #985582)- update to 1.8.4- update to 1.8.3 - move bash completions out of /etc (#922993)- rebuild for perl 5.18 (again; 1.8.1-1 beat out 1.8.0-2)- update to 1.8.1- temporarily ignore test suite failures on ppc* (#985582)- Perl 5.18 rebuild- update to 1.8.0; switch to serf - use full relro in mod_dav_svn build (#973694)- update to 1.7.10 (#970014) - fix aarch64 build issues (Dennis Gilmore, #926578)- fix spurious failures in ruby test suite (upstream r1327373)- try harder to avoid svnserve bind failures in ruby binding tests - enable verbose output for ruby binding tests- update to 1.7.9- Rebuild for - Drop Ruby version checks from configuration script. - Fix and enable Ruby test suite.- drop specific dep on ruby(abi)- Rebuilt for update to latest psvn.el- Scriptlets replaced with new systemd macros (#850410)- update to 1.7.8- update to 1.7.7- update to 1.7.6- Rebuilt for switch svnserve pidfile to use /run, use /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d (#840195)- Perl 5.16 rebuild- fix build with recent gcc 4.7 (svn rev 1345740)- Perl 5.16 rebuild- update to 1.7.5- drop strict sqlite version requirement (#815396)- switch to libdb-devel (#814090)- adapt for conf.modules.d with httpd 2.4 - add possible workaround for kwallet crasher (#810861)- re-enable test suite- fix build with httpd 2.4- update to 1.7.4 - fix build with httpd 2.4- re-enable kwallet (#791031)- update psvn- add tools subpackage (#648015)- trim contents of doc dic (#746433)- re-enable test suite- add upstream test suite fixes for APR hash change (r1293602, r1293811) - use ruby vendorlib directory (#798203) - convert svnserve to systemd (#754074)- update to 1.7.3 - ship, enable mod_dontdothat- require ruby 1.9.1 abi- update to 1.7.2 - add Vincent Batts' Ruby 1.9 fixes from dev@- fix gnome-keyring build deps- Rebuilt for update to 1.7.1 - (temporarily) disable failing kwallet support- Build with libmagic support.- Fix apr Conflicts syntax in -libs. - Fix obsolete chown syntax in subversion.conf. - Fix use of spaces vs tabs in specfile.- update to 1.7.0 - drop svn2cl (no longer shipped in upstream tarball)- Perl mass rebuild- run javahl tests (Blair Zajac, #723338)- split out python subpackage- Perl mass rebuild - change cflags in Makefile.PL to work with Perl 5.14.1- update to 1.6.17 (#709952)- update to 1.6.16 (#682203) - tweak arch-specific requires- Rebuilt for update to 1.6.15- Make name based dependencies arch qualified where appropriate (#643714).- trim tools/buildbot, tools/dist from docdir- update to 1.6.13- add svnserve init script - split out -libs subpackage- restore PIE support- for now, disable python cases that fail against python 2.7 (patch 9)- Rebuilt for update to 1.6.12 (#586629) - fix comments in subversion.conf (#551484)- Mass rebuild with perl-5.12.0- update to 1.6.11- fix detection of libkdecore- update to 1.6.9 (#561810) - fix comments in subversion.conf (#551484) - update to psvn.el r40299- Include svn2cl and its man page only in the -svn2cl subpackage (#558598). - Do not include bash completion in docs, it's installed.- rebuild against perl 5.10.1- rebuild for new db4 - trim libsvn_* from dependency_libs in *.la- rebuild for Qt 4.6.0 RC1 in F13 (was built against Beta 1 with unstable ABI)- update to 1.6.6- Apply svn2cl upstream patch to fix newline issues with libxml2 2.7.4+, see for details.- Ship svn2cl and bash completion (#496456). - Add %defattr to -gnome and -kde.- update to 1.6.5- rebuild- Use bzipped upstream tarball.