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Letter: D
DevIL -
A cross-platform image library
d4x -
Downloader for X that supports resuming and many other features
dap-freeform_handler -
FreeForm data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
dap-hdf4_handler -
HDF4 data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
dap-netcdf_handler -
NetCDF 3 data handler for the OPeNDAP Data server
dap-server -
Basic request handling for OPeNDAP servers
darcs -
David's advanced revision control system
dbh -
Disk based hash library
dbus-qt -
Qt-based library for using D-BUS
dclib -
Direct Connect file sharing library
ddclient -
Client to update dynamic DNS host entries
ddrescue -
Fault tolerant "dd" utility for rescuing data from bad media
ddskk -
Daredevil SKK - Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program for Emacs
dejavu-fonts -
DejaVu fonts
denyhosts -
A script to help thwart ssh server attacks
deskbar-applet -
A Gnome applet to allow easy access to various search engines
deutex -
DOOM wad file manipulator
dhcp-forwarder -
DHCP relay agent
diction -
Identifies diction and style errors
dietlibc -
Small libc implementation
digikam -
A digital camera accessing & photo management application
digikamimageplugins -
Plugins for Digikam
dillo -
Very small and fast GUI web browser
diradmin -
User control management tool for LDAP directories
directfb -
Graphics abstraction library for the Linux Framebuffer Device
dirmngr -
Client for Managing/Downloading CRLs
djvulibre -
DjVu viewers, encoders and utilities
dkms -
Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework
dnsmasq -
A lightweight DHCP/caching DNS server
docbook2X -
Convert docbook into man and Texinfo
doctorj -
Java source code analyzer
dosbox -
x86/DOS emulator with sound and graphics
doulos-fonts -
Doulos SIL fonts
drgeo -
Interactive educational geometry software
drgeo-doc -
Html documentation for drgeo
drivel -
A journal or "blog" client
dssi -
Disposable Soft Synth Interface
dumpasn1 -
ASN.1 object dump utility
duplicity -
Encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup using rsync algorithm
dvb-apps -
Utility, demo and test applications using the Linux DVB API
dvdisaster -
Additional error protection for CD/DVD media
dxpc -
Differential X Protocol Compressor
dynamite -
Extract data compressed with PKWARE Data Compression Library