Letter A
Packages beginning with letter "A".
- Ajaxterm - A web-based terminal
- aalib - An ASCII art library.
- ack - Grep-like text finder
- acpitool - Command line ACPI client
- agedu - An utility for tracking down wasted disk space
- aget - Console download accelerator
- aiccu - AICCU - SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
- alpine - powerful, easy to use console email client
- alsamixergui - GUI mixer for ALSA sound devices
- altermime - Alter MIME-encoded mailpacks
- aoetools - ATA over Ethernet Tools
- apachetop - A top-like display of Apache logs
- apcupsd - APC UPS Power Control Daemon for Linux
- apg - Automated Password Generator for random password generation
- apt-mirror - APT sources mirroring tool
- aqbanking - A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export
- archivemail - A tool for archiving and compressing old email in mailboxes
- arj - Archiver for .arj files
- artwiz-aleczapka-fonts - Set of (improved) artwiz fonts
- asa - Convert Fortran carriage control characters
- asciidoc - Text based document generation
- atop - An advanced interactive monitor to view the load on system and process level
- audio-entropyd - Generate entropy from audio output
- augeas - A library for changing configuration files