- update to 1.6.4- Rebuilt for remove -devel dependency on -gnome, -kde (#513313)- update to 1.6.3- add -gnome, -kde subpackages- enable KWallet, gnome-keyring support- update to 1.6.2- really disable PIE- update to 1.6.1; disable PIE patch for the time being- BR sqlite-devel- update to 1.6.0- use -fPIE on sparc64- update to 1.5.6 - autoload psvn (#238491, Tom Tromey) - regenerate swig bindings (#480503) - fix build with libtool 2.2 (#469524)- Rebuilt for update to 1.5.5- Rebuild for Python 2.6- update to 1.5.4- fix build- update to 1.5.3 (#466674) - update psvn.el to r33557- enable SASL support (#464267)- update to 1.5.2- update to 1.5.1 - require suitable APR- rebuild against new db4-4.7- add svnmerge and wcgrep to docdir (Edward Rudd, #451932) - drop neon version overrides- build with OpenJDK- fix files list- swig-perl test suite fix for Perl 5.10 (upstream r31546)- attempt build without java bits- update to 1.5.0- tests are randomly failing, unrelated to new perl, disabled tests- rebuild for new perl (again)- Correct install location of java stuff (#433295)- BR perl(ExtUtils::Embed)- rebuild for new perl- update to 1.4.6- temporarily disable test suite- fix build with swig 1.3.33 (patch by Torsten Landschoff)- rebuild for OpenLDAP soname bump- update to psvn.el r26383 from upstream- rebuild for fixed 32-bit APR- clarify License tag; re-enable test suite- rebuild for neon 0.27- trim dependencies from .la files - detabify spec file - test suite disabled to ease stress on builders- fix build with new glibc open()-as-macro - build all swig code in %build, not %install - BuildRequire perl(Test::More), perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)- update to 1.4.4 - add Provides: svn (#245087) - fix without-java build (Lennert Buytenhek, #245467)- fix version of apr/apr-util in BR (#216181)- fix javahl compile failure- update to 1.4.3 (#228691) - remove trailing dot from Summary - use current preferred standard BuildRoot - add post/postun ldconfig scriptlets for -ruby and -javahl- fix use of python_sitearch- rebuild against python 2.5 - follow python packaging guidelines- update to 1.4.2- update to 1.4.0- fix ruby packaging (#191611)- rebuild- disable test suite- BR gettext- re-enable test suite- update to 1.3.2 - fix Ruby sitelibdir (Garrick Staples, #191611) - own /etc/subversion (#189071) - update to psvn.el r19857- move libsvn_swig_ruby* back to subversion-ruby- update to 1.3.1 - update to psvn.el r19138 (Stefan Reichoer) - build -java on s390 again- do not package libs within subversion-ruby, these are already available via the main package- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- run check-swig-py in %check (#178448) - relax JDK requirement (Kenneth Porter, #177367)- rebuild for neon 0.25- update to 1.3.0 (#176833) - update to psvn.el r17921 Stefan Reichoer- fix ownership of libsvnjavahl.* (#175289) - try building javahl on ia64/ppc64 again- rebuilt- rebuild for httpd-2.2/apr-1.2/apr-util-1.2- rebuilt against new openssl- update to 1.2.3 - update to psvn.el r16070 from Stefan Reichoer - merge subversion.conf changes from RHEL4 - merge changes from FC4 updates- add BR for which (#161015)- update to 1.2.1 - fix BuildRequires for ruby and apr-util (#163126) - drop static library archives- disable java on all but x86, x86_64, ppc (#158719)- update to 1.2.0; add ruby subpackage- enable java subpackage again - tweak subversion.conf comments- update to 1.1.4- further swig bindings fix (upstream via Max Bowsher, #151798) - fix perl File::Path dependency in restore swig bindings support (from upstream via Max Bowsher, #141343) - tweak SELinux commentary in default subversion.conf- fix svn_load_dirs File::Path version requirement- add -java subpackage for javahl libraries (Anthony Green, #116202)- rebuild- run test suite in C locale (#146125) - adjust -pie patch for build.conf naming upstream- rebuild to pick up db-4.3 properly; don't ignore test failures- update to 1.1.3 (#145236) - fix python bindings location on x86_64 (#143522)- update to 1.1.2 - disable swig bindings due to incompatible swig version- update subversion.conf examples to be SELinux-friendly- rebuild against db-4.3.21. - x86_64: don't fail "make check" while diagnosing db-4.3.21 upgrade.