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Letter: Q
QuantLib -
A software framework for quantitative finance
q -
Equational programming language
qa-assistant -
Graphical quality assurance report generator
qalculate-gtk -
A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
qalculate-kde -
A multi-purpose desktop calculator for GNU/Linux
qascade -
Classic puzzle game
qca -
Qt Cryptographic Architecture
qca-tls -
TLS plugin for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture
qcad -
Simple 2D CAD program
qemu -
QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
qgit -
QGit is a git GUI repository browser
qgo -
Graphical Go client and SGF editor
qhull -
General dimension convex hull programs
qiv -
Quick Image Viewer
qjackctl -
Qt based JACK control application
qof -
Query engine library for C objects
qps -
Visual process status monitor
qscintilla -
A Scintilla port to Qt
qstat -
Real-time Game Server Status for FPS game servers
qsynth -
Qt based Fluidsynth GUI front end
qt4 -
Qt toolkit
qtparted -
Partition Magic clone written in C++ using the Qt toolkit
quadkonsole -
Embeds Konsole kparts in a grid layout
quarry -
A multi-purpose board game GUI
qucs -
Circuit simulator
quilt -
Scripts for working with series of patches