Letter X
Packages beginning with letter "X".
- x509watch - Simple tool to list expiring or expired X.509 certificates
- xalan-c - Xalan XSLT processor for C
- xar - The eXtensible ARchiver
- xbae - Motif matrix, caption and text input widgets
- xbase - XBase compatible database library and tools
- xbiso - ISO extraction utility for xdvdfs images
- xbsql - A SQL wrapper for xbase
- xclip - Command line clipboard grabber
- xdg-utils - Basic desktop integration functions
- xdialog - X11 drop in replacement for cdialog
- xerces-c - Validating XML Parser
- xforms - XForms toolkit library
- xkeycaps - Graphical front end to xmodmap
- xml-security-c - C++ Implementation of W3C security standards for XML
- xrdp - Open source remote desktop protocol (RDP) server
- xrootd - Extended ROOT file server
- xsupplicant - Open Source Implementation of IEEE 802.1x