- rebuild against python 2.4- update to 1.1.1 - update -pie patch to address #134786- use pure_vendor_install to fix Perl modules - use %find_lang to package translations (Axel Thimm)- don't use parallel make for swig-py- BuildRequire newest swig for "swig -ldflags" fix- fix swig bindings build on x86_64- update to 1.1.0- update to 1.0.8 - remove -neonver patch - update psvn.el to 11062- add to docdir (#128338) - add psvn.el (#128356)- rebuild- update to 1.0.6 - allow build against neon 0.24.*- rebuilt- update to 1.0.5- add ra_svn security fix for CVE CAN-2004-0413 (Ben Reser)- rebuild for new swig- update to 1.0.4- build /usr/bin/* as PIEs - add fix for libsvn_client symbol namespace violation (r9608)- update to 1.0.3- add ldconfig invocations for -perl post/postun (Ville Skyttä)- add perl MODULE_COMPAT requirement for -perl subpackage - move perl man pages into -perl subpackage - clean up -perl installation and dependencies (Ville Skyttä, #123045)- update to 1.0.2- update to 1.0.1; cvs2svn no longer included- add -perl subpackage for Perl bindings ( - include mod_authz_svn INSTALL file- rebuilt- add fix for lack of apr_dir_read ordering guarantee (Philip Martin) - enable compression in ra_dav by default (Tobias Ringström)- update to one-dot-oh- rebuilt- update to 0.37.0- update to 0.36.0- update to 0.35.1 - fix shebang lines in hook scripts (#111498)- rebuild against db-4.2.52.- package all man pages- update to 0.34.0- remove workarounds for #109268 and #109267- rebuild for Python 2.3.2 - remove libtool workaround - add workarounds for #109268 and #109267- update to 0.31.2 - work around libtool/ppc64/db4 confusion- rebuild against db-4.2.42.- include The Book - don't add an RPATH for libdir to executables- update to 0.31.0- update to 0.30.0- update to 0.29.0- rebuild- update to 0.25- rebuild- rebuild- don't use any LDFLAGS when building swig, fix for libdir=lib64- update to 0.24.2; fix Python bindings- update to 0.24.1; include mod_authz_svn - force use of CC=gcc CXX=g++- add cvs2svn man page- update to 0.23.0- package cvs2svn to be usable outside docdir - remove unnecessary files- add fix for unhandled deadlock errors in libsvn_fs - don't package the out-of-date info pages- rebuilt- cleanups- Add back in s390x, excludearch bad.- use external neon-0.23.9-2 (i.e. with neon-config), drop internal neon. - use db-4.1.25, not db-4.0.14. - do "make check" (but ignore failure for now). - s390x knows not of httpd >= 2.0.45.- update to 0.22.2; add mod_dav_svn subpackage - include Python bindings - neon: force use of expat, enable SSL - drop check for specific apr version added in -3- filter out perl(Config::IniFiles) requirement- fail early if apr-config is not 0.9.3- fix workaround for non-lib64 platforms- add workaround for libtool problem- require and use system apr, apr-util libraries - use License not Copyright- update to 0.20.1- upgrade to 0.17.1.- upgrade to 0.16.- don't mess with the info handbook install yet.- use libdir, build on x86_64 too. - avoid "perl(Config::IniFiles) >= 2.27" dependency.- first build from adapted spec file, only client and libraries for now. - internal apr/apr-utils/neon until incompatibilities sort themselves out. - avoid libdir issues on x86_64 for the moment.  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKNOPSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abc1. -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m32 -march=i686 -mtune=atom -fasynchronous-unwind-tablesdrpmxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC source, ASCII textC source, ASCII text, with very long lineslibtool library filepkgconfig file  !&*27;BIPU\ahou{PPPRPRPRPRPRPRPR P R P R P R P R P RPRPRPRPPRRRRPRRRPRRRRRRRPRRRRPRRRPRRRRRRPRRRRRRPRRRRRRPRRRRPRRRRRRPRRRRPRRRRRRPRRRRRRPRRRRRP RRRRRP!RRRRP"RRRRRRutf-8?`7zXZ !#,)]"k% OCsPNfuMӌ~vOYF1]F~6SurWsW)_R9fּVi`sR:6&{;UЛχLNf^S\ D*7Lg!{`c/=  ,bR/!A&SYx x飻rCکÔاAN볳a#:ȲŽDpX> æXj> ƺDt 27W TT8ͦ20}-ۅ6|^b6>6i`R72y.v?h G8{7؁Y5nݎdWTŤzo_ԣX]tmXj[?BB“F``לzcT, bR[tpqC4&+$0Ę .JюZiwQ(wrq@<@ZALB/@{9G @_a&buK0C"6WB5HH7G6Asǭ\qqp~8CZ KW/OA\>?q]<_G^d3w=:ε>{?J'(عP;-bЋxfNt6`2$ yb;oa[d3=&_N8^@+j vTOEй)kuJy,Y~C6|i_xO2|>%׍fM`}ouBïo?u ggUvZ1n@ vU?1wVٲݴ&& 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